Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 9 - You're just human.

A dimensional breach is opened in the middle of the battlefield and out of it comes a woman with white horns wearing a long white Otsutsuki Clan dress. The woman is so beautiful, it seems a goddess has come down to earth. If Kaguya has a child goddess atmosphere she has a long way to go. This woman has the atmosphere of a mȧturė Goddess who enchants all who look at her. She has long white hair with goosebumps as if they were defying gravity her body is curved and toned with big brėȧsts that even a dress can't hide, but the most impressive thing about her is not her appearance but her eye on her forehead.

Tsukuyomi knows that eye. How can he not? He was the strongest Doujutsu in the world of Naruto. Now he understands why everyone got serious. According to what he learned from his mother, the only Otsutsuki alive who owns Rinne-Sharingan is this woman.


Suddenly a pillar of red Ki is seen in the direction where Yujiro was buried, everyone who was watching the fight, feeling this power begins to wonder if this man is really human. Not even the Kure Clan could produce such great power.

Naruto tries to fly towards Yujiro, but the woman who appeared only looks at him with a look of not getting involved. Naruto nods in agreement and undoes his white transformation.

Tsukuyomi begins to breathe heavily and sweat cold when he feels the killer instinct of Ki de Yujiro. After all, he's just a child yet. - That's a lot! How many people did he kill to have such a terrible Ki? - He thinks internally with a little fear, but these feelings soon go away and he begins to think of a way to kill him with his present strength. The conclusion he came to is... Impossible.

Currently, if Yujiro attacks him alone he will die, he can run away with the powers of the moon, but he won't be able to kill him - I need to train more, much more. This body is from an alien, I need to think of training that pushes its limits. He thinks internally while breathing heavily.

Naomi and Akemi who around realized that Tsukuyomi is having trouble breathing because of Yujiro's oppressive power. They quickly cover him with their Chakra and look in the direction of Yujiro with eyes promising death. Feeling he can breathe normally Tsukuyomi looks at his mother and aunt with a gentle smile. "Thank you." He says it with a cute smiling expression.

Naomi and Akemi feel a critical attack on her heart, but what seems most affected is Ayuri who was gushing blood from her nose and was lying on the floor sobbing something incomprehensible. Everyone looks at it with a strange look, but soon they ignore it and look in the direction of Yujiro who is approaching flying high speed.

"Haruka Otsutsuki. The Otsutsuki Clan Elder and the woman with the strongest magical eye, Rinne-Sharingan." Yujiro says Smiling predatorily landing on the ground. The pressure he's emanating from the body is suffocating, but Haruka treats him as if he were nothing.

"We call ourselves those Doujutsu eyes." She says with a stoic expression.

Looking around, she realizes the damage the two of them did. Feeling bored she looks in the direction of Naruto promising punishment. After all, he could handle it easily if he didn't play around too much.

Naruto starts to sweat cold seeing the expression of the clan elder, but he knows it's his fault. Making an expression of an abandoned dog Naruto is watching the unfolding of this mess.

"Boy, you must stop destroying my dimension anyway or I will kill you." Haruka says looking coldly at Yujiro.

"Will you kill me? Hahahahaha" The ogre laughs like it's the funniest joke in the world. "Try."

Yujiro covers himself with red Ki and with a speed that he didn't show in Naruto's fight he appears behind the woman and attacks her with his fists covered with a red aura. The woman just raises her eyebrow a little bit and defends her attack with a single finger.

"Not bad. For a human that is."

Covering her beautiful fingers with Chakra, she hits with a small flick the forehead of the lowly mortal considered the strongest living human and sends him flying back to the hole he came out of.

Tsukuyomi seeing this absurd level of power begins to think that the world is big. - If all the elders of the celestial clans are as strong as her. That world is really fuċkėd up. - He thinks internally.

"Mom's playing again." Mayuki says suddenly with his usual cold, stoic tone.

"MOTHER"? Tsukuyomi screams surprised.

"Yes, I am the daughter of the clan elder." She says it like it's no big deal.

"..." Tsukuyomi is speechless. He tries to ask something, but he can't because Yujiro shows up all bloody again this time.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Yujiro laughs madly when he realizes that with a single attack he got so worn out like this. Knowing that with raw power it won't solve anything. Yujiro tries to use Ki's long-distance attacks, He flies into the sky at high speed. Arriving at a safe distance he begins to gather red Ki in his hands and points in the direction of the woman. The woman does nothing but watch with her stoic expression.

A huge amount of Ki's little balls fly towards the woman. But the woman just breaks space and sends the attack back to him.


Ki's little balls hit Yujiro hard and soon everyone can see him slowly falling bloody from the sky.

"Kaguya never used that power like that! What a waste!" Tsukuyomi screams cheerfully all of a sudden. Everyone looks at him with a strange expression.

"Are you all right, son?" Naomi asks a little concerned. - Is he delirious? It's that damn ogre's fault! I must kill him when I have the chance! - She thinks angry

Tsukuyomi realizing his mistake only uses the deadliest technique he has learned so far. He uses the "Cute Face" to get out of this situation. Women seeing that face just think. "KAWAI!!" soon they start to forget what happened. Sighing in relief he begins to watch the fight again. What he didn't realize was that Miyuki was looking at him with a twinkle in his eye.

Yujiro who was slowly falling covered with blood from the sky begins to cover his body with red Ki and disappears even faster than before. He shows up behind Haruka and attacks her with his fists covered with Ki, but it's useless for the woman to have only one finger again.

"It's time for you to calm down, kid."

She activates Byakugan and covers her five fingers with Chakra. In a millisecond she blocks all her Tenketsu. Yujiro falls to the ground still feeling heavy, but his predatory smile still does not leave his face.

"I'm impressed, kid. You are certainly worthy of the title of the strongest living human, but that's all you are in the end". The woman says, with a stoic expression.

"How old is he, Naruto?" Haruka asks by looking at him.

"He's 38, Elder." Naruto responds quickly.

Haruka is surprised to hear he's so young. - Can this human fight with Naruto who is considered a genius in the Clan at only 38? That's very abnormal for a human. So that is why the Consciousness of the Planet chose him to take the place of the tenth accent of the celestial families. - She thinks internally.

*Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!

Suddenly she can hear heart sounds beating fast. If she turns around she's shocked to see Yujiro. Who now has hot smoke coming out of his body, his eyes are now black with the red pupil shining fiercely, the skin of his body that was once a tan is now black with several veins appearing. Ki's pressure he's emitting now is much more dense and murderous than before.

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