The eldest prince touched his face blankly, and sure enough he felt a trace of warmth.

He was stunned in disbelief.

"I actually cried?"

The eldest prince could not remember the last time he cried, let alone in front of others.

He wiped the tears from his face with his palms, and then held them firmly in his palms.

"It's just an old problem that makes Thirteenth Sister worried."

"I think it was because I was playing chess today that I overused my eyesight."

"It's nothing serious."

The eldest prince explained casually.

These excuses were so lame that even he himself couldn't bear to listen to them.

"Brother Huang has something else to do, so I won't bother you further."


With that said, the eldest prince hurriedly walked out of Jingyang Palace without waiting for Yu'er to see him off, leaving the three little ones looking at each other inexplicably.

Li Xuan shook his head and said to himself: "This eldest prince is also a weirdo."

"Speaking of which, how come there aren't many normal children among Emperor Yongyuan's children?"

After leaving Jingyang Palace, the eldest prince walked back to Qingshu Palace with some despair.

The mother-in-law has calmed down, at least she no longer breaks things.

He walked in and bowed to his mother and concubine. Concubine Zhang immediately asked coldly: "Where is the person?"

The person naturally refers to Zhao Feng.

If there can't be an explanation for today's prize, Concubine Zhang is going to ask His Majesty why he favors one over the other.

How can the things given to Princess Ankang last time be compared with this broken chessboard today.

No matter how she thought about it, Concubine Zhang felt that the eldest prince was being targeted.

"The child is incompetent and has not found Manager Zhao."

The moment he returned to Qingshu Palace, the eldest prince's eyes returned to their usual dull look.

But before Concubine Zhang could continue to lose her temper, the eldest prince continued: "But the child met the old manager in the House of Internal Affairs."

"The old manager said that all this is His Majesty's intention, and there is no point in us making things difficult for Manager Zhao."

Hearing this, Concubine Zhang became even more angry.

"How can you easily believe what those two geldings say!?"

The eldest prince raised his head and said a rare word of resistance.

"Concubine, please speak with caution."

"The two stewards are, after all, my father's confidants."

"It will do us no good to be at odds with them."


A crisp sound was heard, and as soon as the eldest prince finished speaking, Concubine Zhang gave him a hard slap.

"Xian'er, how could you say such a thing!"

"Have you forgotten how your aunt died?"

Concubine Zhang asked through gritted teeth, staring at the eldest prince with terrifying eyes.

The eldest prince kept his face tilted slightly, but even the pain was a little numb.

Concubine Zhang stepped forward, grabbed the eldest prince's shirt tightly, and said sternly:

"Xian'er, you can't forget this grudge."

"You have to remember that our Zhang family and those two castrated dogs are at odds with each other!"

Concubine Zhang's voice was like coming from the underworld under the Nine Netherworld, full of deep-seated resentment.

"Kid, I understand."

At this moment, the eldest prince actually envied Princess Ankang, who lived in the cold palace.

He understood that he was no longer normal.

Jingyang Palace.

After seeing off the eldest prince, the three little ones were still playing around the chessboard, but the topic had quietly changed.

"Brother, is he okay?"

Princess Ankang said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Your Highness."

"The eldest prince has so many personal attendants around him, and they won't let anything happen to him."

Seeing that Princess Ankang was worried, Yu'er couldn't help but comfort her.

"I hope so."

Princess Ankang nodded.

Yu'er couldn't help but sigh, what kind of arrogance did her young master have? He was obviously the one living in the cold palace, yet he still worried about the eldest prince.

"Your Highness, this chess piece is warm for some reason."

"Would you like me to put it on your bed at night, or tuck it into your pillow and quilt, so that you can be more comfortable when you sleep at night?"

Yu'er changed the topic and suggested holding the chess piece in her hand.

Princess Ankang has always been afraid of the cold, so this is a good idea.

"Then give it a try tonight, and don't forget to leave some for Xuan then. I think he likes it too."

Princess Ankang smiled and pointed at Li Xuan, who was lying motionless on the chessboard.

After the eldest prince left, they stopped playing chess.

Although it was very interesting to play against the stinky chess basket, they soon figured out each other's routines, and the game became more and more anxious. It was really tiring.

But these chess pieces are so comfortable to lie on.

After Li Xuan became a cat, he especially liked warm places.

Now lying on the chessboard, the temperature is just right, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

He wanted to get more of these chess pieces and build himself a little nest to sleep in.

Li Xuan just tried to get into the chess jar containing the chess pieces, but after only putting in the head, he could no longer put in other parts.

When the head was pulled out, it was still stuck in the chess jar. Princess Ankang and Yu'er spent a lot of effort to get it out.

But even though it was only for a moment, it was so satisfying when I stuffed my head into a chess jar full of warm chess pieces.

"No, we have to find a way to get more chess pieces like this."

"It would be best to use this jade material to build a bed for Ankang."

Li Xuan made up his mind to ask Zhao Fengde what it was next time he saw him.

Yu'er touched Li Xuan, who was lying on the chessboard and not in a proper position, and said helplessly: "No need to prepare anything for Ah Xuan, he sleeps with His Highness every night anyway, just get into the bed with him."

"But Ah Xuan doesn't seem to like getting into the bed, he just likes to hold my head to sleep at night." Princess Ankang tilted her head, puzzled.

Li Xuan was speechless immediately.

"Will you crush me to death if I get into the bed?"

In the past, Princess Ankang liked to hold Li Xuan to sleep, but he always had backaches.

At that time, he hadn't practiced martial arts, and his body was far less strong than it is now, so he slept so well.

