Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 434 Sound Transmission Technique

When Mr. Ye saw the three little ones coming, he immediately put the broom aside and prepared to open Qianxing Pavilion for them.

As usual, after they greeted each other, Mr. Ye sat behind the table at the door and dozed off.

Yu'er accompanied Princess Ankang to read a book, but Li Xuan, uncharacteristically, did not rush to the third floor to read martial arts skills as usual, but stayed in front of Mr. Ye.

Seeing Mr. Ye dozing off, Li Xuan didn't open his eyes to see what he was planning to do. He sneakily climbed onto the table, intending to use his tail to tease Mr. Ye's nose to attract his attention.

But before Li Xuan's tail touched Mr. Ye, he heard a question.


Mr. Ye slowly opened his eyes and stared at Li Xuan, who was plotting evil.

A flattering smile suddenly appeared on Li Xuan's face. He originally wanted to tease Mr. Ye's tail but immediately changed direction and started writing.

"Axuan has something to ask Mr. Ye."

Seeing these words, Mr. Ye moved away the hand holding his chin, sighed, and said weakly:

"Say it."

Li Xuan gathered some words and then wrote seriously:

"Mr. Ye, I want to learn to speak!"

Mr. Ye was stunned, frowned slightly, and then shook his head regretfully:

"There's nothing I can do to help."

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but become a little anxious.

"Isn't there any technique that can make cats talk?"

Seeing Li Xuan's anxious look, Mr. Ye also somewhat understood his mood, but still shook his head and said:

"The fact that you can practice human skills is beyond my expectations."

"But the technique that allows you to speak is probably not available yet."

Mr. Ye thought for a while and added:

"I heard that some orcs can speak after becoming powerful, but they rely on their ability to meticulously control their bodies and their superb spiritual intelligence."

"With your intelligence, learning to speak is definitely more than enough."

"As for the ability to control the body..."

Mr. Ye is also a little unsure about this. After all, he is not a scholar who specializes in studying the orcs.

Moreover, Li Xuan's race is still unknown to this day, and Mr. Ye dare not make a conclusion easily.

Because some orcs are limited by their innate body structure, no matter how powerful their body control capabilities are, they cannot completely imitate human voices, so they cannot speak even if they are smart enough.

Afraid that Li Xuan would have unrealistic expectations and be disappointed later, General Ye also explained the situation in detail to prepare Li Xuan mentally.

"So it turns out that some orcs have learned to speak a long time ago?"

Li Xuan was shocked by the news.

From this point of view, the strength of the orcs in this world is somewhat beyond Li Xuan's expectations.

But Li Xuan was not disappointed at all with what Mr. Ye said.

Because he had already tried to speak with his own voice.

After his body control ability broke through the lower third level, he has long been able to control all parts of the body very well.

It's a pity that the sounds he can make are relatively limited. He can only say one or two simple words, and because of his kitten voice, the tone is very weird and the voice is also high-pitched.

Li Xuan had not shown this trick in front of Princess Ankang and Yu'er before because he was afraid of scaring them.

It was more than enough for him to act fancy when he went out, but if he used it to communicate with people on a daily basis, not only was it not as efficient as writing, but he also couldn't pronounce some words, which was not enough to communicate with people at all.

The most important thing is that if Li Xuan really talks to people with a kitten voice, it will be too embarrassing and in style.

By that time, his auspicious spirit animal cat Sheke will fall to the ground.

In order to maintain his cat image, Li Xuancai has been patiently writing to people and never talks to people in his kitten voice.

Therefore, Li Xuan never considered the approach that Mr. Ye mentioned at the beginning.

"Mr. Ye, I want to ask if there is any technique for transmitting messages to others?"

"I thought I might be able to use chi to imitate sounds."

Mr. Ye understood Li Xuan's thoughts, but showed an even more confused expression.

"There are techniques for transmitting sounds, and there are quite a few of them."

"But if you want to transmit messages, don't you have to learn how to speak first?"

"Use Qi to imitate sounds..."

"Is it a special use of Yin Yang Qi!?"

Ye Lao's eyes suddenly lit up and he showed great interest. His previous look of not waking up was suddenly gone.

Li Xuan blinked, a little confused as to why Mr. Ye was involved in the Yin and Yang Qi.

But then he thought of the key.

"Mr. Ye's common sense is different from my common sense."

