Before the eldest prince walked out, he couldn't help but glance at the prize placed in front of his mother-in-law.

It was a beautifully crafted Go chess set.

A chess board and two boxes of chess pieces.

The entire chessboard is made of a huge piece of white jade, with black lines crisscrossing the top.

The two boxes of chess pieces are also extremely extraordinary. Although they are made of the same jade material, they feel warm and soft to the touch and are extremely suitable for playing.

This Go piece is truly extraordinary.

But if you put it in the palace, it would be like that at most.

Not to mention, there is a huge possibility that there is another one that is exactly the same.

Without scarcity, the value of many things will be greatly reduced.

The same is true for Go, and the same is true for storage positions...

The eldest prince went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs hungry, but he did not find Zhao Feng.

The eldest prince was not surprised by such a result.

He was quite happy about this, so he casually summoned an attendant and sent him back to Qingshu Palace to deliver the message.

"Report to my mother, concubine, and tell me that I will wait for Manager Zhao here, and then please go back when you are here."

"Let my mother-in-law eat first and don't have to wait for me."

After the eldest prince sent back a young eunuch, he asked people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to simply arrange a lunch for him.

While he was waiting, he ate here.

To be honest, it wasn't that he couldn't understand the mood of his mother and concubine.

After all, compared with the rewards from the first competition, today’s rewards are too shabby.

I was a little disappointed, not to mention my mother and concubine who were full of expectations.

In response to this, the eldest prince sighed.

After the eldest prince had lunch at home, he began to wait patiently.

Anyone else would have been bored long ago, but the eldest prince was studying his palm prints with great interest, feeling much more comfortable than when he was in Qingshu Palace.

After a while, there was movement outside the door, and the eldest prince followed the sound and looked over.

I thought it was Zhao Feng who came back, but it turned out to be Mr. Shang.

But when he saw Mr. Shang, the eldest prince stood up and saluted first and said: "Mr. Mr. Shang, you are well."

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Manager Shang, who had just returned, was very surprised and asked while returning the gift.

"Nothing, I just want to ask Mr. Zhao about something."

Manager Shang nodded calmly, and then told the eldest prince: "General Manager Zhao is at the Ganlu Palace. No one can say when he will come back."

"Why don't Your Highness go back first? When they come back, I will give you a message."

The eldest prince smiled, but said: "I won't bother you, Mr. Boss. I simply have nothing to do today, so I'll just bother you at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a while."

Seeing that the eldest prince could not be persuaded, Chief Shang stopped forcing him.

"Okay, okay, then let me sit with His Highness for a while."

The eldest prince did not refuse this time.

Manager Shang first poured a cup of tea for the eldest prince, and then poured a cup for himself.

The two drank tea in silence for a while. Even though they didn't speak, there was no awkward atmosphere.

But in the end it was the eldest prince who had doubts in his heart who spoke first.

"Manager, did you hear about the backgammon match in the Royal Garden today?"

Manager Shang couldn't help but smile, as if he had imagined how someone as old as the eldest prince would still play backgammon seriously with his younger brothers and sisters.

The eldest prince was not stupid either. He quickly understood what Mr. Shang was laughing about, but he had no choice but to do anything.

"It seems that the old manager has heard about it."

"That's natural." Manager Shang responded with a smile, and continued: "Nowadays, the monthly imperial garden gathering is a hot topic in the palace."

"His Royal Highness won the first place today, and I haven't had time to congratulate you yet."

Manager Shang said and cupped his hands in congratulations.

"It's just tied for first place, but Ankang has won another game."

"Victory and defeat are common matters in military affairs, so your Highness doesn't need to take it too seriously." Manager Shang comforted him.


The eldest prince smiled and shook his head, then asked: "Then the old manager must also know the purpose of my coming to see Mr. Zhao, right?"

Manager Shang smiled and said nothing.

The eldest prince stopped talking and just stared at Manager Shang, waiting for his reaction.

After a long time, Manager Shang drank all the tea in the tea cup, and then he slowly said: "Your Highness, no matter what you want to ask Manager Zhao for."

"But for something as important as today, as servants, we are just following orders."

"If His Highness doesn't know anything about it, how can we, the current people, know about it?"

After Manager Shang finished speaking, he looked sincerely into the eldest prince's eyes.

After only looking at each other for a second, the eldest prince looked away.

Manager Shang has made it very clear that there is no need for him to stay here.

