
In Jingyang Palace, kittens meow one after another, making it extremely lively.

The cat canteen opened again, and Princess Ankang and Yu'er were busy feeding the kittens and sharing food.

Li Xuan watched happily from the side, enjoying the peace and tranquility in front of him.

The menu at the Cat Canteen is still the same as before, and they all prepare steamed raw meat.

It's just that Yu'er doesn't need to work hard to steam it herself as before.

The newly renovated Jingyang Palace has many new functional and practical facilities.

For example, in the hot spring where the golden pig is kept, there is a pipe that leads the steam to the kitchen.

Using this steam, Yu'er only needs to put fresh raw meat into the steamer every day, and then only needs to wait for a moment for the fresh and tender steamed meat to come out of the pot.

At the moment, the cat bullies and the others are eating happily, burying their heads in their rice bowls.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er felt a sense of accomplishment when they saw them eating so happily.

Especially now that there are a few more "guests" in the cat canteen.

The cats were dominating their side. Little Cheese and the other cats all jumped into the bowl of steamed meat. They were very busy pouncing and biting at a piece of steamed meat as big as a palm.

But this little guy has been busy for a long time, and he didn't bite off much of the meat, but there were small teeth marks all over it.

"You little guy, you don't even have enough energy to work hard enough for you to eat back."

Princess Ankang couldn't help being amused. She squatted in front of Little Cheese and helped her tear the meat in the bowl into tiny shreds so that she could eat it more easily.

Little Cheese thought Princess Ankang was going to snatch the meat away, so she bit the meat stubbornly and refused to let go. As a result, her whole body hung on it, dangling back and forth, but she didn't let go.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er suddenly laughed.

"Little Cheese looks like Fat Orange, but his brain is really like that of a cow."

Princess Ankang sighed and stuffed the shredded meat into Little Cheese's mouth.

As a result, he wouldn't let go of the little cheese, let alone eat the shredded meat stuffed into his mouth.

"Not to mention, this little guy has a really bad temper."

Yu'er smiled and said, come and help Princess Ankang get this little guy down.

The two girls spent a lot of effort to separate the small cheese and steamed meat.

Although this little guy has a bad temper, he doesn't behave in a protective manner.

Breathing, showing teeth, flashing claws, none of them.

I just worked very hard and continued to steam the meat.

The piece of steamed meat that Little Cheese was eating was held by Princess Ankang in her hand. The little guy stood up with his own strength, stretched out his two little paws and tried hard to reach it. He meowed non-stop and was so anxious that he died.

But with its diminutive height, it's just showing off its cuteness.

"Oh, Your Highness, didn't I tear off the meat for you?"

"Eat this first!"

With a headache, Yu'er twisted a piece of meat and stuffed it directly into Little Cheese's throat.

Little Cheese was screaming vigorously when he was unexpectedly attacked by Yu'er and was immediately hit.

When it realized something was wrong, it had already started chewing subconsciously. Then it lay back on the ground, moved its mouth seriously, and ate the shredded meat.

Princess Ankang sighed while tearing the meat for the little cheese:

"Oh, it looks like there is another cow."

After saying that, the three little ones turned their gazes and saw the cows happily fighting with the steamed meat in the bowl.

The cow seemed to have bitten a tendon and failed to take a bite. As a result, it started to shake its head wildly, threw the steamed meat up, and hit its own head with a crackling sound, which was very painful.

But even so, the cow showed no sign of relenting until its body was brought down by inertia, and the cat and its flesh rolled into a ball.

Mao Ba and Fat Orange just pretended not to notice and concentrated on cooking.

Li Xuan, the boss, couldn't help but shake his head and sigh:

"You are also very talented."

Today's cat cafeteria, in addition to a little cheese, also has a big friend.

Naturally, it is the only big cat in Jingyang Palace, Dabai.

The meat in front of Dabai was placed in a large wooden basin. He ate there leisurely, occasionally casting curious glances at Mao Ba and the others.

