"Axuan, sister Yu'er."

"Look at this."

After listening to Li Xuan and Yu'er's thoughts on Chai Rongrong's visit today, Princess Ankang smiled and took out a note from her sleeve.

On the note was a line of beautiful handwriting.

"The carriage given to His Highness at the Double Ninth Festival Banquet was the exclusive vehicle of Concubine Xiao back then."

Li Xuan couldn't help frowning when he saw this note.

He didn't even notice when Chai Rongrong handed the note to Princess Ankang.

Chai Rongrong was uncultivated. Li Xuan didn't care about this woman at first, but unexpectedly he underestimated her.

Yu'er's eyes widened and she confirmed: "Your Highness, is this true?"

"This note was given to me when Chai Rongrong and I parted just now." Princess Ankang replied.

"Since she is an old friend of my mother and concubine, there is no need to lie to me about this kind of thing."

"And this matter can be confirmed by just asking the old man in the palace."

Princess Ankang said, but her eyes looked at Li Xuan and asked: "You think so? Ah Xuan?"

Hearing Princess Ankang's tone, Li Xuan secretly said, "Oh no."

But before he could find a chance to escape, Princess Ankang grabbed the back of his neck and put her little face in front of Li Xuan.

"Axuan, tell me quickly!"

"Did you already know something?"

Li Xuan didn't expect this little girl to react so quickly, and immediately curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

Seeing this reaction, Princess Ankang immediately confirmed her answer and said angrily:

"Well, let me just say that you little kitty is not surprised at all when you read the note!"

"Tell me, why did you hide it from me?"

Princess Ankang ruthlessly rubbed Li Xuan's cat head and asked questions.

Li Xuan remained silent and allowed Princess Ankang to massage her.

"Axuan already knew this?"

"No way?"

Yu'er looked confused on the side.

"Hmph, little kitten dares to be so harsh!"

Seeing that Li Xuan had no intention of explaining, Princess Ankang couldn't help but snorted angrily.

"I can guess it even if you don't tell me."

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but become nervous.

Then, Princess Ankang stared closely at Li Xuan's big eyes and began to analyze:

"This carriage has been ours for a long time."

"But this month, my father specially gave it to us as this month's prize."

"On the day of the Double Ninth Festival banquet, we rode a carriage into the palace early in the morning in front of all the guests. After the Cuju competition, we formally decided the current ownership of the carriage in front of everyone."

"And this carriage coincidentally was the exclusive carriage of the concubine during her lifetime."

Hearing that Princess Ankang's analysis became more and more reliable, Li Xuan's eyes couldn't help but wander.

Seeing Li Xuan's reaction, Princess Ankang confirmed her suspicion even more. She smiled slightly and came to the conclusion:

"My father specially pushed me onto the stage on occasions like the Double Ninth Festival Banquet."

"He wanted me to play a role."

"Playing a very important role in Beijing and even in Daxing."

Princess Ankang's face was full of seriousness.

Li Xuan sighed and closed his eyes silently.

On the day of the Double Ninth Festival banquet, after he learned that the carriage rewarded by Emperor Yongyuan originally belonged to Concubine Xiao, he did not immediately inform Princess Ankang because of this concern.

Princess Ankang does not need to understand Emperor Yongyuan's intentions, nor should she.

These things were originally owed by Emperor Yongyuan to Princess Ankang, but now Emperor Yongyuan returned these things that originally belonged to Princess Ankang with a purpose.

Li Xuan didn't want to disappoint Princess Ankang, nor did he want Princess Ankang to understand the intentions behind Emperor Yongyuan.

They stay in Jingyang Palace and just take care of themselves.

No matter how chaotic this Daxing is, Li Xuan will practice hard and protect the safety of the three of them.

Li Xuan had promised to help Emperor Yongyuan, but he did not expect that Emperor Yongyuan would be so greedy and unwilling to let go of Princess Ankang's help.

The cold conflicts of power can no longer tolerate the warmth of family affection.

This made Li Xuan feel sick.

This was also the reason why he didn't want Princess Ankang to understand Emperor Yongyuan's intentions and have any contact with Concubine Xiao's old subordinates such as Chai Rongrong.

Princess Ankang is only twelve years old, she should not get involved in these disgusting things.

Yu'er on the side heard a burst of confusion and couldn't help but ask:

"Your Highness, what on earth are you talking about?"

