Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 435 It’s really not this material

Li Xuan closed his eyes and carefully recalled all the details about the howling ghosts and cries in his mind.

Originally, the description in the secret book was very simple and straightforward, but in Li Xuan's mind, there were many more details.

"Damn it, this magic technique!"

After carefully checking the details about the howling ghosts and cries in his mind, Li Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with the simple and straightforward cultivation methods in the secret book, and it can even be said that they are summarized very well.

But the problem is that the person who wrote the secret book deliberately erased the precautions when practicing, and did not even write down the methods to avoid backlash when performing the exercises.

These things all exist, otherwise what would be the extra information in Li Xuan's mind.

Now he is a little unsure whether these things were deliberately concealed by the person who wrote the secret book, or whether his talent has come into play again and made up for the shortcomings of this technique on its own.

"The range of sound transmission is extremely wide, but it can be as precise as an inch."

"As for these brain-filling magic sounds, I can learn them or not."

The training of Ghost Crying and Divine Howling is mainly divided into two parts.

The first is how to transmit the sound to the enemy, making it inevitable for people to avoid it.

The second is the brain-filling magic sound that confuses people's minds. This is the main method of killing.

The brain-filling magic sounds are just some chaotic noises at first, but when you practice to an advanced level, they become all kinds of charming murmurs, which can evoke the darkest and negative emotions in people's hearts and then explode.

The Howl of Ghosts and Gods is quite special. It mainly attacks the mind, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Even opponents of comparable strength may be breached from within if their minds are not firm enough.

"As expected of the magic sect technique, it's so weird."

Li Xuan clicked his tongue in surprise.

But after this skill was supplemented by his talent, the negative effects of practice seemed not to be as great as Mr. Ye said.

But the specific effect will not be known until Li Xuan tries it himself.

In the past, those who practiced Ghost Crying and Divine Howling would torture themselves every time they practiced before facing the enemy.

Even if the effect on oneself is much smaller than that of the enemy, it cannot withstand years of practice.

And the more you practice the howling of ghosts and gods to a higher level, the more intense the impact on your mind will be.

It’s no wonder that people who practice this technique lose their mental health in the end.

"From what Mr. Ye said, it seems that all magic skills are like this."

"If I can use my talent to erase all the negative effects of the Demonic Cultivation Technique, wouldn't it only leave the quick and efficient effect of the Demonic Cultivation Technique?"

Li Xuan's heart moved, and he suddenly felt that the magic method was particularly attractive.

But he still needs to confirm this matter before talking about it.

Otherwise, he might lead himself into a ditch.

"Let's take a look at the effect of the Amityville Horror first."

Li Xuan had an idea in his mind. He looked up and saw Mr. Ye looking at him with his hands still protecting his sides. He immediately meowed.

"How's it going?"

Mr. Ye was not negligent, but confirmed with Li Xuan first.

"It seems that only The Amityville Horror is suitable, and the others are not so good, but I can use it as a reference."

Mr. Ye slowly took back his hands and sighed:

"The Demonic Cultivation Technique is simple to learn and easy to practice. It is possible to successfully practice it even if you are across different levels."

"But the negative effects cannot be underestimated. It can be said that it is a technique with no future."

"The Righteous Path Cultivation Method is to make the 'Tao' wider and wider, but the Demon Sect Cultivation Method is just the opposite."

"Until the end."

Ye Lao warned Li Xuan earnestly, for fear that he would not be able to maintain himself in the future.

Li Xuan also knew that Mr. Ye had good intentions, and nodded repeatedly to indicate that he had remembered these words.

"It's still early, just practice here and give it a try. Maybe I can give you some pointers."

Li Xuan couldn't be more happy to have Mr. Ye on the side to give guidance.

Li Xuan immediately followed the exercise route of Ghost Crying and Divine Howling, and slowly mobilized the true energy in his body.

This step went extremely smoothly, and the Yin and Yang Qi circulated in his body as smoothly as an arm.

Li Xuan didn't know that such obedient Qi was impossible for any Qi Sensing Realm warrior.

Even if he reaches the Qi Control realm, he may only have more Qi than Li Xuan. As for such control of Qi, it is a level that many warriors cannot reach in their lifetime.

The next moment, Li Xuan meowed softly, and the sound suddenly exploded in Ye Lao's ears.

