Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 419 Are you going to make trouble with me?

Qin Zongyong's question expressed everyone's feelings.

It was surprising enough that Li Xuan could play Cuju before.

But this kind of thing is not completely impossible if you train hard for a period of time.

Although the art of taming animals is rare, everyone has heard of it.

There are even many sects and aristocratic families in the world who make a living in this way.

Tamed orcs can be a considerable help. This is the consensus of most humans today.

It's just that the process of taming is more complicated, and the more powerful the beasts are, the more difficult it is to tame them, unless they are tamed from the time of cubs.

Therefore, cubs of powerful orcs are always in hot demand, and hunters are also a profession with a high upper limit.

But no matter how you look at it, the black cat next to Princess Ankang is just ordinary and behaves like an ordinary house cat.

Apart from the shiny and shiny fur, there is really nothing special about it.

This was such an ordinary little black cat, but it suddenly burst out with powerful power, which surprised everyone, even the bigwigs sitting in the Tai Chi Palace.

"What happened just now?"

"In just the blink of an eye, he passed through the third prince's romantic eyes and fell into the hands of Manager Zhao?"

"Did Manager Zhao interfere in the game?"

"No way, how could Manager Zhao interfere in the game for no reason?"


There was a lot of discussion in the stands, and many people with average eyesight did not see clearly Li Xuan's counterattack.

They were still expecting the third prince's shot to make a difference, but as soon as they saw it, Zhao Feng took the ball and announced the new score.

"One to zero!"

But there were also people in the stands who had seen the previous goal clearly, but their shock was no less shocking than those who didn't know what was going on.

"It's the little black cat!"

"Princess Ankang's cat took the third prince's attack and then kicked it back, but this power is too outrageous?"

"How can such a small cat get such power?"

"What did you say? The cat kicked the ball in?"


A buzzing discussion resounded in the stands, and gradually everyone understood what had happened previously.

But after hearing this outrageous fact, the audience in the stands became more and more curious.

"Exotic animals, right?"

"It is definitely a rare and rare beast, otherwise how could it have such strength?"

"The Thirteenth Princess actually has such a helper. No wonder she dares to bring a cat to the competition."

The audience's attention was attracted by Li Xuan, and while they were talking about it, they observed him carefully.

But among so many people present, no one could tell Li Xuan's origins.

"Aren't you usually quite knowledgeable? Can't you tell what kind of cat this is?"

"Such a cute and powerful cat. I want one too. I don't know what breed it is?"

"Don't even think about it, it must be a very cherished species!"

"I didn't notice it before, but now the cat looks more and more extraordinary."

"Look at that coat color, look at that... coat color, it's like satin, it must be very soft to the touch."

"Hey... little kitten..."

"Hey... what a great little kitten..."

Li Xuan listened silently to everyone's discussion and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Oh, my damn charm."

He had long expected such a reaction if he took action, and he had been afraid of stealing Princess Ankang's limelight from the beginning of the game.

Unfortunately, some things just can't be hidden, such as the charm of his little cat.

But unlike the complacent Li Xuan, the third prince on the opposite side stared blankly at his own goal, as if he were mourning for his heir.

He never imagined that the goal he was determined to win would actually cost him points.

And to be honest, even he himself didn't see the ball clearly.

The power Li Xuan showed just now far exceeded yesterday.

This also made the third prince realize in despair that Li Xuan didn't show any serious intentions at all yesterday.

At least, that was the case from that previous goal.

But the third prince would never have imagined that his bad luck had just begun.

Zhao Feng had previously stopped the ball that passed through Feng Liuyan and went straight to the stands. At this time, it floated to the ground and returned to its original position.

But Zhao Feng's penalty was not over, and the whistle was blown again.

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince used his true energy during the game and violated the rules. He was given a yellow card!"

Zhao Feng said as he took out a yellow card from his sleeve and showed it to the third prince.

The third prince's expression suddenly froze, and panic flashed in his eyes.

But Zhao Feng completely ignored these and continued his punishment.

He wrote down the third prince's name on the back of the yellow card, and then drew a horizontal line.

"If the captain receives three yellow cards, he will be immediately awarded a loss. If a player receives three yellow cards, he will be off the field immediately. Other players can come on as substitutes only during the half-time break. Please pay attention to it, Your Highness, the Third Prince."

Zhao Feng reminded the third prince.

"Due to the Third Prince's violation of the rules, the ball rights were changed and Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess will kick off the ball."

"The game continues."

Zhao Feng handed the ball to Princess Ankang and then announced that the game would continue.

But this series of penalties caused a commotion in the stands.

"Ah? Why did His Highness the Third Prince commit a foul?"

"Did he use his true energy just now? I didn't even notice it."

