"Oh, the reaction is very fast."

Li Xuan couldn't help but marvel. He didn't know how the colorful eunuchs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were trained, so that they could see so quickly.

"It seems that Old Zhaotou has good discipline."

Li Xuan saw the unfortunate eunuch in colorful clothes kneeling there tremblingly, not even daring to breathe. He meowed immediately, raised a paw and waved it casually.

The eunuch in colorful clothes finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Xuan didn't care about him.

"The adults will be busy first, and the younger ones will leave first."

Eunuch Hua nodded and bowed, then walked away from the roof with a smile.

"It seems that all the colorful eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs already know me."

"That's right. I used to go in and out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think it was Master Zhao Feng who gave me orders."

"It's just that I am a cat after all. Do they need to be so respectful to me?"

Although Li Xuan thought so, he couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

These are the colorful eunuchs that everyone in the palace is afraid of, but in front of Li Xuan, they don't dare to overstep the mark in the slightest, for fear of offending him if they are not rational enough.

If someone who didn't know what was going on saw him, he would probably think that the eunuchs in colorful clothes were possessed by evil spirits, so they were so respectful to a cat.

"That's fine, no one will disturb me, and I can sleep peacefully."

Li Xuan put his cat's nest aside, then squinted his eyes and took a nap.

With his current five senses, even in a sleeping state, he was able to sense the movement in the entire banquet venue.

Any news from Princess Ankang could not be hidden from Li Xuan's ears.

And as time went by, people gradually arrived at the venue.

The first to arrive were the royal heirs who lived in the palace themselves.

They themselves are juniors in the royal family, and they are all children, so they don't pay much attention to pomp and circumstance.

When Li Xuangang arrived at the banquet venue, he glanced at the seating arrangement.

He estimated that not all the concubines in the harem could attend, at most Empress Wu and the fourth concubine.

As for the ninth concubine further down, maybe they can come too.

Ninety-nine round tables, nine hundred and ninety-nine guests.

It sounds like a lot, but if it is distributed to the entire Daxing aristocracy, it is completely insufficient.

In addition to the heroes and dignitaries, their families will also be invited.

The four long lines outside the Suzaku Gate before were probably the nine hundred and ninety-nine guests.

Li Xuan made a rough calculation and found that if the royal heirs were excluded, there would not be many seats left.

"No wonder everyone is climbing up with their scalps broken."

"It turns out that's all this location has."

Li Xuan opened his eyes slightly and scanned the seats at the banquet venue below.

Each position represents a prosperous noble.

These people control the lifeblood of Daxing, and the value created by the hard work of the people is squandered by them.

This high-end and high-end Double Ninth Festival banquet in front of us will cost a lot of money.

Li Xuan's little head, which lacks the concept of prices, cannot figure it out. Perhaps only the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs like Zhao Feng can understand it.

And such a banquet is held every year.

"does it worth?"

Li Xuan shook his head in confusion, wondering why he would waste money on such a place.

But the next moment, he had some clarity:

"I'm afraid the common people will never have the chance to see this scene in front of me, right?"

Li Xuan suddenly felt a little unmotivated, so he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"Where's Lao Ba, why aren't you here yet?"

He muttered and curled up comfortably.

In the venue, Princess Ankang also ended her daze and chatted with others.

This was completely unimaginable before.

That Princess Ankang who always huddles in a corner and sleeps all day long will have someone willing to talk to her.

"Brother Five Emperors, Sister Seventh Emperor."

"Where's myna?"

Princess Ankang asked the two people who had just arrived.

"He should be on his way here."

The fifth prince looked a little tired, as if he didn't get much rest last night.

The Seventh Princess, as usual, greeted Princess Ankang energetically with two big dark circles under her eyes:

"Good morning~"

Princess Ankang was very surprised and replied:

"Morning, it's rare to see the Seventh Emperor's sister awake at this hour."

"Hey, today's Double Ninth Festival banquet, I went to bed early last night, in order to..."

Before she finished speaking, the seventh princess suddenly opened her eyes in a daze, as if her power had been cut off.

"Sister Seventh Emperor, Sister Seventh Emperor..."

Princess Ankang stretched out her palm and waved it in front of her eyes. After a while, the seventh princess came back to her senses.


"Good morning~"

Princess Ankang held her forehead for a while. Seeing that both of them were not in a state of state, she couldn't help but ask:

"What did you do last night?"

"Why can't everyone keep their spirits up?"

"Lao Ba was in a bad mood last night. I had a drink with him and waited until he fell asleep before leaving his courtyard." After the fifth prince explained, he couldn't help but yawn.

