Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 445 The cold palace is not cold

"Your Highness, there is no reason for you to answer the door in person. Go back and sit down."

"Axuan, be obedient and go back quickly."

Yu'er tried her best to persuade her, but neither one person nor the cat pretended to hear.

Princess Ankang was even more smiling, her eyes full of curiosity.

Li Xuan's tail was hung high, like a flagpole being erected majestically. He ignored Yu'er's nagging and accelerated his pace to pass him, and went straight up the courtyard wall at the gate, stretching his head to look outside.

"Let me see if there is anyone who is short-sighted looking for trouble?"

The one who knocked was the eunuch in colorful clothes guarding the door.

It's just that unlike before, there is now a team of ten eunuchs in colorful clothes guarding the gate of Jingyang Palace.

There are two teams of eunuchs in colorful clothes patrolling and guarding nearby, which can be considered to be heavily guarded.

Previously, when Manager Shang introduced them to them, he only said that the guards around Jingyang Palace had been slightly increased.

After all, they are in a remote location and there are not many people nearby, so more security is for their safety.

But Li Xuan's perception was astonishing, and he clearly knew what "slightly" Mr. Shang meant.

Compared to before, that was a full fifteen times increase.

There are a total of thirty eunuchs in colorful clothes wandering around Jingyang Palace all year round, and there should be no one who is short-sighted looking for trouble.

This is why Li Xuan is so curious about who the visitor is.

Jingyang Palace is now living a good life, I'm afraid many people in this palace will be red-eyed.

And just as Li Xuan expected, unabashed words of jealousy came from outside the door.

"Damn it, this gate!"

"Isn't it much bigger than the gate of my small courtyard?"

"And this door nail seems to be really pure gold!"

"Hey, stop buttoning it, it's really embarrassing!"

"Oh, why did I meet this guy?"

Li Xuan listened to the lively movement and couldn't help but feel happy when he saw who was coming.

There were quite a few people coming, including the fifth prince, the seventh prince, the eighth prince, and Princess Yuan'an.

Several princes and princesses who were close to Princess Ankang actually came.

They all had something in their hands, and they seemed to have prepared gifts.

"They are quite well-informed."

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile when he saw several princes and princesses.

They are considered Princess Ankang's few friends in the palace.

Although in name, the princes and princesses are all brothers and sisters, the competitions in recent months have allowed Li Xuan to see them clearly.

Some people are worse than strangers, let alone brothers and sisters.

Especially after the struggle for power is mixed, they will use all possible means.

On the other hand, the Eighth Prince and others, after several contacts, got closer and closer to Princess Ankang. Now they can help each other in any matter and have become their respective support.

Of course, the most important thing is that none of these people are that interested in the competition in the Imperial Garden.

Otherwise, if there is unavoidable competition, it will be difficult for them to get so close.

Soon, Yu'er answered the door.

After discovering that the visitors were several princes and princesses, he immediately invited them in.

As a result, the fifth prince actually refused and said:

"No, no, no, it's our first visit to Jingyang Palace, so let's be more formal."

"It's only in compliance with the rules to go in and report."

When the eighth prince heard this, he pushed the fifth prince away:

"You are the only one who has a lot of things to do. We are already familiar with Ankang. What are you trying to do?"

He was about to follow Yu'er in, but he was stopped by the Seventh Princess and Princess Yuan'an, who had dark circles under their eyes, holding their shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

"I think Brother Wuhuang is right about this." Princess Yuanan said seriously with a small face.

The seventh princess also nodded.

But at this moment, Princess Ankang, who was hiding behind the door, heard their voices and jumped out directly, making her grand appearance.

"If you must report something, then report it directly to me."

Several people were startled by Princess Ankang's sudden appearance.

The Eighth Prince even laughed loudly and said: "Look, Ankang doesn't take the ordinary path, so why do you have to force it?"

"Ankang, Brother Bago came to see you and brought you a gift."

As the Eighth Prince spoke, he handed the gift box in his hand to Princess Ankang, and then walked into Jingyang Palace on his own, looking around and marveling.

"Oh, I wanted to say something more formal."

The fifth prince seemed a little regretful, but he also handed the gift box to Princess Ankang.

"Ankang, congratulations on your housewarming."

"Brother Five Emperors, I am just doing some repairs. The place is still the same as before." Princess Ankang explained with a smile while holding the gift box.

"That's worthy of congratulations, Princess Royal!"

Princess Yuan'an and the Seventh Princess also stepped forward, congratulated Princess Ankang as well, and gave Princess Ankang the gift she had prepared.

Princess Ankang immediately led a few people to the main hall and sat down.

Yu'er also brought out a few more tea cups and some more snacks for a few people.

Li Xuan got back into Princess Ankang's arms and lay down. Princess Ankang glared at Li Xuan, who was running around.

Li Xuan pretended not to see it and stole the snacks on the table to eat.

After Yu'er prepared the tea, she stood behind Princess Ankang and looked at the lively table with a smile.

