Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 29 - Cap 29 - Twelve years later 4

The night at Naomi's mansion.

"They're not waking up..." Naomi murmured impatiently while ċȧrėssing Tsukuyomi and Kaguya who was still sleeping in her King Size bed.

"Tsk" Haruka gets bored hearing those words again, it's the tenth time that Naomi mumbled those words since nightfall at her mansion.

Haruka uses her Rinne-Sharingan and realizes that the accumulated energy from Tsukuyomi and Kaguya's body is beginning to spread.

"Get away from them now!" she shouts towards Naomi, Akemi and Miyuki who were in bed next to Tsukuyomi Kaguya who were still sleeping.

"!" Hearing Haruka's warning, the girls who were next to Kaguya and Tsukuyomi quickly use their Chakra to get out of bed at an impressive speed, soon they appear next to Haruka who was seriously looking in the direction of the boys.

The moonlight enters the room through the window and soon it begins to cover the body of Tsukuyomi and Kaguya in a cocoon of white energy, soon the two cocoons of energy begin to float above the King Size bed.

"What's going on?" Akemi asks in a serious voice.

"... Maybe it's like that event that happened when they were babies..." Naomi mumbles after a little thought.

Hearing Naomi's words, Akemi calms down a bit, but she keeps her guard up to take any action if necessary

"What event are you talking about?" Miyuki asks curiously, she knows what they were talking about, after all, Haruka told her when she accepted the mission to protect Tsukuyomi, but having it personally heard from a person who was present at the incident is totally different than hearing from her mother that she was not present at that time.

Akemi and Naomi look in her direction and begin to explain what happened when Tsukuyomi and Kaguya were babies.

A while later, when Akemi and Naomi finished explaining the events that occurred when Tsukuyomi and Kaguya were babies, Miyuki says: "I see... If these events occurred the way you have now told me, then this energy will not bring any harm to Tsukuyomi and Kaguya".

Miyuki seeing the confused faces of Akemi and Naomi, asks them if..., "Do you know how someone becomes a god?"

After remembering a little of the lessons she had as a child Naomi answered: "For an individual to become a God, he must be strong enough to understand a concept or law of the world, right?"

Akemi who didn't pay attention in class when she was little just kept quiet.

"Yes, you're right, but..." Miyuki deliberately stops her explanation and looks in the direction of the cocoon of light that is slowly beginning to grow, soon she continues what she's saying: "There is another way for someone to become a God. When a celestial body like the moon, sun or even the planet chooses a suitable heir to represent their as deities".

Haruka, who was watching the cocoon of light with her Rinne-Sharingan, says: "It's not that easy to become an heir to a celestial body as Miyuki says... There are three prerequisites for an individual to be accepted as a heir of the celestial body, First: The 'Will of the World' must recognize that individual. Second: The heavenly body must not have Gods representing his deities. Third: The individual must be someone who has great potential or is strong enough to withstand a higher form of energy called 'Divinity'".

"Everyone hearing Haruka's words is shocked, but soon they realize that this explains a lot of strange things that happened around Tsukuyomi.

"Incredible..." Haruka murmurs as he looks at the cocoon of light.

"What happened?" Akemi asks Haruka.

Haruka thinks a little before answering and says: "The 'divinity' that was accumulated in Tsukuyomi and Kaguya's body is beginning to move within their bodies and making them more resistant and fit to use it".

"?" Akemi and Naomi got their faces in confusion listening to Haruka's words. Miyuki didn't understand Haruka's words either, but no one can say that by her stoic expression.

Sighing a little Haruka says: "The brat's bodies are growing into an ȧduŀt form to better manipulate their divinity." Seeing their surprised expression, Haruka continue to explains: "Even if their body grows into the ȧduŀt form, they will still suffer if they use the divine energy in a mortal body, they may even get crippled..."

"!" Hearing what Haruka just said, all the girls in the room are shocked, they look at each other and nod agreeing on something they only know.

* Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! *

Suddenly the cocoon that was growing in size starts to crack. Haruka realizing that the cocoon will explode into divine energy, activates her Rinne-Sharingan and makes a shield around her and the other girls.


The white light cocoon explodes releasing divine energy that begins to break the surrounding space.

Haruka quickly uses her Rinne-Sharingan and repairs the space that was beginning to break down, she doesn't want to get the attention of the families of the gods now, but she can't repair it fast enough and a small part of the divine energy begins to leak through the cracks in space.

"Tsk." Haruka gets annoyed, so she starts taking the situation seriously and uses more Chakra in her eye, to stops the energy that leaking out of the Otsutsuki dimension.

"Naomi! Akemi! Form a chakra barrier around the mansion! Now!" Haruka commands.

"!" The girls are surprised by the sudden change of events. Listening to Haruka, Naomi and Akemi activate their Lunar Rinnegan together with their Chakra Cloak and begin to form a Chakra barrier around the mansion preventing the divine energy from leaking out.

Without them noticing a little of this divine energy begins to enter the bodies of Naomi, Akemi and Miyuki who were observing the situation calmly.

Thirty minutes later, we can see that Akemi and Naomi who are back in their normal shape start to breathe heavily.

"Somehow we've managed to stop the divine energy from leaking out..." Naomi murmurs as she tries to catch her breath.

Akemi nods his head in agreement and looks in the direction of the King Size bed which is now destroyed. Not just the bed was destroyed, but the whole room. "We have to make another retirement soon..." Akemi murmurs.

"Yes" Miyuki agrees with Akemi's words. "We have to make a bigger room too." She says with a little smile on her stoic face.

"?" Naomi and Akemi look at her confused. Seeing that Miyuki says, "Of course we have to make a bigger room, after all, I and my mom are gonna sleep with you from now on."






Edited By: TornHeart

I'm looking for a publisher who has interested contact me on discord: Victor_Weismann#6273

Read 20 chapters 4 weeks before the launch schedule in Pa treon!

Pa treon.com/VictorWeismann

Discord: discord.gg/GuJXQXJ

Images of the characters in Discord or Pa treon.

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