Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 439 The more I listen, the more confused I become.

Zhu Fangfang has something to say?

Ji Yuanhai stopped and looked back at Zhu Fangfang, Professor Zhu, Yang Dongsheng and others.

Professor Zhu's smile was a little forced, and he didn't say anything.

Yang Dongsheng's expression was particularly strange, as if he was annoyed and angry, but also contained other emotions.

After Ji Yuanhai carefully distinguished, he realized that he was asking and begging - he didn't know whether he was asking Zhu Fangfang not to mess with Ji Yuanhai, or asking Ji Yuanhai not to agree.

In fact, Yang Dongsheng was overthinking.

Whether he asked or not, Ji Yuanhai would never get involved with a woman like Zhu Fangfang.

"If you have anything to say, just say it now. It won't be too late for me to leave after you finish." Ji Yuanhai said to Zhu Fangfang.

"Let's talk while we walk. I can just see you off." Zhu Fangfang said with a smile, raising her hand to signal Ji Yuanhai, "Let's go?"

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "Well, let's go - Yang Dongsheng, you also see me off, I have something to ask you."

Yang Dongsheng's face flushed when he heard the first half.

This was the first time that Zhu Fangfang hooked up with an acquaintance in front of him; especially this class monitor Ji Yuanhai, who was a very prestigious person that he had to greet with a smile when he was in school. If he slept with Zhu Fangfang, would he still have the face to see other classmates again?

Hearing the second half of Ji Yuanhai's words, Yang Dongsheng was relieved and his expression became much more natural: "Well, okay."

Now it was Zhu Fangfang's turn to be obviously unhappy.

The three of them walked out along the road. The atmosphere was dull and awkward. Zhu Fangfang and Yang Dongsheng didn't speak.

Ji Yuanhai was not prepared to speak. If the couple didn't speak, Ji Yuanhai was ready to leave directly.

After walking a few dozen steps, Ji Yuanhai didn't mention that Zhu Fangfang wanted to talk to him, nor did he mention that he wanted to talk to Yang Dongsheng: "You don't have to see me off anymore. I'm going back now. Let's talk next time we meet..."

"Hey, Ji Yuanhai, don't leave yet!" Zhu Fangfang couldn't help but step forward and said.

"Zhu Fangfang, do you have anything else to do?" Ji Yuanhai asked.

"Yes, I have something to do." Zhu Fangfang paused and looked at Yang Dongsheng, "Go to the store in front and buy me a pack of cigarettes."

Yang Dongsheng was stunned, looking at Zhu Fangfang, tightened his mouth, his throat twitched violently, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

"What are you looking at, go!" Zhu Fangfang scolded.

Yang Dongsheng gritted his teeth and responded, turned around and walked towards the store not far ahead.

Ji Yuanhai originally wanted to keep him, but looking at his dull and depressed back, he knew it was unnecessary. He has worn enough hats, not to mention that he is indeed a son-in-law who covets other people's benefits. How much can he help him?

But in his heart, he felt a little more disgusted with Zhu Fangfang.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Ji Yuanhai's expression towards Zhu Fangfang became serious.

Zhu Fangfang laughed: "You look scary! We are all friends, why are you so serious?"

Ji Yuanhai looked at her and was too lazy to talk to her.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Fangfang's agitation in her heart not only did not subside, but became more active. How good is this look, it's as if she has returned to her student days, when she hadn't fallen in love yet.

"Ji Yuanhai, I actually have a secret that I've never told anyone, do you know?"

Ji Yuanhai looked sideways: "What secret?"

"It's my emotional secret." Zhu Fangfang said softly with shyness on her face, "When I was in college, there was always someone in my heart, but I was more reserved and traditional about feelings, and I never dared to tell this person."

"Now, I feel that some of my previous ideas were too naive. Some things should be said when they should be said... There is a good saying in foreign countries, life is in the world, enjoy it while it lasts. Some feelings, once missed, are a lifetime regret, and you must fight for them when you should fight for them."

Ji Yuanhai suddenly "suddenly realized": "Oh! I know who you are talking about, you mean Zhou Heng, right? You want to contact Zhou Heng through me?"

Zhou Heng?

Zhu Fangfang was stunned for a moment, and thought that it was not impossible. After all, she hadn't tasted him at the beginning, and it would be nice to have a chance to taste him.

But now, first of all, I have to take down Ji Yuanhai, Lu Heling's husband, who was once a big shot on the court and campus, to make up for my previous regrets. I don't know how he will perform, whether he is good-looking and useful... Thinking about it, my legs started to rub against each other.

"It's not Zhou Heng..."

Zhu Fangfang had just said half a sentence when Ji Yuanhai looked "suddenly" again: "Oh, it's that foreign student Edward?"

Zhu Fangfang's face suddenly couldn't hold back: "He is a liar and murderer, why do you mention him?"

"Is that the other foreign student you found later?" Ji Yuanhai asked again, looking like he was just asking and had no malice.

At this point, no matter how slow Zhu Fangfang was, she understood what Ji Yuanhai meant.

