Li Xuan's curiosity was also aroused, and he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Then Feng Zhaoyuan smiled mysteriously and lowered her voice and said:

"I have it."

When Wang Suyue heard this, she was surprised at first, and then happy.

But before her smile grew stronger, she saw Feng Zhaoyuan wink at her.

The smile on Wang Suyue's face instantly faded, she swallowed nervously, and then asked quietly: "Sister, this is a good thing, why are you so... cautious?"

She considered the words and paused before speaking the last four words.

Feng Zhaoyuan smiled bitterly and shook her head, seeming to be sighing at Wang Suyue's still simplicity.

"I just confirmed this not long ago, so it's really not appropriate to make it public."

"Then your Majesty doesn't know either?" Wang Suyue asked curiously.

Feng Zhaoyuan shook her head and said seriously: "Su Yue, you have to understand that there is nothing in this palace that His Majesty doesn't know about."

"Although I haven't had time to say it yet, I think His Majesty already knows."

"But I still want to stay until a few days later and tell His Majesty the good news in person when I go to bed."

Feng Zhaoyuan said, with a look of expectation on her face.

"Su Yue, please don't take any chances in this kind of thing in the future, otherwise you may be in catastrophe."

"Uh, I understand, sister."

Seeing that Feng Zhaoyuan was serious, Wang Suyue quickly agreed.

Seeing her reaction, Feng Zhaoyuan felt soft-hearted after all. She sighed and said a few more words.

"This harem doesn't feel like home. No one can protect us except Your Majesty."

"Now among the four concubines, the position of the virtuous concubine is still vacant."

"And all of us, the Nine Concubines, are coveting this opportunity to go further."

"Now I have a situation-changing turn of events, and others will not stand idly by."

Wang Suyue was shocked when she heard this, and couldn't help but worry: "That sister..."

"Don't worry, I have my own plans."

"I just came to see you today to reminisce about old times. I didn't expect that you, a girl like you, are so smart that you would see through this."

Feng Zhaoyuan also didn't expect Wang Suyue to be able to tell that she was pregnant. While she was helpless, she was also a little worried about whether her younger sister would be dragged into the situation.

Wang Suyue saw the worried look on Feng Zhaoyuan's face and quickly stopped the topic: "If it's my sister, I believe you will be fine."

Feng Zhaoyuan smiled and understood Wang Suyue's intention.

"Do you still remember what the military advisor said to us when we were young?"

“Safety and danger come with each other, and misfortunes and blessings come with each other.”

"Never let your guard down."

"There are always a few servants in this palace. This is a necessary way to survive."

When Feng Zhaoyuan said this, she glanced at Deng Weixian not far away.

Wang Suyue also nodded in agreement.

She was also very optimistic about this little eunuch with whom she had a life-long friendship.

But then Feng Zhaoyuan changed the topic: "But if there is someone with ulterior motives, it is best to resolve it as soon as possible."

Wang Suyue was stunned and found that Feng Zhaoyuan's eyes jumped and turned to another direction.

She remembered that the person standing in that position was Liang Chuchu.

"What do you mean, sister?"

Wang Suyue asked, but she did not dare to look at the sister she had not seen for many years.

Seeing her sister's reaction, Feng Zhaoyuan sighed secretly.

"Su Yue, you have to know that the Liang family has not collapsed. It was only Liang Zhao's family that was expelled from the capital. This punishment is more like giving Liang Zhao a vacation to recuperate."

"When His Majesty needs Liang Zhao again, he will still be the Zhongshu Ling, and then..."

Feng Zhaoyuan didn't say anything more, she believed Wang Suyue understood what she meant.

"Sister, I understand what I mean, but you should let me think about it again."

In this case, it is already a rejection.

But Feng Zhaoyuan didn't give any more advice, just reminded Wang Suyue.

"After you and I enter the palace, we will not only represent individuals or families, but the entire noble group."

"Now that we have finally gained the upper hand, you have to understand my sister's painstaking efforts."

Wang Suyue looked at Feng Zhaoyuan, with a helpless look on her face.

As soon as you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. Once you get here, many decisions are not up to you.

The two sisters were silent for a moment, and they both made a tacit agreement not to mention the previous topics, but to talk about daily life and reminisce about the past.

After chatting like this for a long time, Feng Zhaoyuan yawned tiredly before standing up to leave.

Wang Suyue went back to her house to rest and had no other unusual behavior.

Li Xuan and Fat Orange hide in the dark.

Fat Orange dozed off out of boredom, wondering why Li Xuan liked listening to the human race's comments so much.

In its opinion, everyone in the palace is mute, and even after mumbling for a long time, they cannot express their emotions clearly.

Unlike other cats, they are so direct. You can tell whether they are happy or not with the sound of their voice.

Li Xuan's eyes were shining and he was very excited.

"Hey, I heard another secret."

"It's not easy to be a concubine. She has to hide her pregnancy."

“It’s really laborious and laborious.”

But after listening to today's words, Li Xuan also learned more about Wang Suyue.

Even if Feng Zhaoyuan made it clear like that, she was not willing to take the opportunity to deal with Liang Chuchu.

I don’t know whether to call her kind or naive.

"I didn't believe it before, but it turned out that the more they quarreled, the deeper the relationship became."

In Li Xuan's view, there is some kind of twisted friendship between Wang Suyue and Liang Chuchu.

Maybe their backgrounds destined them to be in opposition.

But the experience of quarreling since childhood has left a strong imprint on each other.

"I just don't know if Liang Chuchu thinks the same way."

Li Xuan shook his head. Liang Chuchu is now silent and can't do anything. Even he can't understand this once unruly official lady.

The experience of being bullied by those palace maids before made her change dramatically in a short period of time.

I just don't know if this process made her more twisted and perverted.

The environment in the palace is like this.

This is why Li Xuan always dared to approach people who had just entered the palace and stayed away from those old people in the palace.

After staying in this place for a long time, you will be more or less psychologically perverted.

This is the experience summed up by Li Xuan himself.

"Little Dengzi has begun to gain Wang Suyue's trust."

"This child, he has been smart since he was a child!"

Li Xuan asked Fat Ju to continue to monitor here and come to him if there is something, and then returned to Jingyang Palace.

I thought it would be a peaceful day, but something unexpected happened in the second half of the night.

Li Xuan was sleeping with Princess Ankang when he suddenly heard a strange rustling sound.

He woke up instantly and opened his eyes to look at the dark sky outside.

Li Xuan jumped out of bed and walked outside.

The faint moonlight appeared and disappeared, the moon was dark in the sky, and the stars were in the water.

The beautiful night scene was mixed with strange sounds that became clearer and clearer.

Li Xuan looked closely and his pupils shrank instantly.


Thanks to "Liao Qingshan Jianwo", "Book Friend 20170415150210999", "hssuddbsfjs", "Soldier_axe", "Book Friend 20200406180155897", "UE", "Zhou Zhou 996", "- Orca -", "Book Friend 20170719143736241", "Book Friend 20230306444165", "Book Friend 20210316124356123", "Zhu Lin Dan Wu" for their monthly ticket support.

"Meow! (Wash and go to bed!)"


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