As for the cat tyrants, only the cat tyrants would look up at Da Bai, while Fat Orange and the others didn't dare to look at him at all.

After all, Dabai is a real tiger, and there is a huge gap between him and these little kittens.

At first, Fat Orange and the others did not dare to approach Dabai. It was only at Li Xuan's request that they dared to come over tremblingly.

But Cat Tyrant is different. Even though there is a clear physical difference between him and Dabai, he dares to get close to Dabai.

But after getting close to a distance of about ten feet, the cat bully also showed a solemn look.

The bloodline difference between the orcs is very intuitive.

Unlike the human race, the strength gap between the orcs can be clearly distinguished at a glance.

As for the human race, it is difficult to tell the strength and weakness just by looking at the appearance.

Even the old monk Ye, who is a master in the field, looks like an ordinary old man on the street.

The human race can distinguish the strong and the weak through the breath, but the weak human race without cultivation cannot even detect the breath.

But the orcs are different. They are born with sensitive five senses. The power of qi and blood, which is the main difference in strength, is as conspicuous as fire in their eyes.

If Baymax is a torch, Mao Ba and the others are at most a spark of light, insignificant.

This is the bloodline gap created by birth.

Even if Mao Ba and Fat Orange have now reached the ninth-grade blood coagulation realm, it is still difficult to close this natural gap.

But despite such great pressure, Cat Tyrant still dared to approach Dabai, which surprised Li Xuandu.

With a character like Mao Ba, as long as he can continue to practice smoothly, his future achievements will be immeasurable.

"What a natural warrior."

As for Dabai, this meal was not enjoyable at all.

It never thought that one day it would eat with so many weak little things.

If it weren't for Li Xuan's sake, Dabai would have driven away Mao Ba and the others.

Dabai looked at Mao Ba and the others, his eyes were cold and murderous, making the surrounding temperature drop a bit.

But at this moment, Dabai suddenly felt like a light on his back.

Dabai glanced to the side and met Li Xuan's unkind gaze.

Dabai was so frightened that he could only whine pitifully a few times and then concentrate on cooking.

"This guy is in the Forbidden Garden. He is arrogant and arrogant. He is neither big nor small."

Li Xuan's eyes warned him, telling him to be more honest.

Now in the entire Jingyang Palace, Dabai obeys him, and no one else is afraid.

Li Xuan thought that this would never work.

"We have to find an opportunity to let Ankang and Yu'er beat up Dabai until he is subdued."

"It's just that with their current strength, it's still a little difficult."

Dabai does have the capital to be arrogant. Ordinary low-level third-level warriors have nothing to do with this big guy.

"While I'm here, I can let Dabai serve as a sparring partner for the two girls."

"It's best to restrain it while I'm away."

Li Xuan suddenly thought of something, and with a trying attitude, he put his paws on Dabai's body.

If Dabai realized something, he stopped eating meat.

When Li Xuan moved his paw away, a pink cat paw mark appeared on Dabai's back.

Li Xuan left a faint trace of Yin and Yang Qi in Dabai's body.

He then closed his eyes and checked. The location of the Yin and Yang Qi was clearly visible, and he could control it within a certain range.


As soon as Li Xuan thought, Dabai's whole body froze, unable to move, and was firmly locked by the Yin and Yang Qi left in his body.

However, this would accelerate the consumption of Yin and Yang Qi, so Li Xuan quickly resumed Dabai's movements.

Dabai's movements relaxed, he started breathing heavily, and looked at Li Xuan in awe and fear.

The yin and yang true energy left in its body began to slowly absorb the power of the five elements between heaven and earth and recover.

"This, Yin Yang Qi can actually be used like this?"

Compared with the cat paw prints he accidentally left on Princess Ankang before, it is obvious that the cat paw prints at this time have been "upgraded" a lot.

"Is it because of the great achievement of Yin Yang Zhenji Jue?"

