Life in Jingyang Palace suddenly became happy, which made the three little ones a little uncomfortable.

They had nothing to do and visited Jingyang Palace where they had lived for an unknown length of time.

As soon as they opened the doors and looked at the mountains of various supplies inside, their faces could be filled with happy smiles.

It's like a person who gets rich overnight and goes to the bank vault every day to look at the endless mountain of banknotes.

Just looking at it can make you feel happy.

The three little ones didn't have much potential. They looked at the supplies in the room and kept giggling.

"Hey hey hey~"

Jingyang Palace is willing to light up the lights at night.

An arm-thick Panlong agarwood candle was lit in the rooms of Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

This kind of candle not only burns for a long time, but also has a light fragrance, which has a calming effect.

The pillows and quilts on the bed have been replaced with new ones. Not only are the fabrics fine, they are also light and soft, like clouds.

Lying in it is so exciting.

And life will eventually calm down.

From the excitement at the beginning, to the gradual adaptation.

Because Yu'er had to manage more supplies, she was busier than usual.

But he will still be supervised by Li Xuan in practicing the Ten Tiger Forms.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of food in Jingyang Palace, and they can even eat food of imperial standard, so they no longer have any worries.

Yu'er also let go of all worries and ate with an open stomach.

Coupled with practicing the Ten Tiger Forms every day, my appetite is getting better day by day.

And Li Xuan didn't slack off at all, practicing diligently every day.

Even though the progress of the technique of Bronze Head and Iron Arm was very slow, he finally practiced it to the point where it was almost perfect.

[Copper head and iron arm: 87%]

After Li Xuan ate the Mengyuan dragon fish meat last time, most of the heat in his body flowed into the parts that are now being strengthened.

As a result, Shengsheng improved his progress by a large margin.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan felt a little annoyed.

At that time, Deng Weixian's godfather clearly said that at this stage, it was useless to rely on natural resources and earthly treasures.

The results of it?

If he had known this earlier, there would be no need for him to scratch the black dragon statue in the garden every day.

There is no need for Yu'er to spank her until she is out of breath and her hands and feet become weak every time.

"You can practice martial arts by eating fish, you should have told me earlier!"

Li Xuan lowered his head and paused, looking for this good thing for several days, intending to push the technique to perfection in one fell swoop.

Nowadays, the meals sent to their Jingyang Palace contain a lot of meat from rare birds and animals, but they don't have the same effect as Mengyuan dragon fish meat.

This made Li Xuan understand that this Mengyuan dragon fish meat is probably quite rare.

"I don't know if there is still such meat in this palace. If I had known, I would have killed that bitch first."

Recalling that a plate of Mengyuan dragon fish meat was fed to the dog, Li Xuan was so angry that he smashed his head against the black dragon statue.

The other cats who were originally afraid of Li Xuan couldn't help but hide further.

At this time, a cat meow suddenly attracted Li Xuan's attention.


Li Xuan turned around to look and found that it was Fat Orange who was looking for him.

His heart moved, and he knew something was going on at Yanqu Hall.

Ever since he took Mao Ba and the others under his wing, he no longer had to do the tracking in person.

The Yanqu Palace side is temporarily left to the Cat Bulls to keep an eye on, and they will notify him if there is any situation.

Now that Fat Orange is looking for him, something happened in Yanqu Palace.

Li Xuan and Pang Ju rushed all the way to Yanqu Hall, and then came to Wang Suyue's courtyard.

This is where he focuses his attention, so he specially told the cat bullies to come to him if they have any problems.

Sure enough, when Li Xuan arrived, he saw a strange woman chatting and laughing with Wang Suyue.

Not far away, their servants were waiting, but they kept a distance from their master, obviously so as not to disturb the conversation between the two.

"Who is this?"

Li Xuan looked at the strange woman and tilted his head in confusion.

Compared with Wang Suyue, this strange woman is obviously more graceful and elegant in her dress, and her appearance and figure also have a more mature charm.

"It seems that she is also a concubine in the harem, and she seems to be of high rank."

