Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 165 Self-taught without a teacher

Wei Chengji couldn't help but twitch in the corners of his eyes as he listened to the "Sari Lang" one after another outside.

But he still had no intention of getting up and going out to check. He just held his forehead and sighed, suppressing the emotions in his heart.

It’s just that the voices outside are getting louder and louder, and more and more people are shouting along with them.

Wei Chengji couldn't help but stood up anxiously and paced back and forth in the room, but would not leave the door.

After waiting for a while, someone finally knocked on his door.

"Father-in-law, they are gone."

"Hurry up and take charge of the overall situation. If this continues, I'm afraid the news about Yanqu Palace will spread again."

"A lot of talented people have been disturbed."

After hearing the report from the eunuch accompanying him outside the door, Wei Chengji held back his anger and rushed out of the room.

Seeing the anxious look on the accompanying eunuch's face in front of the door, Wei Chengji hurriedly said: "Let's go, take me there!"

The two men immediately and resolutely went to the scene of the incident.

On the other side, Deng Weixian ran back to Wang Suyue's courtyard covered in blood, shouting.

He still knows clearly who is his.

In this Yanqu Palace, the only person worthy of Deng Weixian's trust is Wang Suyue.

As for other people, neither Wei Chengji, who was the father-in-law of the printing house, nor the eunuchs who had troubled him before, could not be trusted.

At least after getting along with her for this period of time, Deng Weixian can be sure that Wang Suyue is a good character.

And he had saved her life before, so he must be more trustworthy than others.

After running into the yard, Deng Weixian didn't stop talking and shouted "murder" loudly, alerting other people in the yard.

When he saw Wang Suyue and the palace maid coming out to check, he immediately closed his eyes and fell to the ground unconscious.

Deng Weixian closed his eyes and suddenly thought: "It seemed like someone came to the rescue just now."

"Is he the godfather?"

Deng Weixian pretended to be unconscious, but his mind never stopped, recalling the previous situation.

Just now he was almost caught in mid-air, but suddenly someone threw a stone and broke the man's arm.

Without this help, Deng Weixian might not be able to get out of the alley.

Facing those few eunuchs in black clothes with cultivation bases alone, he would definitely be in danger.

Recalling the fierce attacks of those people before, Deng Weixian couldn't help but feel scared.

It's just that he had a ghost in his heart and was afraid that if he said too much, he would be wrong, so he pretended to be stunned when he came back, kept the same in response to the changes, and left the situation to Wang Suyue to handle.

"Little Dengzi, little Dengzi..."

"What’s wrong with you?"

Wang Suyue was shocked when she saw Deng Weixian coming back covered in blood.

But she was worthy of being a general. When others were at a loss, she completely ignored the blood on Deng Weixian's body and hurried forward to check Deng Weixian's injuries.

As a result, Wang Suyue found that Deng Weixian's injuries were not serious, but mostly scratches and scratches.

But this is extremely inconsistent with the large amount of blood stains on his body.

Wang Suyue felt Deng Weixian's pulse and found that it was beating very fiercely, indicating that he had just experienced something big.

"Little Dengzi, little Dengzi..."

She shouted a few more times, but seeing that Deng Weixian didn't respond, she quickly said to Liang Chuchu beside her: "Go and get the doctor quickly."

Then he told another palace maid: "Go and notify the printing father-in-law that little Dengzi was attacked and seriously injured. His life or death is uncertain."

Liang Chuchu and another palace maid immediately took the order and left.

Then Wang Suyue asked the remaining two maids to carry Deng Weixian to his room, and told him not to touch his wounds until the doctor came.

Wang Suyue glanced outside the courtyard gate, wondering what she was thinking, and then hurriedly followed the two palace maids to Deng Weixian's room.

Li Xuan observed not far away and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Deng Wei was rescued first and was safe and sound.

Fat Orange went to follow the group of eunuchs in black clothes.

Li Xuan was afraid that there would be other troubles along the way, so he escorted Deng Weixian back to the other courtyard.

But fortunately, the other party was not so crazy that he set up an ambush in Yanqu Hall in broad daylight and attacked and killed Deng Weixian in full view of the public.

