The room was pitch black.

But fortunately, Li Xuan was a cat.

With his excellent night vision, he could quickly see the layout of the room.

The layout of the room was one living room and two rooms.

The place where Li Xuan climbed through the window was the study room, one of the two rooms.

The living room in the middle was the bedroom on the other side.

"Let's check if we have found the wrong place first."

Li Xuan walked out of the study quietly and touched the bedroom.

As soon as he came in, he smelled the smell of the eldest prince during the day, and knew that he had not found the wrong place.

But he still climbed to the window and saw the eldest prince who was sleeping.

Even though the eldest prince was asleep, he frowned, and his eyeballs under his eyelids kept moving.

"It seems that it was not a good dream."

Li Xuan shook his head and began to search in the eldest prince's bedroom.

The furnishings in the eldest prince's room were relatively simple. In addition to the bed and wardrobe, the most conspicuous thing was a bookshelf that took up a lot of space.

Although the study was just opposite, there were also many books stored here.

Just by looking at the title, you can tell that it is all obscure and difficult to understand, which makes Li Xuan dizzy.

He quickly moved his eyes away from the book and concentrated on finding the Go.

But after a round in the eldest prince's bedroom, he did not see any trace.

Li Xuan knew that it might not be here, so he turned around and went to the study next to it to look for it.

In the end, he still found nothing.

"Where is it hidden?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Is it treated as a treasure?"

He felt that he accidentally discovered the secret of the chess piece because he put it in his mouth.

The eldest prince should not have such a quirk, and it is unlikely that he has discovered the secret of the chess piece now.

"But the problem is, where did he hide the prize he won instead of putting it in his own room?"

Li Xuan searched the eldest prince's room several times inside and out, not to mention the chess pieces, he couldn't even find the shadow of the chessboard.

"Damn it, today's scouting operation failed!"

Li Xuan saw that he really couldn't find the Go set, so he could only leave unwillingly.

He planned to come back tomorrow during the day, and after finding the chessboard, he would find an opportunity to do it.

I thought he could find the chessboard easily, but he didn't expect that the eldest prince actually had something and hid the chessboard so well.

But Li Xuan believed that they finally won the prize of a competition, and they would definitely not keep it hidden.

"At least they will take it out to show off."

Li Xuan left through the window that he climbed in, ready to wait for a better opportunity.


The next day.

As soon as Li Xuan got up, he studied the two jars of chess pieces at home.

He opened his mouth as wide as possible and gestured at the chess jar, but found that he couldn't hold it at all.

"It's so thick, it's really too difficult for my little cat."

Li Xuan shook his head and quickly gave up the option of holding it.

He remembered today that even if he found the chess jar of the eldest prince, how to bring the chess pieces back was still a problem.

If he brought it back in batches, it would not only be troublesome, but also require several trips back and forth.

Li Xuan's mouth can only hold a dozen chess pieces at most.

More than 300 chess pieces, how many trips would he have to go back and forth?

And the risk of exposure is too great.

The other party didn't react at first, but was reminded because of stealing the chess piece. That was a crying shame.

In Li Xuan's opinion, it's best to do this silently.

And the important thing is to collect all the words on the chess pieces.

Li Xuan guessed that those words were the real rewards for this month's Imperial Garden Competition.

It's just that because two people won, the reward was divided into two.

And Li Xuan thought with his toes, he felt that Emperor Yongyuan deliberately wanted to satisfy his own bad taste.

He set the project to Gobang. As long as the strength of the two people is not much different, the probability of a tie in the end is very high.

And Gobang is not Go. The winning condition is five stars in a row, and there is no rule such as handicap.

In other words, Emperor Yongyuan deliberately created a situation where there is a high possibility of a tie in the final and two top places.

Then he deliberately divided the real reward into two parts and started a real secret competition.

See who can discover the secret in the chess piece first, and then collect the other half of the words in the other party's hand to make up the reward this time.

To be honest, this is a bit like choosing a crown prince.

From this, it can be seen that Emperor Yongyuan did not treat the monthly imperial garden competition as a joke.

But the more so, the more Li Xuan felt that the reward made up of these words must be extraordinary.

Therefore, he wanted to get this reward for Princess Ankang, preferably without alerting the other party.

But how to steal the chess pieces silently has become a big problem.

Li Xuan took two steps forward, stood up, and easily picked up one of the chess pots with his two front paws.

He was not short of strength, even the weight of the two chess pots combined would not be difficult for him.

But in this way, he could only run on his two hind legs.

This not only did not run fast, but also looked funny.

And just as Li Xuan was trying, Princess Ankang walked in with a laziness.

She had just finished breakfast and strolled around the yard again. Because she couldn't see Li Xuan, she found the house.

As a result, she saw Li Xuan "wrestling" with the chess pot, and couldn't help but smile mischievously.

She had no idea what Li Xuan was preparing for.

Princess Ankang sneaked outside again while Li Xuan was not paying attention, and when she came back, she had a small vegetable basket in her hand.

"Oh, it's not good to keep the chess jars lying around like this. It's better to put them away properly."

Princess Ankang walked to Li Xuan while talking to herself, then picked up the two chess jars and put them in the vegetable basket.

Not to mention, the size is just right.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up and he tried to pick up the vegetable basket. He found that it was much easier than before when he picked up the food box.