"Is it a misunderstanding? Or did Mr. Zhao get it wrong?"

At the first moment, everyone raised doubts about the penalty.

Indeed, most people did not find that the third prince secretly used his true qi.

But this kind of small action cannot be hidden from the masters.

Those present were all the elite class of Daxing, and there was no shortage of masters with good eyesight.

This was also the reason why many people frowned when the third prince kicked out that time.

Before the game started, Zhao Feng had specially explained the rules of this Cuju game to everyone present, which mentioned that the contestants were not allowed to use true qi.

Although the third prince's previous actions were obscure, his action of attaching true qi to the ball was still too obvious.

After all, he only had the sixth-grade cultivation, and he had just practiced true qi and simply mobilized it in his body.

The third prince was able to attach true qi to the ball because of his special skills, otherwise an ordinary sixth-grade warrior would not be able to do this at all.

But he seemed to have forgotten that the referee on the sidelines today was Zhao Feng, the general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If he still can't see the weirdness of this ball in public, then he won't have to be the chief steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs anymore.

The third prince used this trick in yesterday's elimination match, so he subconsciously used it as his trump card.

But now he failed to gain an advantage in the game, and lost a big man in public.

The third prince's face turned green and red, and finally turned pale. This change was so wonderful.

"Hahaha, when did the third brother learn the face-changing trick?"

"If we compare this in the future, I will admit defeat."

The eighth prince made a mockery without any concealment, and his voice was not small, almost spreading throughout the venue.

Everyone's expression also became embarrassed.

There were many people who noticed something wrong before, but no one came forward to expose it.

First, the identity of the third prince was more sensitive, and second, Zhao Feng was also the referee on the sidelines, so there was no room for them to meddle in other people's business.

But now the Eighth Prince was so blunt in front of everyone to dismantle the Third Prince, which made them a little unable to hold back.

In this situation, as an audience, they absolutely could not laugh out loud.

But as the Eighth Prince continued to mock, the scene unknowingly began a big challenge of holding back laughter.

The Third Prince's mentality was not very good to begin with, and after being provoked by the Eighth Prince, he was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, the Third Prince felt that the audience in the stands were staring at him with mocking and critical eyes.

He accidentally glanced at the expressions of the audience, and his hands and feet trembled, and his heart was panicked.

The Third Prince never thought that a good stage for him to perform would become his execution platform.

He seemed to hear the whispers of the crowd in his ears, and the pointing of the crowd on his back made him extremely uncomfortable all over.

The Third Prince clenched his fists and a nameless anger began to burst out in his heart.

He suppressed this nameless anger tightly, and a roar was suppressed in his throat, and he almost couldn't suppress it anymore.

But the third prince also understood that he couldn't lose his composure here, otherwise it would only make himself more embarrassed.

Zhao Feng watched the third prince's reaction from the sidelines, and his smile became even stronger.

At this time, someone in the Taiji Palace suddenly stood up, came to Emperor Yongyuan and knelt down to apologize.

"I have failed to teach well, please punish me, Your Majesty!"

This man was over fifty years old, with a white face and long beard, a pair of sword-like eyebrows, and a heroic temperament.

He was Zhao Dinghai, Duke of Tan, one of the nine generals of the state.

Zhao Dinghai also had another identity, that is, the father of Concubine Zhao Shu, the grandfather of the third prince.

When the third prince was training in the army these years, it was his grandfather Zhao Dinghai who was responsible for the arrangement.

Now, the third prince deliberately violated the rules in public and took a ruthless action against Princess Ankang, which caused such a big loss to himself and the royal family. Zhao Dinghai was to blame, so he hurried up to apologize.

In the past few years, the third prince has not stayed in the palace much, and his enlightenment and teaching were all arranged by his grandfather Zhao Dinghai.

As a result, Zhao Dinghai could not give an explanation to Emperor Yongyuan for teaching the third prince this way.

The Taiji Palace suddenly became quiet, and everyone was waiting for Emperor Yongyuan's response.

Emperor Yongyuan pondered for a while, looking at Zhao Dinghai who knelt down to apologize in front of him, and said after a long while:

"It seems that the experience in the military is limited after all, and you still need to read more books."

When Zhao Dinghai heard this, his heart trembled, but he immediately bowed his head and said:

"Your Majesty is right!"

Seeing that Zhao Dinghai had no objection, Emperor Yongyuan also smiled:

"Zhao Qing, there is no need to do this. The children are still in their infancy, and it is not too late to discipline them now."

"Get up quickly, I will find a good teacher for Zhan'er in the future, it's no big deal."

When Zhao Dinghai heard this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but he could only say: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The Zhao family is now gaining prestige among the nobles. The third prince often trains in the army, in fact, more to show his presence, to facilitate future borrowing, or even to inherit the political legacy of the Zhao family.

