The ball possession and side selection for the semi-finals had already been decided when the four teams advanced.

According to the order of advancement, Princess Ankang got the ball possession, while the third prince got the right to choose the side.

Therefore, as soon as the game started, Princess Ankang launched an attack.

On such a rare big stage, Li Xuan chose to give the first performance opportunity to Princess Ankang.

After all, this was also Princess Ankang's first show in front of these Daxing nobles, and it was necessary to leave a deep impression.

Li Xuan first took the ball from Zhao Feng, and then passed it to Yu'er, and then Yu'er passed it to Princess Ankang, who launched the first attack of the game.

Princess Ankang looked particularly serious, and kicked the ball straight to the opposite side with all her strength.

This kick caused a commotion in the stands. No one thought that the unknown Princess Ankang actually had such strength.

Of course, there were also a small number of people who were just enjoying the Cuju game. Seeing such a wonderful goal, they immediately applauded and drew cheers.

But compared to the cheers, there were more discussions.

"Oh my God, did you see that? That kitten can actually play Cuju!"

"Yes, no wonder when Manager Zhao read out the rules earlier, he said that trained animals could participate in the competition. It seems that this cat is a trained animal."

"But can a domestic cat be trained to this extent? I can't even ask my domestic cat not to poop and pee on my bed."

"Indeed, it's okay to tame other animals, but cats are still very difficult."

"Maybe Princess Ankang has people who are good at training animals around her."

"But training a cat is really incomprehensible."

In the eyes of ordinary people, training a cat is not worth the effort, and it's twice the result with half the effort.

Because cats have poor obedience and generally have strong personalities, it's difficult to just make cats more obedient.

And some people who know Princess Ankang's situation are even more amazed.

"Isn't it said that the Thirteenth Princess has been weak and sick since childhood, sitting in a wheelchair all year round and unable to move freely?"

"This, this is now much better than the average person, right?"

"Yes, that's what I heard. In the past, it was said that Princess Ankang was so weak that it was difficult for her to live to adulthood. Now it seems that this is completely nonsense."

"That kick just now, it can't be kicked without a foundation of cultivation, right?"

"You don't know this, right?"

"It's true that the Thirteenth Princess was weak in the past, but recently Doctor Xue found a way to treat it, which is why the Thirteenth Princess is so healthy now."

"Ah! Is it the Doctor Xue in the palace?"

"If it's him, everything makes sense."

"Doctor Xue really deserves the name of a miracle doctor. He can easily cure any difficult and complicated disease."


In the stands, many people's topics gradually shifted to Doctor Xue. Some people even boasted that Doctor Xue had treated their own illnesses and cured them with medicine.

However, some people did not turn their topic to Doctor Xue, because they had little contact with Doctor Xue and could not boast about their friendship, so they continued to analyze the game seriously.

"I admit that Princess Ankang's kick was very powerful, even far beyond ordinary people, but His Royal Highness the Third Prince cannot be defeated by strength alone."

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince is a real strong man who has entered the middle third rank!"

Sure enough, as soon as this person finished speaking, Princess Ankang's shot was easily blocked by the Third Prince, which attracted warm cheers from the stands.


"You are worthy of being the Third Prince!"

"I saw the new Daxing God of War rising up, and he really has a bright future."

"This scene reminds me of the invincible heroic figure of the Third Prince on the battlefield. In the encounter in Dachazi Village, the Third Prince led the people to defeat the enemy and killed the enemy himself, which greatly boosted the morale of our army!"

"Although I didn't have the chance to see it with my own eyes, the scene at that time is as vivid as it is now."


It was just a simple defense, which attracted all kinds of exaggerated praises from the stands.

Li Xuan had sharp ears, and he heard all the messy words clearly.

"You are all too much, we are just playing Cuju!"

"What does this have to do with anything?"

Li Xuan took a breath on the Cuju field and was amazed at the flattery of Daxing.

But at this time, some insiders questioned the words of the previous person.

"Didn't you say you just killed a horse?"

Seeing that someone didn't know what was going on, someone immediately said angrily:

"Isn't the enemy's warhorse an enemy?"

A small group of people in the stands started arguing.

"Then it should be called an enemy horse..."

Let's not talk about arguments that have nothing to do with the game.

