After a long discussion, no one wanted to suffer.

Gao Wang and Guo Sheng thought that Wei Chengji came to them because they couldn't sit still.

After a lot of bargaining, he actually refused to give in. He seemed to rather be bullied to death by Zhao Feng than to be the big brother who took the lead.

"Old bastard, the older you get, the more cowardly you become."

Gao Wang and Guo Sheng looked at each other and cursed secretly.

Wei Chengji was a generation older than them, so even if he scolded the old bastard, he was not scolding himself.

Wei Chengji is naturally there.

He is already an undercover agent now. Is he still afraid that Zhao Feng will target him?

Wei Chengji just wanted to encourage these three people to cause more trouble for Zhao Feng, so that Zhao Feng would not think of him.

Otherwise, if Zhao Fengzhen had some crooked ideas and forced him to make dangerous moves, how would he get along with other eunuchs in the future?

I'm just afraid that if I get to that point, if I don't become Zhao Feng's dog, I will be surrounded by others and take revenge.

Wei Chengji does not have the same background as Zhao Feng.

He controlled Yanqu Palace, and at most he only had some relationship with the families in the court who wanted to gain a foothold in the harem.

In terms of hard power, Yanqudian has the worst resources.

Therefore, the strength of the accompanying eunuchs under Wei Chengji can be said to be at the bottom.

Don't think that the eunuchs in the palace don't have times to fight. It's just that they are more subtle than the three religions and nine schools in the world. They are all underhanded tricks.

But if you want to use this method, you must have a certain amount of strength to support it, otherwise you will just be a clown.

If it weren't for Wei Chengji's seniority and the excellent skills of his subordinates, he wouldn't have been able to survive to this day.

Seeing that the discussion was deadlocked, Gao Wang and Guo Sheng couldn't help frowning and looking at Duan Gui who was also here.

"Eunuch Duan, I wonder what you think of this matter?"

"Why are you silent today? Is it because you are dissatisfied with us?"

Guo Sheng asked angrily.

The three of them had a good talk before they came, but Duan Gui became silent when he came. How could the other two not be resentful.

Unexpectedly, Duan Gui frowned, stretched out his hand, and stopped Guo Sheng's words.

They are all eunuchs, and there is no way to tell who is the superior.

What Duan Gui did was really rude.

"Fatty Duan, what do you mean?"

Guo Sheng, who was already unhappy, started scolding him directly.

The relationship between them is similar to that of Wei Chengji and Zhao Feng. After entering the palace, they fought until now. They have been in love and killed each other for many years. Sometimes they are friends, sometimes they are enemies.

As a result, Guo Sheng cursed "Fat Duan" and Duan Gui's brows furrowed even deeper, and he shouted impatiently: "Shut up!"


Guo Sheng rolled up his sleeves and wanted to let him taste the power of his sharp tongue.

But Gao Wang, who came with him, stopped him.

Gao Wang could tell that Duan Gui was on something.

He saw that Duan Gui's nose was constantly sniffing, as if he was looking for some smell.

They all knew that Duan Gui, who was also a great eunuch, had developed another miraculous skill because of his talent, and his nose was sharper than a dog's.

In the beginning, Duan Gui was able to fight his way out of a group of people and win the favor of the nobles because of this ability.

Duan Gui's martial arts skills are mediocre, but he has special abilities.

After all, being a great eunuch relies not only on fighting and killing, but also on being a worldly person.

Especially the noble people's human nature and sophistication.

Duan Gui stood up while smelling the smell. He stopped being pretentious and explained:

"When I entered the house just now, I smelled a vague smell."

"It's very familiar, but I can't remember what it is."

The more Duan Gui thought about it, the more confused he became, and his nose twitched harder.

Li Xuan, who was hanging upside down on the eaves and peeking, heard this and couldn't help but cover his mouth and almost laughed.

"Okay, Zhao Feng turns out to be waiting here."

"But I have to say that these eunuchs are really talented."