But now it seems that such actions have also been disgusted by Emperor Yongyuan and have been blocked.

The people in Taiji Palace are all old foxes in the political arena. There is no need to think too much. You can draw a conclusion just by looking at the results.

The Third Prince was confined to the palace and temporarily cut off from the military. This was Emperor Yongyuan's request.

And the Third Prince's misbehavior on the Cuju field today also made this matter a matter of course.

All the big guys in Tai Chi Palace turned their attention to the Cuju court outside.

But this time, what they focused on was not the players on the field, but the referee with his back turned to them.

Rather than saying it was a coincidence, they preferred to believe that the third prince's gaffe was a result of careful guidance.

And the leader stood in front of everyone in an upright manner.

After years of confrontation, they had long since dared not look down upon this seemingly elderly eunuch.

"Your Majesty is becoming increasingly powerful."

The same idea emerged in everyone's minds tacitly.

Then, they all cast their eyes on one person vaguely.

Behind the desk closest to Emperor Yongyuan, Prince Zheng, a man with silver hair and a dignified appearance, was enjoying the Cuju competition with a smile. He would also joke with Emperor Yongyuan from time to time, seemingly enjoying himself.

But everyone knows that even if it is as big as a dynasty, its total power is limited to that.

If someone wants more, someone will lose it.

If they don't give in to each other, it will inevitably lead to a fight between dragons and tigers.

"You haven't served yet, what are you waiting for?"

On the Cuju court, the third prince asked through gritted teeth.

He felt uncomfortable being watched on the court, but Princess Ankang was holding the ball in a daze, which made the third prince so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Huh? Oh..."

Princess Ankang came to her senses and responded with a somewhat aggrieved response.

Princess Ankang was confused by Zhao Feng's previous punishment.

Although Zhao Feng sentenced the third prince to a foul, Princess Ankang didn't notice it and was still wondering if there was something wrong. As a result, the third prince impatiently urged her.

Princess Ankang looked in the direction of Zhao Feng and saw that Zhao Feng had already blown the whistle for kick-off.

She didn't dare to delay, for fear of provoking the third prince again, so she casually passed the message in Yu'er's direction.

The third prince was holding back his anger and planned to get it back on the court.

"If you don't use true energy, you don't need true energy. My cultivation alone is enough to crush you."

"Ankang and that palace maid, I will personally kick one of them down!"

The third prince now no longer cares about winning.

If he wants to win beautifully, he can no longer do it.

He lost such a big person, and whether he lost or won, the final evaluation was not much better. In this case, it is better to risk his face directly. After all, winning the game is the most important thing.

The third prince's eyes flashed fiercely, and his anger turned into hostility towards Princess Ankang and Yu'er. He only waited for the ball to reach his feet to give them a good look.

He saw the ball flying towards Yu'er and didn't even bother to look at it.

Yu'er's strength was not in the eyes of the third prince at all. What he feared most was Li Xuan.

The third prince scanned the court, but unexpectedly found that Li Xuan was nowhere to be found.

"Where's the cat?"

The third prince murmured in confusion.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared from behind Yu'er and touched the ball before Yu'er.

The kitten turned over and spun in the air, hugged its body into a ball, and turned into a small black ball.

The two balls touched each other, and then it was earth-shattering!


The ball exploded with an outrageous roar, and hit the third prince's stomach in the blink of an eye.

The third prince suddenly felt that the whole world began to slow down.

He glanced down in confusion and found that the ball twisted into a half-moon shape was already attached to his belly button.

Then, his pupils suddenly turned upward uncontrollably, and his whole body folded in half exaggeratedly.

When the third prince felt his feet rising into the air, his consciousness was disconnected.


A strange sound exploded, and the third prince was thrust into Feng Liu's eyes with the ball.

The third prince's hands, feet and head remained on one side of Fengliuyan, while his butt, waist and legs were roughly stuffed into the other side of Fengliuyan along with the ball.

At this moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened, but no one could make a sound.

"Third, the third prince... His Highness, he..."

"Daxing...the future God of War...has fallen?"

As the referee, Zhao Feng rushed to the goal immediately and came to Feng Liuyan to check carefully.

The audience was also aroused and looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

They came to watch the Cuju competition, not to witness the fall of the third prince.

After careful observation, Zhao Feng blew the whistle and made his final judgment.

"The score worked."

"Two to zero!"

The audience in the stands still did not react, but silently turned their speechless eyes to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At this moment, they all couldn't help but feel that Zhao Feng was already showing signs of Alzheimer's disease.

"Then what happened to the third prince when he was kicked by a cat? Why do you still care about the broken score?"

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