Mr. Ye immediately twitched the corners of his eyes, his expression a bit unnatural.

"The secret book he just read is correct, right?"

"And if I remember correctly, I only read it once..."

Li Xuan's ghostly cries and howls, which he had just started, were naturally nothing to Mr. Ye, not to mention hurt, not even a noise.

But what shocked Mr. Ye now was that Li Xuan successfully used the Ghost Crying Cry.

Although the sound transmission effect was average, making the sound not solid enough and somewhat dissipated, it was indeed a rough sound transmission.

In the past, Mr. Ye had never been so shocked when Li Xuan mastered those low-level skills very quickly.

Although Ghost Crying and Divine Howling is a magic sect technique, it focuses on being simple and easy to use, but the problem is that this technique is a fourth-grade technique.

Although the fifth-grade Qi Control Realm can be barely practiced, Li Xuanke has just completed the cultivation of the Qi-Sense Realm and is still far from the fifth grade.

"Is it because you are born with the talent to practice the magic skills?"

At this time, Mr. Ye couldn't help but regretted taking out this technique.

Previously, Li Xuan Mingming just said that he wanted to refer to the exercises to help him find a way to use his true energy to speak.

But in the blink of an eye, he directly mastered a magic skill.

After thinking about it, Mr. Ye felt that it was not easy to report this matter to Emperor Yongyuan.

"What can I do?"

At this time, Li Xuan, who didn't understand Mr. Ye's mood at all, also looked sad for a while.

"Damn it, the sound dispersed quickly. My current energy is completely insufficient."

Li Xuan didn't expect that just trying to "send" his voice would be so laborious.

If you want to freely use your true energy to generate vibrations to imitate speaking sounds, wouldn't you have to consume more true energy?

The accumulation of true energy is obviously not something that Li Xuan can do in a hurry, it needs to be accumulated slowly.

This made Li Xuan realize with some dismay that if he wanted to speak, he might need to break through to the fifth level.

Although one person and one cat did not think of going together, their hearts were equally heavy.

"Axuan, do you feel anything unusual?"

Seeing Li Xuan's delay in responding, Mr. Ye couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Li Xuan raised his head in confusion and shook his head from side to side subconsciously.

"It's just a casual practice, what's going to happen?"

Li Xuan couldn't understand Mr. Ye's excessive concern.

Li Xuan knew nothing about the dangers of practicing the Demonic Cultivation Technique because he had been modified by his talent.

After the matter of the sound transmission technique was temporarily resolved, Li Xuan asked Mr. Ye for advice on formation techniques and alchemy books.

Now he only needs to practice Yin Yang Zhenji Jue every day, but he has a lot of free time.

The formation under the Sun and Moon Yin Yang Pond was really something that Li Xuan couldn't ignore and made him extremely curious.

Therefore, he planned to read books on this subject to supplement his knowledge.

Li Xuan had tried before when he came to Qianxing Pavilion, but his talent could not produce an effect on knowledge such as fighting magic and alchemy.

According to Li Xuan's current conjecture, it must be a skill that he practices in order to stimulate his talent and activate the progress bar.

For example, martial arts techniques, or special techniques such as the Turtle Breath Technique and the Sling Stone Technique.

Seeing that Li Xuan didn't care at all about the negative effects of howling like ghosts and gods, and instead wanted to read some miscellaneous books, Mr. Ye picked up Li Xuan's neck angrily and threw him under the table.

While Li Xuan was still in the air, he was swallowed up by a group of shadows, and his vision went dark.

When his vision returned, he had arrived in front of a bookshelf.

"Just now, you were personally looking for books for me. Why did your attitude change as soon as you turned around?"

Li Xuan pouted.

But when he carefully looked at the bookshelf in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

The entire bookshelf in front of Li Xuan was filled with introductory books on formations.

He swallowed, feeling a little bad, and then turned to look around.

It turned out that the bookshelves nearby were all about formation-related books, and there were countless books in total.

"Here, where do we start?"

Li Xuan was overwhelmed by these vast formation books and felt powerless.

But thinking of the mysterious formations under the Sun and Moon Yin Yang Pond, he could only grit his teeth and jump to the bookshelf to look for suitable introductory books.

“You don’t have to read all these books to get started with formations, right?”

Li Xuan frowned fiercely and reluctantly tried to open a book [Introduction to Formation].

The morning passed quietly.

