Stepping into Jingyang Palace again, this new home made the three little ones feel extremely strange.

In addition to the vague layout of the previous palace, it is difficult to imagine that the luxurious and gorgeous palace in front of you was once the dilapidated cold palace.

Stepping into Jingyang Palace, the flat and smooth marble tiles under their feet gave their soles a different kind of touch.

The marble tiles are engraved with fine anti-slip textures, which not only prevents slipping when you step on them, but also makes you extremely stable when walking on them.

Of course, all this may be just the psychological effect of the three little ones.

Expensive things just seem to work better.

Manager Shang followed the three little ones in, and just smiled at their reactions. He did not rush forward to introduce the new Jingyang Palace, but allowed Princess Ankang to explore on her own.

When the three little ones arrived at the main hall of Jingyang Palace, they couldn't help but sigh at what they saw.

The splendid new palace is both splendid and beautiful.

It is as solid as a mountain, and it looks like a cloud.

The original low and dilapidated palaces in Jingyang Palace have now been renovated to be extremely luxurious.

Such a big palace is more than enough for only three children.

They were playing hide and seek in the palace, and they were not afraid that the space was not big enough.

The area of ​​​​Jingyang Palace is limited.

Obviously, the craftsmen ingeniously expanded the usable area of ​​Jingyang Palace upwards.

If it weren't for the etiquette in the palace that needed to be followed, I'm afraid these craftsmen could have built a nine-story pagoda for Princess Ankang.

But even so, the heights of these new palaces in Jingyang Palace are outrageous enough.

Even except for the main hall, the rest are duplex halls, at least two or three stories high.

The three little ones walked around a few palaces and found that they were all very well built, but a little too big.

"Manager Shang, isn't this a little too big?"

After Princess Ankang said it herself, she felt a little ungrateful.

It's really unkind to find fault with your home after it has been repaired so well.

But Princess Ankang really thinks so.

Although the previous Jingyang Palace was small and dilapidated, it did not feel any inconvenience as there were only three children living there.

In other words, I have long been used to it.

But now seeing that the actual area of ​​Jingyang Palace suddenly became like this, Princess Ankang couldn't accept it for a while.

And when she thought that such a big place needed to be cleaned every day, Yu'er would be exhausted.

Even if Princess Ankang helps, it will probably take several days of work.

In this case, they won't have to do anything else in the future. Cleaning up the Jingyang Palace will be enough to pass their time every day.

"Let's leave it all to Ah Xuan. He has nothing to do anyway, so he can use up some of his extra energy."

Princess Ankang thought about it and decided that it would be better to leave this difficult task to her own cat.

Li Xuan didn't know Princess Ankang's "evil" thoughts yet, so he just kept looking at the thick pillars with carved dragons and painted phoenixes.

There are golden lines on the pillars, and they exude a light woody fragrance.

More importantly, Li Xuan noticed a strong wood-attribute aura from these pillars.

"What kind of wood is this? It seems to be a treasure?"

Even ordinary people, living in such an environment with a woody atmosphere, are not immune to all diseases, at least they will not get minor illnesses such as wind and cold.

And over time, your body and mind will get better and better.

"It's a good investment."

Li Xuan also visited many other palaces in the palace.

The style of Jingyang Palace can only be compared to the Ganlu Palace where Emperor Yongyuan lived.

When Manager Shang heard what Princess Ankang said, he understood her concerns and immediately said:

"His Majesty specifically ordered the old slave to add more slaves to Jingyang Palace."

"When Your Highness is free, you can come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and choose at will according to the roster."

But when Princess Ankang heard that more servants were being sent to their Jingyang Palace, she was so anxious that she waved her hands repeatedly.

"Mr. Shang, that's not necessary."

"I'm used to being quiet in Jingyang Palace, but I feel uncomfortable when there are too many people."

Manager Shang also noticed Princess Ankang's concerns and immediately said thoughtfully:

"It doesn't matter, it all depends on your own wishes, Your Highness."

"Anyway, if necessary, just tell the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the future."

Manager Shang did not force this matter.

"By the way, Your Highness."

"I haven't seen the back garden yet."

Manager Shang reminded.

"And a garden?"

The three little ones were all shocked.

They had lived in Jingyang Palace for so long before, so why didn't they know there was a back garden here.

The three little ones all know that this should have been built during this renovation.

They hurriedly followed Manager Shang to the back garden of Jingyang Palace, and saw a view that was not inferior to the Imperial Garden.

Rare plants and rocks are scattered all over this place. It is already autumn, but the flowers are blooming in front of you, bringing a strong impact of color.

Small bridges, flowing water, rockeries, pavilions.

The garden is not big, but it has everything you need.


Princess Ankang and Yu'er both looked at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, his eyes looking extremely innocent.

At this time, a huge white shadow flew towards them.


Li Xuan shouted sternly, and Bai Ying hurriedly stopped in front of them.


Princess Ankang screamed in surprise and reached out to touch Dabai's head.

