Li Xuan was furious and anxious, waiting for Princess Ankang and Yu'er's explanation.

When he came over just now, he immediately discovered that Princess Ankang and Yu'er did not look injured.

And now that there are eunuchs in colorful clothes guarding the door, no one can come in and bully the two of them.

Li Xuan guessed that the two girls must have suffered some injustice.

"Axuan, you came just in time."

"Please persuade Your Highness to stop crying."

Yu'er's eyes were also red with anxiety.

"Meow! (Let me tell you clearly what it is first!)"

Li Xuan urged, and his voice was a little out of tune.

"Sister Yu'er, how can I not cry?"

"It's really tragic. My family is gone and my country is gone!"


The little girl cried heartbrokenly and shed tears.

But the more Li Xuan listened, the more confused he became. He looked at her hand and found that Princess Ankang was holding a book.

"Meow! It turns out I was reading a book!"

Li Xuan cursed secretly, but the stone that was weighing on his heart also let go.

He thought something big had happened, and he was crying like this.

It turned out to be just reading.

Princess Ankang said, pulling the book to Li Xuan's eyes.

"Axuan, look!"

"It turns out that the mother-in-law's hometown was completely destroyed a few years ago."

"My grandpa and grandma are both gone too!!!"

After Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help being shocked and read the contents of the book carefully.

He first flipped through the cover of the book and found that it was the book "Secrets of the North" that Mr. Ye finally recommended to them.

Then Li Xuan read the part pointed out by Princess Ankang, and found that it was exactly what Princess Ankang said.

The North is a vast land, adjacent to the far north tundra. It has large areas of woodland and fertile black soil, and is extremely rich in natural resources.

There is a country called Beiliang in the north, which is one of the most powerful countries in the north.

Princess Ankang’s mother, Concubine Xiao, was Princess Beiliang.

Fifteen years ago, Beiliang began to experience a once-in-a-millennium cold wave.

In the past history of the North, it was recorded that there would be such a cold wave once every thousand years, which would last for an entire year.

But even though they knew that such a disaster existed, people here never thought of leaving their homeland.

Because after a cold wave that lasts for a year ends, there is often a good year that lasts for tens or hundreds of years.

Therefore, countries that have withstood the cold wave will usher in unprecedented prosperity and strength.

If the cold wave hadn't covered too much area, the people of Beiliang would have thought of leaving for a year and then coming back.

But there have been legends in the north since ancient times.

Countries that have crossed the cold wave will get an opportunity to unify the northern border, but whether they can seize it depends on their own luck.

The whole country of Beiliang, under the prophecy of the great shaman, accurately predicted the arrival of the cold wave and was fully prepared.

Every Beiliang citizen is facing the opportunity of transformation in the cold wave together with his country.

The arrival of the cold wave brought most of the production work in Beiliang to a halt.

But because they had already made reserves, even a cold wave that lasted for a year was not a concern.

But as time continued to pass, the people of Beiliang gradually couldn't distinguish the flow of the sun and the moon.

One year has passed, two years have passed...

The cold wave shows no signs of letting up.

Daxing, as a country that had good relations with Beiliang, once sent envoys to Beiliang in the second year of the cold wave to explore the situation and see if it needed help.

But the messengers sent never returned.

Daxing sent envoys more than ten times in succession, but received no news from them all, and finally had to give up.

To this day, fifteen years later, there is still only a cold wave raging in the hometown of Beiliang, and there is no trace of any Beiliang people.

Therefore, the world judged that Beiliang no longer existed.

Beiliang's hometown has also become a forbidden place in the northern border.

Many people go there every year to look for the secret treasures of Beiliang frozen in the wind and snow, but for so many years, no one has come out of the cold wave.

There are even some world-famous masters among them.

Such cases are increasing every year, so this book [Secrets of the North] naturally defines Beiliang as being in a state of annihilation.

Princess Ankang burst into tears because of this incident.

Her mother-in-law passed away last year, and now her grandparents, whom she has never met, are also defined as dead. How can this not make Princess Ankang sad?

In particular, there are many records about Concubine Xiao in the secret affairs of the North. Princess Ankang naturally missed Concubine Xiao after reading it.

After reading the content in the book, Li Xuan could only sigh and silently accompany Princess Ankang, wiping her tears.

"Forget it, just cry if you want."

"Have a good cry."

Thinking about it now, except for the day when Concubine Xiao died, Princess Ankang seemed to have never cried properly.

I feel bad, and it will feel better if I cry.

Holding everything in your heart will only make the discomfort continue to ferment.

"Axuan, please advise His Highness."

"If you keep crying like this, I'm afraid Your Highness will hurt your body from crying."

Yu'er said anxiously.

In response, Li Xuan just shook his head at Yu'er.

Rather than letting Princess Ankang hold her tears in her heart, it would be better to let them out happily.

But Li Xuan couldn't help but blame Mr. Ye for why he gave this book to Princess Ankang.

It only makes people sad.

There was no time for dinner, so Li Xuan and Yu'er cried with Princess Ankang for a long time.

Finally, Princess Ankang fell asleep after being tired from crying.

It's just that the incident in Beiliang will inevitably become a knot in her heart.

Li Xuan was also very curious as to what was going on with that cold wave that could engulf an entire country.

The next time he went to Qianxing Pavilion, he had to ask Mr. Ye what he meant by telling Princess Ankang secrets about the North.

