
Crisp slaps resounded in Qingshu Hall.

At this time, the doors and windows of the huge front hall were closed, with only two figures sitting and kneeling here.

"Your Majesty, it really is none of my business!"

"I am following your instructions. How dare I make my own decisions?"

"I really only arranged for a cauliflower snake to be sent in, and I really don't know anything else!"

Sun Guiren, who was kneeling on the ground, cried out aggrievedly, but was slapped again.

"How dare you make noise!?"

Concubine Zhang sternly scolded, her phoenix eyes full of evil.

Sun Guiren endured the soreness on his cheeks and lowered his head to the ground, not daring to say a word again.

Concubine Zhang withdrew her slightly trembling right hand, and doubts flashed in her eyes.

She naturally knew who Sun Guiren was, and had no guts to mess around behind her back.

But the facts before them now prove that their plan was wrong.

Seeing that Concubine Zhang remained silent for a long time, the frightened Sun Guiren couldn't help but continue: "Concubine Zhang, what do you think we should do?"

Sun Guiren was so anxious that he started crying when he spoke.

At this time, she also blamed herself for being greedy and insisting on being the one who stood out.

"Trash, why are you crying!"

Concubine Zhang coldly swept away Sun Guiren, who was kneeling at her feet, and scolded him unceremoniously.

"You and I are not the only ones in this palace who know that Feng Zhaoyuan is pregnant. Now someone is deliberately plotting against us and taking the opportunity to make things worse. They just want to take advantage of you."

"If it is true as you said, you just let a cauliflower snake in, what do the snakes, insects, rats and ants crawling all over the palace have to do with you?"

"Sun Guiren, why are you messing up your position again?"

"Even if the matter is exposed in the end, you only have to be responsible for your cauliflower snake."

"It's just a cauliflower snake. Your Majesty will only ban you for a few days at most."

"Don't scare yourself, you'll scare yourself to death."

After hearing these remarks, Sun Guiren was indeed not as panicked as he was at first.

"Your Majesty, then..."

"Go back and have a good rest. Nothing will happen."

Concubine Zhang slowly reached out towards Sun Guiren's face, which scared Sun Guiren and subconsciously shrank back.

In the end, those cold hands just smoothed her messy hair.

An apologetic smile appeared on Concubine Zhang's face, and she said helplessly: "Don't blame your sister for being harsh. If you don't act step by step, I'm afraid there will be no place for you and me in this palace."

"If you are plotted against me this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to take a step further and ascend to the position of ninth concubine."

"Although Feng Zhaoyuan is an excellent opportunity this time, it can only be temporarily suspended."

"But don't worry, your family and I have been family friends for many years. If it doesn't work once, then twice. My sister will definitely help you take this step."

Sun Guiren was immediately moved and said with tears: "Thank you, sister!"

Concubine Zhang personally sent Sun Guiren out of Qingshu Hall after he had rearranged his appearance.

At the door, the fourth prince was waiting quietly.

It wasn't until Sun Guiren was sent away that the fourth prince slowly came to Zhang Guifei's side.

"Concubine, do you want to deal with Sun Guiren?"

Concubine Zhang did not comment and gave an order to the fourth prince: "Call her uncle into the palace, and you can persuade her clearly for me."

"I know, kid."

The fourth prince calmly accepted the order and respectfully sent his mother and concubine away.

It wasn't until he could no longer see his mother's back that he slowly straightened up, a hint of haze flashing in his eyes.

Although he was used to handling such matters for his mother and concubine, he couldn't help but think of his elder brother every time.

The fourth prince is a handsome man with a gloomy temperament, but he never smiles very much.

Perhaps he was used to being in the shadows, looking at the eldest brother in the sun, who was highly anticipated by his mother and concubine.

The fourth prince turned around and left. Seeing no one around, he hummed an unknown tune.

The tone is soft and gentle, making people sleepy.

In the royal garden.

Manager Shang looked at the sluggish adopted son and cursed with a smile: "Are you stupid?"