Li Xuan suppressed his laughter and waited to see what would happen next.

Wei Chengji suddenly felt uneasy and had to say: "Eunuch Duan, this is my room, please observe the etiquette."

But Duan Gui was obviously obsessed with the smell and continued to look for the source of the smell.

Just as Wei Chengji was about to stop him, Gao Wang and Guo Sheng stood up and stood in front of Wei Chengji.

Wei Chengji's reaction made them realize that something seemed wrong.

"What are you doing?"

Wei Chengji said displeasedly, obviously really angry.

"Young people today are so rude!"

He cursed secretly in his mind.

Compared with their old-school styles, these rising stars are more unruly than the others and have no concept of respecting their predecessors.

"Eunuch Wei, let Eunuch Duan look for it. Otherwise, we won't be able to find the source of this familiar smell. I'm afraid he won't be able to concentrate on talking today."

Gao Wang advised.

"Yes, and I'm also very curious about what is there in Mr. Wei's house that makes Fatty Duan care so much."

Guo Sheng also helped.

Neither of them thought much of it at first.

But with Wei Chengji's reaction and Duan Gui's usually good nose, their atmosphere gradually became a little wrong.

Everyone has something on their mind.

Wei Chengji has his own concerns.

They also have their own experiences.

Although they thought it was unlikely, the three eunuchs still thought of the secrets buried deep in each other's hearts.

They all lost something recently.

Although each other did not know that the other two people had the same experience, at this moment, they all thought of the same thing in tacit understanding.

Although Wei Chengji didn't know what happened, he subconsciously felt uneasy when faced with the situation in front of him.

The three eunuchs started to jointly search their rooms in confusion. How could Wei Chengji feel relieved?

"This is Yanqu Palace. If you don't want to cooperate, don't cooperate. There is no need to humiliate me in such a roundabout way."

"If I, Wei Chengji, die in this palace tomorrow, my life will be worth it."

"But without me, can you fight against Zhao Feng?"

"It hasn't been long since the three of you became eunuchs, haven't you enjoyed enough yet?"

Wei Chengji made harsh words.

But what they never expected was that despite his harsh words, these three people remained indifferent.

At this time, Duan Gui had already walked to Wei Chengji's bedside.

Gao Wang and Guo Sheng ignored Wei Chengji's words, but both looked at Duan Gui.

Although they don't trust each other, they both recognize each other's abilities.

There is nothing wrong with Duan Gui's nose. Even the hunting dogs raised by the eldest prince may not have as good a nose as his.

Duan Gui was short and fat, so he got his head under the bed without much effort.

Then I saw him groping under the bed board for a while, and after two thumps, something fell under the bed.

The eyes of everyone in the room were instantly nailed to those things.

A piece of the colorful trousers fell off and lay quietly on the ground.

The silence in the room was audible.

Wei Chengji didn't say anything because he didn't know why there were three pairs of men's old underwear under his bed.

Fortunately, these three pairs of obscene pants were men's. If they were women's, Wei Chengji might have been panicked, thinking that the three of them were trying to frame him.

Duan Gui, who found the underwear after smelling it, silently picked up a piece of underwear on the ground and slowly asked:

"Do you have to choose this one?"


Wei Chengji was stunned, not knowing what Duan Gui meant.

But then, he saw Gao Wang and Guo Sheng follow suit, slowly walking forward and each picking up a pair of obscene pants.

"Aren't these guys too dirty?"

Wei Chengji felt that the psychology of these three eunuchs was somewhat abnormal.

But it is inevitable to live in a high-pressure environment like the palace for decades.

Although Wei Chengji was used to it, he still despised them.

The three of them took the obscene pants and looked at each other. They all saw something and just closed their eyes silently.

For men and eunuchs, things like underwear are more and more sentimental.

Especially a pair of trousers that have been worn for many years and are so casual that they can almost be regarded as family heirlooms.

Gao Wang, Guo Sheng and Duan Gui.