"It's getting late, so I won't bother the manager anymore."

After that, the eldest prince left without looking back, and his attendants quickly followed.

After leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the eldest prince did not go in the direction of Qingshu Palace, but in the opposite direction, not knowing where he was going.

same moment.

The three little ones in Jingyang Palace have just finished their meal.

After eating, there should always be some after-dinner activities.

In addition, Li Xuan and Yu'er had been watching for a long time in the morning, and they were already greedy for chess. They couldn't wait to take out the prizes they got today, and planned to play a few games.

Princess Ankang had enough bets during today's game and directly acted as a referee for them.

Not to mention, high-end products just feel different when played.

This Go chess piece not only looks gorgeous, but also feels great to use. It is much better than their original Go chess set that was covered in pulp and was touched.

And I don’t know what kind of jade material this chess piece is made of. It feels very warm to the touch.

Princess Ankang likes to hold a handful in her hand and even stick it on her face.

Li Xuan and Yu'er had been itching to watch others play chess all morning.

Taking advantage of the warm spring weather today, it's a good time to play backgammon in the yard.

Li Xuan and Yu'er fought fiercely for several rounds, each winning or losing.

After not playing for a few days, Li Xuan felt that Yu'er's chess skills seemed to have improved a bit.

He could easily abuse her before, but now he will be overturned if he is not careful.

"It seems like this little girl has been practicing hard in secret!"

Playing chess is a pleasure, and watching chess is another pleasure.

In the morning, although Princess Ankang played several games of chess, there were even several games that were extremely difficult to play.

But at this time, it was very interesting to see Li Xuan and Yu'er fighting inextricably.

Especially the level of one person and one cat is the most interesting time.

Princess Ankang sometimes had to cover her mouth while watching, for fear that she would laugh and affect the two contestants.

And just when they were having fun, there was a knock on the door suddenly, followed by a message from the eunuch in colorful clothes.

"His Royal Highness the eldest prince asks for an audience."

The laughter of the three little ones suddenly stopped and they looked at each other blankly.

"Why is the eldest prince here?"

They had this question at the same time.

Li Xuan thought further: "Is it because we are not convinced after a tie?"

But no matter what, when the eldest prince came to visit, it was not good to just leave him alone.

Yu'er walked to the door and brought the person in.

His attendants were all left outside.

The Cold Palace is not a place you can just come to if you want to.

Even if the eunuch in colorful clothes at the door betrayed the eldest prince, they still had to report this matter.

In the past, when there were no gatekeepers, people could do whatever they wanted, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had no control over it.

But now that there are two eunuchs in colorful clothes guarding the door, the nature is completely different.

The eldest prince didn't think it was anything.

Today, I suddenly got interested and planned to visit Jingyang Palace.

After he was brought in by Yu'er, he immediately saw the chessboard on the table.

Looking at it, they had already started the game with the prizes.

As for his chessboard, he hasn't touched it yet.

After Concubine Zhang saw what was covered under the red cloth, she checked it inside and out many times and found nothing special, so she became furious.

Naturally, the eldest prince had no chance to touch the prize that belonged to him.

I still don’t know what this thing feels like.

Just when the eldest prince was staring at the chessboard on the table in a daze, Princess Ankang's voice sounded first:

"Ankang has met the emperor brother."

The eldest prince just woke up from a dream, and a standard smile appeared on his face automatically, and he replied: "It's the emperor's brother who suddenly came to visit and disturbed the thirteenth sister's happiness. Don't be surprised."

"It's nothing, we are just playing backgammon." Princess Ankang explained with a smile: "Brother, please sit down and chat."

The eldest prince was invited by Yu'er to sit on the stone chair next to Princess Ankang.

The stone chairs were warmed by the sun and were very comfortable.

The eldest prince was first attracted by the Go game.

But it looks exactly the same as my own, without any difference.

He then noticed the pieces on the chessboard and couldn't help but smile.

The eldest prince thought to himself: "The Thirteenth Sister is quite interesting. She actually lowered her level and played with her maid."

There were only Princess Ankang and Yu'er in the whole yard. The eldest prince naturally thought that Princess Ankang and Yu'er were playing chess before.

He never thought that the other chess player was actually the little black cat in Princess Ankang's arms.

"Brother Emperor, what's the matter with you today?"

After the eldest prince sat down, Princess Ankang asked cautiously.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do.

What's more, their Jingyang Palace is a cold palace.

