That night.

Taiji Palace, Ganlu Palace.

In the huge palace, only one soybean was lit, illuminating a desk.

The desk was neatly filled with memorials waiting to be reviewed, and in front of these memorials sat a heroic man wearing a red dragon robe.

This man looks to be in his thirties or forties, but his temples are already graying, and he has the appearance of premature aging.

His shoulders are extremely broad, and even when he is sitting, you can see that this man has a thick frame.

This man is the current emperor of the Daxing Dynasty, Emperor Yongyuan.

It was late at night, but Emperor Yongyuan had no intention of resting.

In the darkness, Zhao Feng walked out slowly, saluted respectfully, and waited quietly.

After a long time, Emperor Yongyuan finished reviewing the last memorial, then put down the brush in his hand and pressed his forehead to relieve the accumulated fatigue.

"Say it."

Emperor Yongyuan's voice was low, with a hint of laziness.

"Your Majesty."

"The animal taming competition in the Royal Garden has been successfully concluded."

"As His Majesty expected, all parties regard this change as a concession after the turmoil over the establishment of the throne."

"All the ladies and princes took this competition extremely seriously."

"But the one who won the game in the end was Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess."

Emperor Yongyuan, who had his eyes closed and slowly rubbed his eyebrows, paused, slowly opened his eyes, frowned and confirmed: "Who do you think won?"

"Thirteenth Princess, Her Royal Highness Li Ankang."

Zhao Feng changed his explanation again.


Emperor Yongyuan suddenly laughed, and his laughter became louder and louder.

His laughter was rich and reverberated in the dark Manna Hall.

Zhao Feng lowered his head and waited for Emperor Yongyuan to continue asking questions.

After laughing for a while, Emperor Yongyuan shook his head and sighed: "Are you safe? I really didn't expect it."

"Tell me what happened today in detail."

With a smile on his face, Emperor Yongyuan swept away the pile of memorials in front of him, and rubbed his chin with interest, as if listening.

Zhao Feng recounted what happened during the day in detail.

He even told the truth that he deliberately watched Concubine Zhang make a fool of herself.

He did not add his own subjective intentions, but simply described the facts as they were as a third party.

After listening, Emperor Yongyuan asked: "What's going on with Ankang's black cat?"

"The old slave once inquired and found out that this cat was indeed accidentally picked up by Her Royal Highness the Princess last summer and then kept in the palace."

"But judging from today's performance, it is probably not an ordinary domestic cat, but more likely some kind of exotic animal."

"Looking at its spiritual and physical potential, it should be possible to grow into a spiritual beast."

For the human race, those who can be used by me are spiritual beasts, and those who cannot be used by me are ferocious beasts.

But in essence, they actually refer to the orcs with special powers.

In fact, Li Xuan himself didn't know that based on his performance today, he actually had the potential to become a spiritual beast, both in terms of spiritual intelligence and physical potential.

He thought he had hidden his strength well, but in fact, the strength revealed at the tip of the iceberg was enough to make Zhao Feng pay attention to him.

"Given the conditions of Jingyang Palace, I'm afraid we won't be able to support this black cat properly, right?" Emperor Yongyuan asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Zhao Feng finished his answer, he pondered for a moment and added: "The black cat and Her Royal Highness have a deep relationship, I'm afraid they won't be able to separate."

"With the black cat's current intelligence, I'm afraid it will be difficult to tame it again."

Emperor Yongyuan also nodded without comment.

He had just heard what happened in the last round of competition.

Even though he could stop eating Mengyuan dragon fish meat and wait for the next instructions, he really couldn't regard it as an ordinary beast.

"In that case, let's continue to keep him in Jingyang Palace."

"I'm just replacing the top prize with something practical and sending it over."

Zhao Feng understood immediately and immediately understood what Emperor Yongyuan meant.

"Old slave obeys the order."

"As for the others..."

Emperor Yongyuan flicked his five fingers and tapped them on the table in turn, with a faint smile on his face.