During the previous animal taming competition in the Royal Garden, Li Xuan met many concubines and empresses, and knew that there was a huge difference between them.

"Sister, you and I haven't seen each other for many years. I never expected that I would call you 'Feng Zhaoyuan' when we meet again."

The woman named Feng Zhaoyuan covered her mouth with an embarrassed smile, patted Wang Suyue, and said angrily: "Then do I have to call you Wang Cairen?"

Then she shook her head, showing a look of reminiscence, and then advised: "You are still so naughty. Now that you have been favored by the Holy Spirit, you must be more dignified in the future."

Mentioning this matter, Wang Suyue couldn't help but blush.

She had just experienced human affairs at this time, and she was still a little embarrassed to talk about these things.

"You still know how to blush?"

Feng Zhaoyuan joked and couldn't help laughing.

"elder sister--"

Wang Suyue's face turned even redder, and she shook one of Feng Zhaoyuan's sleeves reluctantly.

The two are actually cousins. Feng Zhaoyuan entered the palace a few years ago, and they reunited after a long separation.

But several years have passed, but there is no trace of life at all. Especially when we meet again in this harem, there is a different kind of closeness.

In the forbidden palace, people and places are unfamiliar to each other, and no one is trustworthy except themselves. They are all wary of each other, and they can't guess who is treating each other sincerely and who is hiding a knife in their smile.

There are three thousand women in the Weiyang Palace, but they cannot protect their beauty but their kindness.

But in a place like this, Wang Suyue is lucky.

There are many trustworthy people around, which is much easier than other women who are helpless.

"By the way, that's the little Dengzi who saved you, right?"

Feng Zhaoyuan glanced at Deng Weixian, who was standing not far away, and then lowered her voice and asked.

After all, he was the only eunuch among Wang Suyue's personal attendants, which was really eye-catching.

Wang Suyue nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for him, I might not be able to see my sister now."

Wang Suyue's expression was a little bitter. Although she intended to forget these things, she still couldn't completely forget them.

She was almost burned to death in her room.

I can’t wait until the next day for the grace of the Holy Spirit to have everything I have in front of me now.

Feng Zhaoyuan saw Wang Suyue's depression, gently held her hand, and said seriously:

"The harem is such a place, so be careful."

"Yes, sister, I know."

Wang Suyue nodded and listened to Feng Zhaoyuan's words.

But then she showed a strange expression and held Feng Zhaoyuan's hand with her backhand.

"Sister, have you caught the cold today?"

After all, Wang Suyue has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she can detect even subtle changes in the human body.

Feng Zhaoyuan looked unnatural for a moment, then looked around and saw that only their attendant was there, so she leaned into Wang Suyue's ear and whispered:

"This matter is still a secret, so don't tell anyone else."

Wang Suyue's heart trembled, and she waited patiently for Feng Zhaoyuan's next words.

(Thanks to "Ghost Dance 2016", "Cool Stone", and "Book Friends 20191007092709119" for their monthly support.)

Thanks to "Beifeng 1937" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Bringing Youth to the Moment", "44 Ah Fat", "Book Friends 20230501012122326", "Ok Not Ok", "Jiang Yongsi", "Invincible Shennong with 30 Years of Reading", "Liao Liao Miao", " "火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火火 overqualification", "书友202204092105425rsormors", "风水音", "书友20230208491090", "人达", "书友2022091908582054k", "秋峰Recalling Butterfly Dreams", "Mu Yu's Wings", "Book Friends 2021030106614219778", "Speechless Heart", "Book Friends 20200301010323226", "Book Friends 20210113204308538", "Busy Day", "Yu Yong", "Universe System" "Publisher", "Book Friends 20220216204013784", "The Dog Who Can Eat Food", "The Great Lazy Saint", "Autumn Nights Are Too Long to Be Sad", "Kneeling on the Keyboard at Home", "Reading Otaku", "Dragon Knight Flame", "丨西风丨", "Book Friends 150408073538309", "Dharma Master", "Book Friends 20170209134918548", "Book Friends 20170730101942984", "Under the Star Boundary Starry Sky", "Book Friends 20220520012633425",

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