Although the three of them are high-ranking eunuchs, calling the shots in the palace and enjoying great glory, they actually have hidden secrets.

Just yesterday, the lingerie pants they had been wearing for the longest time disappeared.

No trace was left in the room.

Countless rare treasures were left untouched, but the pair of trousers that they were most sentimental about was taken away.

They all know that the person behind it is not only satisfying their perverted desires, but also playing tricks on them.

What about the great eunuch?

It's not like he can't even keep his underwear on.

They all wanted to imagine how proud the big pervert who stole their underwear was.

They couldn't help but burst into tears when they thought of the underwear that had been with them for many years falling into the hands of perverts and not knowing what kind of torture they would suffer.

Even after becoming eunuchs, they still couldn't understand why there were so many perverts in the palace.

And now the three of them seem to have an answer.

It’s not that there are more perverts, it’s that perverts are getting older.

The moment when I saw the old man who I had carefully cared for for many years, fearing to tear even a single bit, was stuffed into the gap under the bed board like a rag, unable to fall down.

Their sanity was also shattered into pieces.

"Wei Laogou, you are going too far!"

The three eunuchs all shouted loudly, with overwhelming momentum.

The doors and windows of the room were suddenly blown into pieces by the momentum and scattered in all directions.

Fortunately, Li Xuan saw that the situation was not right and dodged in advance, otherwise innocent people would have been almost harmed.

"What are you doing!?"

Wei Chengji was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that they would actually take action on his own territory, and they didn't take him seriously at all.

The three eunuchs used their own methods to attack Wei Chengji fiercely.

In an instant, everything in the room was crushed into powder and turned into ruins.

Wei Chengji's accompanying eunuchs who were guarding the door were blown away by the initial momentum, and most of them were seriously injured.

Those who were still able to move thought Wei Chengji had been stabbed and hurried in to help, but were driven out by Wei Chengji.

"Get out, don't come near!"

Wei Chengji found that Gao Wang and others were serious about him and did not dare to let the accompanying eunuchs with insufficient cultivation get close.

If the eunuchs fight with each other, they will be injured at most.

But if his accompanying eunuchs were allowed to get involved, his death would be in vain.

Wei Chengji was also extremely angry when he saw them suddenly killing him.

"Okay, okay, you really think I'm easy to bully, don't you?"

Wei Chengji shook his arm, and a long white whip wrapped around his arm was thrown out, and it suddenly danced into a strange python with a terrifying momentum.

"It's that whipping technique!"

Li Xuan hid on the roof and suddenly became energetic.

The four eunuchs fought from inside to outside the house, fighting with great force.

With a figure as tall as a child, Gao Wang wields a hidden weapon that makes people hard to guard against.

The tall and thin Guo Sheng danced his long legs as fast as thunder.

Duan Gui, who was short and fat, was the most aggressive. He kept bullying Wei Chengji and kept getting closer with his head and body, so that even Li Xuan couldn't figure out what kind of technique it was.

But when Wei Chengji's long whip hit Duan Gui's body, it made a clanging sound of gold and iron, which shows that his horizontal training and external skills are extremely good.

"Listen to me first!"

Wei Chengji said anxiously, fearing that the three of them would misunderstand.

Based on the familiar smell Duan Gui mentioned earlier and their current reactions, Wei Chengji had already made a rough guess.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead now, and he didn't understand why there were three of their underwear under his bed.

Now the three of them were furious and took action, fearing that they would not be able to listen to their own explanations for a while.

"Humph, I can only help them calm down first!"

Wei Chengji was very angry after being tricked like this.

Knowing that I couldn't explain it now, I had to convince them first and then reason with them.

Wei Chengji tightened his grip on the long whip, and his momentum suddenly increased.

"Maybe our whip hasn't roared for a long time!"


A harsh neighing sound exploded, and Li Xuan on the roof was stunned.

The whip in Wei Chengji's hand seemed to come alive and turned into a strange white python.

Li Xuan's eyes widened and he was extremely shocked.


"So fierce!"

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