Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 413 Double Ninth Festival Banquet

The ninth day of September.

It’s the Double Ninth Festival, and chrysanthemums are always lingering.

The annual Double Ninth Festival banquet was held in the palace. Ninety-nine large round tables were placed in front of the huge Tai Chi Palace. The venue was decorated with black and gold colors and chrysanthemum patterns, making it dignified, elegant and noble.

The sky is only slightly bright now, and there are countless palace maids and eunuchs busy here.

They shuttled back and forth in a hurry, but there was no noise at all. Even when they needed to speak, they lowered their voices, covered their mouths with their hands, and talked in a low voice.

Everyone knows that today is a big day and there must be no neglect.

If something goes wrong, not just you, but others may suffer as well.

Under such circumstances, no one would dare to be careless, and would even take the initiative to supervise other people's work, for fear that some idiot would implicate themselves.

Zhao Feng arrived at the venue for the Double Ninth Festival banquet early and watched everything being prepared in an orderly manner according to the plan.

"Manager, the Cuju venue is ready. Do you need to check it?"

A eunuch in colorful clothes came to Zhao Feng's side and reported softly.

Zhao Feng nodded, glanced at the conference venue in front of him, and then told the people around him:

"Urge them to be more agile and not to waste time."

"Please check the route for the distinguished guests to enter the palace, and don't let those imperial guards do anything rude."

Zhao Feng was only the head of the House of Internal Affairs. He could manage the colorful eunuchs in the palace, but he could not control the imperial guards.

After hearing Zhao Feng's instructions, the eunuch in colorful clothes beside him remembered every word. Seeing Zhao Feng's tone, he paused and asked at the right time:

"General Manager, General Wei's side..."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, seeing the concerns of his men, and immediately comforted him:

"I have already said hello, the Imperial Army will not embarrass you."

"General Wei also received your Majesty's order and knew what to do."

Seeing that the eunuch in colorful clothes had no other questions, Zhao Feng waved his hand:

"Okay, let's go get busy."

“There is no room for failure in today’s Double Ninth Festival banquet.”

The eunuch in colorful clothes immediately replied: "Yes, manager."

When the time comes.

The Suzaku door slowly opened.

There were already four long lines waiting quietly outside the door.

This team is full of people wearing official uniforms or gorgeous clothes.

Among them are heroes, powerful people, and their families.

At this moment, the team in front of Zhuque's gate included almost all the nobles in Daxing.

The roads in front of Zhuque Gate are also controlled by the imperial army, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter or exit at will.

As the Suzaku Gate opened, the team, led by the imperial guards and eunuchs in colorful clothes, entered the palace in an orderly manner.

Every position in the team was carefully considered and divided into four teams according to civil servants, military attaches, royal family members, royal relatives, and finally invited family members.

The ranking of the team is based on official position and title.

At this time, you can see the strength of each family.

The closer you are to the front of the team, the more powerful you are.

The more clan members there are in the team, the more prosperous the family will be.

Important banquets such as the Double Ninth Festival Banquet have long become a stage for various families in the capital to show off their muscles.

"Wow, there are so many people."

The three little ones were entering the palace in a carriage. When they saw such a long queue coming in from the Suzaku Gate, they couldn't help but lie down by the window and watch.

Three little heads were squeezed into the same small car window, curiously looking at the team in the distance.

Outside the carriage, Xu Lang, who was driving the carriage, heard Princess Ankang's exclamation and immediately explained:

"Your Highness, if you don't include members of the royal family, there will be a total of 999 guests at today's Double Ninth Festival banquet."

"Huh? So many people!"

Princess Ankang was even more surprised when she heard this. She didn't expect so many people to attend a banquet.

At this time, a large number of guests were entering the palace at the Zhuque Gate. Princess Ankang and their carriage must not go that way.

It would be too rude not to mention the issue of crowding or not.

People were slowly lining up and walking into the palace.

Three carefree little dogs drove by in a carriage. The situation was too embarrassing.

But fortunately, Zhao Feng had already made arrangements.

Princess Ankang has been living outside the palace recently due to the renovation of Jingyang Palace. She is the only one of the royal descendants to attend the Double Ninth Festival banquet from outside the palace.

Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also took responsibility and made corresponding arrangements.

Later, their carriage will enter through the Anshang Gate next to the Zhuque Gate, and then arrive at the banquet site in front of the Taiji Palace from the Changle Gate.