Princess Ankang smiled at Yu'er, then let go of Li Xuan's cat head and hugged him well into her arms.

"Sister Yu'er, my father has secretly given me a mission."

"Of course, it's my choice whether to do this task or not."

Princess Ankang explained.


Yu'er suddenly felt uneasy in her heart.

What does Emperor Yongyuan need Princess Ankang to do?

That's certainly not a simple matter.

Princess Ankang said earlier that Li Xuan deliberately concealed the fact that the carriage originally belonged to Concubine Xiao, probably because of this matter.

After thinking about this, Yu'er immediately became worried about Princess Ankang.

"Your Highness, this mission..."

"Is it dangerous?"

Before Princess Ankang could answer, Li Xuan in her arms immediately opened his eyes and nodded vigorously.

Seeing Li Xuan nod, Yu'er's brows wrinkled unconsciously.

"Your Highness, can't we not do this task?"

Yu'er asked immediately.

She didn't quite understand these twists and turns, and she didn't understand the big truth.

She only knew that her duty was to protect Princess Ankang and keep her away from all dangers.

Princess Ankang smiled gently and shook her head gently.

"Sister Yu'er, I was born in a royal family. There are many things that I cannot avoid."

Li Xuan silently raised his head and looked at Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang raised her hand and touched Li Xuan's head lovingly.

"If I don't take on this responsibility, someone will have to carry the burden forward for us."

Yu'er also followed Princess Ankang's gaze and looked at Li Xuan in Princess Ankang's arms, and the softness in her heart was touched.

Of course she also understands that life in Jingyang Palace will not get better on her own.

Where she and Princess Ankang couldn't see it, Li Xuan must have put in all kinds of efforts.

Yu'er has also experienced the hardships of cultivation.

This was even when she was guided by a famous teacher and Li Xuan continued to find resources for her.

And how did Li Xuan endure all these hardships when Jingyang Palace was still impoverished?

Although Yu'er doesn't know much, she also understands a simple truth: no one in this world will be nice to herself for no reason.

Yu'er, who was sold by her biological parents, has a deep understanding of this truth.

Many things are just an exchange.

Be it interests or feelings...

The same is true for sincerity, but it is especially difficult to change.

Seeing the change in Yu'er's expression, Princess Ankang continued:

"Sister Yu'er, I am no longer a child."

When Li Xuan and Yu'er heard this, their hearts were touched at the same time.

"So, let's face it together, okay?"

"Axuan, sister Yu'er."

"We face it together, there will be no problem!"

Li Xuan and Yu'er looked at each other with the same expression.

They all understood at this time that they could no longer change Princess Ankang's decision.

And, as true as Princess Ankang belongs, she is no longer a child.

"This little girl, not only has her body gotten better, but her mind has also become so bright."

Li Xuan did not expect that Princess Ankang's political sense would be so keen now.

You know, Princess Ankang spent most of her time in the closed Jingyang Palace before this.

Except for daily communication with Yu'er, Princess Ankang has almost no communication with other people.

Under such circumstances, where could she find out about these intrigues?

But just a note left by Chai Rongrong made Princess Ankang think of everything.

In response, Li Xuan couldn't help but curiously asked Princess Ankang how she figured this out.

"Hehe, when you were sneaking out to play, I didn't just sit there."

Princess Ankang smiled proudly.

It turned out that when she was not practicing, she was either reading books or talking to the servants of Xingqing Palace.

The books Princess Ankang read before were all about the Northern Territory, and there were many historical records in them.

As the saying goes, use history as a mirror and read history wisely.

By reading the historical records of the Northern Territory, Princess Ankang learned a lot about how to behave.

In addition, she was willing to practice, communicate with the servants of Xingqing Palace without any pretense, chatting with them about trivial daily matters, and gradually began to gossip about the conflicts between these palace ladies and eunuchs.

Some things she couldn't figure out, she would ask Manager Shang for advice.

Manager Shang could often point out the key points in just one or two sentences, which would be of great use to Princess Ankang.

And who is Mr. Shang? He is the former chief eunuch who has lived a long life and resigned from the position of chief manager of the House of Internal Affairs.

Manager Shang could naturally see Princess Ankang's intentions in settling these trivial matters, so he did not dare to give too much advice.