"As the yin and yang energy in my body becomes stronger, the cat paw prints I leave on others will also become stronger."

Controlling Dabai's body was something Li Xuan couldn't do before.

“Interesting and interesting.”

Li Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Princess Ankang with evil intentions.

The unknowing Princess Ankang was still feeding the little cheese and didn't notice anything.

Li Xuan quietly approached, and then put a paw on the back of Princess Ankang's hand.


"Axuan, what are you doing?"

When Li Xuan raised his paw, Princess Ankang couldn't help but feel speechless when she saw the familiar cat paw print.

"Really, is Xuan jealous because I only care about little cheese?"

Princess Ankang's eyes were full of provocative smiles, as if she wanted to tease Li Xuan.

After saying that, Princess Ankang handed a piece of shredded meat to Li Xuan's mouth, and Li Xuan took it subconsciously.

"Axuan, you are so good."

Princess Ankang said, patting Li Xuan on the head and smiling gently.

This scene made Dabai and Mao Ba's eyes split open when they saw it, and the meat in their mouths fell out in shock.

It was Fat Orange who reacted the fastest. He humped the cat bully with his big butt to make him stop looking blindly and eat meat quickly.

Cow and Little Cheese, on the other hand, did not take their heads out of their rice bowls from beginning to end, and did not see this scene at all.

Li Xuan noticed Dabai's surprised gaze and couldn't help but blush, and then glared at Dabai fiercely.

Dabai lowered his head aggrievedly, not daring to look around anymore.

Li Xuan looked back and saw the cat bullies eating obediently, nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Princess Ankang:

"Stop talking nonsense and see what's different from before."

Li Xuan wrote with his tail.

Princess Ankang smiled. She saw Li Xuan showing shyness earlier and laughed in her heart.

But he still looked seriously at the cat paw prints on the back of his hand.

"The color has faded. It was red before, but now it's pink."

Princess Ankang immediately noticed the difference.

"anything else?"

Li Xuan himself could see this obvious thing.

"Well, other things..."

Princess Ankang stood up, stretched her arms, twisted her waist, and jumped twice.

She then tilted her head and said with some uncertainty, "I feel a little more relaxed. I don't know if it's my imagination."

Li Xuan's heart moved, and he put cat paw prints on Yu'er, and then asked her to try using the Feilong Sleeves.

"Axuan, the consumption has become smaller, and it's much easier for me to use my moves."

Li Xuan's conjecture was immediately verified.

"If I leave the yin and yang energy in other people's bodies, it can also have some effect."

Then, Li Xuan couldn't wait to stamp cat claws on all the people and cats present.

Two girls, plus five big and small kittens, a total of seven cat paws.

As more and more cat claws were imprinted, Li Xuan also noticed that his control over the cat claws became weaker.

Although he can still hold Baymax in place like before, the time he can maintain it has become shorter.

Li Xuan thought for a while and felt that his current limit should be to leave ten cat paw prints.

If it is too much, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But he believed that if his cultivation continued to become stronger in the future, he would be able to leave more and more cat paw prints.

"It shouldn't be harmful, right?"

To be careful, Li Xuan told him immediately if they felt uncomfortable.

It is still in the experimental stage of cat paw prints, and Li Xuan still has many functions that he has not explored clearly.

Now, Li Xuan can sense the position of the cat paw print holder by sensing the yin and yang energy.

As for the extreme distance, it’s hard to say without testing it yet.

But having a niche is a good thing after all.

This will make it much easier for Li Xuan to find the holder of the cat paw print in the future.

As for the previous control of Baymax, the yin and yang energy in the cat's paw prints was spread to the holder's body, creating a binding effect.

Dabai couldn't resist with such great strength, so most people should have no problem at all.

In the future, when Li Xuan needs to capture the opponent alive, he can use this trick.

Li Xuan also tried it on Princess Ankang and Yu'er. Although when they tried their best to resist, the consumption of Yin and Yang Qi would be accelerated, but they could still be controlled for a long time.

