Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 427: Missing Someone for a Long Time

Li Xuan opened one eye and glared at the little girl angrily.

"You want to skin me too, right?"

Is Li Xuan lying here just to be lazy?

Of course it's not.

If it weren't for the fact that Princess Ankang could play happily in the final final, he would have kicked the Eighth Prince to the ground and surrendered.

Li Xuan hadn't done much in this game, but he was frightened into this behavior by the Eighth Prince.

If he had acted seriously, he would have frightened the Eighth Prince so much that he peed his pants.

Li Xuan thought about it, let Princess Ankang and Yu'er play this game first, at least to give the eighth prince the courage to continue the game.

Otherwise, according to the two guys on the opposite side who were scared into quails, this game would be impossible to play.

Li Xuan immediately closed his eyes, lowered his ears, and stopped paying attention to what the two girls said.

Anyway, this is only the first half, and there is still a long time before the end of the game.

When the audience in the stands saw what was happening on Princess Ankang's side, they immediately started talking.

"Hey, look."

"The cat belonging to Princess Thirteenth seems to be lying on the ground motionless?"

"Isn't it because you were injured before?"

"It doesn't look like I'm injured, more like I'm disobeying and going on strike."

"Oh no?"

"Look, the cat is lying on the ground with its eyes and ears closed, looking like it will fight to the end."

"After all, wild animals are difficult to tame, and there are times when taming them is unreliable."

"Ah~ the kitten is lying straight on the ground, like a little person, with those little paws and that little tail~"

"So cute, hehe..."

There was a lot of discussion in the stands, but most people were speculating whether Li Xuan was on strike.

Xiaomizi also discovered this and immediately said to the Eighth Prince:

"Look, Your Highness!"

"That little black cat seems to be on strike!"

"You no longer have to worry about being..."

Xiaomizi wanted to continue talking, but the Eighth Prince glared at him and swallowed all the next words.

"Hey, Your Highness, Xiaomizi has no other intention, I'm just so happy for you."

Xiaomizi immediately explained with a smile.

The Eighth Prince immediately snorted from his nose, stood up, and patted the dust on his knees.

Seeing that he was finally willing to stand up, Xiaomizi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaomizi also stood up after the Eighth Prince, and helped the Eighth Prince to stand firmly, fearing that his legs would give out and he would kneel down again.

Both the master and the servant looked in the direction of Li Xuan silently. When they saw that the little black cat was really lying there motionless, they felt strange and at the same time they couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Xiaomizi, do you think this is some kind of conspiracy?"

Xiaomizi was speechless, and immediately asked: "Your Highness, you didn't have any trouble with this cat, did you?"

"What kind of relationship do I have with the cat? Probably not."

Regarding his own safety, the Eighth Prince did not dare to be too sure.

"Then there should be no reason for this kitten to deliberately harm His Highness."

Xiaomizi was speechless in his heart, but facing the Eighth Prince, he had to patiently comfort him.

When the Eighth Prince thought about it, he realized that this was indeed the case.

It is understandable that Li Xuan has a grudge against the third prince.

"Given the kind of person Lao San is, those who have no grudge against him in this palace are the other type."

The Eighth Prince thought about it carefully and became more cheerful.

"Hey, thinking about it this way, this little black cat has no reason to embarrass me."

"I used to be very caring about Ankang, but now it seems that I am really smart."

The eighth prince chuckled and cheered up.

Seeing that his master finally regained his fighting spirit, Xiaomizi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Myna, are you okay?"

"I'm going to serve."

Princess Ankang reminded her impatiently.

When the Eighth Prince saw Princess Ankang waiting for a long time on the opposite side with the ball, he said with some embarrassment: "Let's go, let's go, I'm ready here."


Princess Ankang seemed to have an expressionless answer, but in fact she was already happy in her heart.

As smart as she is, she naturally understands why Li Xuan competes to catch fish.

Princess Ankang was naturally happy to see that the eighth prince seemed to be energetic and wanted to play football well.

Princess Ankang took a deep breath, and then kicked the ball towards Feng Liuyan on the opposite side.

This time, without waiting for Axiang to continue his performance, the ball was directly intercepted by the Eighth Prince.

"Ankang, if you want to score a ball like this, you are looking down on me, right?"

After the eighth prince finished speaking, he fired a volley, and the ball immediately flew back at a faster speed.

Moreover, because the Eighth Prince shot in the air, the trajectory of the ball was higher, making it difficult to intercept from the ground.

"Your Highness!"

At this time, Yu'er braced herself, folded her hands on her waist, and called Princess Ankang while getting ready.

