Hu Guogong Qin Zongyong was furious. As one of the nine generals of the Zhu Kingdom, the only ones who could undermine him on such a occasion were those old bastards. He was so angry that he couldn't help but curse:

"What nonsense are you saying!"

After all, he is a person of status, so he always has to be restrained on such occasions.

If this were a normal court meeting, that swear word would have been spoken without repair.

"Alas, Lao Qin."

"Look at your bad temper. If I tell you the truth, why are you talking nonsense?"

"And with your temper, how can His Majesty trust you to teach His Highness the Princess?"

"Look, I, Lao Guo, have a good temper, so I have to come."

"Your Majesty, do you think so?"

A sturdy man about the same age as Qin Zongyong asked with a smile.

This person dared to dismantle Qin Zongyong, Duke of Hu, and his identity was certainly not bad. He was Guo Xiaolai, Duke of Wu, who was also one of the nine generals of the Zhu Kingdom.

Although Guo Xiaolai has an exaggerated figure, his temperament is not as sharp as Qin Zongyong's. Instead, he gives people a feeling of spring breeze. At least he won't feel intimidated when meeting him for the first time.

"Hahaha, both Hu Guogong and Wu Guogong are right."

At this time, heroic laughter sounded along with an old voice.

An old man with white hair stood up from his seat, bowed to Emperor Yongyuan first, and then said:

"Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess is recovering from illness. It will definitely be beneficial if she can practice some exercises to strengthen her body."

"Hu Guogong's martial arts skills are unparalleled, and he is indeed the first choice to teach His Royal Highness the Princess."

"But as Wu Guogong said, to teach others, you also need to have a good temper."

Although the old man agreed with the two people's views, it made both Qin Zongyong and Guo Xiaolai wary and showed no signs of happiness.

"This old man usually can't hold back his farts even after being hit with a stick. He must have bad intentions after talking so much nonsense today!"

Qin Zongyong cursed in his heart.

Although Guo Xiaolai still kept smiling and even nodded frequently listening to the old man's words, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

The old man ignored the two people's reactions and then said to himself:

"Admittedly, as the two princes said, it is really not easy to find someone who meets these two conditions at the same time."

"But if it's a compromise, I would like to boldly recommend myself."

"After all, when it comes to health care, I'm afraid no one here is more experienced than me, right?"

After that, the old man twirled his long snow-white beard and said proudly.

But this is also true, and no one will say anything.

The person in front of me is the oldest person here. Su Ding'an, Duke of Jiang, who is 112 years old this year, is also the great-grandfather of Concubine Su Def.

Seeing Su Ding'an using his "age advantage" to talk things over, Qin Zongyong and Guo Xiaolai's faces suddenly darkened.

"In the civil and military circles of the dynasty, who can be better than an old man like you?"

But he was an old man after all, so Qin Zongyong couldn't open his mouth to curse.

However, Guo Xiaolai still smiled and said with concern:

"How can I work for the old master with some trivial matters? Just leave these matters to us juniors."

"Old Duke has more important national affairs to worry about, so he needs to take care of himself."

Jiang Guogong Su Ding'an laughed and nodded in response without saying anything, as if he was grateful for Guo Xiaolai's concern.

Who among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty didn't know that the old prince would doze off while standing during every court meeting.

The most common communication when going to court is when others remind him that it is time to go down to court.

Obviously, Guo Xiaolai's seemingly caring words were actually reminding the old man to sleep where he could cool off.

The reason why several noble men are teaching Princess Ankang is not because they seem to be in pain, but because they each have their own reasons.

And more importantly, Princess Ankang has never practiced martial arts before and has such terrifying physical fitness. Her talents and natural powers are indescribable. She is simply a martial arts wizard!

This kind of martial arts prodigy can be taught as long as he doesn't teach randomly, right?

Not to mention that Emperor Yongyuan's attitude is now ambiguous, and there must be deep meaning in showing Princess Ankang out.

In today's court, no one can compete with the flourishing Princess Lu Zhao.

Originally, this talent was a blessing for Daxing.

But this Princess Luzhao was not a prince, but she was the daughter of Empress Wu, and she had a close relationship with the rising Wu family.

All of this made the court situation turbulent, and both civil servants and nobles were in an unprecedented state of tension.

But compared to the fierce reactions of the nobles, the civil servants were much calmer. They just watched from the sidelines and had no intention of participating in the matter.