But there were also people with discerning eyes who could see that Princess Ankang had no cultivation, at least the kick just now showed no signs of using the power of Qi and blood.

"No cultivation?"

"But this power is really not small..."

"But in the face of the gap in cultivation, it's probably still difficult to win."

People who could see more didn't say it out loud like the others, but just analyzed it silently in their hearts.

Inside the Taiji Palace, there was even more silence.

Below Emperor Yongyuan and Empress Wu sat a group of bigwigs in the court, all of them watching the game silently, which was in sharp contrast to the excitement in the stands.

It was not that the atmosphere in Tai Chi Palace was solemn. Before the game started, they were talking about Cuju in a relaxed atmosphere.

But from the first kick-off, after Princess Ankang took the shot, these court officials watched the game more seriously than anyone else.

If you observe carefully, you can also find that they occasionally secretly exchange glances.

In short, the atmosphere in Tai Chi Palace has become dull unconsciously, but no one has stepped forward to mediate the atmosphere.

The third prince blocked Princess Ankang's attack and heard the support from the audience. He couldn't help but smile and thought to himself:

"There is no need to worry about his health, and neither does the palace maid beside him."

"Only that cat is a little hard to say..."

The third prince stopped the ball and passed it out.

He was the first to touch the ball, and the next attack could only be left to his two eunuchs.

As the ball was passed, the third prince gave them a wink.

The two eunuchs immediately understood.

After two passes, the ball was passed forward, and then the eunuch eunuch launched a shot that was not inferior to Princess Ankang.

It's just that the trajectory of this shot is really unremarkable, hitting Princess Ankang's goal from an angle that is almost non-threatening.

Li Xuan glanced at it and made an immediate judgment:

"Without any tricks, Ankang can barely handle it."

"Humph, you kicked that side on purpose, right?"

He couldn't help but sneered, and immediately understood the other party's intention.

Although the Third Prince did not kick the ball directly towards anyone and seemed to be heading for the goal, the trajectory of the shot was really easy to intercept, and the easiest one to defend was Princess Ankang who was the closest.

This ball almost brushed Princess Ankang's body.

The third prince's intention was obvious, which was to let Princess Ankang take the initiative to defend the ball.

On the surface, it seems that Princess Ankang is the weakest here, and she is also one of the most important protagonists of this game.

If Princess Ankang is unable to continue competing, the Third Prince can legitimately win the competition.

When the time comes, the Third Prince doesn't have to rely too much on his cultivation. He can also let Princess Ankang retire from the competition due to exhaustion or injury, and the victory can be considered elegant.

Because these balls were not kicked directly towards Princess Ankang, but Princess Ankang took the initiative to defend.

"Not only do you want to win, but you also want to win beautifully, right?"

"You underestimate Ankang too much."

Li Xuan instantly saw the other party's intention, but he did not move at all. He just turned his head and looked at Princess Ankang, casting a trusting gaze.

The people present, whether they knew Princess Ankang or not, they all had to get to know the girl in front of them again.

Yu'er also turned her head and looked at Princess Ankang.

But unlike Li Xuan's eyes that were firm and trusting, there was more worry and tension in Yu'er's eyes.

Although she knew in her heart that Li Xuan would not put Princess Ankang in danger, Yu'er couldn't help but worry about Princess Ankang.

At this time, Princess Ankang started to move.

As quiet as a virgin, as active as a stray rabbit.

Princess Ankang's switching between movement and stillness was completed in the blink of an eye.

Before many people in the stands could see clearly, Princess Ankang turned around and ran towards her own goal.

Then, she turned back to confirm the ball's trajectory, and with a light leap, her body broke away from the earth like a light feather, and soon rose to a higher position than the incoming ball.

Princess Ankang opened her arms, lying down comfortably in the air as if lying on a quilt, and gradually turned around.

In the Tai Chi Palace, several big guys couldn't help but stretched their necks forward and frowned.

I don’t know if they can’t see clearly now, or if they feel dazzled.

Princess Ankang didn't give them much time to react. The girl's soft figure slowly opened like a big bow, and then suddenly tensed in the next moment.

At this moment, the flying ball was naturally delivered to Princess Ankang's feet.


The ball flew back faster than before.