Princess Ankang understood immediately, ran towards Yu'er in tacit understanding, and then glared at Yu'er's hands.

Yu'er raised her hands, and Princess Ankang's light figure instantly rose upwards. An upside-down golden hook made the ball continue to accelerate and turn around.

"Hiss, such a terrifying talent."

The Eighth Prince could naturally tell that Princess Ankang was imitating his movements.

And since the Eighth Prince himself is highly skilled in football, he can clearly understand how exaggerated Princess Ankang's progress has been from yesterday to now.

"If he has this kind of talent in martial arts training, he might be as good as that person."

The Eighth Prince looked at the trajectory of the ball that was almost parallel to Feng Liuyan.

His previous counterattack had kicked the ball high enough. As a result, Princess Ankang was better than her previous opponent. The height of the ball was unreachable for ordinary people, and it was so fast that it was even more difficult to block.

The Eighth Prince judged that he and Xiaomizi had nothing to do with the ball, so they just watched on the ground.

This does not mean that the Eighth Prince has given up.

After all, they have a third player, don't they?


After a cry, Axiang appeared in front of Fengliu, ready to fight.

When he was far away, Axiang flapped his wings violently, trying to slow down the ball.

But Princess Ankang's feet are not weak. Even the strong wind from Axiang's fan could not stop the ball immediately.

But just slowing down is enough.

Axiang turned over in the air and slapped the ball down with his paws.

But Axiang's strength was not enough after all, and he only slightly changed the trajectory of the ball.

The ball was going straight to Fengliu's eye, but it hit the goal with a bang and then bounced to the ground.

There was a cry of surprise from the stands.

Everyone thought that this goal was a must-goal, but unexpectedly it was blocked by Haidongqing again.

At this time, the Eighth Prince and Xiaomizi had already rushed to the landing point of the ball.

"Axiang, well done!"

The Eighth Prince raised his arms, apparently regaining his usual fighting spirit.

Then, there was a fierce back-and-forth battle between the two sides, with the ball constantly shuttling back and forth on both sides of the court.

Although Princess Ankang did not have Li Xuan participating in the battle, she was evenly matched with the Eighth Prince for a while.

Princess Ankang also knew that she and Yu'er alone could not deal with Axiang's aerial attacks, so every attack was from above, so Axiang had to be the first to touch the ball and could only concentrate on defense.

The Eighth Prince naturally saw Princess Ankang's intention, but he didn't care.

He himself also has pride in Cuju.

The eighth prince really wanted to see if Princess Ankang, who had only learned Cuju for a few days, was really talented enough to defeat himself, who had been immersed in Cuju for many years.

The Eighth Prince frequently used various strange tricks, which opened Princess Ankang's eyes and gradually became difficult to resist.

Two to zero, three to zero, four to zero.

The Eighth Prince slowly expanded the score and made Princess Ankang understand that Cuju was not as simple as she imagined.

"Ankang, I admit that you have a good talent in Cuju."

"But it's still early to win against me."

Facing Princess Ankang who was serving again, the Eighth Prince said confidently.

Princess Ankang was already dripping with sweat at this time, but when she heard this, she showed no sign of anger and instead smiled.

"Bago, are these your tricks?"

The eighth prince was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Princess Ankang suddenly assume a posture that was very familiar to him.

"This is……"

The eighth prince was shocked.

Xiaomizi on the side also recognized the Eighth Prince's trick.

"Hongchui Bridge!?"

The next moment, the ball drew a rainbow path from Princess Ankang's toes, even bypassed Axiang's head, and passed through the Eighth Prince's romantic eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Four to one!"

Along with a few Axiang's feathers slowly falling in the air, Zhao Feng blew the whistle again.

The Eighth Prince and Xiaomizi looked at the goal, then turned to look at Princess Ankang in shock.

Princess Ankang smiled and turned around to continue her defense.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Have you ever been taught this trick?"

Xiaomizi asked in shock.

"Fart, Hongchui Bridge is my secret trick. How could I just teach it to others?"

"And is this thing something a beginner can learn?"

The eighth prince argued.

The shock in his heart was no less than that of Xiaomizi.

Hongchui Bridge not only requires extremely high physical fitness, but also requires a lot of skill.

Even among the famous professional Cuju players in the capital, few of them play outside Hongchui Bridge.

"Ankang has no cultivation, how can he still kick this goal?"

"What kind of physical fitness is this?"

"Is it possible that you were really pretending to be sick before?"

At this time, the Eighth Prince couldn't help but be shaken.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't help but shake his head.