There was never a time when Jingyang Palace was so lively.

"How did you know I was back today?"

Princess Ankang asked curiously.

Even she herself only received the notification from Manager Shang a few days ago.

"Ankang, news in the palace spreads very quickly."

"You have to pay more attention in the future. You can't be blind to what's going on outside the window like in the past."

The eighth prince explained casually.

"Sister Huang, you don't know yet, do you?"

"The renovation of Jingyang Palace has just been completed, and everyone in the palace who should know knows it."

"After all, when this place was being renovated, it caused a lot of discussion in the palace."

Princess Yuanan said excitedly.

Li Xuan listened in the arms of Princess Ankang and thought the same thing.

Jingyang Palace was built in such an exaggerated way, how could it be possible to hide all the news when construction started.

And this place is right in the West Palace, so there are plenty of ways to take a look.

As for the exaggerated new specifications of Jingyang Palace, no one in the palace could calm down after seeing it.

Li Xuan estimated that during the time they lived in Xingqing Palace, there was absolutely no peace in the palace.

"Ankang, you don't know."

"During this period, some people have tried to stop the renovation of your Jingyang Palace, but they have spent a lot of effort. Unfortunately, they were all blocked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

The fifth prince said with some gloating.

He himself couldn't stand the dirty tricks in the palace that were not brought to the table.

Now that I see those villains deflated, I am naturally very happy.

During this period of time, they ate a lot in the palace and brought a lot of fun to the fifth prince while studying.

But as for who made these means, several people were in tacit understanding and did not elaborate.

There is a tacit understanding in the palace.

There are many things that it is not their turn for the princes and princesses to comment on behind the scenes.

Moreover, these matters also need to be resolved by Princess Ankang herself.

Their rash intervention is disrespectful to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang did not delve into this issue and chatted casually with a few people, drinking tea and eating snacks.

At lunch time, the Eighth Prince and others followed Princess Ankang for another royal meal. After they were full of wine and food, they dispersed and made an appointment to meet again in the future.

The three little ones were eating while opening the gifts they had just received.

As expected, the fifth prince's gift was a thick collection of poems, which collected all the masterpieces of his predecessors.

The Eighth Prince and Princess Yuanan each presented an exquisite toy.

However, the gift from the Seventh Princess was the most interesting, which was a stargazing mirror.

Although the name contains the word "mirror", it is actually a smooth jade stone.

According to the Seventh Princess, if you use this stargazing mirror to observe the stars at night, you can see the stars in the sky more clearly, just like the stars are put into this piece of jade, hence the name of the stargazing mirror. .

Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan to collect these gifts and store them in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring for safekeeping.

Afterwards, Princess Ankang moved a deck chair and basked in the sun in the yard, feeling very comfortable.

On the side, Yu'er is peeling an apple for Princess Ankang.

Li Xuan was in Princess Ankang's arms, controlling the rocking of the recliner for her.

At this time, Princess Ankang said:

"Axuan, I seem to know what you wanted to say earlier."

Li Xuan then remembered that before he could write, he was interrupted by the visit of the Eighth Prince and others.

"Axuan, what Manager Shang said earlier, are you telling me that Jingyang Palace is no longer a cold palace?"

"Otherwise, in the past, Bage and the others couldn't enter and exit Jingyang Palace at will, right?"

"They seemed to want to tell me about this, so they came to visit me immediately."

Princess Ankang is very smart, and Li Xuan knows that she can figure it out quickly even without his own reminder.

Jingyang Palace got rid of its status as a cold palace, which is a good thing.

But Princess Ankang's mood was not as good as expected.

Li Xuan understood that Princess Ankang must be thinking that it would be great if this matter could have happened a few years earlier.

Li Xuan stood up from Princess Ankang's arms and put his head against Princess Ankang's face, telling her not to think too much.

Things in the past and future cannot be changed even if you think too much.

People only live in the present moment, but always ignore this, worrying about things that cannot be changed and things that have not happened yet.

Princess Ankang has learned a lot recently, but she has also encountered many problems.

It is difficult to become smart, but when you are smart, you will think more, and the more you think, the more troubles you will have.

Therefore, enlightenment after being smart is another difficult task.

Don’t welcome the future, don’t mess with the present, and don’t dwell on the past.

It sounds simple, but it takes a lifetime of practice to achieve it.

Li Xuan also slightly understands these principles, but he is still far from achieving them.

But he is willing to stay with Princess Ankang until she grows up slowly, and he also hopes that he can give her guidance when he can.

Princess Ankang was comforted silently by Li Xuan, and she couldn't help but smile a little more on her face.

"Yes, the mother-in-law has a spirit in heaven, and she will be very happy to see the changes in Jingyang Palace."

"Perhaps all this is the blessing of my mother and concubine."

Princess Ankang laughed again.

But at this moment, the door of Jingyang Palace was knocked again.

The three little ones all frowned and said in confusion:

"Who is it again?"

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