Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 446 I’m sleepy, let’s see the guests off!

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang were full when they felt sleepy.

This time I didn't follow Yu'er to answer the door.

But Yu'er came back in a hurry soon after, and asked Princess Ankang for instructions with a strange expression:

"His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is outside the door asking for an audience. Do you want to invite him in?"


Princess Ankang sat up straight, thinking that she had heard wrongly.

When Yu'er repeated it again, she confirmed that she heard it correctly.

"Why is he here?"

Princess Ankang lowered her head and looked at Li Xuan, unsure of the other person's intention.

Unlike the eighth prince and the others, the relationship between Princess Ankang and the fourth prince was not a good one.

Even Qingshu Palace and Jingyang Palace can be considered enemies.

After all, Princess Ankang and the eldest prince were fighting over each other in this imperial garden competition.

Of course, these are all unilateral views of Qingshu Palace.

Princess Ankang did not think that she and the eldest prince were in any serious competition.

"Your Highness, why don't we meet?"

"We have done nothing wrong, and there is no reason to hide from the Fourth Emperor Brother." Princess Ankang shook her head, and then said: "Sister Yu'er, please invite people in."

"I also want to see what the Fourth Emperor's purpose is in coming to me."

Now that Princess Ankang has spoken, Yu'er can only go to the door to invite people in.

After a while, the fourth prince arrived with Yu'er.

"Sister Ankang, congratulations."

"This is a little gift I prepared for you."

The fourth prince came alone, without any entourage. He just casually held a gift box.

He opened the gift box and revealed an exquisite vase inside, which looked very valuable.

"It does cost the emperor brother a lot of money."

After Princess Ankang thanked her, she accepted the gift.

Li Xuan looked at the vase secretly.

The fourth prince has always been very thoughtful, and Li Xuan didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Li Xuan felt it carefully and didn't notice anything wrong with the vase.

It seems that the fourth prince did not do anything about this.

But it is necessary to be on guard against others. Even if there is nothing wrong with the vase, I am afraid that the purpose of the fourth prince's visit is not simple.

"The weasel has no good intentions when it wishes the chicken New Year greetings."

Li Xuan secretly thought, looking at the fourth prince and the vase he brought with disgust.

Princess Ankang and the fourth prince exchanged a few polite words, but it soon turned into an awkward silence.

After all, we don't know each other well, so we can't get much out of the conversation.

Princess Ankang waited for the fourth prince to explain his intention, while the fourth prince secretly observed Princess Ankang.

The fourth prince was also very curious about Princess Ankang.

He used to think he knew this sister very well, but these few months have made him understand that he really knows very little about Princess Ankang.

Especially when the fourth prince was sitting in the newly renovated Jingyang Palace, he was filled with emotions.

In the West Palace, apart from Ganlu Palace and Wuning Palace, there is no other palace that can compare with the current Jingyang Palace.

But the former is the residence of the emperor and empress, so what virtues and abilities does Jingyang Palace have?

Most of the other concubines and princes and princesses live in the affiliated palaces of Caiyun Palace.

Although Jingyang Palace is located in a remote location, as an independent palace and with its current size, I am afraid there are few people in the West Palace who are not jealous of it.

But a few months ago, Jingyang Palace was still a cold palace.

Who would have thought that Xianyu could turn over to such an extent.

Looking at the changes in Xianyang Palace before his eyes, the fourth prince became more and more convinced that all this was no accident.

"Brother Four Emperors, if you have any questions, just tell me."

Princess Ankang saw that he was looking around but didn't speak, so she couldn't help but urge him.

Princess Ankang felt quite uncomfortable with the fourth prince staying here.

Princess Ankang is too full after lunch. Now she wants to go to bed and take a nap.

She had seen it before. The new bed in the room was big, soft, and smelled very good. She wanted to experience it quickly.

"Then I won't beat around the bush."

The fourth prince smiled and then said:

"I have something to discuss with you regarding the competition in the Royal Garden."

Princess Ankang nodded and signaled the fourth prince to continue.

"Sister Ankang, your points have already locked in your qualification to visit the shrine next New Year."

"But at the beginning, my father only said that the person with the highest points would be eligible to visit the shrine in the New Year, but there was no limit on the number of people."

After hearing this, Princess Ankang already somewhat understood what the fourth prince meant.

Seeing Princess Ankang's expression, the fourth prince didn't hesitate. He immediately stretched out three fingers and said, "Eldest brother also has three points now, which is exactly three points behind you."

"If he can catch up with the three-point gap in the next three months of competition, maybe you can attend the New Year's visit together next year."

Princess Ankang immediately lowered her eyelids and became absent-minded.

Li Xuan also glared at the fourth prince sideways.

"You are so thick-skinned."

"I haven't settled the accounts with you yet for your kid's plot against Jingyang Palace."

"Now you still dare to make such a request with such a big face."

Li Xuan felt that these four princes just needed to be dealt with.

He thought that since Manager Shang and Zhao Feng were not present now, he would have to find an opportunity later to take good care of this little brother.

Princess Ankang's reaction was naturally noticed by the fourth prince.

But the fourth prince was not surprised at all, and continued calmly:

“And naturally we express our gratitude.”

"You can grant any conditions, and we at Qingshu Palace will do our best to satisfy them."

