Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 124 The treacherous villain (please order first!)

Yu'er opened the door and saw a group of strange eunuchs and maids outside.

The first one was a young eunuch in black clothes, who hammered on the door with an impatient expression. He didn't stop until Yu'er opened the door, and deliberately hammered hard twice more.

"Why are you wasting your time? It took so long to open the door!"

Regarding Yu'er's inquiry, the eunuch in Xuanyi seemed not to have heard anything, and scolded him vehemently.

She was used to opening the door to two amiable and polite old men, but when such a thing suddenly appeared, Yu'er couldn't help but frown.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is?"

Seeing that the person was not kind, Yu'er's tone became much colder.

Eunuch Xuanyi snorted disdainfully, and then said: "Where? Isn't it the Leng Palace? You even got it!"

"Is there something wrong with your brain, little girl, that you can't understand the situation?"

Eunuch Xuanyi stretched out his finger and pushed Yu'er's head unceremoniously with considerable force.

Yu'er quickly ran away, holding back her anger and trying to close the door.

These eunuchs and maids are deliberately looking for trouble, so there is no need to pay much attention to them.

But eunuch Xuanyi blocked the door and refused to let Yu'er close it.

"What's the rush?"

"Could it be that there is something shameful hidden in this Jingyang Palace!"

Eunuch Xuanyi said nonchalantly, his intention was very obvious, which was to anger Yu'er.

Yu'er was not stupid. She stared at Eunuch Xuanyi for a while, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "It seems that you like staying here. It shouldn't be a problem for you to enter Jingyang Palace." Disaster."

Eunuch Xuanyi clicked his tongue.

This is a cold palace, so naturally no one likes to come here to get bad luck.

But they all came with a mission, and naturally they would not retreat easily.

"Don't talk nonsense to me. Our master's cat has entered your yard. We want to go in and search."

Eunuch Xuanyi said as he was about to push Yu'er away, but Yu'er knocked his hand off with a backhand.

Yu'er is now practicing the Ten Tiger Forms, and her physical fitness has improved a lot.

There was a sudden snap, and the eunuch in black clothes didn't even have time to react.

"Find out your identity and think about whether you have the right to search Jingyang Palace."

"Don't let someone use you as a gun and end up losing your life."

The other party's obvious malice made Yu'er quickly understand that there must be someone behind them.

When Princess Ankang won the animal taming competition, Yu'er suspected that someone might be jealous.

However, something big happened in the palace later, and it was peaceful for a few days. Unexpectedly, these people would dare to come to the door at this time.

Empress Wu had just established her authority not long ago, and she didn't know who the noble person was behind them, so she dared to commit crimes against the odds.

"You little palace maid, you still dare to talk too much!"

Eunuch Xuanyi's eyes widened, and then he said something shocking.

"The cat my master keeps has a chain worth a thousand gold hanging around its neck. We cannot afford it if it is lost."

Then he paused and said in a sinister and threatening tone: "I don't think a little palace maid like you can afford it."

"So if you want to be safe, I advise you to get out of our way now."

"We'll go in and search and we'll leave if we find the cat."

"Don't make it difficult for us!"

No matter how much nonsense eunuch Xuanyi tried, Yu'er still refused to give in.

What do these people think of Jingyang Palace?

Who do you think Princess Ankang is?

"As long as I'm here today, let's see if you can cross this door!"

Yu'er stood up directly and slammed the door behind her.

She was afraid that the movement here would disturb her inside, and she was even more afraid that these bastard minions would bump into Princess Ankang.

Seeing that Yu'er dared to come out, Eunuch Xuanyi couldn't help but take a step back with his men.

But then a cruel smile appeared on his face, and a pair of triangular eyes stared at Yu'er coldly.

The person who ordered them to do things gave them several tasks, and they could complete any one of them.

And there happened to be one of them, which was to destroy the palace maid in front of me.

"There is a way to heaven but you don't take it. There is no way to hell but you choose to go there!"

If they forced their way into Jingyang Palace in the end, they would be able to complete the assigned tasks, but the risks they would take would be much greater.