Empress Wu lowered her head, as if everything in front of her had nothing to do with her.

Compared with the empress's ascension to the throne, which she is now vigorously promoting, she usually keeps a low profile.

At this moment, Emperor Yongyuan, who had been watching the show for a long time, spoke.

"Everyone who loves me, please stay here."

"Ankang is still in the recovery stage, and it is too early to talk about these things."

"My dear friends, please enjoy today's game first."

Since Emperor Yongyuan opened his mouth, the three princes could only give up in anger.

Everyone seemed very regretful, but they all sat down again and devoted themselves to watching the game.

It is true that they want to establish contact with Princess Ankang, but it is hard to say whether they want to personally teach Princess Ankang.

To be honest, whether these three princes or others, they care more about how Emperor Yongyuan responds to this matter.

Compared with other things, what they wanted to know most was Emperor Yongyuan's attitude.

The nominal emperor of Daxing was not as weak as Li Xuan expected.

After all, Daxing is a dynasty that lasted for nearly a thousand years, and there are many people who want to continue to be loyal to Daxing.

It's not that these people are very loyal, but that they themselves are vested interests that still exist in the Daxing Dynasty.

None of them wanted to reshuffle the cards and take unwarranted risks that might harm their lives and property.

Maintaining the stability of Daxing is in the best interests of the country.

At least, this is how it should be for most people sitting in Tai Chi Palace.

His eyes turned back to the Cuju court.

Taking advantage of the quarrel in the Tai Chi Palace, there were several exchanges on the Cuju court.

But as time went by, the third prince's face gradually became gloomy.

Although his two personal eunuchs both had seventh-level strength, they were unable to do anything to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang's physical strength was like a bottomless pit. She constantly defended with difficult moves and kicked out one beautiful counterattack after another, forcing the third prince to block the ball and become the first one to touch the ball.

Although, the third prince himself planned to let the two eunuchs attack and let Princess Ankang take the initiative to defend.

Although the plan was still going according to his expectations, the effect was...


"nice shot!"


Every time Princess Ankang responded, there was a burst of uniform cheers on the field.

Although everyone was not optimistic about Princess Ankang at the beginning, with the body of an ordinary person and her own physical fitness and superb skills, Princess Ankang was able to resist the opponent's threatening attacks one after another, and she was also able to perform beautifully. The counterattack brought great satisfaction to the audience who came to watch the Cuju competition.

Even the princes and princesses who were quite dissatisfied with Princess Ankang were immersed in the competition.

"Ankang's volley is so cool!"

The Eighth Prince slammed the table hard and said excitedly.

He already liked Cuju and was considered a good player, but when he saw Princess Ankang perform her famous stunts, he couldn't help but applaud.

The Eighth Prince had forgotten about this month's game and was focusing on admiring Princess Ankang's skills.

"Didn't you say that this is the first time Ankang has come into contact with Cuju?"

"Isn't this skill too terrible?"

The fifth prince was amazed. He knew a little about Cuju. Although he was not as good as the eighth prince, he could still see how good it was.

The skills Princess Ankang displayed now were completely beyond his understanding.

After hearing this, the Eighth Prince waved his hand and replied casually without looking back:

"This thing is all about talent."

"Ankang is a natural Cuju player!"

With the eighth prince's certification, the others could only blink their eyes and continue watching the Cuju feast.

"What a talent..."

Princess Yuanan muttered something secretly, with a somewhat complicated expression on her face.

Seeing Princess Ankang's dazzling figure on the Cuju field, she couldn't help but think of her own sister.

Princess Yuan'an couldn't help sighing, and her little mouth couldn't help but pout.

"Why am I so ordinary..."

The atmosphere of the stadium gradually turned towards Princess Ankang.

After all, compared to the Third Prince who could only rely on his cultivation and kick out simple attacks one after another, the skills displayed by Princess Ankang were simply too gorgeous.

This is a Cuju game in itself. Although strength plays a decisive role, it is the superb skills that impress the audience even more.

To be honest, even Li Xuan did not expect that Princess Ankang's skills would improve so much just through yesterday's actual battle.

"It seems that this girl's terrifying talent is not only reflected in her training."

Li Xuan sighed secretly, but seeing the third prince's gloomy face and the audience's enthusiastic reaction, he felt extremely happy.

