Li Xuan left Yanqu Palace to find traces of Fat Ju.

Looking around, he could no longer see Fat Orange.

But the smell of Fat Orange still lingered nearby. Li Xuan smelled it and went to find Fat Orange.

After walking all the way out of Yanqu Hall, they walked for a long time before arriving at a deserted courtyard in the harem.

Looking around, Li Xuan found that it was still the same place he had been to before.

This is the Imperial Courtyard, a residence specially arranged for young eunuchs who have just entered the palace.

This courtyard happened to be where Deng Wei first lived.

It was empty at this time, and no one seemed to be living there.

As soon as Li Xuan arrived here, he heard a cat meowing, and then his plump orange head poked out from the dense branches.

Li Xuan responded immediately and jumped up the tree together.

After finding a comfortable position to lie down next to Fat Jue, Li Xuan saw Fat Jue indicating the location of a room to him.

"Meow. (They're all hiding inside.)"

Fat Orange meowed.

Li Xuan looked along the room pointed by Fat Orange and found that it was quiet and there was no movement at all.

But Fat Orange was definitely not wrong, and Li Xuan also smelled the strong smell of blood.

He remembered that a eunuch in Xuanyi had been scratched on the leg by Deng Weixian, and the injury was quite scary.

If he guessed correctly, the smell of blood should come from this man's wounds.

"Have you even prepared a hiding place?"

"It seems that I came prepared today."

"They just don't know who their master is."

Li Xuan also discovered that most of the eunuchs in Xuanyi had some cultivation base, but their cultivation span was very wide.

The strength of most of the people in front of me is between the ninth and eighth grades.

However, the aura of the Xuanyi eunuch in Tingyun Palace is not weaker than that of the colorful eunuch, and is even worse.

From this point of view, these Xuanyi eunuchs are the most uncertain group of people about their strength.

Looking at the current movement, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

Li Xuan ordered Fat Jue to notify Mao Ba and Dai Niu, asking them to keep an eye on Deng Weixian's side and come here to notify him if anything happens.

Fat Orange took the order and left, while Li Xuan waited patiently.

Some of them were seriously injured and they must be looking for medicine and doctors. They couldn't hide inside all the time.

Not long after Fat Orange left, he came back after finishing his errands and was watching on the tree with Li Xuan.

Li Xuan stayed here for a while and found that the Imperial Palace seemed much deserted than before.

It seems that the palace has time to accept new eunuchs into the palace.

There should be a dedicated quarter every year for cleaning and training.

Thinking about it now, it seems that Deng Weixian only started working after spring.

Then his purification should be done in autumn and winter.

"There are so many things to pay attention to in the palace."

Li Xuan shook his head.

But this way, it freed up a lot of space in the huge imperial court.

Especially those rooms specially used for training eunuchs in white, there are a lot of vacancies.

Just enough for these eunuchs in black clothes to hide.

But Li Xuan also felt strange. These eunuchs who were promoted to Xuanyi should all have masters.

Wouldn't it be more convenient to hide in his master's territory?

Why do you want to go far away from the near and come to hide in this prison?

When it got dark, there was finally new movement in the yard.

A figure came here and knocked on the door where the Xuanyi eunuchs were hiding.

The knocking on the door had a special rhythm, and it was obvious that a code had been agreed upon in advance.

This person was wearing a cloak and a hood, and his face was indistinguishable.

But Li Xuan smelled a faint mixed smell of tea.

The means that people usually use to hide their appearance and identity are not so effective in front of Li Xuan's nose.

Li Xuan immediately recognized the person in front of him as Manager Shang.

"Why is it him!?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but be very surprised. He never expected that the person behind these Xuanyi eunuchs would be Mr. Shang.

The door was quickly opened, and Manager Shang walked in directly.

Then there was the sound of conversation in the room, but the people inside deliberately lowered their voices, making Li Xuan's ears a little unreal.

He immediately asked Fat Orange to wait where he was, while he approached the room furtively.

Today, Li Xuan's control over his body has improved a lot, thanks to Zhao Feng's recent help.

He approached the window silently and did not attract the attention of the people inside.

"Is he okay?"

Manager Shang's voice came.

"Manager, his injury has temporarily stopped bleeding, but we still need to find a place for treatment as soon as possible, otherwise this leg..."

A rough voice replied.

Listening to this voice, it sounded a bit like the burly eunuch in mysterious clothes from before.

"Well, don't worry, I will send you out to hide for a while as soon as possible." Manager Shang comforted them.

"Thank you, manager."

The rough voice thanked him first, and then continued to report: "That boy is indeed wrong. He has some cultivation skills, and the move he used before should be the blood-slaying tiger claw routine."

"Also, please take a look."

look? what are you looking!

Li Xuan couldn't see it and couldn't help but feel anxious.

But their voices then rang out: "This is clearly a wound caused by the ability of the Ice Breath, and the attainment of the Ice Breath is not low."

"That kid is decisive in killing, and he can even be regarded as a desperate man. I'm afraid he must have a big secret, otherwise he wouldn't be so ruthless."

After the rough voice said this, he fell silent, as if waiting for Manager Shang to make his own decision.

"Interesting, interesting..."

Manager Shang just muttered a few words to himself and didn't say much.