"In addition, starting from tomorrow, the three meals a day in Jingyang Palace will be delivered at one-third of the imperial meal."

"No interruption without my order."

Zhao Fengwen heard this and looked up at Emperor Yongyuan in shock.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"No need to say more!"

Emperor Yongyuan waved his hand with a firm attitude.

Zhao Feng couldn't say much and could only accept the order.

"I have given you the fuel to add fuel to the fire. What you do next is up to you."

Emperor Yongyuan looked at Zhao Feng, who had his head lowered, with a half-smile.

Zhao Feng's expression changed, and he knelt down on the ground, shouting repeatedly: "Old slave is scared, old slave is scared..."

"What are you so worried about?" Emperor Yongyuan smiled even more heavily on his face and continued joking: "None of my beloved concubines are worried, and I pointed at you and my son to help me take good care of them."

"Okay, let's go down and do some work. I need to rest."

Emperor Yongyuan waved his hand, and Zhao Feng was relieved. He knelt on the ground and moved back, saying quickly: "Old slave, please retire, old slave, please retire..."

A master is a master.

Zhao Feng was seen maintaining his kneeling position and retreating at an extremely fast speed, like a cockroach, all the way back outside the Manna Hall.

It wasn't until the palace door in front of him closed that Zhao Fengcai's legs softened and he collapsed on the ground, breaking out in a cold sweat unknowingly.

As a result, a puff sound happened to be heard next to him, apparently mocking Zhao Feng, who was in a state of embarrassment at this time.

Zhao Feng looked at the person who was laughing at him angrily, raised his hand to strike, lowered his voice and cursed: "Old man, are you afraid of scaring me to death? You will cut off all your children and grandchildren, and there will be no one to die with."

The person who laughed at Zhao Feng was naturally his godfather, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shang Wenfu.

Manager Shang was standing alone outside the door, obviously having been waiting for a long time.

Seeing his adopted son acting mischievously with him, Manager Shang was not annoyed at all. He easily dodged the attack and laughed even louder.

"Haha, look at your worthless look."

"I'm going to inform you in advance, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave this Manna Palace."

"I have taught you before that if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself."

"The true character is the most authentic."

Zhao Feng pointed at his godfather's nose and wanted to curse a few more times, but after thinking about it he timidly lowered his hand.

He patted his clothes and stood up from the ground, and said angrily: "Godfather, I am no longer young, but I can no longer withstand such a scare."

"Okay, okay, don't disturb His Majesty's rest, let's go."

The father and son looked at each other and silently glanced at each other's back.

In this palace, they are actors who have to be prepared all the time.

And they don't have a chance to do it again. If they make a mistake, they may end up directly.

The father and son said nothing more and left the place silently side by side, heading towards the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Early the next morning.

Li Xuan was awakened by a noisy knock on the door, and woke up drowsily in bed with Princess Ankang.

They could still hear Yu'er's hurried footsteps and the sound of answering the door outside the room.

"I'm coming."

Thanks to "Half of the Scenery", "Ethereal Traveler 119", "Night Ring Sound", "Business Chaosing the Time", and "Xiao Xiao Yue Ye" for their reward support.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20191124204154018", "Baohang", "_ai诗_", "Agaanasa", "Wandering in the Heavens", "Book Friends 20220826172432785", "The End of Destiny", "Uncle 38" , "He's so cute", "Qing Jin Yi Zui Qing Wang Hou", "nullinfinity", "Shrimp and Pig Heart Wontons", "Crimson Tears", "0.51", "Book Friends 20200406180155897", " Yuhuahei", "Zixu Daodaojun", "Reader 20220803195541232638771", "Book Friends 20200828103143030", "The Sword Master Selling Sesame Bake", "January Winter Day", "Butch is not a cat", "Super Nova", " "Emperor of the Han Dynasty", "Snow Sword Dance", "Book Friends 20221228081935290", "Book Friends 20200811100530649", "Xun Yangyang", "Book Friends 20180726165936562" are supported by monthly votes.

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