During the previous gathering in the Royal Garden, the Eighth Prince had paid attention to Princess Ankang.

Perhaps it was because Princess Ankang had just lost her mother-in-law last year, which brought back memories in the Eighth Prince's mind. From that time on, he often secretly paid attention to this sister during gatherings in the Imperial Garden.

But at that time, it was not like Princess Ankang's physical weakness could be faked.

The Eighth Prince remembered the recent rumors in the palace that Doctor Xue had found a way to treat Princess Ankang.

"What medicine works so well?"

It has to be said that the Eighth Prince also had the idea of ​​trying this medicine at this time.

The game continues.

Next, Princess Ankang continued to use the advanced Cuju skills that the Eighth Prince had used to fight back.

The Eighth Prince felt in a daze that he was fighting against himself.

It can only be said that Princess Ankang's imitation ability is too strong. In addition, her physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, so it is not difficult for her to perform these skills.

In the stands, the more proficient people were in Cuju, the earlier they noticed the abnormality of Princess Ankang.

"Oh my god, if I read it correctly, Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess imitated the movements of Her Royal Highness the Eighth Prince on the spot."

"You can't go wrong. After just a few moves, you'll become more familiar with them!"

"Is this the legendary Cuju genius!?"

The most excited ones were those military men with beards and beards.

As the saying goes, an expert knows the way.

At this time, they had already noticed the abnormality of Princess Ankang, and their eyes widened in shock.

After hearing their shouts, other people in the stands also started talking.

"You said that Princess Ankang was learning His Highness the Eighth Prince's movements on the spot. Is that impossible?"

"Those moves look very difficult. I haven't practiced them regularly, so it's unlikely that I can perform them, right?"

Even if someone raised doubts.

Several soldiers turned around and saw that they were acquaintances. The words they originally wanted to hold back suddenly came out.

"Fart, Tian Ergou, you know your stuff!"

"If he were just like ordinary people, why would he be called a Cuju genius?"

The face of being called Tian Ergou turned red, and he immediately retorted without caring about his demeanor:

"You guys, my name is Tian Zhongmastiff. I've told you so many times."

Several of them are serving in the military, so they are old acquaintances.

It's just that they have different backgrounds, and they often have quarrels.

"Isn't that still Tian Ergou?"

Several bearded military men replied.

Tian Zhong Mastiff was so angry that he was shaking all over. He pointed at them but couldn't say a word. Finally, he managed to squeeze out one sentence:

"I'm too lazy to argue with you rough guys!"

The surrounding audience covered their mouths and smiled, not surprised.

It turns out that Tian Zhong Mastiff is from a noble family and cannot hang out with those soldiers who climbed out from the bottom.

There are constant conflicts in the Daxing border area all year round, so there are many opportunities to make contributions.

These military men don't look too old, but they can be regarded as outstanding people who can sit in this stand by virtue of their accumulated merits.

It's just that a lot of things need to be accumulated. Even if they sit on the same table, people from aristocratic families will still look down on these "upstart" nobles.

Therefore, a few military men previously made noises about the Cuju competition, but few people in the stands responded.

Unlike the old scholar on the other side, someone would respond enthusiastically to just a few words.

But seeing that these military men knew Cuju very well, someone couldn't help but start chatting with them after all, and the military men naturally started to give a simple explanation.

As they explained, the audience came to understand more clearly what a terrifying thing Princess Ankang in the Cuju field was doing.

"Imitate the Eighth Prince's skills on the spot!?"

"I have only heard of the legendary martial arts geniuses who can learn skills on the spot, but I didn't expect that there are such talents in Cuju."

At this time, more and more people participated in the discussion, and those who knew the situation in the palace also explained:

"Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess has probably never had much exposure to Cuju before. It is surprising enough to hear that she has entered the semi-finals. I did not expect that she has such incredible Cuju qualifications."

Some older nobles knew very well what happened to Concubine Xiao back then, but only the younger generation didn't understand.

Some young people don't know these things, so they ask their elders, but they can't get an answer.

This made them even more curious.

"Mom, why are they so sure that Her Royal Highness the Thirteenth Princess has never been exposed to Cuju before?"

“Isn’t Cuju an activity that anyone can play?”

"The royal princess should have more people to play with, right?"

A little girl asked her mother, who was sitting on the edge of the highest part of the bleachers.

It's too far away from the Cuju venue, so compared to other locations, it's a little inconvenient to watch the game.

But the woman did not answer her daughter's question, but murmured to herself:

"His Royal Highness Ankang...has grown so big..."

"Concubine Xiao, have you seen it?"

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