But Princess Ankang could immediately understand every two concise instructions, which also gave Mr. Shang a lot of teaching fun.

After going back and forth, Manager Shang gradually became bolder when he saw that Princess Ankang was extremely intelligent and knowledgeable about the world.

This has benefited Princess Ankang a lot.

During the time she lived in Xingqing Palace, Princess Ankang's character grew rapidly without Li Xuan noticing.

Who would have thought that a twelve-year-old girl would understand so many twists and turns in human relationships.

Hearing that Princess Ankang had received guidance from Manager Shang, Li Xuan was speechless.

When he was not at home, Manager Shang secretly gave Princess Ankang special training, right?

As for whether Emperor Yongyuan's plan was behind this, Li Xuan was too lazy to think about it.

After all, it is Princess Ankang who makes the decision now.

And now Princess Ankang is just as she said, she is no longer a child.

She has been able to make her own decisions and take charge.

In this case, all Li Xuan and Yu'er can provide Princess Ankang is their support.

"But Your Majesty, what exactly is the mission His Majesty has entrusted to you?"

Now that they have decided to support Princess Ankang, Yu'er also wants to figure out what they will do next.

"Originally, I thought my father wanted me to be the focus of attention."

"After all, the palace has been much calmer since the competition in the Imperial Garden, hasn't it?"

"The previous incidents of hauntings and pests have almost never happened again in the past few months."

After Princess Ankang said this, Yu'er realized that this was really the case.

"But today's visit to General Ningyuan's Mansion made me think differently."

"Father not only wants me to be the center of attention, but maybe he also wants me to reconnect with the old things I had with my mother and concubine."

Princess Ankang's face showed a look of confusion.

"But I don't quite understand. What can I, a cold palace princess, and these fringe nobles who have been suppressed to the end, do?"

"With such a weak force like ours, it would be difficult to say that we are a force in the capital, right?"

At this time, Li Xuan patted his tail and meowed, attracting the attention of the two girls.

Princess Ankang smiled and immediately put away her puzzled look and said:

"I knew Ah Xuanqi knew something inside."

Li Xuan's eyes twitched, feeling unhappy that he was being manipulated by Princess Ankang.

"You damn girl, you're deliberately 'puzzling' me, aren't you?"

Li Xuan was dissatisfied and wrote a sentence of protest with his tail.

"Axuan is good, Axuan is good!"

"Axuan is the smartest and cutest."

"Just clear up the confusion for me and Sister Yu'er~"

Princess Ankang immediately started acting coquettishly.

Li Xuan couldn't resist this coquettish offensive, and immediately told the information he knew, and attached his own inferences.

"Empress Wu and the Wu family have been vigorously promoting the empress's ascension to the throne in recent years."

When mentioning this matter, Li Xuan couldn't help but ask them first:

"Second Princess, do you know anything about it?"

Princess Ankang shook her head blankly: "I have never seen her since I attended the Royal Garden Party, and I rarely hear anyone mention it."

Yu'er said from the side:

"The light of the sun and moon is not as bright as Lu Zhaocai."

"I'm afraid everyone in Daxing has heard this sentence."

When she heard that the empress ascended the throne, Yu'er understood what was going on.

She immediately introduced the second princess to Her Royal Highness Princess Ankang.

"I heard that Her Royal Highness the Second Princess is the direct descendant of Empress Wu. Her talent in martial arts has been astonishing since she was a child. She was sent out of the palace to practice in various sects at a very young age."

"I heard it's because the masters in the palace have nothing to teach Her Royal Highness the Second Princess."

This was the first time Li Xuan heard about this from Yu'er, and he couldn't help but look shocked.

How could there be a third-grade master like Mr. Ye, Senior Monk in the palace, not enough to teach Princess Luzhao?

No matter how evil Princess Luzhao is, she can't be so young that masters like Ouchi can't teach her, right?

Li Xuan guessed that there might be other reasons for this, so he asked Princess Luzhao to leave the palace to practice.

Otherwise, according to Yu'er, it would be too terrifying.

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang swallowed their saliva after listening to Yu'er's introduction to Princess Luzhao.

The three little ones looked at each other in silence, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Axuan, what did you want to say just now?"

"go on."

Princess Ankang said from the side.

Li Xuan blinked his eyes, his mind suddenly went blank, and he wagged his tail and wrote:

"I forgot too."

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