But no matter how Li Xuan struggled, how could Zhao Feng let him go so easily.

"so annoying!"

Seeing that he could not break free from Zhao Feng's clutches, Li Xuan no longer wasted his efforts.

Obediently wait for him to let you go later.

Zhao Feng said before that he should not cause trouble while he was in Caiyun Palace.

In other words, when he is not in Caiyun Palace, Li Xuan can do whatever he wants.

After all, Li Xuan is a cat who has received nine years of compulsory education. He still has an advantage in reading comprehension.

"It seems that the old man is lying down a little."

Li Xuan glanced at Zhao Feng and could feel that he was not in a good mood today.

"Where is he going and what is he doing?"

Zhao Feng is a busy man, so he probably doesn't have time to wander around Caiyun Palace.

Li Xuan couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do.

After a while, Li Xuan saw a familiar building in front of him.

Su Liuyuan.

He also didn't expect that Zhao Feng's destination would be here.

"Hey, what's he doing in Suliuyuan?"

Li Xuan's curiosity was instantly ignited.

After Zhao Feng came here, he directly asked to see Feng Zhaoyuan.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to visit, and these servants did not dare to show any signs of neglect.

Soon, Zhao Feng was invited in and met Feng Zhaoyuan smoothly.

But even Li Xuan didn't expect that when Zhao Feng saw Feng Zhaoyuan, he didn't let him go. Instead, he hugged himself and bowed slightly to Feng Zhaoyuan.

"Manager Zhao."

Feng Zhaoyuan also smiled back.

But when she saw the little black cat in Zhao Feng's arms, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Manager Zhao, who is this cat?"

"It's just a naughty little wild cat. I was afraid that he would bump into the nobleman in Caiyun Palace, so I watched him first."

Li Xuan was hugged by Zhao Feng with a look of despair, not bothering to care what he said.

Feng Zhaoyuan couldn't help but feel a little funny when she saw that the cat in Zhao Feng's arms didn't look big, but looked lazy and carefree. It looked like an old cat that had seen through the world.

Moreover, she always felt that this cat looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

But then I thought about it and realized that not all black cats looked the same, so I didn’t take it to heart.

"I don't know that Manager Zhao came to visit unexpectedly, but what's the matter?"

Feng Zhaoyuan asked further.

Zhao Feng winked first, and the accompanying eunuchs in colorful clothes dispersed instantly, guarding the outside so tightly that not even a cat could get close.

The eunuchs and maids behind Feng Zhaoyuan all changed their colors and were about to take action, but were stopped by Feng Zhaoyuan.

"You guys should go out too."

Feng Zhaoyuan said lightly.

After receiving the master's order, they did not dare to disobey. They bowed slightly and retreated on the spot, guarding the surroundings together with the colorful eunuchs outside.

Judging from their previous actions, it can be seen that these personal servants of Feng Zhaoyuan are all well-educated.

But this way, Li Xuan felt even more strange.

Zhao Feng deliberately created an opportunity to talk to Feng Zhaoyuan alone, but did not distract himself.

Zhao Feng knew that he could understand human speech.

He wanted Li Xuan to listen too, or he didn't care that Li Xuan heard it too.

Li Xuan's eyes rolled around in circles, watching the changes.

"Feng Zhaoyuan must know why the old slave came here."

There were only two people left, and the temperature of Zhao Feng's words suddenly dropped sharply, with a bit of chill.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This was the first time he heard Zhao Feng speak like this.

This old man who smiles at everyone also gets angry sometimes.

And getting angry is even more terrifying.

Feng Zhaoyuan avoided Zhao Feng's eyes, lowered her head and said, "Please give me clear instructions from Manager Zhao."

"Okay, since Feng Zhaoyuan wants to make it clear, I should obey it."

Zhao Feng's voice suddenly softened, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Feng Zhaoyuan leaked the title of the Royal Garden Competition to Concubine Zhao Shu, who then leaked the title to all the concubines and ladies on the noble side."

"His Majesty learned about this and had to change the topic temporarily."

"So His Majesty specially sent an old slave to ask Feng Zhaoyuan what she meant?"

Feng Zhaoyuan suddenly felt horrified after hearing this.

"Your Majesty changed the topic temporarily!?"

Her pupils subconsciously dilated, but she came to her senses and immediately tried to control her expression.

Feng Zhaoyuan tried her best to calm herself down and gave herself a second or two to adjust before reacting.

"Your Majesty changed the topic temporarily?"

She naturally showed doubts.

Zhao Feng stood up directly and raised his hand to stop Feng Zhaoyuan's next words.

"Feng Zhaoyuan, since you want to defend yourself, please follow me to the Manlu Palace to meet His Majesty and speak in front of His Majesty."

"It seems that this old slave can only help you so far."

Feng Zhaoyuan's face suddenly froze and she couldn't hold her expression any longer.

She lowered her head, her expression uncertain, and she was obviously in a huge tangle and didn't know what to do.

Zhao Feng did not rush her and waited aside with a smile.

Li Xuan was sandwiched between the two people. He felt that the air in the room was frozen, and he did not dare to take a breath.

"Isn't this old man aware of the good things I've done?"

"Otherwise why do you have to take me with you."

But thinking about it, Li Xuan felt something was wrong.

It was purely by chance that he met Zhao Feng just now, and it didn't look like he was waiting for him.

Seeing Feng Zhaoyuan being forced to move forward or retreat, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel guilty.

But at that time, he could only do that for Deng Weixian.

