Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 194 Meeting with the Great Eunuch

Sure enough, as Zhao Feng said, after they had eaten and drank enough, more than half of the jar was left.

If I eat every meal, I'm afraid it will take two or three days.

And although the stewed spinal cord tastes delicious, it is still a bit greasy after eating too much.

If you consider the food mix, I'm afraid it will take longer to finish.

"It's really a big deal."

Li Xuan burped, his whole body felt warm, and he was very satisfied with today's mission reward.

Of course, the main reason for satisfaction is to give Princess Ankang a happy meal.

Princess Ankang ate several bowls. It was so warm that her face turned red and she felt drowsy.

She didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't eat all day after getting up today.

After eating soothingly, she was inevitably a little tired, and she was already carried back to bed by Yu'er and fell asleep.

No matter what, Princess Ankang doesn't look as sad and uncomfortable as she did yesterday.

Li Xuan also hoped that Princess Ankang could accept the disaster that happened in Beiliang as soon as possible.

If there is a chance in the future, he also wants to take Princess Ankang into the place shrouded by the cold wave to see what is happening to Concubine Xiao's former hometown.

After Yu'er sent Princess Ankang back to the room to sleep, she cleared the table.

There is still a lot of stewed spinal cord sent by Zhao Feng, so it needs to be kept in the kitchen.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of supplies in Jingyang Palace, and there is also a small "freezer" in the kitchen.

It is really a freezer in the physical sense. A small cabinet is filled with neat ice cubes to maintain a low temperature environment.

Specialized personnel will come to replenish them with new ice cubes every day to ensure the low temperature of the freezer.

Put the eaten food in the freezer to keep it fresh for several days without wasting it.

But in fact, the three small freezers are not used very often.

Because on weekdays, their leftover food would be taken away by the eunuchs who delivered the meals, which made Yu'er lose a lot of work.

Only on special occasions, when they are no longer eating, will the food be delivered to the kitchen at Yu'er's signal.

For example, today, Princess Ankang had no appetite and missed breakfast and lunch time, so the food was stored in the kitchen.

But if you don’t eat it today, someone will take it away tomorrow.

In short, the quality of life in Jingyang Palace is no longer what it used to be. Even Yu'er, as a palace maid, enjoys superior treatment. She is no longer on the same level as the little palace maid who had to get up early every day to make money for others.

"Axuan, you've had enough to eat and drink, are you in the mood to watch a show?"

Yu'er cleared the table, and Li Xuan lay on the table to bask in the sun.

Yu'er was used to it. When clearing the table, she pulled Li Xuan and wiped the table under him. After wiping it, she put it back again for him. She didn't mean to be impatient at all.

When he heard that there was a show to watch, Li Xuan immediately cheered up.

He returned the things to Wei Chengji's room after borrowing them yesterday.

Zhao Feng felt uneasy when he thought about it.

He didn't know what kind of hatred he had with Wei Chengji when they were young, so he grabbed one person and pulled him hard.

Speaking of which, Wei Chengji was no ordinary sheep. He was still standing after being scooped up so many times. There was something really special about it.

Anyway, staying here is just for digestion. Li Xuan might as well go and see Zhao Feng to see what kind of show he is going to put on.


Li Xuan agreed, got up and left with Zhao Feng.

After leaving Jingyang Palace, Li Xuan was carried in Zhao Feng's arms and came to Yanqu Palace.

At first, Li Xuan wanted to stand on Zhao Feng's head, which would be so exciting.

Unfortunately, Zhao Feng disagreed and forced Li Xuan down.

When they arrived near Yanqu Hall, Zhao Fengcai let go of Li Xuan.

"Axuan, find a comfortable place and get ready to watch the show."

"By the way, Wei Chengji's whipping technique is superb. Let's see how much you can learn today."

Zhao Feng said this and left with the accompanying eunuch in colorful clothes.

Li Xuan jumped onto the courtyard wall, somewhat unsure of what Zhao Feng meant.

"Are we going to take action?"

Li Xuan clearly remembered that Manager Shang told him that it would be more beneficial for him to have Wei Chengji alive.

Zhao Feng also promised well at the time, but maybe he regretted it later.

"Isn't this old boy going to take matters into his own hands?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel worried.

Zhao Feng has always been obedient to his godfather.

Moreover, Manager Shang is also very helpful and will basically give the most reasonable suggestions.

Li Xuan has never seen Zhao Feng fail to adopt Manager Shang's advice or disobey orders.

"It's not true, is it?"

Li Xuan was doubtful and quickly went to Yanqu Hall to find a good place to watch the show.

He found that Zhao Feng did not enter Yanqu Hall directly, but wandered nearby, waiting for something.

Li Xuan ignored Zhao Feng and went directly to find today's protagonist, Wei Chengji.

He searched around Yanqu Hall and found that Yanqu Hall was particularly lively today.

Wei Chengji was leading three specially dressed eunuchs to visit the Yanqu Hall.

The floral clothes on these three eunuchs are similar to those on Wei Chengji, all leaning towards a specific color.

Wei Chengji's floral dress tends to be bright yellow, and the other three have their own merits.

The three people are: Gao Wang, who is wearing a rouge-colored floral dress, Guo Sheng, who is wearing an indigo floral dress, and Duan Gui, who is wearing a stone-green floral dress.

They were also the powerful eunuchs in the palace.

Judging from his appearance, he seems to be younger than Zhao Feng and Wei Chengji, so he should not be of the same generation.

But these three people also each hold important authority in the palace. Although individually they cannot compete with Zhao Feng's Ministry of Internal Affairs, together they are a force that cannot be ignored.