"I wonder which noble person is showing off his magical powers?"

Li Xuan immediately thought of Feng Zhaoyuan and Zhao Shufei.

Especially those eunuchs in Xuanyi are so similar to the masters in Concubine Zhao Shu's Tingyun Palace.

Li Xuan was a little worried that Xungui's side had found out about Deng Weixian.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

At that time, Deng Weixian's godfather made it clear that even he would not be able to protect Deng Weixian if the matter was revealed.

But Li Xuan couldn't help but feel annoyed. He had obviously helped Deng Weixian do things more perfectly, but he didn't expect to be found out.

This made Li Xuan wonder which link had gone wrong.

The only outsiders who visited Suliu Garden that day were Wang Suyue and her party.

But why did the other party suspect Deng Weixian?

As far as he knew, Liang Chuchu seemed to have never been suspected.

"How did you guess it?"

Just when Li Xuan was thinking about it and couldn't figure it out, Wei Chengji arrived in a hurry.

In addition to the accompanying eunuchs, he was also accompanied by a palace maid.

It was the person Wang Suyue sent to report the news before.

Just looking at the speed, they should have met halfway and then came directly here.

After all, if anything happens in Yanqu Hall, Wei Chengji will take care of it.

Of course, any responsibilities will be borne by him.

Wei Chengji saw blood on the ground as soon as he came in.

It was left on the ground when Deng Wei first fainted.

Seeing this scene, Wei Chengji couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This seemed to be somewhat different from what he expected.

"Where are the people?"

Wei Chengji asked in a deep voice.

The maid leading the way was a little flustered, but looking at the direction of the blood stains on the ground, she quickly said: "We should take Xiao Dengzi back to his room first. Wang Cairen just sent someone to invite the doctor. Father-in-law, please come with me."

As he spoke, the palace maid led the way, and then shouted inside: "Wang Cairen, the printing father-in-law has arrived."

Hearing this voice, Wang Suyue walked out of Deng Weixian's yard, with some blood stains on her hands and clothes.

"Has Wang Cairen ever been injured?"

Wei Chengji took a few steps forward quickly and asked nervously.

Wang Suyue shook her head: "It's not my blood, it's Xiao Dengzi's."

"What happened to father-in-law?"

"Why was my attendant being chased in Yanqu Hall and running back covered in blood?"

"Little Dengzi fell unconscious as soon as he ran into the yard."

"Eunuch Wei, does anyone dare to assassinate someone in the palace?"

Wang Suyue's words of assassination shocked Wei Chengji.

"Wang Cairen, be careful what you say!"

"I have just received a report. It was clearly that Xiao Dengzi had a conflict with several other eunuchs who had a grudge. As a result, after Xiao Dengzi beat the eunuchs, he also shouted murder without mercy."

"Just because he talked nonsense, what kind of chaos is Yanqu Palace in now?"

Wang Suyue's expression turned cold and she asked, "Does this mean that Eunuch Wei is here to investigate?"

Wei Chengji looked away, and then said: "I'm just here to understand the situation, and I'd like to ask Wang Cairen to give way."

As he said that, Wei Chengji was about to continue stepping into Deng Weixian's yard, but Wang Suyue raised her hand and blocked his way.

"Wang Cairen, what do you mean?"

Wei Chengji asked with an unkind expression.

Wang Suyue said without giving in: "It's not interesting. Please ask Eunuch Wei to go back first today."

"Little Dengzi is seriously injured and he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. When he wakes up, I will send someone to inform the father-in-law."

Wei Chengji couldn't help but laughed angrily.

"Wang Cairen, although this is your separate courtyard, it is still within the scope of Yanqu Hall."

"Please also ask Mr. Wang not to make things difficult for our family."

Faced with Wei Chengji's "reminder", Wang Suyue remained indifferent.

"Yes, I really have to ask Your Majesty in the future, why is Yanqu Palace in such a mess?

"It's only been a few months since I've lived here, but so many big things have happened one after another?"

"I have to ask Your Majesty, has this always been the case?"

"It's still like this all the time!"

Wang Suyue stared at Wei Chengji with wide eyes, showing no intention of flinching.