But now this palace maid has taken the initiative to stand outside the gate of Jingyang Palace. Isn't she looking for death?

Eunuch Xuanyi winked impatiently, and the people he brought immediately surrounded Yu'er, directly cutting off her escape route.

Seeing their decisive actions, Yu'er couldn't help but frowned.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

At this time, Yu'er probably hadn't thought that they were actually coming for her.

Eunuch Xuanyi didn't hesitate and punched Yu'er's temple directly. The blow was fatal.

Although Yu'er has practiced the Ten Tiger Forms, she has never fought against anyone before, so she was a little panicked for a moment.

What's more, the Xuanyi eunuch's fists came quickly and urgently, so he obviously had some skills.

While Yu'er dodged, she stretched out her hand to block it, but still took a step slower when she saw it.



A gasp followed, and Eunuch Xuanyi took a few steps back while covering his fists.

Shocked and angry, he looked at the black figure that suddenly broke into the formation.


Yes, it was Li Xuan who rushed over after hearing the sound and blocked the fist in time.

He had seen Yu'er not coming back after being away for such a long time, so he came out to check.

As a result, I happened to see the scene of Eunuch Xuanyi punching.

Li Xuan immediately became furious and rushed out to block the punch.

This eunuch in black clothes has energy and blood surging in his body. If the punch just hit Yu'er's body, the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Xuan secretly scolded himself for being negligent.

The last few times it was Mr. Shang and Mr. Zhao who knocked on the door, so they relaxed their vigilance today.

The result was not as expected. It happened that I didn't follow Yu'er out to answer the door, and something happened.

"Axuan, be careful, these people come with bad intentions."

"They deliberately made trouble, saying that their master's cat sneaked into our Jingyang Palace."

"He also said that the cat had a chain worth thousands of gold around its neck, so he had to break in and search it."

"I didn't allow it, but they surrounded me and started to attack me!"

Yu'er also felt a little scared now.

The punch just now still left her with lingering fears.

She thought that after learning a few moves from Li Xuan for a few days, her appetite had increased and her strength had increased, so she thought that even the eunuchs and maids could not do anything to her.

Unexpectedly, some of them were capable of martial arts.

As a result, when he heard Yu'er's words, Li Xuan immediately exploded and let out a sharp and ear-piercing cry.

"Meow! (Let your meow dog fart!)"

Li Xuan immediately transformed into a black lightning and knocked down the eunuch and maid who blocked Yu'er's retreat with several bangs.

The eunuchs and maids fell straight to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Li Xuan took the time to lift up one of his hind legs and pointed to Yu'er in the direction of Jingyang Palace, asking her to step back first.

Yu'er knew that her cat was very capable, so they retreated to the gate while they were still stunned when they were surrounded by a gap.

But before Yu'er could open the door and go in, the eunuch in Xuanyi reacted and shouted: "Don't let her in."

Seeing someone else coming around, Yu'er didn't dare to act rashly. She pressed her back against the door and stood ready.

She had already suffered a loss just now, and she was afraid that these people would do evil again.

At this time, Eunuch Xuanyi turned his shocked eyes to Li Xuan.

"Exotic beasts?"

Li Xuan's previous action of easily knocking down several people was beyond what an ordinary cat could do.

And since when can cats deal with people so easily?

Li Xuan didn't have time to keep him shocked.

These bastards deserve death if they dare to come to Jingyang Palace to look for trouble.

What's even more irritating is that he dares to find such an irritating reason.

Li Xuan was a descendant of China during his lifetime, how could he stand such birdiness!

Eunuch Xuanyi knew that Li Xuan was difficult to deal with, so he directly used his full strength and stepped on him hard, fast and urgently.

Li Xuan dodged, avoiding the attack, and pounced on several others.

He could tell that except for the eunuch Xuanyi, no one else had any cultivation level.

Persimmon is picky and soft, and he will deal with them first.

Otherwise, they would be entrenched and could attack Yu'er at any time, which would distract Li Xuan.

He moved the copper-headed iron arms, quietly increasing the strength of his body and making the fur in those parts darker.