As for the invited guests, they entered through the Zhuque Gate next to it and then arrived at the banquet site through Chengtian Gate.

It just opened a quiet path for Princess Ankang, and at the same time, it would not have any impact on the guests' entry into the palace.

But in an area guarded by the Forbidden Army, a luxurious carriage will attract attention even if it wants to be low-key.

"Mom, there's a carriage over there."

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the palace, how can there be a carriage?"

"Mom, there really is!"

"Who is that? He's actually driving in the palace!"

"And looking at the style of the carriage, I'm afraid the identity of the owner is not simple."

"Shut your mouth and don't look around!"

"Take care of yourselves and follow some rules."

“See nothing untoward, hear nothing untoward, speak nothing untoward, do nothing untoward.”

After all, there were all people with status present. As Princess Ankang's carriage appeared in the distance, it caused a small commotion, but it quickly subsided.

But such unusual movement attracted more people's attention.

They saw a carriage drive into the door next door and continued to go deeper without stopping.

The guests who were lining up to enter saw the carriage passing them from the adjacent avenue, and then continued to move forward. It seemed that the destination was in the same direction as them.

The team on the far right was originally a team of invited family members. They were closest to the carriage and could see it most clearly.

Because there were many children and women among them, the news naturally spread among the team, even to the people in the team next to them.

The people standing in the team next to them were all the backbone of the court.

These well-informed bosses also gradually heard the news, but they didn't make as much fuss as the family members queued up.

But many people also frowned and began to think about who was driving in the palace.

Not many people hold this honor, and several of them are standing in their ranks.

But other than that, they couldn't think of a single one.

Only a few people who knew the situation in the palace very well had already guessed who was sitting in the carriage.

But when they thought about this special day, the expressions on their faces became solemn.

"Oh, they all looked over suddenly and I was shocked!"

Princess Ankang covered her small breasts and patted them.

At this time, the curtain on the car window had been pulled down, blocking the car window tightly.

At first, the three little ones were just watching the excitement, but the next moment they became the excitement and being watched.

If Princess Ankang hadn't reacted quickly, they would have made eye contact with the people in the team just now.

Thinking of that embarrassing scene, Princess Ankang couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Li Xuan yawned and stepped aside, planning to squint in the car for a while longer.

He didn't sleep all night last night and was quite tired.

Finally, when we arrived at the gate of the palace, we found something bustling, so we got up and followed Princess Ankang and Yu'er to open the car window.

As a result, after watching this excitement for a while, I stopped watching.

Li Xuan, who was unhappy, planned to catch up on some sleep.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er chattered excitedly, discussing today's banquet.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine guests, that's a lot of people."

"Look at the teams just now, how long will it take for so many people to enter?"

It can be heard that Princess Ankang is still looking forward to today's Double Ninth Festival banquet.

After all, they had never seen such a big scene in Jingyang Palace.

"That is to say, no wonder Manager Shang reminded us to eat something to fill our stomachs on the way."

"With so many people, how long does it take to go through the process? When will we have dinner?"

Yu'er also sighed with emotion.

When they set off from Xingqing Palace, Manager Shang specifically reminded them that the Double Ninth Festival banquet process was complicated and they must eat something to fill their stomachs on the way, otherwise they would not be able to endure the banquet.

For such a big thing, the three little ones thought that Manager Shang would go with them.

As a result, Manager Shang said that he would not attend today's Double Ninth Festival banquet, but would stay at Xingqing Palace.

Judging from the appearance of Manager Shang, he seemed to be reluctant to participate in the Double Ninth Festival Banquet.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er were eating snacks and chatting all the way.

The two girls were also a little nervous about playing Cuju in front of so many people.

After all, compared with yesterday's scene, the audience has increased countless times.

Princess Ankang ate a snack by herself, and also stuffed one into the mouth of Li Xuan, who was sleeping with his eyes squinted.

The little girl is a qualified mistress. When she eats, she never forgets to give Li Xuan a bite.

And Li Xuan also gave Princess Ankang face. Even if she was asleep, as long as she felt something coming to her mouth, she would open her mouth and start chewing.

After a while, they passed through Changle Gate and arrived at the banquet in front of Taiji Palace.

After getting off the carriage, the three little ones were shocked by the grand venue in front of them.

The three little animals passed by the square in front of Taiji Palace when they went to Qianxing Pavilion to read.

At that time, I just felt that this place was big and empty enough.

But after the decoration was completed, it was completely impossible to associate it with the previous square.