Li Xuan now hopes that Feng Zhaoyuan can tell the truth, perhaps this is her only way to get out of this situation. Otherwise, she can only continue to be at a disadvantage in front of Zhao Feng. Seeing Feng Zhaoyuan fall into silence for a long time, Zhao Feng felt that he had given enough time and continued to speak: "Feng Zhaoyuan, what happened in the palace cannot be hidden from the eyes of this old slave." "Although this old slave is old, his eyes are not blurry yet." "What happened just now was not told to me by Concubine Zhao Shu, you can rest assured." Hearing this, Feng Zhaoyuan suddenly raised her head and stared into Zhao Feng's eyes, trying to distinguish the truth from the false. But Zhao Feng's self-restraint, how could he be seen through so easily. Feng Zhaoyuan retracted her gaze dejectedly, exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and said with difficulty: "I don't believe it was Concubine Zhao Shu either." Zhao Feng saw that she was talking, so he quickly sat down again, changed his expression, and was as kind as the spring breeze and warm sun. "Feng Zhaoyuan, you know that I always do things according to your majesty's wishes."

"With your majesty's feelings for you, you will definitely not embarrass Zhaoyuan."

"You just need to tell me what happened truthfully, and I will report to your majesty and make proper arrangements."

"Feng Zhaoyuan doesn't believe me, so does she not believe your majesty?"

Zhao Feng persuaded him so patiently that even Li Xuan, who was watching, couldn't help but confess something.

Feng Zhaoyuan hesitated for a while and asked another question.

"Has General Manager Zhao ever been to Tingyun Palace?"

"Concubine Zhao Shu took the matter all by herself and said it was her own idea and had nothing to do with you."

"I haven't had time to report this matter to Your Majesty yet. I really don't think it can be solved this way."

"So before returning to Ganlu Palace, I came to Suliu Garden to ask Feng Zhaoyuan to think twice."

"I won't hide it from you. In fact, I can't delay any longer."

"Feng Zhaoyuan, you have to give me an answer as soon as possible."

Feng Zhaoyuan's already anxious heart couldn't help but become more anxious.

But she still remembered what Concubine Zhao Shu told her yesterday in the Imperial Garden.

But she hesitated now.

At this time, Feng Zhaoyuan asked her last question.

"How did General Manager Zhao know what he said before?"

"I said, what happened in the palace can't be hidden from me."

Feng Zhaoyuan was waiting for this sentence.

Suddenly she looked up and asked with a determined look: "Then please tell me, Mr. Zhao, who broke into my room late at night and left the test questions of the Imperial Garden Competition under my pillow." Zhao Feng was not shaken at all and asked: "How did the other party leak it?" "A piece of silk cloth with a poem on it." Feng Zhaoyuan said and silently recited the content of the poem. Zhao Feng knew that the poem was referring to the original topic of the Imperial Garden Competition, Go. "Okay, Feng Zhaoyuan, do you have anything to add?" "No, this is how it happened." Feng Zhaoyuan said everything she knew and accepted her fate. "Feng Zhaoyuan, do you remember if there was an outsider visiting Suliu Garden that day?" "Yanqu Hall, Wang Suyue, the talented woman." Feng Zhaoyuan answered honestly, and then added: "She won't hurt me." "Perhaps Wang Cairen won't, what about the people around her?" Zhao Feng didn't even think about it and replied with a disdainful smile. As soon as Feng Zhaoyuan spoke, she did think of a candidate. "Then I'll have to trouble General Manager Zhao to find out the truth." Zhao Feng sighed and shook his head, saying, "I can only do my best." "Feng Zhaoyuan, I will report the truth to His Majesty later. Then you go to Concubine Zhao Shu and find a reason to meet His Majesty, admit the matter, and explain the whole story." Feng Zhaoyuan looked at Zhao Feng with some surprise. Zhao Feng smiled, "This way, Feng Zhaoyuan will feel at ease." "Does General Manager Zhao really want to help me?" Feng Zhaoyuan asked in surprise. "I said, we are just following His Majesty's wishes." Feng Zhaoyuan realized at this time that Zhao Feng was serious. She had said the matter before, more because she was caught. Since the matter could not be concealed, Feng Zhaoyuan did not want to implicate Concubine Zhao Shu. And since she was pregnant, His Majesty would not punish her too harshly. If no one knew about the matter, with Concubine Zhao Shu's status, it would be no problem to take on an unclear matter. But now Zhao Feng already knew that the question was leaked from here, and His Majesty would definitely know it by then. At that time, Concubine Zhao Shu will have to take the fight once with the knowledge of His Majesty, which will shake the trust and status of Concubine Zhao Shu in His Majesty's mind.

Unlike civil officials, the nobles are particularly united in the current period for special reasons.

They finally recovered a little disadvantage, and naturally cannot fall into disadvantage again.

But Feng Zhaoyuan did not expect that Zhao Feng would help them.

The eunuchs in the palace have always been loyal to the imperial power. Anyone who favors the power in the court will inevitably be liquidated by other eunuchs.

Even if Zhao Feng is the most powerful eunuch in the palace now, he will never dare to violate this rule.

But from now on, isn't Zhao Feng blatantly helping their nobles?

Even if he said that this was His Majesty's intention, if other eunuchs knew about it, it would be enough to have a sufficient reason to liquidate him.

Zhao Feng's position is being watched by many people.

After this incident, I'm afraid he will be in a lot of trouble.

This is also the reason why Feng Zhaoyuan was so surprised at this time.

"Zhao Zongguan, do you really want to do this?" Zhao Feng knew why Feng Zhaoyuan asked him this. He just smiled. "We are born to implement your majesty's will." "I can be so glorious because of your majesty's trust." "Now, I am just doing my duty." Zhao Feng knew the troubles he would encounter in the future, but he was still as solid as a rock. Li Xuan in his arms felt unprecedented confusion. The conversation between the two made him start to doubt some things he had long been sure of. Li Xuan looked at Zhao Feng and a huge question appeared in his heart. "What is this all about?" Thank you all for your monthly ticket support.

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