"Tiantian prides himself on being extremely smart, but ends up falling for a group of cats."

"As the saying goes, the battle situation is nothing more than a strange and right situation. The change of a strange and right situation cannot be defeated."

"You always don't listen to my advice and take the wrong approach. You deserve this fate."

Zhao Feng was so embarrassed that he became angry and said angrily: "Oh, okay, okay, it's because I don't listen to the old man's words and deeds!"

"Stop talking sarcastically and help me think of a way to remedy this."

Manager Shang smiled heartily when he saw his adopted son's rare blush.

But he smiled and gave him an idea.

"Since it was just an accident, let's make up for it. Even if it requires some blood, it is better than leaving an unreliable impression in His Majesty's mind."

After saying that, Manager Shang sighed.

"You deserve to be exposed to such a fool like me, so I will give up this old face with you today."

The two of them immediately left the imperial garden and hurried to Jingyang Palace with the accompanying eunuchs in colorful clothes.

It's still early and there's still time.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door of Jingyang Palace.

As soon as they heard this sound, the eyes of the three little ones who were playing backgammon suddenly lit up.

"Is the Ministry of Internal Affairs here to send warmth again?"

Especially Yu'er had the biggest reaction. She pushed the chessboard in front of her, disturbing the chess pieces on it.

Immediately aroused the sound of dissatisfaction from one person and one cat.


"Sister Yu'er is cheating, and Ah Xuan will win!"

Yu'er and Li Xuan were rivals in chess, and they were able to kill each other in a game of backgammon, almost filling up the chessboard every time.

Compared with Princess Ankang, they are obviously the same level of bad chess players.

But precisely because of this, the play was particularly exciting, and Princess Ankang cheered repeatedly.

The novices pecking each other are naturally very entertaining, sometimes making Princess Ankang laugh so hard.

But now Yu'er has learned so badly that she seizes the opportunity to learn to "come back".

Yu'er just pretended not to hear their complaints and shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming, I will open the door."

She almost lost the chess game just now, but the knock on the door came at just the right time, making Yu'er laugh out loud with joy.

But when she opened the door, the smile froze on her face.

"Manager Shang! Manager Zhao!"

Two eunuchs arrived hand in hand, making Yu'er panic.

In the past, Manager Shang always came and took great care of them.

Manager Zhao was also very friendly in the Imperial Garden a few days ago and did not look down on them in Jingyang Palace.

Yu'er will be happy when either one of them comes to visit Jingyang Palace.

Just because the two of them came together, Yu'er couldn't help but have a lot of ideas.

"It can't be that something big happened."

Thinking about the snakes, insects, rats and ants she saw in the yard last night, Yu'er couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, she was older and had seen more secrets in the palace.

The appearance of these dirty things is always accompanied by some big events.

She hasn't left Jingyang Palace today, so the news hasn't reached Li Xuan yet.

Since the last incident, Yu'er has become extra cautious when going out.

In addition, there is no shortage of anything in Jingyang Palace now, and the purchasing eunuch comes to visit twice a month, so there is no reason to go out.

But then, Yu'er saw an even more terrifying scene.

I saw the current head of the House of Internal Affairs, the top eunuch of the Forbidden Palace, Zhao Feng, the head of Zhao.

He said to her with a kind face: "Miss Yu'er, how are you doing recently?"

"Has Jingyang Palace encountered any difficulties these days?"

"If you have any difficulties, tell the Ministry of Internal Affairs and we will definitely help you solve them."

"If there are no difficulties, you can also create difficulties."

Zhao Feng's attitude was so cordial that it could be said to be humble.

This made Yu'er wonder if this was a new method of intimidation that had recently become popular in the palace.

Yu'er was so frightened that she froze in place, not knowing how to react.

Thanks to "Autumn Nights Are Longer Than Sadness" and "Book Friends 20220511230211695" for their reward support.

Thank you to all book friends for your monthly support.

Squeeze it dry today and fight again tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone should enjoy the holiday!


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