Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 8 - Fights 22 Naruto Daughter?

"Daddy's so strong! "Ayuri says animated, with stars in her eyes.

"What? Naruto is your father?" A little boy with long white hair asked in shock. - When I reincarnated, I was surprised to have a calmer, more mȧturė Naruto as an uncle, but now everything is explained. - he thinks internally while shaking his head settling down with a cute expression.

Ayuri looks at this cute boy who is next to her aunts and that cold woman. She looks at him from top to bottom evaluating him and to look at him on the forehead that is the tattoo of a moon.

"Y-you" Ayuri stutters a little while pointing his finger at the little boy. With an incomprehensible expression.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tsukuyomi Otsutsuki. Your cousin apparently." He says, with a cute expression.

"..." Ayuri feels as if she is being hit by a fluffy bullet.

"Kawaii!!! "Ayuri says cheerfully as she begins to hug the boy and rub his cheeks with her own. The poor boy feels like he's being suffocated, but he can't let go of his supposed cousin's embrace

"Tsuki-chan, call me Ayuri-nee all right?" She says, as she hugged him and lifted him up like a teddy bear.

"TSUKI-CHAN!?" Naomi and Akemi exclaim together. They look at each other and wave at each other.

Akemi slowly approaches Ayuri and takes her nephew out of her arms and holds him between her large brėȧsts.

Ayuri quickly tries to get back, but she can't when Naomi stops in front of her.

"Why"? Let me hug you a little more! You stayed with him for four years! Now I understand why you never leave the mansion." Ayuri says, Pouting. She looks at her cousin who is in her aunt's arms and thinks of a plan to make him live with her.

Miyuki who was silent makes a mental note to protect this woman's young master.

"Where did that pretty, lovely girl go?" Tsukuyomi Murmura quietly as long as he snuggles in his aunt's arm. - Why does it always happen when I meet a clan member? - He thinks internally. (Tsukuyomi still doesn't know that his moon powers influence his clan members a bit.)

Feeling the ċȧrėsses of the two Tsukuyomi women starts to get sleepy. He slowly closes his eyes and tries to sleep, but is soon awakened by a Ki explosion that happened nearby. - That level of power is not possible without a lot of training. From what I had heard from Mama, Naruto is a genius of the clan, so Yujiro who is facing him what he is? - He thinks internally with doubts.

"Oh right, you forgot to ask. By the way, where's Kaguya?" He asks looking up. He can't see his aunt just two big brėȧsts. - No matter how many times I see them, they're big. - He thinks internally.

Living since he was 4 years old with his aunt and mother and of course he was used to seeing them nȧkėd, but he always treated it as a family activity after all he had no family in his past life. That's why he didn't find anything strange when they showered together or slept together, but after he found out that possibly in the future his aunt and mother could be his wife, he started to worry about what to do. - What should I do? Marry them? Somehow I feel that this is connected to the questions I asked in the void. - He thinks about what to do but soon decides to leave it to the future after all it is not for 100 years that it will happen.

"Kaguya is with my father." Akemi answers with a smile as she sits on the floor placing him on her ŀȧp.

"..." Ayuri gets bored, looking at this vision of her aunts spoiling her cousin, she gets so bored that her two fat cheeks look like a squirrel.

Tsukuyomi, who is now sitting on Akemi's ŀȧp, nod indicating that he understands, he looks seriously at this battle after all he can learn something by watching it.


Naruto who was fighting at high speed with Yujiro is only speechless seeing this scene with Rinnegan. - They totally forgot about the fight, didn't they? - He thinks internally. Seeing that his nephew is still paying attention in the fight, he smiles satisfied and decides to show how an Otsutsuki fight maybe he can learn something by watching him.

Yujiro seizes Naruto's moment of distraction and with a high speed he appears behind Naruto and attacks him with a red Ki sword, he did not feel the long-awaited feeling of flesh cutting that he was longing for. With a speed that has not been shown until now in the battle, Naruto covers his hands with a black glove made of Guudodamas and holds the sword of Ki de Yujiro.

"Tsk, damn genius!" Akemi mumbles bored. - Is covering your hands with Guudodamas even possible? Not even that old lady can do it! How did he do it? - She thinks internally. Without her realizing her envy for her younger brother that she had forgotten begins to return and slowly her calm white aura begins to turn black with negative emotions.

Tsukuyomi is surprised to see this application of Guudodamas, but soon he wakes up from Stupor when he feels his aunt emanating a black aura from her body. He quickly gets up and hugs her and kisses her cheek. Where he kissed her, a moon tattoo appears. "Don't be sad, aunt." He says to her in a soft voice as he watches the moon tattoo disappear from the place where he kissed.

Akemi who was thinking wakes up from her Stupor when she feels her nephew kissing her cheeks. Feeling stronger Akemi looks at her nephew and smiles gently. "Nn" she nods in agreement as she hugs him again while making a mental note to ask him why she got stronger when he kissed her.

Naruto who was holding the red Ki sword of Yujiro. "Sorry, Yujiro. I'll get serious now, try not to die."

Yujiro feeling the danger tries to escape, but it is too late when Naruto with one punch sends him flying over several mountains. Naruto slowly begins to cover himself with a white mantle, at the six Guudodamas he controls he increases to ten and his whole body is covered by white energy with several black tattoos on it. (Imagine Naruto's six-way mode with white energy.) When Naruto goes to attack Yujiro again he hears a voice that makes him sweat cold.

"Tsk, those idiots." A female voice is for all the people present. Even Yujiro who was in a crater buried in a mountain. Hearing the voice, Yujiro begins to smile more madly and slowly his body begins to get warmer.

"..." Naruto immediately starts to sweat hearing this voice after all he knows it very well.

"She's here." Miyuki who was all that time quiet says suddenly. Everyone nodded in agreement listening to Miyuki's voice. The atmosphere is beginning to be.

Tsukuyomi was feeling left out because he doesn't know who showed up, but he doesn't say anything feeling the atmosphere suddenly get serious.

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