The politeness that the two of them had maintained on the surface before was completely gone, and they were fighting each other without giving in.

It means that if there is a disagreement, there will be a big fuss.

Although Wang Suyue still didn't know what happened, Wei Chengji came so quickly, which made her very uneasy.

After a few random probing words, Wei Chengji slapped the blame at random, and his malicious intent was already obvious.

Wang Suyue would naturally not let such a person in to see Deng Weixian again.

No matter what, there is nothing wrong with blocking what the enemy wants to do.

Even if there is a possibility of misleading, Wang Suyue doesn't think she will suffer any loss.

The two were in a stalemate, and the atmosphere was tense.

Several servants around him were also unlucky, and they didn't even dare to say a word.

Suddenly, the sullen Wei Chengji smiled slightly.

"Since it's inconvenient, we'll come back another day."

"Wang Cairen, take care."

Wang Suyue snorted and continued: "Instead of me taking care of myself, it's better for my father-in-law to handle this matter as soon as possible, so that I don't have to ask Your Majesty about these trivial matters."

"What Wang Cairen said makes sense, makes sense." Wei Chengji agreed with a smile, turned and left, leaving behind a sentence: "We will go check it out right now, Wang Cairen will wait a moment."

After saying that, Wei Chengji left without looking back.

Wang Suyue watched Wei Chengji leave, knowing that life in Yanqu Hall would be difficult in the future.

But before, the relationship between them was just hypocrisy and compromise, but now they have completely torn apart that mask of hypocrisy.

Instead of playing tricks on each other in secret, it's better to bring it to the table directly.

For Wang Suyue, it was even more refreshing.

At least find someone to help, no one will persuade her to endure it for two days.

"A eunuch from the printing room who broke Yanqu Palace really thinks of himself as a character!"

If Wang Suyue hasn't won the Holy Favor yet, she will naturally have to look at Wei Chengji's face.

But although she still carries the title of talented person, she is actually no different from a concubine.

Moreover, Wei Chengji continued to cause trouble for himself, and Wang Suyue was not without temper.

The last time Hu Yanqiu caused trouble for him, Wei Chengji collected the money and prepared to do things.

If he hadn't broken the situation by himself, Wei Chengji would have followed Hu Yanqiu and stepped on him.

"You have to teach this old guy a lesson."

Even Wang Suyue herself didn't notice that she had gradually become accustomed to fighting with others, and had even begun to take the initiative.

Li Xuan, who saw Wang Suyue's eyes in the dark, couldn't help but shook his head.

"It seems that Wei Chengji is really a grandma who doesn't care about her uncle. She makes people dislike him wherever he goes."

"No wonder Zhao Feng is willing to operate on him. He really needs to be dealt with."

"Now that Wang Suyue is included, Wei Chengji has more and more enemies."

Li Xuan was afraid of another accident, so he waited here.

Not long after, Liang Chuchu brought back a young medical officer.

The imperial doctors in the palace also have levels.

Most of the eunuchs are treated by medical women and doctors, who are considered to be the first level of apprentices.

As for the medical officer, he is already considered very good, at least he is above the level of apprentice.

The young medical officer was taken into Deng Weixian's room.

But Wang Suyue and Liang Chuchu stayed outside.

The two women gathered together, whispering quietly, and they didn't know what they were studying.

Li Xuan has a good ear, no matter how quiet they are, as long as he eavesdrops deliberately, they can't hide it from him.

Li Xuan listened to their conversation curiously and gradually tilted his head, showing a look of shock.

Wang Suyue said, took out a piece of silver from her sleeve and handed it to Liang Chuchu.

After Liang Chuchu put away the money, she nodded to Wang Suyue, and then walked into Deng Weixian's room, not knowing what to do.

A malicious smile flashed across Wang Suyue's face.

This young talent is finally about to start his first proactive opening game.

Li Xuan shook his head and laughed: "It is better to raise people in this palace. Every one of them knows how to fight in the palace without a teacher."

He immediately jumped off the courtyard wall and left the place, waiting to watch the show later.

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward support.

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It’s over, now it’s less than 10,000 yuan, and it’s still a little bit lost.

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