The two eunuchs who served as the third prince were so frightened that they rushed to stop the ball, but they failed to stop it. The third prince was forced to take action himself and managed to stop the ball in front of the goal.

There was silence for a moment, and the whole place was in an uproar.

"This this……"

"The Thirteenth Princess is also a master!?"

Originally, everyone was unanimously optimistic about the third prince, who had a higher level of cultivation. However, no one expected that Princess Ankang could make such a powerful counterattack.

Especially the upside-down golden hook that Princess Ankang performed earlier was so beautiful that everyone present who knew Cuju applauded and marveled.

At this time, Princess Ankang turned half a circle in the air and landed lightly on the ground again.

"Elegant, so elegant!"

The Eighth Prince shook his head and clapped his hands in emotion.

The other princes also had different expressions.

Except for the fifth prince and other friends who were really happy for Princess Ankang, most of the others felt as if they had eaten flies, except that some people had smaller flies in their mouths, and some people had bigger flies.

"Does this mean you haven't practiced martial arts before?"

"The ones who were half-dead in wheelchairs before were all staged for us, right?"

The Sixth Princess was so angry that she banged the table and cursed loudly.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince, one on the left and the other on the right, immediately stretched out their hands to hold down the hand of the sixth prince that was hitting the table, asking her to pay attention to her image.

"Forget it, Sixth Sister."

"Ankang is a better chess player, so I can't blame her for anything."

The fourth prince gave some advice.

The Sixth Princess was so angry that she was breathing heavily, but she calmed down after being persuaded by her two brothers.

The mood of the others is probably similar to that of the Sixth Princess.

The atmosphere outside was lively, and the dull atmosphere inside Tai Chi Palace was also broken.

Just a few clattering sounds were heard, followed by the sound of dishes clattering against each other.

Several distinguished officials suddenly stood up from their seats uncontrollably and looked at the Cuju field in disbelief.

One of them who reacted the fastest immediately turned back to Emperor Yongyuan and asked:

"Your Majesty, it seems that the Thirteenth Princess has not practiced martial arts yet?"

These are all people who have entered the Tai Chi Palace due to their military exploits. They either fought their way out of the mountains of corpses on the battlefield, or they are people with strong family backgrounds. Their own cultivation levels are also quite impressive. It can be seen at a glance that Princess Ankang does not have Qi and blood. Power.

Emperor Yongyuan looked calm and answered:

"Ankang has been weak and sick since he was young. He has only recently recovered some of his health under the care of Imperial Physician Xue, so naturally he has never practiced martial arts."

The few nobles who stood up twitched their eyes when they heard this, and the others who were sitting silently turned their heads to look at Emperor Yongyuan.


All the big guys felt speechless as never before.

If Princess Ankang, who performed such a perfect volley and hung upside down on a golden hook, was considered to be weak and sick, I'm afraid there are not many healthy people in the world.

But among those present were all the big men of the court.

They also know about Princess Ankang's situation.

They naturally connected the situation in front of them with what they had heard before, got a similar answer, and unconsciously looked at Empress Wu who was sitting next to Emperor Yongyuan.

"Princess Ankang is extremely talented. In order to protect herself, she has been dormant and endured for many years."

"But at this time, he is showing off his talent in public without any scruples. Maybe the time has come."

"The Cuju competition at the Double Ninth Festival Banquet is another one of His Majesty's wishes..."

The people sitting in the Tai Chi Palace were all the best among human beings, and they immediately thought of the key, with different expressions on their faces.

And the few noble men who stood up were even more happy.

They glanced at Queen Wu and snorted coldly in their hearts. The one who first asked Emperor Yongyuan went on to say:

"I see."

The man nodded and continued:

"But Your Majesty, since Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess has just recovered from health, I also want to do my best."

"As we all know, recuperation cannot just rely on taking medicine, but also requires corresponding exercise for better recovery."

"Your Majesty, I know a lot about this. Wouldn't it be nice for me to teach your Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess a health-preserving technique to help her recover as soon as possible?"

It's a pity that these words were dismantled on the spot before he could get a reply from Emperor Yongyuan.

"Old Qin, you said that you have experience in killing animals to create karma, so I will admit it."

"When did you learn how to maintain your health?"

"How dare you still be shameless despite this deception?"

The distinguished boss known as Lao Qin suddenly blushed and glared at the troublemaker.

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