"This way it will be foolproof."

Zhao Feng looked at the deployment of guards around Jingyang Palace with satisfaction.

Manager Zhao was satisfied, but the three little ones felt a little uncomfortable.

They were used to the deserted Jingyang Palace, but now it was suddenly so lively, which was really hard for them to adapt.

Especially for Li Xuan, it was even more uncomfortable.

Now the walls and roofs of Jingyang Palace are filled with eunuchs in colorful clothes standing one after another, and their every move is under the eyes of others.

This forced Li Xuan, who had many shady secrets, to start growing in obscene ways.

"I have to remind you when Yu'er is practicing later."

After all, he learned the Ten Tiger Forms secretly, and it would always be bad if these eunuchs in colorful clothes discovered him.

If it was reported to Zhao Feng, he would definitely come to find out what happened.

"Oh, forget it, just bear with it for a few days."

In the following time, Li Xuan took a lot of rest and played with Princess Ankang in Jingyang Palace every day.

Then late at night, I secretly practiced Bronze Head and Iron Arm in the house.

He has almost reached the perfect state of this skill, and it is estimated that it will only take a few days.

After Yu'er was reminded by Li Xuan, she extinguished the candles in the room before going to bed every day, and then practiced the Ten Tiger Forms in the room.

The imperial doctor comes to Jingyang Palace every day, but after entering the palace, he just drinks a cup of tea, chats for a while, tells Princess Ankang some health care methods, and then leaves.

Just when entering and exiting Jingyang Palace, these imperial doctors put their acting skills to full use and looked worried.

Starting from the second day, Li Xuan came back to his senses.

Looking at the scene in front of me, the feeling of déjà vu was too strong.

"I'm afraid Suliuyuan is also in the same situation, right?"

Looking at the almost indistinguishable scene in front of him, which was like an assembly line production, Li Xuan knew that he was still too naive.

He had some sympathy for Feng Zhaoyuan who suffered this disaster just after she was pregnant with her child.

But looking at Princess Ankang, who was leisurely sunbathing in the yard, she probably felt so relaxed now.

"That's right. Since the news was caused by Zhao Feng, there is really no need to risk Feng Zhaoyuan's life."

"There is a high probability that it is just an illusion."

Thinking of this, Li Xuan couldn't help but shake his head, feeling sad for the man behind it.

"I don't know what the final result will be."

As Jingyang Palace was blocked, Li Xuan could not get out.

These colorful eunuchs are indeed perverted, and they even have to guard the freedom of one of his cats.

Therefore, Li Xuan was cut off from all information from the outside world and stayed in Jingyang Palace for three whole days.

The fourth day.

Zhao Feng lifted the blockade of Jingyang Palace and evacuated all the colorful eunuchs.

"Your Highness, Princess, has been really busy these days."

Zhao Feng thanked him with a smile, obviously in a good mood.

"Mr. Zhao, you're welcome. I'm just staying in Jingyang Palace as usual, so it's best if I can help." Princess Ankang said with a smile.

"No matter what, this old slave owes His Highness a great favor. If you can use it in the future, please don't be polite."

Zhao Feng bowed to Princess Ankang, and then saw Li Xuan in his arms. He couldn't help but slowly stretched out two fingers and brought them to his nose.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you little guy."

Zhao Feng gritted his teeth when he said this.

"Your Highness the Princess's cat is called Xuan, right?"

Zhao Feng stretched out his hand to say hello, and Li Xuan naturally understood.

But Li Xuan still remembered the "kindness" of this guy throwing so many buffets into their yard.

While Zhao Feng was talking to Princess Ankang, Li Xuan smiled maliciously, then bit her in one bite.

As a result, the next moment, those two fingers were on Li Xuan's head and stroked it twice gently.

At this time, Princess Ankang nodded and answered Zhao Feng's question.

"Yes, it's A Xuan."

"Oh, Ah Xuan is really naughty."

Zhao Feng said with a joking smile, but his eyes flickered slightly when he looked at Li Xuan.

Princess Ankang was also shocked. She didn't expect that Li Xuan, who had always been very sensible, would suddenly bite someone.

"Axuan, you can't be so rude."

"To be a good cat, don't bite people casually."

Princess Ankang touched Li Xuan's chin, played with the soft flesh on both sides of his cheeks, and educated her seriously.

It's just that Li Xuan fell into a sluggish state at this time, like a wooden sculpture, with no reaction at all.

At that moment, he only saw Zhao Feng's two fingers turned into an afterimage, and he didn't even have time to react.

You know, Li Xuan is a cat now?

How terrifying is Zhao Feng's speed!

Zhao Feng couldn't help but smile proudly in his heart when he saw that he had easily frightened this smart black cat.

He retracted his finger, and then said goodbye to Princess Ankang: "Your Highness, I still have some matters to deal with today, so I will leave first."

"There is a sign here, please keep it, Your Highness. If some servants who are short-sighted are to act recklessly in the future, it shouldn't be a problem to take it out to scare them."

With that said, Zhao Feng presented a silver medal.

The silver medal is engraved with the words "Ministry of Internal Affairs" and a big "Zhao" on the back.

Princess Ankang collected the token and thanked Zhao Feng: "You're welcome Ankang, thank you Manager Zhao for your kindness."

Both parties are very satisfied with this cooperation.

Zhao Feng solved his urgent need, and Princess Ankang got a favor from Zhao Feng and this silver medal without much effort.

This is the chief manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

With this relationship in the future, at least those nobles who want to bully Jingyang Palace will have to think twice.

As for this silver medal, Zhao Feng is also particular about it.

I'm afraid that the bastards below are ignorant of life and death, or are being used by people with ulterior motives to cause trouble in Jingyang Palace.

These low-level palace maids and eunuchs appear to be smart, but in fact they are extremely stupid.

Because the level is too low, a lot of information is simply inaccessible, and coupled with the eagerness to climb up, it is easy to do stupid things that are difficult to understand.

In order to deal with these unnecessary troubles, Zhao Feng's silver medal can better deter those low-level palace maids and eunuchs.

As soon as Zhao Feng left and the colorful eunuchs withdrew, Li Xuan jumped out of Princess Ankang's arms and rushed out impatiently, like a wild horse running wild.

He had been holding back at home for three days, and he was really curious about what was happening outside.

Princess Ankang was really angry when she saw her cat running wildly as soon as the blockade was released at home.

"Axuan, why are you always running outside?"

"Can't you play with me for a little longer!"

"Is there a little female cat outside!?"

Li Xuan was halfway over the wall. After hearing these words, he immediately slipped his back foot and got his lower body stuck on the top of the wall. He fell head first and made a muffled "bang" sound on the other side of the wall.

Seeing that she had gotten into trouble, Princess Ankang shrank her neck in fright and quickly covered her mouth, but her beautiful eyes couldn't help but bend and turned into a pair of beautiful crescent moons.

And outside the gate of Jingyang Palace.

Zhao Feng used his thumb to fumble with the two fingers he had stretched out earlier, recalling the previous touch, and murmured something meaningless:

"This Ah Xuan from Jingyang Palace is a bit interesting."

Thanks to "Kong Qixing" for the reward support.

Thank you to all book friends for your monthly support.

On the first day of vacation, start by going to bed early and getting up early!

The secret to keeping healthy is tonight.

Good night everyone, okay~

o( ̄ε ̄*)

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