The fourth prince said sincerely.

But Princess Ankang held her chin with one hand and refused casually:

"But I don't have any conditions to open it."

Upon hearing this answer, the fourth prince narrowed his eyes.

He knew that for a city like Princess Ankang, it would not be easy to negotiate with such a person, especially since he was the one who came to request.

It's just that the fourth prince didn't expect that he would feel so much pressure when he first came up.

This contemptuous attitude, casual tone, and sleepy eyes clearly expressed that Princess Ankang had no interest in the fourth prince's proposal.

The fourth prince is naturally very familiar with this technique of taking the initiative in negotiations.

Just being able to use these techniques so skillfully and without any deliberate effort made the fourth prince admire him.

“What great negotiation skills!”

"I exerted tremendous pressure from the very beginning and seized all the initiative. What a domineering character."

At this time, Princess Ankang yawned out of boredom, which made the fourth prince feel even more stressed.

"Well-being, if we unite, we will both benefit, and if we divide, we will suffer both."

"There are no eternal enemies in this palace. We have to look to the future, right?"

"Qingshu Palace may not be able to help you much, but what about the Zhang family?"

"You should also know very well that all we want is to give our eldest brother a chance to visit the shrine together during the New Year next year."

Under heavy pressure, the fourth prince had to come up with some solid information, knowing that deception would be useless against an opponent like Princess Ankang.

"Zhang family?"

"Oh, are you talking about the imperial concubine's family?"

Princess Ankang's dismissive attitude made the fourth prince's eyes twitch.

He didn't expect that despite his sincerity, Princess Ankang would still be so difficult to talk to.

"I'm just a princess with no presence in the palace. What do I need the Zhang family's help for?"

"Brother Four Emperors, are you overthinking?"

Princess Ankang found it very difficult to talk to the fourth prince, and a hint of impatience appeared on her face.

She was really sleepy and just wanted to send the fourth prince away as soon as possible.

If Li Xuan hadn't been unable to speak yet, Princess Ankang would have immediately made Li Xuan the speaking cat of Jingyang Palace.

Just play the game well, Princess Ankang doesn't want to engage in small tricks like match-fixing.

First she found it troublesome, but secondly she felt it was unnecessary.

We just get together to play some small games, why bother?

Moreover, there are many younger brothers and sisters participating in the competition, and Princess Ankang does not want to set a bad example.

But Princess Ankang's words, combined with her expression, changed the mood of the Fourth Prince.

"Little Zhang family, do you dare to help me?"

The fourth prince's hand hidden under the table couldn't help but clenched his fist.

He admitted that Princess Ankang, who had the support of her father, was qualified to say this.

But Princess Ankang's current attitude is still too arrogant.

But now that the initiative is in other people's hands, even if the fourth prince doesn't want to, he can only endure it.

He was very angry and continued to say to Princess Ankang with a smile on his face:

"Royal sister, the Zhang family's influence in the capital is not small..."

The fourth prince wanted to fight for it, but Princess Ankang interrupted:

"It's not small, I know that."

"When I first went out to investigate the case, the Chang'an County Magistrate's surname was Zhang."

"And the Fourth Emperor brother was quite familiar with the deputy gang leader of the Money Gang that day."

Princess Ankang recalled.

The fourth prince's pupils trembled, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down his forehead unconsciously.

"She knows it all, she knows it all!"

Recalling the time when he showed off his skills to Princess Ankang without any scruples, the fourth prince wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

And the more he thought about it, the colder his heart became, and he felt that things at that time were even more wrong.

"The case of the Money Gang was brought up by Ankang, and it has nothing to do with the case she was investigating at the time."

"Then she personally brought the girl to report the crime, which also prompted me to reveal my flaws and confirm my relationship with the Money Gang."

"I thought I had dealt with it cleanly and left her helpless."

"It turns out that Ankang came to me and the Zhang family from the beginning!?"

Princess Ankang's two casual words allowed the fourth prince to "connect" everything together.

His mouth was dry due to nervousness, and he wanted to take a sip of tea to moisten his throat, but the tea cup he just picked up tilted and all the tea poured onto his pants.

"Oh, Brother Yonko, are you okay?"

Yu'er on the side quickly found a clean towel for the fourth prince.

The fourth prince replied in a panic: "No, it's okay, I'll do it myself."

He wiped it randomly twice and found that he couldn't wipe it clean, and his pants were still wet.

But compared to the pants, the fourth prince was crazily recalling whether he had made any more mistakes in front of Princess Ankang in the past.

He was distraught at this time and knew that the negotiation could no longer proceed.

Moreover, Princess Ankang's attitude of being indifferent made him helpless.

The fourth prince left immediately, saying that he would discuss this topic later when he had the opportunity.

Princess Ankang had wanted to see her off for a long time, but she immediately asked Yu'er to see her off without even a word of pleading.

Such a straightforward attitude made the fourth prince even more confused.

He originally thought that Princess Ankang, who had her father's back, would accept his proposal in order to win over the Zhang family in exchange for future political bargaining chips.

But Princess Ankang's unexpected reaction completely disrupted the fourth prince's rhythm.

The fourth prince even couldn't help but wonder if this was what their father meant.

"No, the Zhang family is in danger!"

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