The woman's clothes looked much simpler than those of the others present.

Although it was beyond the reach of ordinary people, she was still eye-catching among the nobles.

After all, today was the annual Chongyang Banquet.

This was a royal banquet attended by Emperor Yongyuan and Empress Wu, and all the guests dressed themselves up very decently.

But for the woman, this seemed to be her limit.

Seeing that her mother did not answer her question but was mumbling to herself, the little girl who asked the question felt a little dissatisfied.

But when she heard the words her mother was muttering, she couldn't help but say unexpectedly:

"Mom, do you know that princess?"

The little girl's voice was not small, which attracted the attention of several people around her.

The woman came back to her senses at this time and covered the little girl's mouth with her hand.

But the woman's nervous expression immediately returned to normal, and she smiled and said to the little girl:

"Nannan, that's the princess."

"Mom, how do you know her?"

"Be good, watch the game carefully, don't disturb others."

The little girl felt a little strange, but she just said "Oh" obediently and stretched her neck to look at the Cuju field.

The woman's face was natural, and she didn't care about the gazes of others around her.

Others just looked at her a few more times and then retracted their gazes.

Those sitting in such marginal positions have a low status in Daxing, and each has their own difficulties. No one should laugh at anyone else.

After calming down for a long time, the woman glanced at a seat not far away.

There sat a middle-aged man with a beard and unkempt appearance. He looked so shabby among the audience. The people around him sat far away from him, leaving a large space for him.

This man was staring at the game on the Cuju field, and seemed to be deeply attracted and couldn't take his eyes off.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man seemed to sense someone else's spying, and turned his head to meet the woman's gaze.

The moment their eyes met, they recognized each other.

But at the same time, they tacitly looked away, with a dim look in their eyes.

And there were many people like this in the stands.

But without exception, their positions were all on the edge.

Once, they were also glorious.

At that time, they gathered around the stunning foreign woman, and they were also a force that could not be ignored in Daxing.

But now...

It's better not to mention it.

Originally, they had already accepted their fate, but the performance of Princess Ankang in front of them really made them unable to ignore it.

They had never thought that the sickly little princess back then would thrive to this extent.

"God is not completely blind..."

The middle-aged man with a beard couldn't help laughing as he watched the game.


On the Cuju field, you go back and forth, and the kick is very intense.

Li Xuan lay on the ground and watched the game leisurely, watching Princess Ankang kick better and better, and getting more and more excited.

The audience in the stands, even those who didn't know much about Cuju, could see the terrifying speed of Princess Ankang's improvement.

Originally, some people sneered at the exaggerated statement that Princess Ankang was a Cuju genius.

But now, all these people shut their mouths.

The Eighth Prince on the opposite side was also facing a great enemy, and dared not slack off at all.

His Cuju suit had long been soaked with sweat, but he didn't care about it at this time. He stared at the trajectory of the ball with all his attention, fearing that he would lose another goal if he lost his concentration.

Five to seven.

The Eighth Prince was still leading by two points, but the pressure on him was increasing.

The Princess Ankang on the opposite side was like a monster that was constantly growing. The more the Eighth Prince resisted, the faster Princess Ankang's ball skills grew.

Until now, Princess Ankang could play back and forth with them with only Yu'er, and even steadily narrowed the score.

The Eighth Prince was horrified to find that even without Li Xuan, Princess Ankang was able to compete with him.

At this point, almost every time the Eighth Prince used a new move, Princess Ankang could immediately copy it.

After a few rounds, the same move made her more proficient than the Eighth Prince.

Li Xuan had opened his eyes at some point and was observing Princess Ankang carefully.

"Strong physical fitness, coupled with terrible comprehension and imitation abilities."

"Is this the legendary copy princess, Little Ankang?"

It was at this time that Li Xuan realized how terrifying Princess Ankang's talent was.

In the past, Princess Ankang could complete the ninth-grade martial arts after only three practices. Li Xuan thought it was mainly because of the strange coldness in her body, which caused her special physique.

But now it seems that it is not just that.

At least in Cuju, Princess Ankang also showed an outrageous talent.

"Is it because of her current physical fitness that she can better play this talent?"

Li Xuan thought about it and found that Princess Ankang was also very fast in practicing the stone-slinging method.

The stone-slinging method is not a real martial art, but a method of exerting force, which can be regarded as a special skill.

Li Xuan vaguely realized that perhaps Princess Ankang's talent could be applied to any skill that uses the body.

This is true for both the stone-slinging method and Cuju.

"In addition to martial arts, the skills of using the body..."

Martial arts will make the coldness in Princess Ankang's body change accordingly, until it breaks through a certain critical point, and the burst of coldness will be even stronger.

