Li Xuan sighed secretly, feeling a little helpless.

I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary cat, but what I got in exchange was being targeted.

Stop pretending!

I am Kung Fu Cat and I show my cards.

Li Xuan originally thought he could deal with these two people without resorting to any means, but they turned out to be unexpectedly difficult.

Although he relied on his own speed to kill the two Xuanyi eunuchs, the other party was not stupid and found a way to deal with them.

But they didn't know that their cleverness was mistaken for them, and it actually accelerated their defeat.

Although their confrontation took place between lightning and flint, it was enough for Li Xuan to find out the details of the other party.

The sharp nails on the four claws popped out quietly, and the cold breath in the body slowly moved along with it.

He didn't use his claws before to prevent his previous rescue of Yu'er in the alleyway from being exposed.

With the skills of the two internal affairs managers, as long as Li Xuan uses the same method again, he will be exposed immediately.

As for Breath of Ice, Li Xuan is still waiting to help Princess Ankang practice kung fu.

I didn't want to waste the cold breath on these two eunuchs in black clothes.

But now that the situation is urgent, I can't care about this anymore.

"Let's fight quickly."

Li Xuan's eyes turned cold and he rushed towards the two eunuchs in black clothes again.

Although the two eunuchs in black clothes were looking at Yu'er, their attention was entirely on the back.

Realizing that Li Xuan had taken the bait again, they both showed cruel smiles, gathered enough strength, turned around and punched the black figure rushing towards them.

But after they punched, they didn't feel the collision of power. Instead, they only felt their fists sinking slightly, and then they felt a bone-chilling coldness that froze their thoughts.

They saw the black cat stepping on their fists with its two hind legs, maintaining a standing posture, but its upper body was deeply bent, ready to go.

The little bits of cold light on its claws were frightening, but what made them even more frightened was that a smile even crueler than theirs appeared on the black cat's face.

The next moment, blood burst out!

Li Xuan charged forward, spinning his body and turning into a black wind, and the sharp claws tore their arms apart instantly.


Under severe pain, the two Xuanyi eunuchs were able to regain control of their bodies.

But at this time, apart from holding their bloody arms and screaming, it was too late for them to react in any other way.

Li Xuan rushed behind them in one fell swoop, maintaining a standing posture, and gracefully shook off his two bloody front paws. The blood dripped on the ground and turned into bright plum blossoms.

Yu'er still maintained the posture of raising her hands to protect her head. Seeing this scene through the gap in her arms, she couldn't help but be stunned.

She had never had a chance to escape before, for fear of being tricked by these people again.

She was almost beaten by the eunuch in black clothes at the beginning, and her heartbeat was still pounding.

Although Li Xuan later helped her deal with the people surrounding her, it was the turn of two eunuchs in black clothes to attack her again and again.

Yu'er knew that with the speed difference between them, she would be attacked by them when she turned around and opened the door.

Coupled with the ruthlessness of these people from the beginning, how dare Yu'er expose her back to them.

She is not stupid, and knows that she cannot drag Li Xuan down, but in the situation just now, Yu'er, who has no actual combat experience, can only protect her vitals, thinking that if they fight, she will do her best for Li Xuan. Delay time.

But now it seems that her cat always seems to shock her.

Especially the scene where Li Xuan turned around and opened the arms of the two people just now was deeply imprinted in Yu'er's heart.


Seeing that the girl was still in a daze, Li Xuan screamed in dissatisfaction.

Yu'er just woke up from a dream and put down her protective hand in front of her in a daze.

Then he saw Li Xuan motioning for him to go back quickly, pushed open the heavy door and ran in quickly.

"This girl, it seems that we can't just let her practice the Ten Tiger Forms stupidly. She needs to get more intense and play sparring or something."

Li Xuan shook his head and looked back at the two eunuchs in black clothes lying on the ground shivering.

Li Xuan had gone all out just now and left several deep wounds on their arms.

From the torn wound, you can clearly see the exposed white bones.

The flesh on their two arms is still hanging on them almost reluctantly.

If Li Xuan has stronger control in the future, it will not be difficult for them to be separated from each other.

A large amount of blood continued to pour out from the wound, and soon stained the ground beneath them red.

Li Xuan walked over slowly, making them move in fear.

"What on earth is this? How could there be such a dangerous beast in the palace!?"

Although the muscular eunuch is big, he is actually less courageous.

"Stop talking nonsense, we have no way out, we must survive in death!"

The skinny eunuch said harshly, but he still has no intention of giving up even now.

Li Xuan was immediately surprised.

"These two people actually work so hard for the master behind them?"


Li Xuan turned his claw blade towards them and thought.

But then he thought of something and retracted the claw blade.

"No, leave it to Zhao Feng."

"He's better at this than I am."

"And letting these two people die happily is too easy for them."

For the first time, Li Xuan hated someone so much that he just wanted to kill him quickly.

But thinking about their fate in the hands of Zhao Feng, he decided to wait a little longer.

At this time, Yu'er, who had gotten into Jingyang Palace, came back and opened the door a crack, revealing only half of her body and one arm.

"You guys, do you know what brand this is? If you are wise enough, hurry up and catch it!"

Yu'er hid behind the door with a stern voice and showed the silver medal that Zhao Feng had left for Princess Ankang.

This sign was at Princess Ankang's place before. Yu'er didn't expect such a thing to happen when she opened the door. She didn't have time to go back and find the sign and show it to them.

After Yu'er got into Jingyang Palace, she found Princess Ankang immediately, and then quickly brought this jade plaque without bothering to explain.