Even Zhao Feng was so distressed when they found an opportunity before, and he still hasn't come to an end with them until today.

Wei Chengji pretended to take them for a walk around Yanqu Hall, and then led the three of them to his room.

Apparently he was looking for a convenient place to talk.

Li Xuan watched the four eunuchs gather together from a distance on the courtyard wall.

"Zhao Feng is having a great time."

Li Xuan was about to laugh.

Not surprisingly, these three eunuchs were the three who had been visited by Li Xuan before.

"You three, please."

Wei Chengji opened the door and invited the three of them.

"Haha, that's annoying."

The three eunuchs walked into Wei Chengji's room with smiles and a friendly appearance.

Then Wei Chengji winked at the eunuchs accompanying him, telling them to watch the door and not allow anyone to approach.

The accompanying eunuchs immediately guarded the doors and windows, not allowing anyone to approach.

As for the three great eunuchs, they all stayed and waited outside Yanqu Hall, which was considered a sign of trust and respect.

"At this level, you can't stop me."

Li Xuan found an angle that no one could see, and jumped to the roof with a slight leap.

Then he hung himself upside down from the roof by his tail, and saw the scene inside through a gap in a door or window.

"Hey, I hid the object so well, can they find it?"

"Or is Zhao Feng already prepared?"

Li Xuan suddenly remembered this question.

He hid the borrowed items well beforehand. After all, he couldn't let Wei Chengji discover them in advance, otherwise he would be in vain.

But in this case, how could they "accidentally" discover those things?

Li Xuanjing watched the changes and saw what good show Zhao Feng had prepared.

"I wonder what Eunuch Wei's purpose is in inviting the three of us here today?"

Gao Wang, who had just sat down and was wearing a rouge-colored floral dress, asked.

He is very short, like a child, who cannot even fit in a chair. His fair complexion makes him look very young. There are not many wrinkles on his face, but the gloominess in his eyes reveals his actual age. .

Li Xuan did not expect that there would be such a strange person among the great eunuchs.

"You still have the nerve to ask me?"

"How long has Zhao Bugao been at my side? If you don't think of a way to solve it, I won't be able to cooperate with you in the future."

Wei Chengji spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

He wanted to make things clear with these three people today, or help him quickly deal with Zhao Bugao who was placed beside him, so that he could relax.

Or just make it clear that you can't free your hands recently and can't help.

This can also excuse your future inaction.

If given the choice, Wei Chengji would naturally not want to be Zhao Feng's undercover agent.

But when someone grabbed his pigtails, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

But how to be an undercover agent is also very particular.

No merit, no fault, that is the best.

In this way, no matter which way he goes in the future, Wei Chengji will have room for change.

Having two choices is not a bad thing.

But in terms of his personal emotions, he absolutely does not want to be tied to Zhao Feng.

Ever since he was young, Wei Chengji had been tricked by Zhao Feng so many times.

Several times, Wei Chengji worked hard, but Zhao Feng took away the fruits of victory.

With such personal grudges, how could Wei Chengji be willing to work as an undercover agent for Zhao Feng.

"Eunuch Wei——"

Guo Sheng, who was wearing an indigo floral dress on the side, chimed in, with a long tail tone and a soft tone.

But he himself is tall, thin, and handsome.

Although he is old, it can be seen that he must have had a good skin when he was young.

"In this matter, our old friends naturally want to help you."


"Just what?"

Wei Chengji asked impatiently.

This Guo Sheng loves to sell things off and always talks half-speak.

"It's just this opportunity. We need Eunuch Wei to help us create more."

"Zhao Bugao is Zhao Feng's adopted son, and now he is working under your command. Shouldn't he be able to find this opportunity wherever he wants?"

"Please make arrangements carefully. If we try harder, we will be able to break one of his arms."

Guo Sheng speaks softly, but is more ruthless than anyone else.

When he said this, he put his palms down and planned how to destroy Zhao Bugao.

After hearing this, Wei Chengji fell into deep thought and did not answer for a long time.

Everyone here is an old fox, and no one understands anyone’s thoughts.

Although they are all determined to get rid of Zhao Feng, no one wants to be the one who takes the spotlight, and they all just want to contribute in secret.

After all, if Zhao Feng is offended, no one is willing to accept the consequences of being targeted.

As the eunuchs put it nicely, it was called helping each other.

But when something really happened, it would be a sign of loyalty not to step forward and step on him.

They had all seen how Wei Chengji was targeted by Zhao Feng before, and naturally they didn't want to have that experience themselves.

So I just went with the flow and let Wei Chengji be the leader.

They believe that Wei Chengji is not made of mud.

After being bullied by Zhao Feng so much, how could he possibly swallow this tone of voice?

And unlike others, Wei Chengji's escape route is not as wide as theirs.

Now after several confrontations, although each has its own victory or defeat.

But in general, they are responsible for "win" and Wei Chengji is responsible for "lose".

Zhao Feng is responsible for the "win or lose" alone.

The three of them had long expected that Wei Chengji would not be able to hold on any longer and would come to them for help.

So today we all put on airs and prepared to get the best conditions.

Since Wei Chengji has been targeted, it is better to let him take over as the leader.

Between Wei Chengji and Zhao Feng, one must die.

In this way, there is no need to worry about Wei Chengji not trying his best.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that Wei Chengji had already switched sides.

Wei Chengji, Gao Wang and Guo Sheng were at loggerheads, each fighting for their own interests.

Only Duan Gui, who was wearing a stone green floral dress, remained silent.

Duan Gui's body shape is also very distinctive. He is as fat as a ball. He is crowded on the chair and does not participate in the discussion. He just looks around and examines Wei Chengji's room with a solemn expression.

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