Although practicing martial arts will greatly improve Princess Ankang's physical condition, it also contains risks.

But other techniques that use the body don't seem to have such concerns.

At least, so far, the slingshot method and Cuju show no signs of inducing a chill in Princess Ankang's body.

"If we only teach Ankang some skills and match her physical fitness..."

Li Xuan looked at Princess Ankang who was sweating on the Cuju field, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

“Interesting and worth a try!”

It just so happens that Li Xuan has always thought that Princess Ankang's self-protection ability is not enough, but now he has a direction that he can try.

At this moment, Princess Ankang ran to Li Xuan in order to save the ball, and was about to step on his tail.

Princess Ankang suppressed a smile, deliberately not looking down, looking like she was staring at the ball seriously.

"This damn girl."

Li Xuan couldn't see Princess Ankang's plan.

"It seems the intensity of the competition is no longer enough."

"Baby, you can't do this either."

Li Xuan took the time to look down on the eighth prince who was panting like an ox across from him.

Compared with him, Princess Ankang was still only sweating slightly, and her terrifying physical strength was bottomless.

And just when Princess Ankang's malicious foot was about to step on Li Xuan's tail, Li Xuan rolled over and avoided the sneak attack.


Li Xuan lay on the ground with one paw on his chin and snorted disdainfully.

Princess Ankang curled her lips after being ridiculed, and then came up with another evil idea.

After Princess Ankang kicked the ball back, she suddenly staggered, took small steps, and launched a series of pursuits against Li Xuan's big tail.

Li Xuan repeated his old trick and rolled to the side again.

This time Princess Ankang chased her one step and he rolled around.

One person and one cat, chasing and rolling, faster and faster.

Li Xuan spun around on the ground, almost rolling into a small black shadow.


"Meow! (Ouch!)"

The naughty man and cat bumped into Zhao Feng on the sidelines.

Li Xuan bumped into Zhao Feng's foot, while Princess Ankang bumped into Zhao Feng's protective energy.

Princess Ankang's body was held up by Zhao Feng's body-protecting energy, and it felt like she had crashed into a ball of cotton. The momentum on her body was quickly resolved and she stood firm.

Li Xuan touched the back of his head and shouted dissatisfied:

"Meow? (Why don't you catch me with your body-protecting energy?)"

Although Li Xuan knew that he had a bronze head and iron arms, this was not the reason why Zhao Feng could treat him differently.

Zhao Feng glared at them and whispered:

"It's a competition, be serious and stop playing!"

"Your Majesty is still watching in Tai Chi Palace."

Hearing this, Li Xuan didn't care to blame Zhao Feng and giggled along with Princess Ankang.

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly and blew the whistle the next moment.

"Six to seven!"

"The first half is over."

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang both looked at Feng Liuyan on the opposite side in surprise. They didn't expect that Princess Ankang's kick just now actually scored.

It turned out that both the Eighth Prince and Axiang spent too much energy and were unable to defend the last ball.

Axiang tried to flap his wings, but the weak breeze had no effect on the ball.

If Axiang hadn't been able to dodge quickly, he would have almost been kicked into Feng Liuyan along with the ball.

And Zhao Feng's whistle at this time was nothing less than the sound of nature to them.

Axiang immediately flew down and stood on the Eighth Prince's shoulders.

The eighth prince was finally helped off by Xiaomizi.

Immediately, the eighth prince's attendants gathered around, giving massages and watering, causing quite a fuss.

The three little ones easily walked to the rest area on the sidelines, sat down to drink water and rest, and watched the scene at the Eighth Prince.

"It's just a game of Cuju, how come myna is so tired?"

"This body is too weak."

Princess Ankang shook her head and said contemptuously.

Li Xuan had been lying on the court just now, so he was naturally not tired. He nodded shamelessly and agreed with Princess Ankang's words.

On the other hand, it was Yu'er who followed Princess Ankang in a high-intensity confrontation with the opponent during the game. She didn't have the terrifying physical strength of Princess Ankang, so she was too tired to say a word.

She actually wanted to aggrieve the Eighth Prince and told Princess Ankang that not everyone was like her, possessing the physical strength of a bottomless pit.

But Yu'er really didn't even have the strength to speak.

At this time, Princess Ankang also noticed Yu'er's fatigue and said in surprise:

"Ah, why is sister Yu'er so tired?"

"Axuan, I blame you for being lazy in the first half."

"In the second half, let sister Yu'er have a good rest, and you can play football with me."

After hearing this, Yu'er originally wanted to wave her hands and say that she could still kick.

As a result, I found that I didn't even have the strength to raise my hand.

