I think it was Zhao Bugao who arranged for Deng Weixian to approach Wang Suyue.

It seems that this matter was probably Zhao Bugao's plan from the beginning.

But if Deng Weixian is allowed to continue according to the plan, wouldn't he still be continuing Zhao Bugao's plan?

Li Xuan expressed his doubts, and Zhao Feng laughed after hearing this:

"Axuan, you are worrying too much."

"Now under the strict supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, my unscrupulous adopted son can no longer make any waves."

"And he himself has no will to fight anymore."

Zhao Feng sighed and touched his chest unconsciously.

That location happened to be where his scar was. Li Xuan didn't know what Zhao Feng was thinking at this time.

"Axuan, don't worry."

"Deng Weixian's danger comes from the upcoming desert mission."

"But they don't know yet that my unscrupulous adopted son has been exposed, and we also have considerable initiative."

"If you're still not at ease, just let me follow you when the time comes to take action."

After Zhao Feng finished speaking, he smiled slyly.

"Well, it turns out you're waiting for me here."

Li Xuan rolled his eyes.

Zhao Feng had previously asked Deng Wei to confess to Yu'er first, firstly to test his determination, and secondly to ask Li Xuan to pay attention to the matter.

Yu'er's biological brother behaves so abnormally, Zhao Feng believes that Li Xuan will not remain indifferent.

And just as he expected, Li Xuan appeared in front of him very quickly.

This is also the reason why he was not surprised at all before.

"When the time comes for him to take action, please let me know."

"With multiple me watching from the dark, the success rate of the mission will be higher, right?"

Zhao Feng smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Then there's Lao Axuan."

Li Xuan and Zhao Feng agreed on the matter and parted ways.

Neither of them are idlers.

After Li Xuan and Zhao Feng parted, they went directly to the Imperial Garden.

The weather is nice today, and there are many kittens playing near the black dragon statue in the Royal Garden.

Li Xuan saw the cat bullies gathered under the black dragon statue at a glance.

The cat bully was having trouble with the black dragon statue. Like Li Xuan before, he slapped and hit the black dragon statue.

It's just that the current cat bully is different from the past. He no longer just relies on instinct to launch brutal attacks, but has a lot of tricks between each move.

"It seems that martial arts imitating the shape of a tiger is really suitable for them."

The learning threshold for the Ten Tiger Forms and Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws is relatively low.

After all, not every cat is as gifted as Li Xuan.

Mao Ba and Fat Orange had successfully broken through to the blood coagulation realm before, and began to practice the blood-slaying tiger claws, and also absorbed some of the tiger essence and blood purified by Li Xuan.

However, while Li Xuan was staying at Xingqing Palace, he asked them to stop practicing the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw first.

Without him watching, Li Xuan really didn't trust them to practice on their own.

When Li Xuan was practicing the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw, he almost suffered serious damage to his foundation because he didn't know that he had to absorb the essence and blood of the tiger.

When Mao Ba and Fat Orange broke through the blood coagulation realm, Li Xuan discovered that the impurities excreted by them were much less than his own.

But this is normal. After all, Li Xuan's Ten Tiger Forms have reached the perfect state, and Mao Ba and Fat Orange are still some distance away from this state. If it weren't for the help of Linhu's essence and blood, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so good before. Easy and successful breakthrough.

Li Xuan didn't know if he was the first being to let the beasts try to practice human skills, but he knew that based on his own practice experience, this was definitely feasible.

And just beside the cat bully, Fat Orange lay lazily basking in the sun, spread out in a big area, with his big furry tail dangling.

On the other side of Fat Orange's tail, two figures were chasing each other non-stop, constantly trying to pounce on Fat Orange's tail, but they couldn't.

One of them, as expected by Li Xuan, was the cow guy.

As for the other one, it was a much smaller figure, and the color was very similar to Fat Orange's tail.


The little guy's cry was so powerful that it couldn't reach its tail, and it was so anxious that it kept meowing.

This little guy is the kitten that Mao Ba and the others picked up before. He hadn't even opened his eyes at that time, but now he is so energetic.

Li Xuan personally named him Cheese.

Suddenly, Fat Orange's tail avoided the cow's dodge, and accidentally ran into Little Cheese's arms.

The little guy excitedly hugged Fat Orange's big tail tightly with all four limbs. Even the little tail stretched straight and started to scream more happily.

Seeing that he had lost to cheese, the cow howled "meow".

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile knowingly when he saw this scene.

It seems that they had a good time while he was away from the palace.

Li Xuan jumped down from the wall and walked towards Mao Ba and the others.

Cat Tyrant was the first to notice and turned to look in the direction Li Xuan was coming. His one eye suddenly glowed with energy. He jumped down from the black dragon statue and came to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan couldn't help but marvel at Mao Ba's current physical fitness.

At this time, Mao Ba bowed his head in front of Li Xuan and greeted him silently.

Fat Orange and Niu Niu also noticed the movements of the cat bully, and then saw Li Xuan, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, and immediately ran over excitedly and rubbed around Li Xuan's body.

Li Xuan also greeted them one by one. He wanted to urge the cow to practice, but when he met its clear eyes, he couldn't say any criticism.