"That's not bad."

He thought so and looked up, only to find that Princess Ankang was staring at him with bright eyes, with an expression on her face like "Is it easy to use? Is it easy to use?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but glanced at her speechlessly.

"Kid, do you know that inciting a cute kitten to steal is a serious crime?"

As a result, Princess Ankang didn't notice Li Xuan's question at all. She stepped forward and gestured with the size of the food basket, and muttered to herself: "Is it too big? It's a bit inconvenient."

After that, she went out to get some string and came back. She tied it on the chess jar for a while, and then helped Li Xuan twice. She actually made a simple knot and put it on Li Xuan. .

The knot was fixed on Li Xuan's body. On both sides of his body were two chess jars that were also fixed. Because they were close to his body, the impact on his body was reduced.

The knot that holds the chess jar in place is free on top and can be easily removed and put back in.

And as long as you are careful when moving, the chess jar will not fall out, which is very convenient.

Li Xuan looked at the knot on his body and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He knew that Princess Ankang liked to play the game of tumbling rope by herself when she was bored.

Although there were no flower ropes in the Jingyang Palace before, there were only a few thin ropes tied with unknown objects for her to play with.

But Li Xuan didn't expect that Princess Ankang would be so ingenious.

The set of knots on his body is very practical.

Li Xuan jumped off the table with two chess jars, ran around the room twice, and then jumped back on the table.

The chess jar is filled to the brim, so the action makes little noise.

In addition, Li Xuan deliberately reduced the range of movements to minimize movement and static.

He tried to remove the chess jar again, then put it back.

There was no problem at all for him to do this operation by himself, but because the claws were inconvenient, he needed to operate it carefully, but it also didn't waste much time.

"Okay, okay, it turns out you are my best partner."

Li Xuan stared at Princess Ankang and nodded.

If I had had this girl help me when I was "getting" the royal meal before, I wouldn't have had to make my cheeks sore from exhaustion every time.

Li Xuan decided that when he went to steal the eldest prince, he would wear the knot made by Princess Ankang for him.

Li Xuan can put on and take off this set of knots by himself, but there are parts that need to be knotted, so it is easier to leave it to Princess Ankang, otherwise it will take a lot of effort for Li Xuan to put it on by himself.

After all, at this time, the cat's claws are not as flexible as human fingers.

Li Xuan first asked Princess Ankang to help him take off the knot, then said hello to her and went out.

No matter what, you can't just go to Qingshu Hall to "get" the chess pieces in broad daylight.

We still have to wait until evening to discuss this matter.

Princess Ankang was also very polite and did not rush Li Xuan. Instead, she watched him go out with a smile.

"This girl looks so honest, and her stomach is full of bad water."

Li Xuan smiled and shook his head, planning to go to Qingshu Hall to visit.

You have to figure out where the chessboard is before you can do it at night.

Li Xuan first went to the Imperial Garden to confirm with Mao Ba and the others that nothing had happened recently, and then he went in the direction of Qingshu Palace.

The Caiyun Palace was relatively far away from the main area of ​​activity of the Cat Bullies, and there were always eunuchs in colorful clothes coming and going. Li Xuan still tried his best not to let the Cat Bullies and the others move there.

Last time, Cat Bull and Cow encountered those thin dogs nearby, so it was better to be careful.

Li Xuan came all the way to Caiyun Palace, but before he reached Qingshu Palace, he met Zhao Feng halfway.

Zhao Fengzheng led a group of eunuchs in colorful clothes and went to nowhere.

When Li Xuan saw Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng also noticed his gaze keenly and looked over directly.

Zhao Feng's originally expressionless face burst into a smile the moment he saw Li Xuan.

Zhao Feng waved to Li Xuan from a distance.

Li Xuan knew that he couldn't outrun the old man, so he didn't bother to bother with him and walked over obediently.

Seeing Li Xuan approaching, Zhao Feng also squatted down, stretched out his fingers to rub his head, and asked: "Axuan, where are you going?"

Li Xuan repeated his old trick and turned to bite again, but Zhao Feng easily dodged it again.

"Still so naughty."

Zhao Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Meow. (I said it but you didn't understand.)"

Li Xuan replied impatiently.

Zhao Feng also heard Li Xuan's impatience, and then said: "Well, as long as you don't go to Qingshu Palace, I can't care about you."


Li Xuan looked at his feet with a guilty conscience and said nothing.

If he didn't know how to whistle now, he would have whistled twice, high and low, to ease the awkward atmosphere.


Zhao Feng sighed, then pinched the back of Li Xuan's neck and hugged him.

"It's bad, I'm being controlled by this old man again!"

Li Xuan was once again oppressed by the invisible Qi and could not escape from Zhao Feng's embrace.

"At least don't make trouble while I'm in Caiyun Palace."

"Meow, meow, meow, woo! (Old man, I'm not here for revenge, I'm just here to take things, you misunderstood!)"

Li Xuan tried to defend himself, but it was just like what he said before.

He meowed, and Zhao Feng didn't understand at all!

"Meow—— (Let me go——)"

Thank you all for your monthly ticket support.

Today's extra chapter is here.

Tomorrow, I will be debt-free.

Record: Extra chapter (9/8)

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