Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 120 Good fortune and misfortune come together

"You stinky girl, what are you talking about?"

Li Xuan rubbed his cat bell.

Fortunately, his copper head and iron arm are about to be completed now, otherwise, just like that just now, he would have become a male cat on the spot, discussing seniority with the two managers, and asking for a godfather or something.

"I'll deal with you when you come back."

Li Xuan spread his hind legs for two steps and recovered immediately.

"Hmph, who said it was useless to practice here before, but it will come in handy today."

“Accidents will always come, and you should always remember the principle of having too many skills and not being too overwhelmed.”

He hurried to the imperial garden and found that the cat bullies and the others had been waiting here for a long time.

In the past few days, they also tried to find Li Xuan, but were driven back by the eunuchs in colorful clothes.

There was no way to get close to Jingyang Palace, so they had to do their own thing and wait for Li Xuan to come find them.

As soon as Li Xuan appeared, the cat bullies surrounded him and meowed at him.

There isn't much useful information, except that the palace has been quiet these past few days.

At least there was nothing wrong with the Yanqu Palace and Suliu Garden that they were staring at.

This made Li Xuan feel a little surprised.

He thought that in the past three days, there would be earth-shaking changes and a bloody storm outside.

Is this the result?

After Li Xuan communicated with them in the Royal Garden for a while, he decided to go and see for himself.

He first went in the direction of Caiyun Palace.

Su Liuyuan there is the center of this incident, and Feng Zhaoyuan is a key figure in it. It is always right to go to her first.

All the way to Suliu Garden, Li Xuan found that the palace was much calmer.

Those random rumors were no longer discussed.

The eunuchs and maids were all doing their jobs conscientiously, without the joyful energy they had when the accident happened a few days ago.

Arriving at Su Liuyuan in Caiyun Palace, Li Xuan happened to bump into a group of eunuchs in colorful clothes evacuating from here.

His heart moved, and he quickly climbed up the wall of Su Liuyuan.

As expected, all the eunuchs in colorful clothes who were originally stationed here disappeared.

"The guards here are also withdrawing today. It seems that everything has been settled."

Li Xuan thought so and wanted to go in to explore, but he saw a visitor arriving in a hurry.

He took a closer look and saw that it was Wang Suyue.

Wang Suyue was followed by Deng Weixian and two palace ladies, among whom Liang Chuchu was not seen.

After the communication, Wang Suyue was received quickly, but all the attendants she brought were left outside, and only Wang Suyue was invited in.

"Hey, just in time."

Li Xuan was so happy that he touched the corner of the wall, found a remote window, and peeked in with half of the cat's head exposed.

There were only two people in the room, Feng Zhaoyuan and Wang Suyue.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Wang Suyue, who was originally full of worry, couldn't help being stunned when she saw Feng Zhaoyuan, and asked in surprise.

Although she was not a doctor, she had practiced martial arts for many years. When she saw that Feng Zhaoyuan was full of energy, she did not look like she was overly frightened.

There were rumors before that Feng Zhaoyuan had a miscarriage, but now it seems that they are all nonsense.

"My sister is worried."

Feng Zhaoyuan smiled tenderly.

Wang Suyue's worries before were not false at all, which made her, a sister, feel gratified.

How many people have become ruthless after entering the harem, and only have power and status in their eyes.

Not many can still maintain the sisterhood like they did in the past.

No matter how close we were before, in this harem, our emotions will always be dominated by interests.

"Sister, what on earth is going on?"

Seeing that Feng Zhaoyuan was fine, Wang Suyue felt relieved and couldn't help but become curious.

There had been a lot of trouble in the palace in the past few days, and even a few long worms had gotten into her courtyard. However, Deng Weixian took care of them immediately, so no big trouble occurred.

But her sisters were not so lucky.

They were still living in the front hall of Yanqu Hall, and there were no servants around to serve them, so when those snakes, insects, rats, and ants got into the room, they were so frightened that they screamed.

In the days before the snakes, insects, rats and ants were cleaned up, Yanqu Hall was a bustling place.

Especially Ke Lian was almost so frightened that she cried blindly.

If it wasn't against the rules, they would all want to stay in Wang Suyue's villa for a few days.

It's just that Wei Chengji, as the printing father-in-law, would definitely not agree to such a thing.

No matter how good their relationship is, there are some things that can only be enjoyed by those who have been favored.

Now that the matter has been settled, Feng Zhaoyuan did not hide anything from Wang Suyue and explained: "Sister, don't blame your sister for hiding the truth. It's really a matter of great importance."

"People with ulterior motives knew that I was pregnant, so they wanted to harm me."

"Fortunately, I learned about it one step ahead, so we had this situation."

"In this game, I am just a pawn, and I don't know everything."

It turns out that Feng Zhaoyuan recently discovered that a palace maid next to her had been bribed, so she wanted to get rid of the palace maid.

But just when she was about to take action, Zhao Feng came to her.

Feng Zhaoyuan had to pay attention to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Zhao Feng came to her and advised her not to take action yet, and asked her to stay still.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs personally came to persuade Feng Zhaoyuan, and Feng Zhaoyuan had to temporarily give up the plan to take action.

But there was a time bomb next to her, and Feng Zhaoyuan felt uneasy, so she wrote a letter home to hear her family's opinions.

As a result, the reply actually asked her to fully cooperate with Zhao Feng.

At this moment, Feng Zhaoyuan also immediately understood what agreement should be reached between the family and Zhao Feng.

After some time, Feng Zhaoyuan became pregnant, and the time was completely ripe.

That's why what happened next.

As for this process, Feng Zhaoyuan didn't have to do anything more. She just needed to stay at home and follow Zhao Feng's arrangements.

The palace maid who betrayed her was controlled on the first day.

Now that the matter has settled, this palace maid and the master behind her may not be able to escape the blame.

What's more, since this matter has made such a big fuss, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resolve.

For Feng Zhaoyuan, she could only vent her anger by killing an insignificant palace maid.

But now that not only have the hidden dangers around him been eliminated, but the people behind him have also been dealt a head-on blow, the joy in my heart is naturally indescribable.

"And my sister's side is just a flame, the real fire is burning in the court hall."

"I heard that Zhongshu Ling's position has been settled in the past few days, but I don't know who it is yet."

Wang Suyue was speechless for a long time after listening. She didn't expect that there was such a complicated hidden secret.

But as Feng Zhaoyuan told this story, she gradually understood that the harem dispute was a microcosm of the court dispute.

Even the two are entangled and influence each other.

After waiting for a while, Wang Suyue asked with some uncertainty: "Sister, then we won the game this time, right?"

"You can say that."

Feng Zhaoyuan nodded, and then asked: "Sister, do you still remember what I said to you that day?"

“Safety and danger come with each other, and misfortunes and blessings come with each other.”

Wang Suyue couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

The same sentence brought her a completely different perception at this time.

Thanks to "book friend 140426120520084" for the reward support.

Thank you to all book friends for your monthly support.

Today is the last day of the new book period, and it will be on the shelves in the early morning of November.

Nervous, anxious, stomachache...

Without saving the manuscript, I am weak and helpless(ing)

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