Now Li Xuan's body is stronger, and he is not afraid of being crushed by Princess Ankang, but because he is afraid of hurting the little girl when sleeping, he still keeps the habit of sleeping with his head held.

It happened that the sun was shining brightly today, and the three little ones chatted and joked in the yard, spending a comfortable time.

While listening to the endless topics of the two girls, Li Xuan rubbed the chess pieces on the chessboard with his body.

He suddenly had an idea, and while Princess Ankang and Yu'er were not paying attention, he quietly rolled a chess piece with his tongue and stuffed it into his mouth.


"It actually tastes sweet?"

"I'll lick it!"

Li Xuan was just curious, but he didn't expect that there was a faint sweetness on the chess piece, and the more he licked it, the sweeter it became.

Coupled with the warm taste, it gave the cat an extremely special experience.

"Slightly, slightly, slightly, slightly..."

Li Xuan danced his pink little tongue to his heart's content, playing with the chess piece in his mouth, feeling the special taste.

"Is there such a way to use it?"

"The prize prepared by the emperor is really too thoughtful!"

Li Xuan played for a while, and felt that one chess piece was not enough, so he secretly swallowed a few more, and had more fun.

After licking for a while, he suddenly found that the taste was a little wrong.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

He stopped his fast dancing pink little tongue and began to slowly lick each chess piece in his mouth.

"There is a taste that is wrong."

Li Xuan quickly found the problem.

He stood up from the chessboard, his mouth moving constantly.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er, who were chatting, saw their cat's strange movements and couldn't help but come over.

"Ah Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

But at this moment, Li Xuan spit out a white chess piece.

He found the chess piece that tasted wrong.

"Oh, Ah Xuan, chess pieces can't be eaten. What if I swallow them by accident!"

Yu'er saw Li Xuan spit out chess pieces and couldn't help but say worriedly.

Her cat was usually very smart, but she didn't expect it to be so stupid.

But then, she saw Li Xuan spit out a series of chess pieces again.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er couldn't help but widen their eyes. They didn't expect Li Xuan to secretly hold so many chess pieces in his mouth.

"Oh, why are you so naughty? Let me see if there are any more." Princess Ankang said as she was about to pry open Li Xuan's mouth.

Li Xuan quickly shrank back, and his heart moved.

"Found it!"

He first stretched out a cat's paw to stop Princess Ankang's movements.

Then he carefully spit out a white chess piece from his mouth and caught it with his other front paw.

Then Li Xuan continued to check the remaining chess pieces in his mouth, and after finding that there was no problem, he spit them all out.

"Ah Xuan, this is for playing chess, not for you to eat. Don't put anything in your mouth next time."

Yu'er advised earnestly.

Li Xuan didn't listen seriously, nodded randomly, and then rubbed the chess piece on his cat's paw on Yu'er's clothes and wiped his saliva.

"What are you doing, ouch~"

Yu'er tried to stop Li Xuan with disgust, but it was too late.

Yu'er was so angry that she wanted to settle accounts with Li Xuan, but was stopped by Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang saw that Li Xuan seemed to be a little bit wrong, as if it was not just because of mischief.

This is indeed the case.

When Li Xuan licked the chess pieces just now, he unexpectedly found that one of the chess pieces tasted a little wrong.

Unlike the other chess pieces, which have a smooth and mellow taste, this chess piece has a rough texture, although it is not bad.

There are tiny barbs on his tongue, so the touch of his tongue is very sensitive.

After checking, Li Xuan found the chess piece with a strange taste.

He put the chess piece in front of his eyes and looked it up and down carefully.

As a result, he really found something wrong.

There is a very small black dot at the bottom of the white chess piece.

Li Xuan quickly compared it with other chess pieces and found that the other chess pieces are actually the same.

There is a black dot under the white piece and a white dot under the black piece.

It's just that this dot is very small, like a flaw on a jade, and it is not noticeable.

"Ah Xuan, is there something wrong with this chess piece?"

Princess Ankang asked when she saw Li Xuan concentrating on studying the chess piece in his hand.

Li Xuan quickly nodded at Princess Ankang.

He stretched out the cat's paw holding the chess piece and showed it to the two of them.

Yu'er then exclaimed: "Hey, there's a small black dot under this chess piece." Princess Ankang didn't take it seriously, and then asked Li Xuan: "I remember that there is such a small dot under each chess piece. Is this one different?" The position of the small dot under the chess piece is not fixed. Some are in the middle, and some are offset.

Princess Ankang thought that there were impurities in the jade, and the craftsmen deliberately decorated it in this way.

She picked up the chess piece in Li Xuan's paws and looked over it several times, but in the end she just shook her head.

Yu'er also took it and took a look. She didn't find anything unusual.

Li Xuan continued to study without believing in evil, and licked it a few more times with his tongue, and licked Yu'er's hand by the way.

Although Yu'er felt itchy in her palms, she felt that Li Xuan should not be disturbed when she saw Li Xuan's serious look.

He was certain that the rough texture came from the black spots on the white pieces.

“Aren’t there polished bumps?”

"It doesn't feel right."

Li Xuan almost put his eyes on the black dot, but he couldn't see clearly what it was.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and ran to the edge of the water tank in the yard, then put his paw in and got some water.

Li Xuan ran back with his wet paws in the posture of a three-legged cat.

He held Yu'er's hand, and then carefully dripped the water from his paw onto the black spots on the chess pieces.

A drop of water the size of a soybean fell on the chess piece, and then quickly passed by the tiny black dot.

Li Xuan, who was staring at the water droplets, suddenly opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

"This is!?"

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