She frowned and looked at Ji Yuanhai: "Do you look down on me?"

Ji Yuanhai looked puzzled: "Where do you get this from? You didn't hide your dating experience from me, and it's not a secret. You said you have someone in your heart, so I asked if it was someone you had dated before. Isn't what you said serious?"

"Pretend, just pretend!" Zhu Fangfang had come to her senses and didn't believe Ji Yuanhai's words at all, "You just look down on me because I've been in love many times and have dated foreigners."

Ji Yuanhai looked calm: "No, no."

"Then you know what I want to say, but you are still here to push back and give me a thumbs-down?" Zhu Fangfang said impatiently, "Stop pretending, let me just say this, I liked you when I was in school. Let's talk tomorrow Can you find a place to play and have a good time when you have time?"

Ji Yuanhai waved his hand: "That won't work, I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Then wait until after get off work." Zhu Fangfang said, "Let me tell you, there is generally nothing to talk about after marriage. Our country is too conservative. When you go to bed, you just sleep and have children. In fact, there is knowledge in this. I It’s different, I can play it now, and I will definitely let you experience new ways of playing.”

"If you feel unsatisfied, I can take you to a party. Do you know that the people who go there are all people with status? After turning off the lights, they can do whatever they want... Think about it, how enjoyable is this? "

Ji Yuanhai listened to her words and looked at her sagging skin that could only be covered up by makeup and her faintly blue eye sockets, as if he saw an empty soul full of holes.

Zhu Fangfang's unbridled indulgence has been engraved in her bones unconsciously, and she is not even ashamed but proud of it. The word "broken shoes" in most people's mouths can hardly describe her current mental state. She is just a piece of shit.

"Forget it, you are playing your game, I won't play like this." Ji Yuanhai said directly to Zhu Fangfang.

"You really don't want to go?" Zhu Fangfang asked.

"Not going."

Zhu Fangfang curled her lips: "Ignorant old hat, it's normal for foreign countries to do this."

Ji Yuanhai was really amused now: "Hahahaha!"

Zhu Fangfang was stunned: "Why are you laughing?"

"Have you ever thought that some of the foreigners you come into contact with are not representative of most people in their society? Also, what they say is not credible and they are just lying to you?" Ji Yuanhai asked.

Zhu Fangfang looked surprised: "Isn't it possible? Foreign countries are so developed and everyone has money. They eat turkey, ham and beef every day. Why are you lying to me?"

Ji Yuanhai smiled and waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to say more.

The topic should have ended here. Ji Yuanhai was too lazy to correct Zhu Fangfang's thoughts in a lengthy article. Serious foreign families also restrain their children from messing around, which is something Zhu Fangfang would never imagine.

A few foreigners who slept with her told her some open-minded nonsense, but she believed it to be the truth, so there was nothing left to say.

While talking, Yang Dongsheng had already walked over slowly with a cigarette. He was relieved when he saw that Ji Yuanhai and Zhu Fangfang neither held hands, hugged or kissed.

Passing the cigarette to Zhu Fangfang, Zhu Fangfang impatiently opened the cigarette and lit it: "Okay, you guys can talk, I'm going back."

After speaking, he puffed out a puff of smoke, swung his waist and turned around to leave.

After watching her leave, Ji Yuanhai and Yang Dongsheng looked at each other.

"It's not easy for you either." Ji Yuanhai said.

Yang Dongsheng sighed: "My father-in-law is quite reasonable."

Then he asked Ji Yuanhai in a low voice: "What did she tell you?"

Ji Yuanhai replied: "It's quite unpleasant. You should know it even if I don't say it."

Yang Dongsheng was silent, then smiled bitterly and said: "I know that if you continue to pretend that nothing happened, you will be deceiving yourself. Damn... I have never seen such a slut, how come..."

Ji Yuanhai said: "She became like this because she came step by step."

"Can you tell me about her past? She doesn't talk to me very much." Yang Dongsheng asked.

Ji Yuanhai was surprised: "She is like this, and you still have hope for her?"

Yang Dongsheng smiled bitterly: "Then we can't get a divorce, right?"

"It's up to you," Ji Yuanhai said. "You choose to live such a life. No one can replace you in the ups and downs in the future."

Seeing that Yang Dongsheng was still looking at him, Ji Yuanhai didn't say much and directly told him the general situation of Zhu Fangfang in the past.

After listening to Ji Yuanhai's words, Yang Dongsheng was a little surprised: "If she didn't make friends randomly, she would actually be quite smart. How did she become like this now?"

"Maybe something got into my head, and then I lost a little, then lost more and more, and finally took pleasure in it." Ji Yuanhai said, "Maybe she fell in love with the first foreign student, but she failed to go abroad. She is not the same as before..."

Yang Dongsheng was thoughtful and thought, so this is it, how should I take advantage of her mentality?

Ji Yuanhai returned home and had just washed his hands and face. Before he could speak, the phone rang.

The call was from Meng Qi.

"Yuanhai, Tieran has arrived in Heshan Province."

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