When she arrived at the door, she happened to hear the two eunuchs in black clothes still saying harsh words, so regardless of the danger, she showed half of her body and showed the sign in an attempt to scare them away.

But after the two eunuchs in black clothes saw the silver medal, they didn't show fear, but instead had hatred on their faces.

Li Xuan immediately sensed something was wrong and meowed to remind Yu'er to hide back quickly.

And the eunuch in Xuanyi struggled with his seriously injured body to get up and attack Li Xuan again.

"The people who were killed were Zhao Laogou's people!"

The muscular eunuch who had been weak before suddenly exploded, with two crippled arms, and smashed his head down at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan quickly got out of the way, and then heard a loud bang and stone chips flying everywhere.

The muscular eunuch smashed his head into the hard stone surface of the floor, creating a deep pit.

"Tietou Kung!"

The muscular eunuch roared angrily, with his bare eyes, he struck Li Xuan head-on, as if he was crazy, not caring about his bleeding arm.

The skinny eunuch on the other side did not dare to show weakness. He raised his legs and blocked Li Xuan's retreat. His momentum was even more shocking than before.

"Diamond Legs!"

These two people seemed to be in a state of rage, and began to fight desperately regardless of life or death.

"Damn it, Mr. Zhao, your brand is not easy to use!"

While Li Xuan was hiding, he quietly transported more icy breath.

As the saying goes, if you can't let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf.

Moreover, the state of these two Xuanyi eunuchs was a bit too scary.

But just when Li Xuan was about to solve them, he suddenly discovered a problem.

Although they are furious now, their minds don't seem to work.

Li Xuan took them running in circles, but they actually pursued him, looking like they would not stop fighting.

This is completely different from their cunningness just now.

"This, it seems that there is no need to waste the cold breath."

Li Xuan had a strange expression and started to drive around in circles with these two "blood-spreading cars".

"Meow? (Tietou Gong, right?)"

"Meow? (King Kong legs, right?)"

Li Xuan cursed and crushed their legs and forehead bones.

Without the blessing of the power of Qi and blood, their bones in these parts are only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

If the two eunuchs in Xuanyi were still conscious, they would have shouted aggrievedly:

"He is the Iron Head Kung Fu (Diamond Legs)!"

They had only been holding on for less than three minutes before they lost strength and fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss.

In addition, Li Xuan beat the drowned dog so hard that they fainted from the pain.

The two eunuchs in black clothes were pale at this time. They only maintained a weak breath and looked like they could die at any time.

At this time, Yu'er, who had gone to move reinforcements, came over with a few eunuchs in colorful clothes.

"It's right in front, come with me!"

After Eunuch Xuanyi lost strength and fell to the ground, Li Xuan sent Yu'er to the House of Internal Affairs to find Zhao Fenglai.

He stayed here to guard Jingyang Palace.

Although Yu'er did not find Zhao Feng in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she still brought several eunuchs in colorful clothes with the help of the token.

When Li Xuan saw someone coming to clean up the mess, he silently turned around and entered Jingyang Palace, but he was cursing secretly in his heart.

"Damn, there are no patrols nearby, so we are quite well prepared."

Li Xuan had noticed this before when he was "entertaining" the two eunuchs in Xuanyi.

Although their place is a cold palace, it is located in a remote corner.

But there are still Ouchi guards patrolling by every day. Although the density of patrols is much sparser than in other places, it is not as if no one is seen for nearly half an hour.

No matter who is behind the scenes, this is no longer a trivial matter, but a real move against Jingyang Palace.

"I still want to have Yu'er's idea."

"Just wait and see!"

Li Xuan clearly remembered that the two eunuchs in black clothes had killed Yu'er directly.

Not a single maid was spared, which shows how cruel the other party is.

He took note of this account and was bound to find out who was behind it and carry out thorough revenge.

When Liang Chuchu sent people to find trouble, he was not so angry.

Directly sending someone to harm Yu'er's life was absolutely unforgivable in Li Xuan's opinion.

at the same time.

The northwest corner of the harem.

"Your Highness, you must be more careful in the future. We still have responsibilities, so it is not convenient for us to stay any longer."

The fourth prince smiled slightly: "It's really troublesome for you."

"Why, Your Highness is so polite."

The guard commander bowed his hands and then led his team back to their posts.

After watching the group of Ouchi guards leave, the fourth prince looked at the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

He turned around and walked in the direction of Qingshu Palace, still humming the unknown song as if nothing had happened.

Soon after, Zhao Feng got the news and came over, looking at the few people who had been controlled and the blood stains remaining on the ground.

He then looked at the two unconscious Xuanyi eunuchs, and said expressionlessly: "Don't allow them to die."

The eunuch in colorful clothes beside him took the order and took the two people away.

Zhao Feng shook his head, then with a faint smile on his face, he walked towards Yu'er who was still in shock.

"Miss Yu'er, I'm really sorry this time."

Yu'er hurriedly said: "Where is Mr. Zhao? If it weren't for your help, I really don't know what to do now."

These words made Zhao Feng even more embarrassed.

"Miss Yu'er, how did they react when you took out my sign earlier?"


When Yu'er thought about this, she didn't know how to speak.

Zhao Feng smiled when he saw this.

"I have an old relationship with these two people, so I have implicated Miss Yu'er."

"I will investigate this matter thoroughly and give an explanation to Her Highness the Princess."

Zhao Feng said solemnly.

The silver medalist he gave out was slapped in the face like this for the first time, and Zhao Feng himself was about to explode with anger.

Yu'er immediately thanked him and said, "Then Yu'er will thank Mr. Zhao on behalf of His Highness."

Manager Zhao shook his head and said inexplicably: "Thank you A Xuan for me."

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