"Ah, can myna get up on time today?"

Princess Ankang couldn't help but worry.

Today's Double Ninth Festival banquet is a big event. If you are late here, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get through.

What's more, there are other ministers present, and it is not a good thing to be embarrassed in front of these people.

"Don't worry, Lao Ba and I have a good capacity for drinking, so we won't get hungover."

"He was mainly in a bad mood last night and got drunk without even having two drinks."

"I asked someone to prepare some soothing and sleeping medicine and mix it into the wine. He should be able to rest well this morning."

After hearing this, Princess Ankang felt relieved but also couldn't help but wonder: "Since you didn't drink much last night, why are the Five Emperors still so tired?"

"Well, after I drank Lao Ba down, I couldn't help but have a few more drinks."

"Drinking by yourself, getting drunk alone under the moon, it is a beautiful thing."

"The only regret is that I couldn't capture any literary thoughts."

Princess Ankang already disapproved of the fifth prince's habit of writing poems in three sentences.

As for the abnormality of the Seventh Princess, which was probably related to lack of sleep, Princess Ankang didn't ask much.

But at this moment, the Eighth Prince arrived belatedly.

Judging from his appearance, he was actually in the best condition among them.

There are only a lot of negative emotions hidden in his eyes.

He came to the banquet venue, looked around, and soon saw Princess Ankang and others, and walked over immediately.

"Ankang, I got up late today, and I just received your news."

The Eighth Prince's tone was inevitably a little uneasy, and he asked:

"Isn't that right? A Xiang..."


Princess Ankang secretly put her index finger on her lips, and then whispered something to the Eighth Prince.

After hearing this, the Eighth Prince's eyes suddenly widened, full of surprise.

"Ankang, are you telling the truth?"

The eighth prince confirmed in disbelief.

"Oh, please keep your voice down."

Princess Ankang said anxiously.

"If you do as I say, you will definitely surprise them later."

The Eighth Prince could not hide his excitement, but he quickly calmed down.

"Okay, just do as you say."

Immediately, the Eighth Prince calmed down his emotions and became almost in the same state as when he first arrived.

But the attentive Princess Ankang still found that his eyes were already glowing, and he was completely different from before.

"Oh, Ah Xuan is right. It's better to hide it from him all the time."

Princess Ankang kept winking at the side, asking the Eighth Prince to act more like him, but some things, like sneezing, were unbearable.

"What's wrong, what are you doing?"

The fifth prince asked curiously.

But Princess Ankang and the Eighth Prince didn't say anything and just asked him to wait and watch the show.

Seeing the two men being secretive, the fifth prince couldn't help but become more curious.

But at this time, guests also began to enter.

The royal heirs who arrived at the venue one step ahead were all sitting upright, showing the most serious appearance.

They were the only ones present before, so they could be more casual.

But now that these ministers from the DPRK and China have arrived, they can't help but become nervous.

"Oh, it's about to begin."

The fifth prince sighed.

Then there were eunuchs in colorful clothes who led the royal heirs to an area in front of the altar to stand.

When they got here, even the most naughty prince had a straight face at this time.

Princess Ankang was also exaggerated by the atmosphere and became serious.

As a valet, Yu'er could only wait in a corner of the banquet venue until the banquet started later, before she could come forward to serve.

The heavy drum beat slowly sounded, as if the Double Ninth Festival banquet was about to officially begin.

The four teams in front of the Suzaku Gate had already begun to enter the venue, heading straight towards the altar.

Under the altar, there is a spacious area for these people to stand.

Li Xuan watched silently on the roof of Tai Chi Palace, having long stopped falling asleep.

"It seems like we have to start with the sacrifice first."

The solemn atmosphere, coupled with the people gathering under the altar, made Li Xuan guess this.

"The auspicious time has come——"

"Chongyang Festival Sacrifice——"


Below, there was a loud voice called Gao Changdao.

This sound spread throughout the square area in front of Tai Chi Palace, but to everyone's ears, it did not sound harsh at all.

Li Xuan looked down and found that the person singing the lyrics was none other than Emperor Yongyuan's stocky eunuch who held the lamp, Wang Xi.

"This little old man has such a bright voice."

Even though Li Xuan had mastered the Yin and Yang Qi at this time, he still couldn't see through the depth of Wang Xi.

"These old eunuchs around Emperor Yongyuan are really terrifying."

"What's even more rare is that they are still loyal to Emperor Yongyuan."

Speaking of which, if Emperor Yongyuan didn't have these capable helpers around him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to maintain the situation to this day.