After learning about Beiliang, Li Xuan also understood a little more about Princess Ankang's previous situation.

No wonder Jingyang Palace was in such misery before. It turned out that Concubine Xiao's natal family was completely gone.

No wonder Concubine Xiao went from being in the limelight to being relegated to the cold palace, and was never able to see Emperor Yongyuan until her death.

"Beiliang people are also stubborn."

"Since the cold wave is such a dangerous thing, don't you know how to avoid it?"

"No matter how bad it is, you can't put all your eggs in one basket."

Li Xuan guessed that Princess Ankang would not be the last Beiliang person in the world, right?

In any case, Princess Ankang was so sad that Li Xuan did not run away and stayed with her in Jingyang Palace.

Looking at Princess Ankang's eyes that were red from crying, Li Xuan rubbed her head with compassion.

"My poor baby."

The next day, Princess Ankang woke up listlessly. She hugged Li Xuan and lay on the bed without eating or washing her face.

Although Yu'er was anxious, she also calmed down a lot when she saw that Li Xuan was just calmly staying with Princess Ankang.

Yu'er sighed secretly, knowing that this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

We can only hope that Princess Ankang can cheer up as soon as possible.

Yu'er thought for a moment, and I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better if it were her.

Maybe Princess Ankang also hopes that there will be relatives who love her in this world.

Although Concubine Xiao has passed away, Princess Ankang may have fantasies about her grandparents whom she has never met, and she still has fantasies about other relatives.

But the cruel facts in that book shattered the possibility of this fantasy.

Lies won't hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife.

Princess Ankang lay like this all morning.

Li Xuan and Yu'er just stayed with her all morning.


A sudden sound echoed in the room.

Princess Ankang got up quickly and said unhappily:

"Sister Yu'er, I'm hungry..."

Li Xuan and Yu'er felt relieved and both showed a smile.

"Okay, Your Highness, just wait a moment and the food will be hot before you can eat it."

They didn't eat the breakfast or lunch delivered today, so they just took it out to warm it up.

Princess Ankang is so wilted, how can Li Xuan and Yu'er still have the appetite to eat.

But it's okay now, at least Princess Ankang feels hungry.

Li Xuan stood up, came close to Princess Ankang's face, and kissed her.

Princess Ankang forced a smile, lowered her head and said:

"I'm sorry, Xuan."

"I've made you and sister Yu'er worry."

Princess Ankang didn't want them to worry about her, but she couldn't control her emotions freely.

Li Xuan shook his head silently, hugged Princess Ankang's neck, and kissed her, comforting her emotions.

No one can easily get over such a blow, let alone a twelve-year-old girl.

Princess Ankang is already very strong for her current performance.

Being hugged by Li Xuan, Princess Ankang also felt warm in her heart and said softly:

"Axuan, thank you."

After saying this, there was a smile on her face.

But at this moment, Yu'er, who had gone out to warm up the food, came back and hurriedly came back and said to them: "Your Highness, Ah Xuan."

"Manager Zhao is here."

Princess Ankang was stunned and didn't understand why Zhao Feng came to visit suddenly.

In the morning, Zhao Fenglai taught Yu'er martial arts.

However, Princess Ankang and Li Xuan were both paralyzed on the bed at that time and did not meet Zhao Feng.

Although Zhao Feng was a little surprised why he didn't see Princess Ankang and Li Xuan in the morning, Yu'er didn't take the initiative to say anything, and Zhao Feng didn't inquire.

After all, if he asked, Yu'er would probably be in trouble.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, somewhat guessed the reason why Zhao Feng came to visit.

"Oops, I forgot about the appointment I made yesterday."

Li Xuan went to the House of Internal Affairs to hand in a task yesterday. Manager Shang told him to go to the House of Internal Affairs at noon, and Zhao Feng would be ready to reward him for the task.

Yu'er hurriedly wiped Princess Ankang's face to make her look more energetic, and then prepared to change her clothes.

Princess Ankang cannot be allowed to go to see Zhao Feng wearing a quilt.

After all, one is a princess and the other is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are both people of status.

Li Xuan had nothing to do here, so he walked out of the room first.

In the yard, I saw Zhao Feng waiting here.

Moreover, there is a large food box on the stone table, and a mellow fragrance is wafting from it. It must be something delicious.

"Axuan, didn't you make an appointment to come over at noon?"

"Now I, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have to come and invite you in person?"

"Your score is even bigger than mine."

Zhao Feng joked, but he didn't mean to blame him too much.

Li Xuan just meowed casually to express his apology.

It was because he broke the appointment and asked the old man Zhao Feng to come to him. This was indeed something Li Xuan did wrong.

At this time, Princess Ankang probably freshened up and came out.

It's not good to keep the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs waiting outside for a long time.

But Zhao Feng couldn't help being frightened when he saw Princess Ankang.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Princess Ankang's red and swollen eyes and depressed appearance, Zhao Feng was really curious about what she had gone through.

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

Today I finished writing 10,000 words in one go, and the total time is indeed shorter than it would have been intermittently.

Let's see if there is any place for water mentioned.

I think if there is no problem, I will keep writing like this.

In this way, Bai Miao can still exercise at night.

Within a month, my body began to protest. Recently, especially my left eye has become sore and swollen, and I have to close it for a while from time to time.

By the way, just post a 10,000-word chapter. Wouldn’t it be too tiring for everyone to turn the pages?

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