"Forget it, as long as this guy is happy."

Li Xuan shook his head and laughed, giving up the idea of ​​preaching to the cow.

Just as they were reminiscing about the past, a few faint and timid calls came from behind Fat Orange.

It turned out that Little Cheese also followed, but it seemed that because he didn't know Li Xuan, he didn't dare to come forward easily. He hid behind Fat Orange's butt, showing his little head, and kept looking at Li Xuan with curious eyes.

Little Cheese is now at most two months old, which is the time when he is full of energy and full of exploration spirit.

But in front of Li Xuan, Little Cheese is still very shy.

Fat Orange pushed Little Cheese's butt with his tail and pushed it directly in front of Li Xuan.

Encouraged by Fat Orange and the cow, Little Cheese called Li Xuan in a baby voice, which was considered a greeting.

After saying hello, Little Cheese immediately slipped back behind Fat Orange and hid himself again.

Li Xuan just thought Little Cheese's reaction was cute.

When asked about Maoba and the others, Little Cheese had adapted very well recently and was growing very fast.

Especially with Fat Orange, he was the closest to it and almost regarded it as his mother.

It was a pity that these three guys were all male cats, but in terms of personality, Fat Orange was the most suitable to be the cat mother.

If Fat Orange had not refused to admit it, Li Xuan would have been sure that this guy was Little Cheese's biological father.

Then, Li Xuan told them that the cat cafeteria was reopened and asked them to take Little Cheese to Jingyang Palace for dinner later.

And Maoba and Fat Orange could continue their training.

While Li Xuan was staying in Xingqing Palace, he took advantage of the time to completely purify the jar of fierce tiger blood essence that he had obtained from Shang Zongguan before.

After he had Yin-Yang Qi, the degree of purification of the fierce tiger blood essence was even higher than before, which should be easier for Maoba and Fat Orange to absorb.

Hearing that he could continue to practice, Mao Ba's one eye lit up.

He had been practicing with the black dragon statue every day recently, and he was almost bored.

Mao Ba and Fat Orange were happy to continue practicing, and the cow was drooling, knowing that there would be delicious food again if the cat cafeteria reopened.

Only Little Cheese hid behind Fat Orange's butt, full of confusion.

Li Xuan took this opportunity to give Mao Ba and Fat Orange some pointers on their practice.

Mao Ba was itching to practice, so he had a competition with Li Xuan.

Li Xuan naturally satisfied Mao Ba.

He suppressed his speed and strength to the same level as Mao Ba, and then crushed Mao Ba with more sophisticated moves and combat wisdom.

Such a battle brought Mao Ba a greater shock.

Li Xuan saw Mao Ba go aside with a serious face to reflect on his battle, and then communicated with Fat Orange.

Unlike Mao Ba, Fat Orange preferred to ask verbally, and asked some questions he encountered in practice.

With Li Xuan's current practice, answering these questions is no problem.

Moreover, through communication with Fat Orange, Li Xuan also understood their difficulties in cultivation.

Because the body structure is different from that of humans, Li Xuan taught Mao Ba and the others simplified exercises.

Li Xuan relied on his talent to record the exercises and optimize them into a method suitable for his own cultivation.

However, even the optimized exercises are quite complicated for Mao Ba and Fat Orange.

The Ten Tiger Forms at the beginning were okay, more imitating movements.

But the more they went on, the more complicated the exercises became.

The Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws they are practicing now are the exercises simplified by Li Xuan.

Although the exercises have been simplified, it does not affect the purpose of cultivation, but it lacks a few changes in the moves to deal with the enemy.

This is also due to Li Xuan's practice of all these exercises to perfection, otherwise it would not be possible to simplify them so much.

Nowadays, the biggest factor restricting Mao Ba and Fat Orange from practicing is their bodies.

Because their physical bodies are not strong enough, they are also difficult to practice.

But this problem, in Li Xuan's view, can be gradually improved as they continue to become stronger and their physical fitness becomes stronger in the future.

But at the initial stage of cultivation, it can only be accumulated slowly.

In addition, the most useful method is to absorb the blood of the fierce tiger.

Before Li Xuan left, he fed Mao Ba and Pang Ju a few more drops of the blood of the fierce tiger, so that they could practice and absorb it later.

Although the cow was also greedy, Li Xuan would not be soft-hearted and told him clearly that he would never give it to him unless he broke through to the blood coagulation stage.

After all, with the current strength of the cow, eating the blood of the fierce tiger would be harmful and not beneficial.

After hearing this, the cow immediately worked hard and practiced the ten tiger forms.

But before the cow practiced the fifth form, he started playing with Little Cheese again, which made Li Xuan shake his head.

"Forget it, the cow is very respectful that he can still remember so many moves."

Li Xuan asked them to practice well and come to him if they had anything to do, and then he patrolled the palace.

The palace was still the same. Li Xuan strolled around and finally went to Yanqu Hall. After enjoying the singing and dancing practice of a group of talented women who had just entered the palace, he was still reluctant to go back to Jingyang Palace for dinner.

"Alas, it's another plain and boring day."

Thank you all for your monthly ticket support!

Continue tomorrow!

Good night~

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