"Xiao San'er, you can't laugh even before I take action."

"Isn't this strength a bit too rubbish?"

Li Xuan glanced sideways at the third prince opposite, with a mean smile on his face.

The third prince was already in a bad mood. He accidentally caught a glimpse of the cat opposite him looking at him and smiling strangely, and the veins on his forehead jumped fiercely.

"Catch the ball and I'll do it myself!"

The third prince knew that he could not continue like this, otherwise the protagonist of this game would sooner or later become Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang had enjoyed the acclaim for so long, and it was already unbearable for him.

Hearing the third prince's repressed and angry voice, the two eunuchs immediately started sweating profusely, and they could see each other's panic when they looked at each other.

"You must catch this ball!"

The two immediately reached a consensus.

Previously, because they failed to stop Princess Ankang's attack for the first time, the third prince was naturally responsible for the defense.

But now that the third prince has given the order, they must not make any mistakes.

Otherwise, they would not dare to imagine what kind of punishment they would receive after the third prince was embarrassed in public.

What's terrible is that this time Princess Ankang actually kicked out a rare full-moon scimitar kick. The ball drew an exaggerated arc and quickly approached the goal.

The two eunuchs ran frantically towards the goal.

The third prince also gritted his teeth, fearing that the ball would be thrown away by these two losers.

The audience in the stands also held their breath and resisted the urge to applaud directly now.

Because the third prince suddenly handed over the defense to the two eunuchs, everyone couldn't help but expect that this goal might change the score.

Fortunately, the romantic eye on the goal was small enough, and the two eunuchs cooperated. One of them directly stepped on his companion and flew up, blocking the ball with his body at the last moment.


There was a uniform sigh of relief from the stands.

Unknowingly, many viewers have become fans of Princess Ankang, expecting him to win.

But no matter what, the two eunuchs completed their tasks with difficulty.

Seeing the ball bounce naturally and fly towards the center of the field, the third prince let out an impatient "tsk".

The best place to attack is naturally in the frontcourt, so that you can be closer to the opponent's goal.

But now that the matter has come to an end, the third prince has no room to continue to be picky.

If the ball hits the ground, the ball rights will be returned to Princess Ankang, allowing them to launch another attack.

Princess Ankang was able to kick such a threatening goal through passive defense and attack. If they were allowed to take the shot easily, his two eunuchs might not be able to defend her.

The third prince flashed and arrived in front of the ball's impact point. He then raised his right leg and stretched his body to gather strength.

"Ankang, you are really awesome for forcing me to do this."

"But that's your limit."

The third prince's eyes flashed with fire, and he seemed to be pouring all his anger into this ball.

Li Xuan narrowed his eyes, immediately stopped the smile on his face, and snorted coldly in his heart:

"Humph, you really can't help it?"

Princess Ankang and Yu'er also looked nervous as they faced a formidable enemy.

Princess Ankang had been reminded by the fifth prince before, and now she finally understood what the omen the fifth prince said was.

Before the game started, Princess Ankang also mentioned this to Yu'er and asked her to pay attention to it.

Only because Li Xuan came on the stage late, Princess Ankang and Yu'er subconsciously thought that Li Xuan would not take the third prince's strength seriously, so they forgot to mention the previous reminder from the fifth prince.

"Ankang, can you still catch my ball?"


The third prince kicked out and asked arrogantly.

As usual, the ball passed around Princess Ankang and went straight to the goal.

The speed and power of this ball far exceeded all previous attacks.

But at this moment, Princess Ankang’s team at the Cuju court was not the only one frowning.

In the stands, some people saw the secret of this goal and looked at each other in confusion.

In the Tai Chi Palace, almost all the bosses on the noble side frowned, and the civil servants also showed playful smiles.

On the sidelines of the Cuju court, Zhao Feng, as the referee, watched the ball silently, biting the whistle silently to his mouth, with a smile in his eyes.


The ball flew back at a faster speed than before. Before most people could react, it had passed through the third prince's romantic eyes and landed firmly in the hands of Zhao Feng, who was standing in the sky.


The whistle sounded.

Zhao Feng immediately announced:

"The goal stands."

"One to zero!"

This ball made all the big guys in the Tai Chi Palace widen their eyes with expressions of astonishment.

Qin Zongyong even shouted subconsciously:

"What the hell kind of cat is this?"

"So exciting!?"

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