Knowing the time is valuable to know the present, being understanding is valuable to understanding the world.

Li Xuan and Wang Suyue both left Suliu Garden with heavy hearts.

It was the first time that they both understood the complexity of palace fighting, and they couldn't help but feel emotional.

Especially for Li Xuan, the court was even more mysterious to him, and he could only hear fragments of it among the vague rumors.

This is a place he cannot yet access.

But it was the center of interests of the entire Daxing Dynasty.

Even the fights between you and me in these harems are just a ripple in the whirlpool.

But as a cat in the harem, how could Li Xuan have access to the information in the court?

Curiosity was aroused, but there was nothing I could do.

This made him really itchy.

"It would be great if I could also go to court."

A joking idea came to Li Xuan's mind.

Then I thought of the impracticality and couldn't help but laugh at myself.

After leaving Suliu Garden, he reluctantly walked around Caiyun Palace a few times.

As a result, none of the concubines and ladies could be seen, as if they all hid in tacit agreement.

But Li Xuan accidentally bumped into a young prince practicing martial arts.

The little prince looked a few years younger than Ankang. He was kicking a wooden stake non-stop, his eyes were filled with tears, and his expression was full of grievances.

Next to him was a middle-aged eunuch with a serious expression who was supervising him. While the little prince was practicing, he kept looking at the eunuch's face.

"Hey, isn't this the guy who brought the rabbit last time?"

Li Xuan was somewhat impressed by this little prince.

In the last animal taming competition in the Royal Garden, the little prince brought a rabbit to participate, and the human was as lively as the rabbit.

The rabbit ran away, and the little prince happily chased after him. As a result, he bumped into the poor little guy with the tortoise on the stage several times.

Li Xuan remembered that he was frightened to tears by the roar of the white lion, and was then taken off the stage. Unexpectedly, he met him again here.

Looking at this courtyard, his mother and concubine should be quite favored, and it is considered a good place in Caiyun Palace.

Li Xuan put his hands in his hands curiously and leaned on the wall to look at it for a while. He couldn't help but be a little surprised.

At first I thought I was just practicing basic skills, but this is clearly a set of exercises to strengthen the body.

Especially when the little prince was taking a break from practicing, a message appeared in Li Xuan's mind at the right time.

[Powerful King Kong Legs: 0%]


Li Xuan showed no joy at all in secretly learning the new technique, and his face was filled with astonishment.

He went through the exercises in his mind and found that the "Powerful Vajra Legs" turned out to be the same level of body-strengthening exercises as the Bronze Head and Iron Arms.

In other words, the little prince in front of him actually has the same strength as a ninth-grade warrior like Li Xuan.

Li Xuan stood up suddenly and shouted in his heart: "Impossible!"

"This little Douding looks to be seven or eight years old at most. How can he be on the same level as me?"

But he could see the resting little prince receiving a leg massage from the middle-aged eunuch. Li Xuan was very familiar with that method of stimulating the recovery of Qi and blood.

"Am I pulling too hard, or is he pushing too hard?"

Li Xuan felt an earthquake in his pupils and began to doubt himself.

"I think that I, Li Xuan, have extraordinary talents and practice diligently every day. I am conceited that one day I will be able to destroy even the Great Dao..."

"But this little Doudin is so terrifying!"

The more Li Xuan thought about it, the angrier he became. Remembering this place and the appearance of the little prince, he snorted coldly and turned away.

"No more playing, go home and practice."

From that day on, the little black cat in the Imperial Garden who had a deep hatred for the black dragon statue returned.

Amidst the powerful "meow meow meow" sounds, the black dragon statue began a new round of destruction.

But with only three days of rest, it was obvious that the black dragon statue could not have enough breathing space.

Little bits of stone gradually jumped down from its body.

A few days later, another piece of news that shocked the harem spread.

Sun Guiren went crazy.

Originally, it was not a big deal for a nobleman to go crazy, but this matter attracted Empress Wu to personally intervene.

Empress Wu has been very low-key in recent years, but this time she made a rare move and became extremely powerful.

She thoroughly investigated the truth behind Sun Guiren's madness, and finally concluded that it was caused by Zhang Guifei's usual harshness and frequent beating and scolding of him.

Therefore, Empress Wu summoned the concubines in the harem and punished Concubine Zhang in front of everyone, as a warning to others.

This was not the end of it. I heard that in the end, Empress Wu actually forced Concubine Zhang to slap herself in public, which frightened all the concubines into trembling and realizing how domineering the master of the harem was.

In recent years, Empress Wu kept a low profile, so the other four concubines became very powerful.

Among them, Concubine Zhang is the most popular.

This incident made everyone understand that the imperial concubine was just a noble concubine after all and could not be compared with the queen.

The fact that Concubine Zhang was severely punished spread widely in the palace. After all, even cats like Li Xuan knew about it, not to mention the palace ladies and eunuchs.

After this incident, some of the concubines who were still grouped together under the Fourth Concubine gradually became more honest and did not dare to get too close.

Especially the concubines who had gathered around Concubine Zhang before were all frightened and did not dare to have any more contact with Concubine Zhang for fear of offending Empress Wu.

But after Empress Wu taught Concubine Zhang a lesson, she returned to Wuning Palace and began living in seclusion.

But now no one dares to underestimate Queen Wu anymore.

the other side.

There were still crisp snapping sounds coming from Qingshu Palace.

The fourth prince stood guard at the door, watching the frightened maids being brought in one by one, and then the maids whose faces were slapped and swollen and unconscious were brought out.

Especially the palace maid whose face was somewhat similar to that of Empress Wu was beaten even more miserably.

Being slapped to the point of disfigurement and losing a tooth are commonplace.

After seeing too much, the fourth prince had long forgotten his sympathy.

This time, his mother-in-law lost.

And he lost miserably.

What made his mother-in-law even more angry was that Empress Wu didn't even mean to take it personally, she was just doing business.

But even so, it was enough to make the mother and concubine suffer great shame and humiliation.

The Fourth Prince can understand this feeling.

He tried his best to strike, but he couldn't resist the opponent's casual attack.

That feeling of powerlessness will make you even uglier.

After a long time, the movement inside finally stopped.

The fourth prince was also called in.

"The child has met his mother and concubine."

The fourth prince stared at the toes of his shoes with no intention of raising his head.

Then the fourth prince heard the voice of his mother and concubine.

"That's all the others, even Jingyang Palace dares to climb on my head!"

Then there was the sound of a hard knock on the table.

The fourth prince promptly reminded: "Zhao Feng has been looking at Jingyang Palace recently. I am afraid it is not the right time to take action against them."

"It's not our fault, what can Zhao Feng do to us?"

The fourth prince heard the emotion in his mother's voice and stopped trying to persuade her. He nodded and prepared to leave.

At this time, Concubine Zhang suddenly said something to him again.

"Yier, don't let me down!"

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