"Bang bang bang..."

With Li Xuan's current strength and speed, coupled with the extremely hard physical strength, it only takes one blow to deal with ordinary people.

He attacked the heads of these eunuchs and maids mercilessly. He didn't care whether he would kill them or not, he just hit them with all his strength.

In the blink of an eye, they all fell to the ground with bruised noses or swollen faces, making no sound.

A total of about ten people came, but the only one who was still standing was Eunuch Xuanyi himself.

During this period, eunuch Xuanyi tried to catch Li Xuan, but he couldn't even touch him.

Eunuch Xuanyi knew that he couldn't do anything, so he quickly shouted: "Come out and help, this cat is weird!"

Suddenly another group of people rushed over from a corner not far away, menacingly.

These people are also insidious, and they actually have an ambush in the dark.

The people lurking in the corner are all strong eunuchs.

Especially the one who rushed over first was a well-built eunuch with a shiny forehead and a face full of flesh. At first glance, he was not a good person.

When he came closer, he saw that there was only a little palace maid and a little black cat at the door. He couldn't help but cursed: "Trash, you can't even handle this, and you don't need to call us out."

The muscular eunuch with a sinewy face and also wearing black clothes said dissatisfiedly.

They had a more important mission hiding in the dark, but to their surprise, they were called out before they even entered the door.

But he complained, but his hands were not slow at all, and he reached out to catch Yu'er.

He also knew the goal of the mission very well. If Yu'er was eliminated, they would have the capital to go back and deliver the mission.

How could Li Xuan allow him to act recklessly? He just hit his head and used all the strength of his body to hit the opponent's hand from bottom to top.

Then there was just a click, and a heart-wrenching sound rang in everyone's ears.

The muscular eunuch covered his folded arm and screamed.

Li Xuan seized the opportunity to add a punch, but failed.

Eunuch Xuanyi pulled him in time and saved his life.

"I told you there was something weird about this cat!"

"This should be a dangerous and exotic beast."

"Be careful with this beast."

"Go all out and capture them first!"

After saying this, Eunuch Xuanyi let go of his hand and pounced on him first.

His figure was slimmer, his long legs danced flexibly, and he kicked one powerful kick after another without mercy.

The muscular eunuch slowed down and rushed forward with a ferocious look on his face.

They all wanted to get rid of Li Xuan first, but found that the cat was so slippery that it was impossible to catch his movements.

And he would also hit back with cold blows, making them grin and scream in pain.

I don’t know how this cat grew, but its whole body was so hard that even being swiped by that tail felt like a steel whip.

After a few rounds, the two Xuanyi eunuchs were beaten with bruises all over their bodies, and the others were even worse than them, being knocked down one after another.

While the cat was dealing with them, it was still able to protect the little palace maid behind it.

And this discovery also made the two of them feel moved. After looking at each other, they abandoned Li Xuan and ran towards Yu'er.

Seeing this scene, Yu'er was so frightened that she wanted to quickly open the door and hide in.

But these two Xuanyi eunuchs are both ninth-level warriors who can use the power of Qi and blood, and are far faster than Yu'er.

Yu'er just turned around, and before she even put her hand on the door, they all came to her.

Li Xuan came to the rescue again, but the two men actually used a false move and turned to attack Li Xuan.

The two sides exchanged fierce blows, and Li Xuan couldn't help but retreat and fell into a disadvantage.

These two eunuchs in Xuanyi were also cunning. They actually used Yu'er as bait and forced Li Xuan to confront them head-on.

After all, judging from their size, it is unlikely that Li Xuan will surpass them in strength.

Finding that this trick worked, these two insidious guys attacked Yu'er again, but their attention was all focused on Li Xuan.

If Li Xuan didn't stop him, they would beat Yu'er to death.

Li Xuan came to stop them, which played into their hands.

If they continue to fight hard, the two eunuchs in Xuanyi feel that they have a better chance of winning.

Thanks to "PAUL2" and "Little Stupid" for their reward support.

Thank you to all book friends for your monthly support.

The next update will be during the day tomorrow, so please go to bed early.

Good night~~~


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