"People here don't have the common sense that sound is produced by the vibration of objects."

Li Xuan also understood at this time why Mr. Ye didn't understand what he meant at first.

But Li Xuan didn't immediately give Ye Lao science ideas, but just said:

"I just have some ideas and want to try them out."

Seeing Li Xuan's serious look, Mr. Ye knew that he was not joking.

And since it was about Yin and Yang Qi, he immediately became energetic.

Seeing Mr. Ye's hand stretching under the table, Li Xuan immediately noticed that the yin-attributed energy was fluctuating, and it was extremely strong.

"Does Mr. Ye's magical power to control shadows come from the Yin attribute Qi?"

"But, how did you do this!?"

When Li Xuan sensed this strong Yin attribute energy, he couldn't help but become more confused.

He now possesses pure yin and yang energy and is very sensitive to fluctuations in power.

He was unaware of it before, but now he can feel the strong fluctuations of Yin attribute Qi produced when Mr. Ye uses his power.

At this moment, even though Mr. Ye was obviously sitting in front of him, Li Xuan's sense of distance from Mr. Ye suddenly became blurred.

It seems very close, yet it seems very far away.

Even Ye Lao's own existence has become blurred, as if he has become a part of this world.

"Is this the power of a third-grade warrior?"

Li Xuan was amazed in his heart.

The next moment, this feeling suddenly disappeared.

And Mr. Ye also has several more books in his hands.

"These are all sound transmission techniques, each with its own emphasis."

"Some have long sound transmission distances, some have secret sound transmission methods, and others have many special uses."

"But these require at least the fifth-grade Qi Control realm to practice, and they are quite difficult. After all, they are all detailed uses of Qi, and it is difficult to get started."

Mr. Ye spread out these techniques on the table and briefly introduced them.

Then, Mr. Ye tapped one of the dark green-covered books with his finger.

"This skill is a magic sect skill. If you practice it, you must be careful."

Li Xuan tilted his head, adjusted the angle of his sight, and saw the name of this technique clearly.

【Howl of ghosts and gods】

"Is there anything special about this technique?"

What Mr. Ye said actually aroused Li Xuan's curiosity.

"This is a special sound transmission technique that concentrates sound in an extremely small and specific area. It is the sound transmission technique with the highest sound transmission accuracy."

"Looking at the name of this technique, you can guess that the sound coming over it is definitely not a good one."

"This technique mainly affects the enemy's mind. When the difference in strength is large enough, it can also be done to drive the enemy crazy face to face."

"But no matter what the sound transmission technique is, one thing is unavoidable."

"That is, you can also hear the sound coming out. It's just a difference in the volume of the sound. It cannot be completely blocked."

"Therefore, those sounds that affect the mind will also be heard by cultivators. Even if the impact is smaller, over time, the cultivators themselves will eventually lose their minds."

After hearing Mr. Ye's explanation, Li Xuan couldn't help but lean back slightly to show his admiration.

"It is indeed a magic sect technique!"

"Injure the enemy a thousand times and injure yourself eight hundred."

Li Xuan asked even more curiously: "Does anyone practice this obviously flawed technique?"

Mr. Ye sighed first, not knowing what he thought of, and then he slowly explained: "Axuan, the power of this technique is far beyond your imagination."

"For those who have mastered the technique, it may only take a few sentences to massacre an entire village."

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard this description.

"Moreover, the Demonic Cultivation Technique has always only sought quick success and power. As for the price, they don't care that much."

"As long as they can afford it, they dare to practice."

"For people in the Demon Sect, it's hard to tell whether they practiced the exercises that affected their minds, or whether they practiced these exercises because of mental problems."

Speaking of people in the Demon Sect, Mr. Ye seems to have a lot to say.

When Mr. Ye said this, Li Xuan also became a little in awe of this seemingly very tricky technique.

But then a question suddenly popped into his mind.

"Mr. Ye, if a deaf man practices this technique, wouldn't he be able to ignore the backlash?"

But as soon as he asked this question, Li Xuan knew that he had taken it for granted.

Deaf people can still hear themselves when they speak, because sound can be transmitted through bone conduction.

When he was in school, he had heard the story of Beethoven using this method to continue creating music after he became deaf.

Li Xuan shook his head and laughed at himself.

Just as he was about to retract his question, Mr. Ye's eyes flashed and he unexpectedly replied:

"There really was such a person back then."