"It seems that the Daxing royal family is at least good to them."

"But outside the palace, you always have to rely on those people."

Li Xuan moved his eyes away and looked at the four teams.

Especially those people standing at the front.

All of them are truly worthy of being big shots in the court. They look like they are bluffing, and they all have an extraordinary bearing.

"I wonder which one is Prince Zheng?"

Li Xuan was still very curious about this serious concern of Emperor Yongyuan.

At this time, a silver-haired man stepped onto the altar.

This man has a dignified appearance and looks like a middle-aged man. Compared with his silver hair, he looks very young.

After this person got on the altar, he began to preside over the sacrificial ceremony.

Judging from his appearance, he must be a member of the royal family.

"When I went to the Taiyuan Hospital to see Dr. Xue, I saw a yamen nearby that was responsible for offering sacrifices. What's the name of the temple?"

Li Xuan couldn't remember and could only continue to watch the sacrifice.

After a while, Emperor Yongyuan appeared on the stage wearing a black dragon robe with red gold patterns.

Compared with the red dragon robe he usually wears, this dragon robe is obviously more luxurious, and the golden and red embellishments on it are extremely eye-catching.

Especially the red dragon clinging to the dragon robe is very vivid, glaring majestically at everyone who looks at the dragon robe.

Li Xuan looked at it for a while, and suddenly felt hot all over his body, and the yin and yang energy in his body sped up on its own.

Sensing something abnormal inside his body, Li Xuan immediately withdrew his gaze, not daring to look at the dragon robe on Emperor Yongyuan.

"How is this going?"

"There's something weird about that dragon robe!"

Li Xuan clearly closed his eyes at this time, and the figure of the red dragon was still appearing in front of his eyes.

Especially those majestic eyes seemed to still be looking at him.

"Is it a magic weapon?"

"But why does the Yin and Yang Qi in my body react?"

"Is it because I practiced the skills left by the Twin Saint Emperors, or is it related to the Yin and Yang Qi."

Within a moment, Li Xuan broke out in a cold sweat.

The feeling just now made him feel instinctive fear and it was difficult to muster the strength to resist.

After relaxing for a while and feeling better, Li Xuan opened his eyes again.

At this time, the sacrifice had come to an end, and it was obvious that a long time had passed.

Li Xuan did not dare to look too closely at Emperor Yongyuan's dragon robe.

"It seems that Emperor Yongyuan's situation is not as bad as I expected."

"He, the real Emperor of Daxing, also holds many trump cards."

Although Li Xuan still doesn't know what magic weapon the dragon robe on Emperor Yongyuan is, it is definitely not easy to understand.

"Tch, it seems that it is not easy for everyone to sit at the card table."

"So, what kind of trump cards do Prince Zheng and Empress Wu have that can make Emperor Yongyuan feel troublesome?"

This banquet is destined to broaden Li Xuan's horizons a lot.

Then, many complicated sacrificial rituals were performed on the altar, and many nobles and guests below stood and participated in the sacrificial ceremony.

Li Xuan also didn't expect that the Double Ninth Festival banquet would be such a torturous sacrifice from the beginning.

"No wonder Manager Shang asked us to prepare our stomachs in advance."

Li Xuan looked up at the sky and couldn't help feeling speechless.

Looking at the sun, it's definitely past noon now.

From the time these people entered the venue in the morning to the time when the sacrifice was now underway, the lunch meal could not be made in time.

Li Xuan didn't expect that this Double Ninth Festival banquet could only catch up with a dinner party.

"Starting so early, I thought I could get two meals."

Li Xuan yawned boredly, turned over and started to dry his belly.

At this time, there was movement in the small bamboo basket on the side.

Under the cloth covering the bamboo basket, a bird's head emerged. It was Axiang.

Axiang blinked and looked at Li Xuan and opened his mouth.

"You guy!"

Li Xuan felt funny, but he still took a piece of beef from the Emperor Hong Bone Ring and fed it to A Xiang's mouth.

This bird was spoiled by the Eighth Prince on weekdays, and had to be fed by someone when eating.

At this time, the sacrificial ceremony below also ended.

After Emperor Yongyuan delivered a speech, he stepped down from the high platform, came forward with Empress Wu, and invited everyone to take a seat.

"Oh, it's over."

"No, there are various activities in the afternoon, and the Cuju competition is also in the afternoon..."

Li Xuan thought for a while and couldn't help but said in confusion:

"A nice banquet will leave people hungry for a whole day?"

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward and support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

Oops, I still didn’t wake up early enough!

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