Princess Ankang lowered her head and said nothing.

However, Yu'er looked at Princess Ankang and saw her gently nodding to him, then explained to Zhao Feng:

"Mr. Zhao, it's actually all because of this book."

Yu'er said, took out the book "Secrets of the North" and showed it to Zhao Feng.

After Zhao Feng read the book, his expression changed drastically and he asked hurriedly:

"Where did you get this book?"

"It was recommended to us by Mr. Ye when we were borrowing books from Qianxing Pavilion yesterday and were short of one."

"Manager Zhao, is there anything wrong with this book?"

Seeing that Manager Zhao looked wrong, Yu'er asked nervously, fearing that they had borrowed books they shouldn't have.

"It's Mr. Ye, then it's okay..."

Manager Zhao smiled sarcastically.

Logically speaking, this book should not appear on the bookshelf of Qianxing Pavilion.

Because it contains a lot of secrets about the North.

[Secrets of the North] The predecessor of this book was originally a collection of secret intelligence from the northern countries. When it was written, Zhao Feng also had a share of the credit.

Although this kind of books is also secretly managed by Ye Laolai, the procedures for lending them are relatively complicated, and not everyone has the authority.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye actually took it upon himself to lend the book to Princess Ankang.

"What do you think, Mr. Ye?"

Zhao Feng shook his head secretly, already knowing the reason for Princess Ankang's red and swollen eyes.

I think I saw the description of Beiliang in the book, which reminded Princess Ankang of her sadness.

"Your Highness, the matter in Beiliang cannot be completely determined yet."

"Although it has been fifteen years since the cold wave began."

"But in the past fifteen years, no one has witnessed the end of Beiliang with their own eyes."

"So, no one can say for sure what happened during the cold wave."

Although these were Zhao Feng's words of comfort, they also contained his own original intention.

The head of the Imperial Household was not just a position that helped the emperor manage the harem.

Zhao Feng also shoulders the responsibility of collecting intelligence.

The emperor lived in the palace for a long time, and if he wanted to get information from the outside world, he could only get information from others.

The emperor must be cautious in this matter or risk being deceived.

If what an emperor sees and hears is deliberately arranged by others.

Then you really have to think carefully about who this emperor is doing this for.

And among the many candidates, is there anyone more trustworthy than the eunuch?

Emperor Yongyuan had several intelligence teams, and Zhao Feng was just one of them, mainly responsible for matters within the Daxing Dynasty.

Therefore, it was Zhao Feng's adopted son Zhao Bugao who brought Deng Weixian back.

Although the stories compiled in Secrets of the North are all old stories, they are really not suitable for a child to read.

In particular, this child has a great connection with the old stories in the book.

"Your Highness, how about I help you return this book to Mr. Ye?"

Zhao Feng asked cautiously.

But Princess Ankang had red and swollen eyes and stubbornly shook her head.

"Thank you, Manager Zhao, for your kindness, but I want to finish reading this book."


"There will be opportunities to enter the northern border in the future."

Princess Ankang said quietly.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng stopped trying to persuade him.

"Okay, then let's follow His Highness' wishes."

Zhao Feng said this, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But then a smile appeared on Zhao Feng's face and he changed the subject:

"Your Highness, have you had lunch?"

"This old slave has brought some supplements. Why don't you give it a try, Your Highness?"

As he spoke, Zhao Feng quietly winked at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan understood that this supplement should be the reward for his mission.

Zhao Feng opened the food box and took out the contents. Yu'er quickly stepped forward to lend a hand, she was very discerning.

Inside the food box is a large jar, with hot steam pouring out of it.

As the jar was taken out of the food box, the faint aroma became stronger.

Li Xuan couldn't help but smell it and found that it should be some kind of meaty aroma.

Just by smelling it, you can tell that the contents of the jar taste good.

"Manager Zhao, why did you suddenly think of giving us delicious food?"

Princess Ankang, who was originally in a low mood, couldn't help but move her small nose. The aroma aroused the greed in her stomach, and then asked curiously.

"Your Highness doesn't know that this old slave dotes on Ah Xuan very much."

"When there is something good, I can't help but want to give it to Ah Xuan to eat."

Zhao Fengtian said shamelessly.

It seemed that he had completely forgotten that this was Li Xuan's reward for his labor.

"What is stewed in this jar is the essence of the spinal cord of the strong beef."

"Those big guys weighing thousands of kilograms can only extract a small spoonful from one end."

"This jar contains the essence of the spinal cord of ten strong and strong cows."

Zhao Feng started selling melons to Mrs. Wang again, boasting about the good things he had brought.

There are still Princess Ankang and Yu'er today, so they have to give themselves face no matter what.

Now that Li Xuan is immune to Zhao Fengtian's extravagant praise, he just wants to see the effect of eating it in his stomach.

However, it was the first time for Princess Ankang and Yu'er to see such rhetoric, and they were immediately frightened.


"Manager Zhao, what is an iron-skeletal and powerful bull?"

Princess Ankang asked curiously.

"I don't even know what it is, you are a piece of shit."

Li Xuan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

But he was still very happy to see Princess Ankang being attracted by what was in front of her and cheering up again.

Yu'er summoned a spoon and a bowl, and then took out the stewed spinal cord from the jar, one bowl for each person.

"I don't need it. This thing has special uses. You and your children can just eat it."

Zhao Feng waved his hand and rejected the stewed spinal cord offered by Yu'er.

Yu'er looked at Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang saw that Zhao Feng was not being polite, so she nodded gently to Yu'er.