Dabai wanted to shrink his head back, but Li Xuan glared hard and stopped acting rashly.

Princess Ankang successfully touched Dabai's furry head, and immediately narrowed her eyes happily.

Yu'er was a little nervous at first, but when she saw Dabai being well-behaved, she was secretly relieved.

"I haven't seen this guy for a long time, but he's still so energetic."

Li Xuan saw Dabai and said to himself.

At least, this guy listened to Li Xuan's words, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Li Xuan saw Princess Ankang and Dabai reminiscing about old times, and looked elsewhere absentmindedly.

There was a lot of water vapor in a corner of the garden, which looked very strange at first sight.

Li Xuan immediately cracked the corners of his mouth and revealed a smirk.

"I said I didn't see that guy when I came in."

Li Xuan walked over there secretly and alone with domineering steps.

After feeling the familiar heat, I became even more convinced of my guess.


Li Xuan then called out, but it was quiet and nothing happened.

"Don't force me to go down and catch you."

Li Xuan thought like this, showing a bit of his coercion.

The next moment, a dead fish eye with no hope of life was revealed on the steaming water.

Who else could it be if it wasn't a golden pig?

"Let me tell you, Dabai is here, and Golden Pig must be here too."

During this time, the golden pig was raised to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As a result, it now looks fatter than before. It seems that it has been eating well recently.

At this time, Princess Ankang and others also came over.

Seeing that the golden pig was now enjoying a large pond alone, Princess Ankang smiled and said:

"It seems that the nest you two have is quite nice."

This is called a person achieving enlightenment, and a chicken or a dog ascending to heaven.

Due to the major renovation of Jingyang Palace, the treatment of Jinzhu and Dabai has also skyrocketed.

Especially Dabai, he lived a good life as soon as he came to Jingyang Palace. He was really lucky.

But just as they were enjoying themselves, Dabai suddenly squeaked and bit the golden pig out of the water.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er were stunned by Dabai's sudden movement.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, stood aside and watched with the attitude of watching a show.

Manager Shang smiled, as if he didn't see it.


After a crisp sound, the golden pig disappeared.

Dabai, on the other hand, was hit hard by the tail of a fish, his head was a little dazed, and he almost fell into the pond.

Although Dabai is quite big and strong, there is boiling water in the pond, so there is no guarantee that the white fur on his body will not be scalded.

Princess Ankang was still quick-sighted and grabbed Dabai's tail and pulled it back.

"Babai, this is not okay."

"How can you bully a golden pig?"

"You are partners, you must be harmonious and friendly."

Princess Ankang educated her.

But now that Dabai is being photographed so hard that he can't even stand still, he has no time to listen to Princess Ankang's nagging.

Li Xuan couldn't help but snicker secretly when he saw that these two guys were still quarreling with each other.

"I don't know how many days they have been here, but they are getting along quite well."

At this time, Manager Shang came out to introduce the pond with the golden pig.

Due to the characteristics of the golden pig, this actually created a hot spring for it.

There is also a side hall dedicated to hot springs built next to it, which draws clean water from here.

After looking at the back garden, they finally visited the new Jingyang Palace.

Overall, apart from the fact that the place is too big, the three children are very satisfied with the new Jingyang Palace.

Moreover, Manager Shang also said that if Princess Ankang did not want too many servants in Jingyang Palace on weekdays, she could ask them from the Internal Affairs Office to help with chores when necessary.

This proposal made Princess Ankang very satisfied.

Manager Shang sent them to the new Jingyang Palace today and gave them some explanations.

But now that he has done what he should do, he is ready to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, Manager Shang said privately to Princess Ankang:

"Your Highness, Jingyang Palace now has a completely new look."

"I hope His Highness can accept this new Jingyang Palace and accept this new situation."

"I wish your highness to adapt soon."

After Manager Shang said these words sincerely, he left Jingyang Palace with his people and handed the place over to the three little ones.

After sending Master Shang away, the three little ones gathered in the main hall.

Yu'er made a pot of tea and brought some fruit snacks for snacks.

Manager Shang had carefully explained the placement of these things to Yu'er before.

Although this new Jingyang Palace is unfamiliar to them, it is not difficult for Yu'er to find these necessities of life.

"Axuan, sister Yu'er."

"I always feel that what Manager Shang said at the end has another meaning, but I can't figure out what it means."

Princess Ankang frowned and said.

Li Xuan guessed a thing or two. He gestured with his tail and was about to write something when suddenly there was a knock on the door outside Jingyang Palace.

The door knocker clicked lightly, and a crisp knocking sound came.

The three little ones couldn't help but look surprised.

As soon as they came back, a guest came to their door. What a coincidence.

Yu'er stood up and prepared to see who was coming.

Li Xuan couldn't bear his curiosity and followed Yu'er.

"Oh, Ah Xuan."

"You always join in the fun."

Although Princess Ankang said this, she quickly followed up with her legs and feet.

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