Speaking of which, the eldest prince should be the first one among Princess Ankang's brothers and sisters to come here.

"Brother Imperial passed by this place by chance and came in to say congratulations and to see where Thirteenth Sister lives."

"Speaking of which, my royal brother is also incompetent. He has never been here in all these years."

The eldest prince spoke and glanced at Jingyang Palace.

But even he couldn't hold back any compliments.

Compared with Qingshu Palace, Jingyang Palace is simply a refugee camp.

Many buildings have a shabby gray look.

Although it looks neat and clean, it still gives people this feeling.

And apart from being clean, I really can't fault anything else.

Compared with other palaces in the palace, this place is as simple as an ordinary house.

Even the courtyard where the servants live in Qingshu Palace is probably more exquisite than here.

Therefore, the compliments that the eldest prince always used would become strange if he said them.

So he held it in for a long time and only spat out four words intermittently.

“Neat and clean.”

Princess Ankang saw the eldest prince's dilemma, she pursed her lips slightly, suppressed her smile, and said sternly: "Brother, you are interested."

The eldest prince himself actually felt very embarrassed hearing these words.

I haven't come to visit before, but today I came because I got the first place. The purpose is too obvious.

And seeing how hard Princess Ankang was holding back her laughter, the eldest prince couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

"Ankang, I won't hide it from you either."

"I came to see if your prize is the same as mine."

After revealing the truth, the eldest prince felt instantly relieved.

Princess Ankang couldn't hold it in any longer and smiled.

Then she pushed the chessboard and chess pot, and said to the eldest prince: "Brother, just watch."

The eldest prince was stunned, he didn't expect Princess Ankang to be so easy to talk to.

After all, he came to check Princess Ankang's gifts, but he didn't bring his own.

In the eyes of the eldest prince, this is extremely unfair and even considered some kind of oppression.

But Princess Ankang smiled and pushed her prize to herself.

At this moment, the eldest prince sincerely doubted what he had learned over the years.

"Then, brother Huang, you're welcome."

The eldest prince saw Princess Ankang nodding to him, slowly stretched out her hand to touch the chessboard, and then carefully played with the chess pieces in the chess jar.

After a while, seeing that he was still playing carefully, Princess Ankang couldn't help but ask: "How is it, brother Huang?"

"But what's the difference?"

The eldest prince's movements suddenly stopped, his eyes dimmed a bit, and he was silent for a moment before replying:

"I have no idea."

The eldest prince has never touched his prize, so there is no way to compare.

Princess Ankang suddenly felt sad for no reason.

Although she didn't know what happened to the eldest prince, she felt inexplicably sad when she heard the words "I don't know."

Not only Princess Ankang, Li Xuan and Yu'er also have the same feeling.

It was the first time that they felt such violent mood swings in the eldest prince who was usually as expressionless as a wooden figure.

The eldest prince let go of the chess pieces in his hand and let them fall into his own chess jar.

He turned around again and looked around Jingyang Palace, only to find that the layer of gray he saw at the beginning had disappeared without realizing it.

It was replaced by a warm soft orange light, as if these simple buildings were covered with sunlight.

And in the entire Jingyang Palace, the most shining thing was the two people and the cat in front of him.

"What's this?"

The eldest prince didn't understand.

Why does the dilapidated Jingyang Palace have a light that has never shined even in the gorgeous Qingshu Palace?

"Brother Imperial, Brother Imperial..."

"What's wrong with you?"

When the eldest prince came to his senses, Princess Ankang was shaking her white and tender hands in front of his eyes.

The eldest prince suddenly stood up from the stone chair with a panic, and kept backing away, as if he was avoiding something terrible.

"Brother Emperor, are you okay?"

Princess Ankang asked with concern.

Yu'er hurriedly took two steps forward. She saw that the eldest prince seemed to be in a trance. She was afraid that he would do something to harm Princess Ankang, so she approached the eldest prince in advance to prepare.

Li Xuan also looked at the eldest prince strangely, wondering what was wrong with him.

The eldest prince understood that he had lost his composure, so he quickly smiled and prepared to leave.

"I'm fine, Thirteenth Sister. I'll leave now if I have anything else to do."

The eldest prince bowed his hands and was about to leave.

But at this time, Princess Ankang pointed at him timidly and said:

"But Brother Huang..."

"You're in tears."

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

I’ll add more today and continue tomorrow.

Make a note: Add an updated chapter (9/7)

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