"But at the time it was no longer clear how he went crazy."

Li Xuan didn't expect that he asked casually, there really was such a person.

"What happened to that person?"

After practicing this ghost crying and divine howling technique, I guess he was a member of the Demon Sect, and according to Mr. Ye's account, this person's mind was already abnormal at that time.

Mr. Ye smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

"I beat him to death with one palm."

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, showing a look of affirmation, and then reluctantly used his "little mangosteen" to give Mr. Ye a thumbs up.

"It seems that Mr. Ye was also a ruthless character when he was young."

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Moreover, the enemy that Mr. Ye can remember is probably not an easy person, but he still died under Mr. Ye's hands.

Li Xuan then selected among the sound transmission techniques that Mr. Ye had found for him. He didn't know which of them they could practice.

Moreover, his main purpose is not to practice the sound transmission skills, but to use the principles of these skills to enable him to speak by relying on the yin and yang energy in his body.

Therefore, Li Xuan cares more about the functionality of these techniques than the quality of the techniques.

Seeing Li Xuan making the selection, Mr. Ye, who was sitting behind the table, also advised:

"Although you possess the Yin and Yang Qi, after all, you are not strong enough to reach the threshold of practicing these techniques."

"If you want to try it, someone has to be watching."

Li Xuan nodded, naturally understanding that Mr. Ye was doing this for his own good.

And it's better to choose a day than to hit it. Right now, Mr. Ye happened to be looking at him, so Li Xuan started to try it directly in front of him.

Mr. Ye also didn't expect that Li Xuan's execution ability was so strong. He just did what he thought of and quickly put his hands on both sides of Li Xuan to deal with any accidents.

After all, Li Xuan is the holder of Yin and Yang Qi, and Mr. Ye dare not be careless in the slightest.

Li Xuan flipped through a book of sound transmission techniques, and then forced the Yin and Yang Qi in his body to run according to the techniques.

But it didn't go well from the beginning.

Either he does not have enough Qi, or his control over Qi is too weak, or even both of them are not up to standard.

Anyway, none of the first few exercises will work.

And because of the different levels, Li Xuan couldn't record the exercises even if he looked through them.

Seeing that Li Xuan's attempts failed one after another, Mr. Ye also expected it.

Even though Li Xuan has now cultivated Yin and Yang Qi, he still cannot overcome the basic skills of cultivation in one step.

The true energy in the body requires daily practice to slowly accumulate, and the control of true energy is not achieved overnight.

And these are the required courses from the Qi Sensing Realm to the Qi Controlling Realm.

After failing one technique after another, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

If he can only master the sound transmission technique in the Qi Control realm later, then Li Xuan still has a long way to go before he can speak.

Finally, Li Xuan turned his attention to the dark green cover of The Amityville Horror.

Li Xuan raised his head and looked at Mr. Ye, who could only sigh helplessly:

"Then give it a try."

Mr. Ye also discovered before that Li Xuan tried to practice these sound transmission techniques across levels, but did not suffer any backlash.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been seriously injured, vomiting blood, and depressed by his own retrograde Qi.

But Li Xuan showed no such signs.

Mr. Ye could only attribute this specialness to the yin and yang energy in Li Xuan's body.

"No wonder it is the power that all warriors have been pursuing throughout the ages."

At this moment, even Mr. Ye couldn't help but feel a hint of envy in his heart.

After receiving Mr. Ye's permission, Li Xuan turned to look at this magic sect technique.

But after reading a few pages, Li Xuan's expression changed slightly.

The secret book of the "Ghost Crying and Divine Howling" technique is full of plain and straightforward language, and there is no intention of pretending to be a ghost.

In other secret books, in order to highlight the specialness of the technique, the wording is always a bit awkward and difficult to understand, and requires some understanding.

But this book is different. The description is so straightforward that even children who can read can understand it.

Soon, Li Xuan turned to the last page of this secret book.

"No matter how you say it, it is a high-level skill. The secret book says it is as simple as teaching you to urinate and dig out yellow mud. Is there really no problem?"

Just when Li Xuan suspected Maosheng, a message suddenly flashed in his mind.

[Howl of ghosts and gods: 0%]

Li Xuan was so shocked that his eyes widened, and he shouted in his heart:

"What a heaven-defying magic technique!?"

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