"You did a good job today. Someone will pick you up in half an hour and take you out of the palace. You will stay there for a few months and come back at that time. You will be safe from worries."

"Thank you, manager!"

The sound in the room suddenly stopped.

Li Xuan also quickly hid in the tree again.

Soon after, Manager Shang walked out of the room and left.

"I didn't expect it was arranged by Manager Shang."

"It seems to be to test Deng Weixian."

"Now Deng Weixian's martial arts skills have not only been exposed, but even his tricks have been discovered."

"In this case, I'm afraid Deng Weixian's identity as godfather will no longer be able to be hidden by Manager Shang."

Li Xuan's eyes were rolling around, feeling something was wrong.

If he is targeted by Manager Shang, he may not be able to hide what Deng Weixian did before.

"I just don't know what Manager Shang's attitude is towards Deng Weixian's godfather."

To be honest, Li Xuan had always thought that the true identity of Deng Weixian's godfather was Zhao Feng.

But recently I feel something is wrong.

The incident that Deng Weixian had previously revealed to Feng Zhaoyuan had brought a lot of trouble to Zhao Feng.

In order to deal with the eunuchs who took the opportunity to make trouble, Zhao Feng was also a little worried.

And Li Xuan didn't see any benefit in it.

Of course, it may be that he doesn't know enough information and can't see the key benefits.

But now that Manager Shang also knows some details about Deng Weixian, I'm afraid he will know more about this matter.

At that time, Li Xuanda can make guesses based on the reactions of Manager Shang and Zhao Feng.

Judging from the current reaction of Manager Shang, he should be unaware of Deng Weixian.

Otherwise, there is no need to go to such trouble to test.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen Deng Weixian's godfather for some time."

Li Xuan recalled that it seemed that the last time he came to arrange a task for Deng Weixian, after giving him the silk cloth, Deng Weixian's godfather never showed up again.

It was also because Deng Weixian's godfather appeared less and less frequently that Deng Weixian's cultivation progress became increasingly slow.

He has not yet perfected his bronze head and iron arms.

It is even further away from reaching the realm of physical strength.

Of course, Deng Weixian's progress is already very fast compared with others.

Half an hour later, someone came to pick up these eunuchs in mysterious clothes.

They were hidden in some carts carrying miscellaneous items, each in a sealed box.

Manager Shang is still reliable and has not broken his promise.

Seeing that everyone here had evacuated, Li Xuan and Fat Orange also left.

He let Fat Orange go back to rest first, while he went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take a look.

The courtyard of Mr. Shang was dark and no one could be seen.

I don't know if Manager Shang is asleep or not here.

Li Xuan was also tired after a long day, so he yawned and prepared to go home and sleep.

"This is a serious matter. I don't know if Xiao Dengzi can survive it."

Although it seems that Deng Weixian is the victim at the moment, but faced with the entangled interests of those hiding behind the scenes, I am afraid that he is also in trouble.

Ever since Deng Wei first became his godfather and learned martial arts, sooner or later such a day would come.

He has obtained cultivation resources that other young eunuchs cannot obtain, so he naturally has to take corresponding risks.

Now that the risk is about to break out, it depends on whether Deng Weixian can handle it.

Li Xuan felt that his head was in a daze and was getting hot after the whole day.

"Oh, I don't think about it anymore. Let's go to sleep and talk about it later."

Early the next morning.

Li Xuan came to Yanqu Hall and went straight to Deng Weixian's small courtyard to see if he woke up.

As a result, before Deng Weixian could see him, he saw Wei Chengji confronting Zhao Feng tit for tat.

"Enemies met on a narrow road and bumped into each other again."

Li Xuan stopped and planned to see what was going on with these two people.

"I'll leave it to Mr. Zhao to handle the affairs of Yanqu Palace, right?"

Compared with his previous respectful attitude, Wei Chengji's current attitude turned out to be tough.

"The matter is serious and I have to intervene."

"Aji, don't think too much, I'm just going through the process."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"It's just a conflict between a few young eunuchs. You, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, want to intervene. Now the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is too lenient, right?"

Wei Chengji said with a strange yin and yang attitude.

"Really? But how come I heard it was an assassination?"

Zhao Feng was puzzled.

When Wei Chengji heard these two words, his eyes jumped immediately.

"Don't talk nonsense. Why can a eunuch be injured now and use the word 'assassination'?"

"Zhao Feng, don't forget your identity, and don't do anything that will make other eunuchs laugh."

"You've lost more than just your own face."

Wei Chengji moved out other eunuchs to suppress Zhao Feng.

Recently, their conflicts have come to the fore.

But among all the great eunuchs, Zhao Feng always targets himself.

Wei Chengji also has his own temper.

He compromised and gave in in front of Zhao Feng, but what he got in exchange was even more harsh punishment.

If it had been in the past, he really wouldn't have been able to do anything.

In order to enjoy your old age, you have to endure it.

But Zhao Feng made a stupid mistake before, giving Wei Chengji a legitimate opportunity to counterattack.

He naturally united with other eunuchs, but Zhao Feng's counterattack was only the most fierce against himself.

Wei Chengji was also forced to do nothing.

If he can't find any more opportunities, his descendants will have more ideas when they see that he is weak and powerless.

Now, Wei Chengji urgently needs to find a match.

Even if he couldn't get any favors from him, he still had to make Zhao Feng suffer.

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