Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 152 Is this considered clothing?

After leaving Su Liuyuan, Zhao Feng, who was holding Li Xuan, breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Zhaoyuan was willing to cooperate, so it was not in vain for him to come to Suliu Garden.

Zhao Feng was thinking about many things along the way and came to the place where he bumped into Li Xuan before.

"Ah Xuan, I have to go back to Ganlu Palace and report this matter to His Majesty."

"Whatever you originally wanted to do, just do it."

"We had an agreement before, and I believe in your cat virtue."

Zhao Feng said, putting down Li Xuan, and then stroked his fur as smooth and smooth as satin.

Seeing Zhao Feng letting him go so easily, Li Xuan couldn't help but become even more confused.

He originally thought that Zhao Feng would take him out of Caiyun Palace, or simply send him to Jingyang Palace.

Unexpectedly, it was only symbolically brought to the place where they met.

"Cat virtue?"

"Do I really have that kind of thing?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but ask himself, and almost couldn't help laughing.

"In this palace, there is always a lot of things to deal with, Xiao Xiao."

"It's better A-Xuan, just strolling around every day is just one day."

Zhao Feng was old and couldn't help but say a few more words.

But then he patted Li Xuan gently and turned around.


Zhao Feng led the eunuchs in colorful clothes outside Caiyun Palace.

Li Xuan stared blankly in the direction he left, thoughtfully.

But in the end he just shook his head and left with a sigh.

"If you don't understand, let's wait and see what happens."

As things progressed, Li Xuan gradually couldn't understand it anymore.

Maybe it will be like last time, he won't be able to realize it until the dust settles.

Regardless of whether cats were virtuous or not, Li Xuan went directly to Qingshu Hall and walked around the courtyard wall, looking for where the Go chess piece might be.

To be honest, what he is doing now does not violate the agreement with Zhao Feng.

At the beginning, when Li Xuan accepted the three Mengyuan dragon fish, he promised not to seek revenge from Qingshu Palace.

But he really didn't come here for revenge, but just to get something, without any malice.

From this point of view, Li Xuan is indeed very virtuous.

If you agree to something, you will definitely keep your promise.

"It seems that Old Zhaotou does have a good vision."

"It turns out that I really have a lot of cat virtues."

This discovery made Li Xuandu feel very surprised.

Unexpectedly, my moral level is much higher than I thought.

After turning around several times, Li Xuan couldn't find any trace of Go.

Now he is really afraid that people from Qingshu Palace will treat this Go piece as a treasure and hide it somewhere.

In this way, if Li Xuan wanted to get it, it would be as difficult as going to heaven.

"The same goes for these people. It's like they've never seen any good things before. They're so good at hiding things so deeply."

Just when Li Xuan was at a loss what to do, he suddenly found a place that was very lively.

There were several eunuchs busy in the room, holding various props in their hands, and they didn't know what was surrounding them.

At this time, Li Xuan actually heard Concubine Zhang's voice.

"Hurry, hurry up."

"Don't stop!"

"Don't leave any corner alone."

Concubine Zhang's stern voice sounded from time to time, urging the group of eunuchs.


Seeing such a scene, can Li Xuan still move?

His feet were as if there were stakes driven into them, and he stood still. He stretched his neck and looked in.

"Show me what you're doing?"

Li Xuan looked outside, but was blocked by the busy backs of the eunuchs, and could not see what was going on inside at all.


"There really aren't any gaps left."

Li Xuan looked down and found that although there were people coming and going in Qingshu Hall, it was not completely without opportunities.

For example, outside this room right now, there is a crooked neck tree with dense leaves.

Li Xuan immediately jumped off the courtyard wall, followed the bushes all the way to the tree, and then climbed up without anyone seeing him.

The whole process was silent and did not alert anyone.

The view here is much better than on the courtyard wall, and the situation in the room is clear at a glance.

Concubine Zhang was half-lying lazily, enjoying the comfortable service.

Several palace maids gathered around Concubine Zhang, squeezing her waist and beating her legs, and putting peeled grapes into their mouths, which was very satisfying.

On the other hand, the eunuchs on the other side were very busy and sweating profusely.

I saw them using various props to do inspection work.

The thing being inspected turned out to be the Go game that Li Xuan had been searching for for a long time.

"My Go!"

"What are they doing to my Go?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but his eyes widened with anger when he saw this scene.

"Check it carefully for me. The prize given by His Majesty is definitely not that simple. There must be some mystery in it."

Concubine Zhang said this while eating grapes.

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but panic.

"It's over, this woman is not stupid!"

"I said that I couldn't find Go at the eldest prince's residence last night. It turns out that this woman was studying it all the time."

"And judging by their posture, I'm afraid they will discover the secrets on the chess pieces within a few days."

The eunuchs in front of them had a clear division of labor. Some were studying the chess board, and some were studying the chess pieces. They even didn't let go of the two chess pots, and specially arranged people to study them to see if there were any secrets inside.

"Tsk, it seems that you have underestimated Concubine Zhang."

In this situation, Li Xuan couldn't find a chance even if he wanted to take action.

If they study like this day and night, it will be over.

"No, we have to find a way."

"If they find out the secret on the chess piece, I'm afraid they will have to come to Jingyang Palace to find the other half."

After Li Xuan discovered the secret of the chess pieces, he couldn't wait to read the other half.

Not to mention Concubine Zhang.

With her character, she would never let Princess Ankang's other half go.

Li Xuan couldn't help but turned around twice in the tree in a hurry.


