Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 117: Skilled in Human Relations

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

In the end, Manager Shang couldn't stand it. He coughed dryly and said to Yu'er, "Don't be afraid. We are just here to ask for an audience with Her Highness the Princess. Could you please Miss Yu'er to pass the news on to us?"

Yu'er finally released the restraining technique and said with relief: "Two father-in-laws, please wait a moment. Yu'er will go and inform Her Royal Highness the Princess."

After saying that, she hid in Jingyang Palace as if she were on the run and went to report to Princess Ankang.

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang, who were cleaning up the chessboard inside, saw Yu'er running back at a faster speed and the panic look on her face. They couldn't help but wonder:


"Sister Yu'er, who is here?"

Yu'er took a deep breath before replying: "It's Mr. Shang and Mr. Zhao. They came together, and Mr. Zhao's attitude is weird."

Yu'er said as she glanced at Li Xuan and winked.

Only the two of them know what happened last night, and they haven't told Princess Ankang yet.

Li Xuan knew more information and just shook his head gently at Yu'er, telling her not to worry so much.

In his opinion, Jingyang Palace was at best affected this time.

Feng Zhaoyuan's pregnancy should be the main dish.

They tidied up, and when they were ready, they invited the two managers in.

When meeting Princess Ankang, Manager Shang followed the same etiquette as before.

But Manager Zhao was different when he came here for the first time.

"Old slave, please see Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"I wish Her Royal Highness the princess good health, all the best, good luck and peace, the spirit of dragon and horse, peace and good fortune, smooth sailing, two dragons soaring, and three suns blooming..."

Manager Shang awkwardly nudged his adopted son with his elbow, who stepped on the rhythm and was about to show off his words.

Zhao Feng's rhythm was interrupted, and he immediately looked solemn and paid homage.

"Old slave, I respectfully wish your Highness the Holy Annest!"

When Zhao Feng did this, the three little ones in Jingyang Palace panicked.

"What does this old boy want to do?"

The alarm bells in Li Xuan's mind were ringing, and he was extremely vigilant.

Princess Ankang also hurriedly said: "Why is Mr. Zhao so polite? Please get up quickly."

As she spoke, she winked at Yu'er repeatedly, and Yu'er quickly stepped forward to help her.

"General Manager Zhao took great care of us last time in the Royal Garden, and Ankang didn't even have time to thank him."

After saying that, Princess Ankang also returned the gift solemnly.

No matter what Zhao Feng's purpose is, since the other party has done enough etiquette, Princess Ankang will naturally reciprocate the favor.

Zhao Feng was helped up by Yu'er and thanked Yu'er, which made Yu'er feel very unreal.

Everyone in the palace said that these two stewards were scary big shots, but Yu'er felt that they were just two friendly old men.

In response to this, if the countless dead souls in the hands of the two stewards knew anything about it, they could only laugh and reply: "Little girl, do you want to come down and have a look before we talk?"

Li Xuan's expression was playful.

"To show your courtesy for nothing is to be either an adulterer or a thief!"

The only changes during this period were the snakes, insects, rats, and ants that suddenly appeared last night, and the turmoil in the palace this morning.

Although Zhao Feng had a good attitude towards them before, it was far from this level.

He was also embarrassed that the current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was so flexible.

To say that those who can climb to this position are definitely not ordinary people.

Princess Ankang was also smart and said directly: "Two managers are here together. I wonder what the big deal is?"

"Haha, this is it."

Zhao Feng hesitated and glanced at the courtyard of Jingyang Palace.

He had seen it when he came in just now. The yard was clean and there was no trace left at all.

Only some faint stench of blood still remained.

Yesterday, Li Xuan deliberately froze all the traces, but the smell was difficult to evaporate for a while.

After all, there are such a large number of snakes, insects, rats, and ants, and it is inevitable that a lot of smell will remain when cats and cats eat.

Yu'er also washed the yard in the morning, but she still couldn't hide it from people like Zhao Feng.

"Something happened in the palace today, so I came here to see if Her Royal Highness the Princess is okay?"

"Your Highness, did you have a good rest last night?"

Zhao Feng probed.

Princess Ankang showed a blank expression and did not answer hastily. Instead, she looked at Li Xuan first, and then at Yu'er.

Li Xuan sleeps beside her every night. If there is any movement, it will not be hidden from Li Xuan.

Therefore, Princess Ankang subconsciously looked at Li Xuan first.

As a result, Li Xuan nodded slightly to himself.

At this time, Yu'er also stepped forward in time, whispered a few words into Princess Ankang's ear, and briefly explained what happened last night.

Princess Ankang couldn't help being surprised when she heard it. She didn't expect that when she was sleeping soundly last night, so many uninvited guests came.

But Princess Ankang rolled her eyes and did not immediately answer Zhao Feng's question. Instead, she asked: "Manager Zhao, Ankang wants to ask, what happened in the palace?"

Manager Shang immediately lowered his head and suppressed his laughter, and Zhao Fengmian replied in a difficult tone: "There was an insect infestation in the palace, which disturbed many nobles, causing some people in the palace to panic."

He continued to pretend that he only knew now, and then said: "It seems that Jingyang Palace has also been affected. Her Highness the Princess has always been soft-skinned and weak, so she must have been quite frightened."

Zhao Feng asked expectantly.

Under such clear instructions, Princess Ankang was dumbfounded and asked, "Does Mr. Zhao want me to be frightened? Or is he not frightened?"

"Oh, Your Highness the Princess is really joking."

Zhao Feng's smile was not a smile at this time, his expression was extremely wonderful.

Li Xuan also saw the clues and cursed in his heart: "It turns out it's you, old guy."

It's not that Princess Ankang and Li Xuan have keen intuition, but that Zhao Feng deliberately didn't hide it and used an extremely clumsy attitude to hide his intentions.

This is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Will he be a clumsy person?

She was just too embarrassed to speak directly, so she apologized in a roundabout way and lowered her attitude, hoping to make Princess Ankang feel that she was in control of the situation.

Li Xuan could only vaguely guess Zhao Feng's intentions.

But he is able to make this kind of thing so comfortable, which is really an amazing method.

Even the thoughts that Li Xuan could guess were probably Zhao Feng's intentions.

It simply puts people into a certain situation.

"He is good at dealing with people and the world, and he has such insight into people's hearts."

"There are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this palace."

Now Li Xuan is something that the "thirty-year-old" me scoffs at, but the "one-year-old" me analyzes sentence by sentence.

He has been dealing with these people these days and has learned more about the world than he had in the previous thirty years combined.

Seeing that both sides were laughing, and the atmosphere was relaxed, Manager Shang interrupted at the right time: "Feng'er, don't go around in circles with Her Royal Highness, and kneel down immediately to apologize."

Manager Shang rarely addressed Zhao Feng like this in front of outsiders. Outside, he always gave the adopted son face, but now he said it like this for the first time.

Zhao Feng did not hesitate, and immediately knelt down, bowing his head to plead guilty.

"This old slave is guilty, please punish me severely, Princess!"

Zhao Feng's tone is spot on, with a mix of hatred for himself and shame and anger that he regrets, and his gently quivering cry is the finishing touch.

Just kneeling like this, the difference in level was immediately revealed.

The three little ones were stunned for a moment, thinking at the same time:

“So professional!”

Thanks to "Guai Tang" and "Mu Jie" for their reward support.

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It will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow, what should I do if I haven’t deposited it yet?

Waiting online, urgent!

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