A high altar was erected in front of Tai Chi Palace.

The most eye-catching place below is arranged with two exaggerated seats, each decorated with dragon and phoenix carvings.

As expected, the seats should belong to Emperor Yongyuan and Queen Wu.

In the venue, although no guests were seated yet, melodious music was already playing softly.

"Is it so high-end and classy?"

Even Li Xuan, who was still a little confused, immediately cheered up and curiously looked at the details at the venue.

Li Xuan looked at the venue, which was mainly black and red, with chrysanthemum patterns embellished everywhere.

Judging from the color, the banquet venue is relatively monotonous, but after careful design, it looks very stylish.

"It seems that it took a lot of financial and manpower to get these details right."

"It's not easy to be the general manager of Lao Zhaotou."

Li Xuan understood that apart from the daily intrigues with others, these were the main responsibilities of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He couldn't help but admire Zhao Feng as he looked at the palace maids in uniform costumes walking back and forth in the venue.

It is not an easy task to coordinate so many people and hold such a big event.

"It seems that compared to force, this management ability is the reason why Emperor Yongyuan favors him."

When Li Xuan was sighing, Xu Lang planned to take the carriage away.

This carriage cannot be parked here. It would attract too much attention at the banquet.

In this regard, Zhao Feng had already made arrangements for Xu Lang to temporarily stop the carriage in the closer East Palace, and when the banquet was over, he would let Princess Ankang and others board the carriage and leave.

Before the carriage left, Yu'er took out a small bamboo basket from the carriage.

The small bamboo basket was covered with a piece of cloth, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

The three little ones looked around and only saw the busy figures of the palace maids in the venue.

They were actually the first people to arrive at the venue.

"It seems like myna hasn't arrived yet?"

Princess Ankang frowned and said.

"I sent someone to deliver the message in the morning. Logically speaking, he should have arrived long ago."

Princess Ankang pouted her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Your Highness, what should we do?"

"Others will come later, I'm afraid..."

Yu'er also said with some worry.

But Princess Ankang was not too worried, but said with a smile:

"If that's the case, we'll have to trouble Ah Xuan."

Li Xuanzheng opened his mouth wide and yawned widely. Hearing this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at Princess Ankang.

"Hmph, you know how to order me around day by day."

But he also knew that this was the only way.

Otherwise, their little plan will be exposed.

Li Xuan took the small bamboo basket from Yu'er's hand, then meowed to the two girls, then found a roof and jumped up.

The square in front of the Tai Chi Palace has a wide view. Li Xuan climbed directly to the Tai Chi Palace and had a clear view of the situation below.

The two girls went to their seats under the guidance of the palace maid.

Today's Double Ninth Festival banquet, the royal heirs will sit together.

At this time, no matter whether the relationship is good or not, we have to eat at the same table.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er came to such a big banquet for the first time.

No, it should be said that it was their first time to attend a banquet, so they were a little cautious at first.

But fortunately, there was no one in the entire banquet hall, so no one saw their embarrassment.

Li Xuan lay on the roof, observing the two girls from a distance, and couldn't help but feel funny.

But taking advantage of this time, Princess Ankang and Yu'er immediately adapted to the atmosphere at the banquet.

As long as people become familiar with the environment, tension will be relieved as a sense of security is established.

When Li Xuan was looking for a job in his previous life, he liked to arrive near the interview location in advance and walk around a few times to build up a sense of familiarity with the environment.

In this way, he will often perform better during interviews.

Of course, this method is not limited to interviews. For anything that makes you feel nervous, you can try a similar method to build a sense of familiarity and make yourself more confident.

In layman's terms, this is the stepping stone.

Just as Li Xuan was holding the bamboo basket and the cat was on the roof, waiting for the banquet to begin, a figure suddenly jumped up from below.

Li Xuan turned around and saw that it was a eunuch in colorful clothes.

After the eunuch in colorful clothes came up, he waved his hand impatiently, as if he wanted to drive away Li Xuan.

But the expression on the eunuch's face, in a flash of lightning, changed from a look of impatience to a look of shock, and then changed to a look of respect.

The expression changes so quickly, it's like changing faces in Sichuan opera.

What was faster was his movement. The hand he was swinging suddenly changed its trajectory, and the knee on one side also bent suddenly.

The eunuch in colorful clothes switched his driving movements to kneeling down on one knee and bowing with his hands raised.

"I'm just taking the liberty of not knowing that the adults are here."

"Please forgive me, sir!"

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