Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 111 Open the door! Or the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

Li Xuanlai got up from bed, thinking of following him out for a look, but he just squinted his eyes on the bed, casually scratched the void twice with his four little paws, and ran two steps on the bed as if he was sleepwalking.

"Well, I'm so sleepy."

"I can't open my eyes at all..."

In the face of sleepiness, Li Xuan could not make any resistance.

But at this time, Yu'er's panicked voice came from outside.

"Fathers, what are you doing?"

"This is Jingyang Palace. Did you make a mistake?"

"I can't do it, I can't do it!"

"Stop it, you can't be like this!"

Then came Yu'er's vague voice.


Li Xuan woke up immediately and climbed up from the bed.

Princess Ankang also felt something was wrong. She rubbed her eyes and got up, muttering: "What's going on outside? Is it Sister Yu'er's voice?"

Li Xuan didn't care about anything else and jumped out of bed and ran outside.

As a result, when he came outside, he saw Yu'er sitting on the ground, watching a group of eunuchs "acting wantonly" in Jingyang Palace.

When Li Xuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but froze on the spot and opened his mouth wide.

The eunuchs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are moving piles of supplies into Jingyang Palace. What can be seen are all kinds of rice, flour, grain and oil, silk and satin cloth, quilts, pillows and other daily necessities.

Not only were the materials of high quality, but the quantity was so shocking that even Li Xuan thought they had moved the warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Moreover, there was an endless stream of teams carrying supplies, all the time heading into Jingyang Palace.

The leading steward asked Yu'er where the warehouse was, and Yu'er pointed in the direction blankly.

Except for the two rooms they lived in, the rest of the Jingyang Palace were all empty buildings, which could not be used as warehouses.

Li Xuan walked to Yu'er and gave her a confused meow.

"Axuan, don't ask me, I don't know what's going on?"

One person and one cat stared blankly at the supplies that were constantly being delivered, and thought together in tacit understanding:

"Is it getting violent again?"

But this is just the beginning.

After a while.

The three little ones from Jingyang Palace were sitting in the courtyard, looking at the table full of delicacies in front of them, with confused expressions on their faces.

They still remember what Zhao Feng said to them when he came over.

"From now on, three meals a day will be served according to imperial standards."

"As for those supplies, they are the prizes that Her Royal Highness the Princess won in the competition yesterday. Because the warehouse of Jingyang Palace is limited, the remaining supplies are temporarily stored in the House of Internal Affairs. If they are needed, they can be retrieved at any time with a command."

After Zhao Feng finished explaining, he left the supplies and royal meals and took the people away.

They were left staring at the table of food for a long time.


This was what they were thinking at this time, and the expressions on their faces were even more dazed and confused.

Even Li Xuan didn't guess that the generous prizes mentioned by Manager Shang were so plain and simple.

These are things that their Jingyang Palace has always lacked.

The supplies currently piled in their warehouse are enough for the three of them to last a lifetime.

In particular, there are still some supplies stored in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although I don't know how many there are, Jingyang Palace will definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

When Zhao Feng delivered supplies today, he deliberately took some of all types of supplies and asked them to replenish them after they were used up.

There is a dazzling array of things, whether they are useful or not, there are dozens or hundreds of them.

This shows how luxurious the life in this palace is.

But now, the hard days of Jingyang Palace are over, and it's their turn to enjoy it.

"Sister Yu'er, did Mr. Zhao say that we can eat these things every day in the future?"

Princess Ankang pointed to the table of dishes and swallowed hard.

"That's what he said."

Yu'er stared at the table of dishes and felt that the white steamed buns in her hands were no longer fragrant.

"This is just breakfast!"

Princess Ankang sighed with emotion.

Then she drooled and moved her chopsticks first: "Don't be stunned, eat quickly, otherwise it will get cold later."


Li Xuan and Yu'er nodded crazily.

Half an hour later.

Two people and one cat were basking in the sun in the yard, holding their round bellies.

They don't even bother to move a finger now.

It was rare to have such a good meal, which made them all feel like a dream, so unreal.

But the happiness that filled their hearts at this moment proved that all this was true.

It's not their dream.

It turns out that living in the palace is such a pleasant experience.

And Princess Ankang also experienced the treatment of a princess for the first time.

Recalling the hardships I endured before, it is really embarrassing.

Especially since they have been hungry, they naturally cherish the happiness in front of them even more.

Princess Ankang picked up Li Xuan, who was in a daze after eating, and rubbed his cheeks and head restlessly with both hands.

"Axuan, all this is thanks to you."

"You're so good!"

Princess Ankang held Li Xuan in her arms and ravaged him fiercely, wishing to stuff him into her heart.

After looking at the dishes delivered today, Princess Ankang understood what the late-night snacks she had eaten from time to time were.

It's just that some things are destined to rot in her heart, so Princess Ankang can only turn her emotions into endless love and ruthless ravage towards Li Xuan.

"Smelly girl, be gentle."

"I'm going to spit it out!"

Li Xuan meowed twice symbolically to resist, but in the end he smiled and allowed Princess Ankang to hug him hard.

"It's all worth it."

"It's all worth it for your health!"

At this moment, Li Xuan felt fulfilled as never before.

"Your Highness, Ah Xuan will be suffocated to death by you."

Yu'er also came over and stroked Li Xuan's head with her fingers, feeling the furry touch, and said with a smile.

Seeing the smiles of Princess Ankang and Yu'er, Li Xuan narrowed his eyes happily.

He never imagined that taking care of others, taking responsibility and fulfilling it, could make him feel so happy.

Li Xuan felt that his life had greater meaning and value.

The happiness of the two little girls in front of him became his own happiness.

"What a strange feeling?"

"Is this what it's like to be a father?"

Li Xuan thought wickedly.

at the same time.

On the other side of the harem, there is a completely opposite temperature to that of Jingyang Palace.

Qingshu Hall.

This is the residence of Concubine Zhang.

Her three children also live in a villa here.

At this time, the main door and windows of the back hall of Qingshu Hall were closed.

In the hall, Concubine Zhang held her forehead and frowned.

In front of her, the eldest prince, the fourth prince and the sixth prince were kneeling side by side, all with their heads lowered and not daring to say a word.

"Have you all heard about the rewards Jingyang Palace received?"

The three of them remained silent, not daring to answer.

"As long as we don't lack those other things, that's all."

"But those three meals of imperial cuisine, do you know what that means!"

When Concubine Zhang said this, she was so angry that she couldn't help but slap the table, her face covered with frost.

"Xian'er, this should be your glory!"

Concubine Zhang stared at her eldest son, her dissatisfaction no longer concealable.

"The child is incompetent, the mother and concubine should calm down."

The eldest prince didn't even raise his eyelids, he raised his hands and said.

The Fourth Prince and the Sixth Prince ignored the matter and pretended not to hear these words, with dull eyes.

Anyway, their mother-in-law didn’t have any expectations for them.

Seeing the three children's lack of energy, Concubine Zhang sighed deeply, and then her attitude softened.

"Xian'er, don't blame your mother and concubine for being harsh on you."

"Your father finally made some concessions on this matter. This year is your best and last chance."

"If you can't produce any results this year, when the second brother comes back next year, you will have no choice but to leave the palace."

Concubine Zhang became more and more excited as she spoke, and she came down and hugged the eldest prince's arms.

"Think about it, when the second brother wins the throne, what good outcome will we have?"

Thanks to "Qinyi" and "Calligraphy and Painting Youth" for their reward support.

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