When the three little ones finished reading the book and temporarily came out of Qianxing Pavilion to have lunch, Princess Ankang and Yu'er saw Li Xuan and couldn't help but ask:

"Axuan, what's wrong with you?"

"You look listless, maybe someone is bullying you."

Princess Ankang, who was sitting on a stone chair and preparing to eat, opened her arms to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan subconsciously quickened his pace and immediately got into Princess Ankang's arms. He meowed and complained full of grievances.

And when Princess Ankang knew that Li Xuan was bullied by the formation book, she couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, you said you're a little kitten, and you're already studying formations."

"What, you want to practice Taoism and become a Meow Immortal?"

Princess Ankang joked with a smile.

Li Xuan naturally refused and thrust his head into Princess Ankang's arms.

Princess Ankang was tickled by the cocking, and she kept smiling.

Finally, the food was served and they were quieted down.

"Axuan, why do you think of learning formations?"

"Can you understand those books?"

Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan curiously while eating.

Li Xuan rolled his eyes at Princess Ankang, and then talked about his idea of ​​exploring the secrets of the formation under the Sun and Moon Yin Yang Pond.

"So that's it."

Princess Ankang listened and nodded.

"Then do you need me to help you?"

"No, no, just read your book."

Li Xuan shook his head, then swung his tail and wrote.

Reading is one of Princess Ankang's rare pleasures. It is clear to Li Xuan how much she looks forward to coming to Qianxing Pavilion every month.

He didn't want to disturb Princess Ankang's reading time for his own reasons.

"It's okay."

"I have read all the books about Beiliang and the Northern Territory in Qianxing Pavilion."

"There are so many books and I don't know where to start. It would be a good choice to learn about formations."

Princess Ankang looked like she was analyzing carefully.

"But don't you like reading stories?"

Li Xuan had been reading all morning, and he had just finished reading an entry-level formation book.

Even at the entry level, Li Xuan was confused and confused.

For such a boring and uninteresting book, Princess Ankang would most likely not be able to read it.

Li Xuan didn't want Princess Ankang to be tortured with him.

"Oh, we'll find out later. Don't think about it so much now."

Princess Ankang waved her hand, said no more, and buried herself in the food.

Li Xuan knew that Princess Ankang wanted to help him and had good intentions, and he felt relieved.

In the afternoon, the three little ones gathered in front of the bookshelf that stored books about formations and began to study hard.

Li Xuan had to read the content over and over several times before he could understand it, so his efficiency was extremely low.

The so-called formation method is to use special means to guide the power of the five elements of heaven and earth for one's own use, which can produce various magical effects.

But even the most basic psychedelic array requires quite complicated array materials, and the method of arranging the array is not easy.

But through formations, even a person with no cultivation can activate the mighty power of heaven and earth.

This kind of person is called an array mage.

Even in Daxing, there are not many people who are qualified to be called formation masters, and they are extremely rare talents.

As long as you are certified as an array master, you can directly serve in the imperial court. The efficiency of reaching the sky in one step is much faster than studying.

But the problem is that if you want to get started with the formation, the materials you need to spend are immeasurable.

The cost of this alone is not affordable for ordinary families.

Therefore, if you want to be an array mage, having money is the most basic requirement, and then it depends on whether you have talent.

The knowledge that an array master needs to possess is even greater. Not only must he have a deep understanding of the attributes of the five elements, but he must also have an understanding of all kinds of weird array materials. In addition, there are array patterns, array symbols, array devices, and mechanism techniques. , Qiankun Shu and other related theories.

Li Xuan didn't even finish the second book when he felt a splitting headache, let out a miserable wail, and rolled around holding his head.

Yu'er on the side also gave a wry smile with deep understanding when she saw Li Xuan's appearance.

Yu'er is the same as Li Xuan in this regard. She has no talent. Reading these books is also a torture for her.

But unlike them, Princess Ankang enjoyed watching it.

"This girl is really not picky about books. She can still read this kind of thing."

Li Xuan, whose forehead was pounding, couldn't help but sigh when he saw Princess Ankang reading quietly.

Seeing that Princess Ankang was taking it seriously, Li Xuan did not disturb her, but called Yu'er to look for books on alchemy.

Li Xuan had already resigned himself to the fact that he had no talent in the formation.

He wanted to go and see if he could learn the remaining alchemy.

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