Li Xuan didn't dare to leave and just stared at the tree, fearing that they would discover the secret on the chess pieces in the next second.

Concubine Zhang did not always keep an eye on the work of the eunuchs.

After supervising the work for about half an hour, she fell asleep.

The maids who were originally serving her gradually slowed down their movements until they stopped completely.

It was not easy for them either. Even when Concubine Zhang fell asleep, she did not dare to stop what she was doing for fear of disturbing Concubine Zhang's sleep.

And after Concubine Zhang fell asleep, she had to stop her movements slowly and completely, for fear of waking Concubine Zhang who was sleeping soundly.

But Li Xuan's attention was not on Concubine Zhang, but on the eunuchs who were inspecting Go.

The main object of inspection by the eunuchs is still on the chessboard.

The two eunuchs responsible for checking the chess pieces took out various props, soaked them in water and burned them, or used various strange methods to conduct experiments without damaging the chess pieces.

Li Xuan looked around for a long time, but he didn't see anything like a magnifying glass, which made him relieved.

The words on the chess pieces are invisible to the naked eye.

But under such intense inspection, no one can tell when they will discover the secret of the chess piece.

Li Xuan knew that he could not give them too much time.

He has decided that as long as he can find an opportunity later, he will take action directly.

The sky was getting dark, and Concubine Zhang yawned when she woke up and went to have dinner.

The eunuchs who were inspecting Go also changed, and it seemed that they really wanted to stay up all night to fight.

This made Li Xuan shake his head frequently.

If the eldest prince's Go game was inspected continuously for twelve hours, Li Xuan would have no chance to make a move.

But fortunately, the situation was not that bad.

After waiting for several hours, Li Xuan finally saw hope.

The eunuchs began to pack up the props in their hands, seemingly preparing to call it a day.

Li Xuan immediately cheered up.

After putting away the props, the eunuchs looked at each other with bitter expressions on their faces.

Now that the moon was high in the sky, they didn't even bother to go back to sleep. They first went to Zhang Guifei to receive a scolding before retreating to rest.

And the Go chess set was actually locked in the room during the day, without even a guard.

"good chance!"

After Li Xuan confirmed that the door of the room had been hung with a big copper lock and that no one was moving inside, he climbed down from the tree and ran frantically towards Jingyang Palace.

He thought there would be no chance before, so he just kept waiting.

Now that I have finally waited for the opportunity, I will naturally not let it go.

The legend of the fastest speed in the imperial city reappeared. Li Xuan drove the cat carriage along the courtyard wall and eaves, leaving only a black lightning.

That night, many wild cats walking on the catwalk only felt a gust of wind blowing, and their hair was messed up, without even noticing that a cat was passing by.

Li Xuan rushed all the way back to Jingyang Palace and found the knot that Princess Ankang had knitted for him during the day.

The chess pot fixed on the knot was still there, which saved Li Xuan a lot of effort.

He quickly tied on the knot and jumped to the ground.

The final buckle used to secure the knot has not yet been tied, so it will inevitably come loose during movement.

Although Li Xuan could tie it up slowly by himself, he doesn't have such time now.

Delay will lead to change!

Seeing Princess Ankang sleeping soundly on the bed, Li Xuan went to find a plate and flicked it gently.

A crisp sound echoed in the room, and the steady breathing on the bed suddenly became messy.

Princess Ankang's confused voice then sounded: "Axuan, there is something delicious..."

She didn't even open her eyes, she opened her hands and searched around her head, and then muttered: "It's so late, where did you go..."

Despite saying this, Princess Ankang had already climbed up from the bed with her lips smacking, and her eyes were looking at the table uncontrollably.

When she saw that there was only an empty plate, Princess Ankang turned over and prepared to lie down and sleep again.

"It turned out to be a dream..."


Li Xuan immediately glared, meowed and rushed forward.

If a cat my size is standing next to the plate, can't I see it at all?

Li Xuan threw himself on the bed and bit into Princess Ankang's tender face.

In an instant, the confusion in Princess Ankang's beautiful light blue eyes disappeared, replaced by unprecedented clarity.

"Ouch, Ah Xuan, it hurts!"

After the clarity comes the clouds and rain, Princess Ankang said pitifully with tearful eyes.

This bite finally woke this girl up.

In the past, Princess Ankang stayed in bed and pretended to be asleep, and Li Xuan would bite her to wake her up.

The terrible memories of the past resurfaced, causing Princess Ankang to wake up completely.

Princess Ankang looked at the darkness in the room and couldn't help complaining: "Axuan, why are you biting me at night?"

Li Xuan quickly let go of his mouth and gently licked the red teeth marks on her face twice to comfort her.

Then he pointed at the knot on his body impatiently, then jumped a few more times and made some noise.

Princess Ankang paused, then immediately got out of bed and lit the lamp.

She couldn't help grinning happily when she saw that Li Xuan was fully armed and put on the knot he made.

"Okay, okay, it turns out that Xuan wants to wear the new clothes I made for you and go out for a walk."

"I'll get you dressed right now."

"Axuan, remember to show off to your friends -"

Princess Ankang said with a sly smile.

Li Xuan lowered his head and looked at the knot composed of several ropes. He suddenly felt that it looked familiar and suddenly thought:

"If this counts as clothes..."

"It does have a bit of the traditional costumes of an island country."

Thanks to "Book Friends 20200120010333279" and "Qianqiu Covering Snow" for their reward support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

There is one more chapter to be updated tonight, I will finish it tonight~

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