If there is no resistance at all, this control can last longer, which is considered a magical control skill.

"This Yin Yang Qi is getting more and more interesting."

Li Xuan didn't know whether these abilities could be used by all practitioners of Yin and Yang Qi, or whether they were his own special circumstances.

To figure this out, he needed to look at other yin and yang attributes.

At least, these things are not recorded in the Yin and Yang Zhenji Jue. The entire article only teaches how to use Yin and Yang Zhenji to transform the five elements.

Li Xuan guessed that perhaps every practitioner of Yin and Yang Qi has different special methods of using it.

And the skills they left behind are the keys to unlocking these special abilities.

Although Yin and Yang Qi are the fundamental force from the same source, everyone has different ways of using it.

The more Li Xuan thought about it, the more likely it became.

"It seems that it is imperative to collect other yin and yang attribute skills!"

The unexpected discovery made Li Xuan overjoyed.

After the cat cafeteria closed, Li Xuan began to teach everyone how to practice.

After returning to the palace, Zhao Feng continued to give advice to Yu'er every morning, but she didn't need more advice from Li Xuan.

Mainly, the big cats and kittens need his guidance.

Mao Ba and Fat Orange are already familiar with each other, practicing the blood-slaying tiger claws on their own.

Li Xuan focused on teaching Dabai and Little Cheese how to get started with the Ten Tiger Forms, and asked Dai Niu to review them by the way.

Li Xuan patiently taught each movement slowly, but his patience was quickly consumed.

Although Baymax is also a cat, communication is more difficult and he mostly teaches through body language and sticks.

If Dabai did something wrong, Li Xuan would slap him hard with his tail, causing it to hurt.

Not to mention, stick education has a great effect on Dabai.

Although Dabai couldn't understand what Li Xuan said, Li Xuan was very satisfied with Li Xuan now that he did whatever he wanted, and his posture was never wrong.

Little Cheese, on the other hand, was still too young. Li Xuan just taught him casually. He could learn as much as he could without forcing him.

Of course, this kind of differentiated education policy made Dabai shed tears of grievance.

There is no way around this. Judging from the bloodline talent, Dabai has the highest starting point, so Li Xuan naturally has higher expectations for it.

Because he really wanted to see how the already powerful beast race would improve if they practiced the skills of the human race.

As for the cows...

Alas, it’s okay not to mention it.

Princess Ankang was on the side, watching with great interest Li Xuan teaching Maomao to practice martial arts, making her smile foolishly.

After Li Xuan taught him for a long time, he got Dabai to memorize half a set of ten movements in the tiger form.

As for the little cheese, he had already played with the cow and had fun beside it.

On the other hand, Mao Ba and Fat Orange were not affected by them at all and completed the training of blood-slaying tiger claws.

Li Xuan immediately took out the purified tiger essence and blood and fed a few drops into their mouths.

After Mao Ba and Fat Orange drank the essence and blood of the tiger, they immediately became much more energetic. They closed their eyes and digested the power in the essence and blood of the tiger.

"You have to find time to sort out the follow-up exercises for them, preferably in tiger form."

Li Xuan saw that Mao Ba and Fat Orange had practiced the Ten Tiger Forms and the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claws so well, and planned to teach them similar techniques in the future to make it easier for them to get started.

But at this moment, Dabai came over eagerly and kept rubbing his big head against Li Xuan, causing Li Xuan to stagger and almost fall down.

"Meow? (What are you doing?)"

"Meow. (Do you understand the ten tiger poses I asked you to practice?)"

Li Xuan pushed Dabai's head away in disgust.

Dabai became even more anxious. He was rubbing against Li Xuan and looking at Mao Ba and Fat Orange, drooling all over the floor.

"Meow! Woo? (What! Do you want to eat them both?)"

Li Xuan's shocked voice was a little out of tune, and his face was full of disbelief.

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