In the first half, as Princess Ankang and the Eighth Prince competed with each other, the pace of the game was extremely fast.

The audience enjoyed watching it, but the players on the field were exhausted.

Li Xuan meowed, and this time he agreed obediently.

He could also see that Yu'er had indeed reached the limit of her physical strength and should not continue to force herself.

Anyway, Li Xuan deliberately fished in order to let the Eighth Prince play football well in the first place. Now that the Eighth Prince has also gained fighting spirit, there is no need to continue fishing.

Li Xuan just needs to cooperate with Princess Ankang. According to the current trend of the game, Princess Ankang may use her physical advantage to defeat the Eighth Prince.

He turned his head to look at the opposite side. The Eighth Prince was slumped in the chair, sweating all over, as if he had just been pulled out of the water.

"I don't know if he can hold on to the end of the second half."

Li Xuan even worried about the Eighth Prince.

The break time was over soon.

Before the Eighth Prince had rested enough, he was supported by Xiao Mizi to go on the court again.

It was his turn to kick off in the second half.

The Eighth Prince took the ball and prepared to attack first.

But in his eyes, the opposite side's Feng Liuyan began to rotate slightly, making him unable to aim accurately.

The Eighth Prince shook his head violently to dispel the confusion in his mind.

He knew that his body was about to give up.

But when the Eighth Prince saw Princess Ankang, who was still energetic on the opposite side, he couldn't help but mutter:

"Is my physical strength not as good as Ankang?"

"What a joke!"

The Eighth Prince encouraged himself.

And more importantly, he saw full of fighting spirit in Princess Ankang's eyes.

Princess Ankang was looking forward to the match with him.

As people who love Cuju, how could the Eighth Prince disappoint Princess Ankang?

"Ankang, I will let you know what real Cuju is!"

The Eighth Prince said loudly, and encouraged himself.

Princess Ankang's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she also replied loudly:

"Myna, let's have a blood-boiling contest!"

The audience on the stage saw that the two princes had such fighting spirit, and they couldn't help but look forward to the excitement of the second half.

They were so excited to watch the first half, and it seemed that the excitement would continue in the next half.

After Zhao Feng on the sidelines confirmed that both sides were ready, he immediately blew the whistle to start the second half.


A quarter of an hour later.


"The game is over."

"Thirty-three to nine, Princess Ankang wins!"

As Zhao Feng blew the whistle, the exhausted Eighth Prince fell to the ground.

Xiao Mizi crawled over immediately and said to the Eighth Prince:

"Your Highness, you did it!"

"You held on until the last moment of the game!"

"You are Xiao Mizi's pride~"

Xiao Mizi said to the Eighth Prince with all his strength.

The Eighth Prince smiled slightly, as if he had no regrets in his life, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Your Highness——"

The Eighth Prince's attendants rushed onto the field at the moment the game ended, taking the Eighth Prince to take emergency measures.

"Not that bad, right?"

Princess Ankang muttered.

She complained to Li Xuan aggrievedly:

"Myna didn't move much in the second half, it was Xiao Mizi and Axiang who were working hard."

"The game was over, but he fainted."

Li Xuan thought about it and it was indeed the case.

When the Eighth Prince kicked off in the second half, he fell to the ground with a weak leg, and then he didn't stand up much.

The rest of the time was Xiao Mizi and Axiang fighting hard.

As a result, the game was almost over, and the Eighth Prince finally got up and staged the "tragic" drama just now.

"You are quite dramatic."

Li Xuan said inwardly.

The audience did not expect the final to end like this.

But it is very reasonable to think about it.

The intensity of the first half of the game was difficult for ordinary people to sustain, but no one expected Princess Ankang to be fine.

In the second half, the Eighth Prince obviously had a physical collapse and did not even have the strength to get up.

Princess Ankang was still showing her superb ball skills.

Although Xiao Mizi and A Xiang wanted to resist, they were limited in physical strength after all, and almost completely lost the power to resist in the end.

If Princess Ankang herself had not found it boring to play in the end, the score difference would have been even greater.

But anyway, the two-day Cuju game finally had a result.

Princess Ankang won again and became the winner of this month.

In the stands, the audience also applauded Princess Ankang's excellent performance.

Many people who are keen on Cuju have become loyal supporters of Princess Ankang.

"It would be great if we could invite the Thirteenth Princess to play a friendly match with us."

In the stands, the bearded soldiers who are most enthusiastic about Cuju all thought so.

Today, everyone has a very deep impression of Princess Ankang.

"Ah Xuan, Sister Yu'er."

"Playing Cuju is really fun."

On the Cuju field, Princess Ankang said with a smile while enjoying the cheers of the audience.

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