Yu'er still put the bowl in front of Zhao Feng.

In this way, everyone and Li Xuan had a bowl of stewed spinal cord in front of them.

Li Xuan is not polite, just keep your head down and show off.

The temperature of the stewed spinal cord is just right, warm and hot without burning your mouth.

This thing tastes like meat and jelly.

Soft and chewy at the same time.

Needless to mention the taste, Zhao Feng probably asked the imperial chef to help, and it was absolutely impeccable.

The taste of the stewed spinal cord is a bit light, relying on the mellow aroma of the ingredients themselves.

He swallowed it snoringly, feeling warm in his stomach.

Then the warmth spread all over the body, making people sweat all over.

Seeing the three little ones starting to eat, Zhao Feng couldn't help but remind him: "Your Highness, eat slowly. If you feel uncomfortable, you must stop. You may be exhausted."

This was one of the reasons why Zhao Feng was embarrassed to say that the stewed spinal cord was specially given to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang has always been in poor health, and it’s hard to say whether there will be any adverse reactions after eating it.

Zhao Feng also relied on his high level of cultivation to be able to handle it calmly even if something happened.

Princess Ankang nodded, indicating that she had remembered it.

She gently scooped up a small amount with a spoon, then put it into her mouth and tasted it slowly.

Princess Ankang cherishes her life very much, so she will not joke about her own safety.

She also wanted to play with Li Xuan and Yu'er every day.

The little girl can't bear to live like this.

Princess Ankang tasted a little first, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

She used to be afraid of the cold, so she liked to eat hot things the most.

But because she was afraid of burning her mouth, Concubine Xiao or Yu'er would cool her down every time before she could eat it.

At this time, Princess Ankang could only wait eagerly on the sidelines, looking forward to and eagerly.

But the bowl of stewed spinal cord in front of me is at just the right temperature. It doesn't burn your mouth and is still warm in your stomach.

And this taste perfectly meets Princess Ankang’s definition of gourmet food.


Princess Ankang, who was originally in a bad mood, cheered up again as soon as she ate delicious food.

Sure enough, for children, only delicious and fun things are the most important things to live up to!

"Haha, as long as His Highness likes it."

Zhao Feng saw that Princess Ankang liked to eat and did not show any uncomfortable reaction, so he felt relieved.

He then said to Li Xuan and Yu'er:

"Eating the spinal cord of the strong-bodied beef can warm up the toughness of the bone marrow."

"This will be of great benefit to breaking through the marrow training realm in the future."

"The bone marrow will become better able to tolerate the power of Qi and blood, and will be able to withstand better strengthening."

After hearing this explanation, Yu'er looked at the stewed spinal cord in the bowl, and then looked at Li Xuan aside, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

She is still in physical strength state now.

Zhao Feng, who is responsible for teaching her martial arts, should be very clear about this.

In other words, today's stewed spinal cord is indeed what Zhao Feng said, and it is specially given to Li Xuan.

Thinking about the previous situation in Qianxing Pavilion, Yu'er gradually gained a more and more specific understanding of Li Xuan's strength.

"Is Ah Xuan already attacking the marrow training realm?"


Yu'er just thinks Li Xuan is awesome.

Because she didn't know that the beasts couldn't practice human skills at all.

Without this kind of common sense, Yu'er had no idea how outrageous her cat was.

Yu'er looked at the stewed spinal cord in the bowl and couldn't help but be careful when eating it. She even complained that she had eaten so much.

It was obvious that what was in front of her was only a small bowl, but at this moment, it seemed to be so much in Yu'er's eyes.

At this time, Zhao Feng suddenly said:

"Although the spinal cord of the strong beef is very effective, each person can only digest less than half of it."

"After all, the physiques of humans and cattle cannot be generalized. It can be considered a limitation of our human race."

Yu'er couldn't help but feel moved after hearing this.

"Half a person, then this jar is enough for twenty people."

Li Xuan also looked at Zhao Feng after hearing this, but his eyes were a little unkind.

Zhao Feng also immediately felt Li Xuan's gaze, laughed, and said to him quietly: "Where can I get so many storm rabbits for you?"

"Although this spinal cord is weaker, doesn't it mean that the amount of the spinal cord is large and the tube is full?"

"And it's just the supplement you need right now. It's pretty good, right?"

Zhao Feng hurriedly explained.

Speaking of which, he has to be blamed for this.

He used too much force last time and took out the rare Wind Chasing Rabbit.

But next time, it will be almost impossible to come up with a treasure that is even rarer than the Wind Chaser Rabbit.

But Zhao Feng also had his own methods.

Rather than being rare, effectiveness is more important.

After getting along with him for so long, he already knew Li Xuan's character very well.

Maybe it's because of the pure beast race, this guy is the most typical pragmatist.

As long as it works for you, no matter what it is, just keep it in your pocket.

When Li Xuan heard this, he understood the same truth and stopped worrying about it.

He saw Yu'er next to him licking the spoon and refusing to eat. He couldn't help but gave her a stern meow, and then pushed the bowl in Yu'er's direction.


Yu'er couldn't help but feel a little moved.

This is obviously a good thing to use to replenish his health and improve his cultivation.

Zhao Feng on the side also said with a smile: "Don't worry, this can is definitely enough for you, there is still some left."

Li Xuan couldn't help but nod after hearing this, and then he unceremoniously pulled the bowl in front of Zhao Feng and licked it clean himself.

Zhao Feng smiled, and the veins on his forehead twitched.

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