Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 457: You have to be patient and patient, you have to be patient and patient (Additional upda

"Old Zhaotou, do you know anything about Bileg?" Li Xuan asked.

Zhao Feng shook his head and continued: "This is the first time I have heard of the leader of the envoy."

"Logically speaking, this kind of task would not be handed over to ordinary people, but I have never seen this person's name from any information related to the desert. It's like it jumped out of a stone."

"After the mission set out from the desert, I used the intelligence network in the desert to investigate this person, but there was very little information, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false."

"The most likely guess now is that Bileg may come from Jianghu, and he used some means to gain the trust of the Desert Wolf Lord, and then became the leader of this team."

Zhao Feng's words reminded Li Xuan of Meng En's name to Bileg, and he immediately talked about it.

"In this case, it is really possible that he is from a martial arts background."

"It's just that over there in the desert, it's not like the inheritance of sects here, but the form of master-disciple teaching. I'm afraid I won't be able to find any useful information."

"But according to what you said, Ah Xuan, this Bileg is actually a troublesome existence."

Zhao Feng's expression looked a little solemn.

The talents that kept popping up in the desert made him feel a burst of pressure unconsciously.

Their great prosperity is still consumed internally, but the desert is constantly getting stronger.

One day, it will become a disaster.

Zhao Feng sighed silently, but there was no better way to deal with the current situation.

"Axuan, please continue to pay attention to what's going on over there these days. If there's anything unusual, come to me at the Ministry of Internal Affairs at any time."

"I want to see what this Bileg can do."

A cold light flashed in Zhao Feng's eyes, making people dare not look directly.

But Li Xuan is a kitten and he is not afraid.

Seeing Zhao Feng move out as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Li Xuan was also full of confidence.

"Don't worry, Mr. Manager, I have already had this intention, and I will keep an eye on the Desert Pavilion day and night from now on."

Zhao Feng couldn't help but be deeply moved when he saw Li Xuan rising to the challenge at the critical moment and taking over this arduous surveillance task.

Zhao Feng had also climbed up the ranks step by step from a powerless little eunuch. He knew that this kind of surveillance task was the most boring and unbearable, and it might not necessarily lead to any achievements.

Although the colorful eunuchs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs didn't say anything about it, no one was willing to do such hard work.

But in the face of the righteousness of his family and country, Li Xuan worked tirelessly and took over the hard work on himself.

"Axuan looks naughty and naughty on weekdays, but he always stands up for himself at critical moments."

"If we can have more talents like Ah Xuan in Daxing, why worry about our country not being prosperous?"

"No, after this matter is over, I must ask for a reward for Ah Xuan."

"We must never let down Ah Xuan's pure heart!"

Zhao Feng was deeply moved and filled with emotions.

Li Xuan turned his back at some point and opened his mouth so wide that it almost reached his ears.

"Hehe, hehehe..."

Just two days after Li Xuan's "arduous and arduous" service.

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

One cat and two old men sat opposite each other, staring at each other with their big eyes.

"Tomorrow is the day when Wang Jieyu goes to bed, but there's still no movement?"

Zhao Feng asked Li Xuan in confusion.

Li Xuan shook his head honestly.

In the past two days, banquets were held from morning to night in the Desert Pavilion where the Desert Mission was located. The dancing Desert singers took turns dancing in waves, and Li Xuan was so familiar with them that he could call them by their names.

But even so, Bileg never entertained other private guests in person.

When they weren't enjoying banquets together, they were working on official documents in the Desert Pavilion. They never even went out to the Sifang Pavilion.

Zhao Feng also sent people to keep an eye on the movements in the Sifang Pavilion, but he also did not receive any information.

Li Xuan was responsible for keeping an eye on Bileg, the leader of the envoy, while the others were monitored by the colorful eunuchs under Zhao Feng.

But the two of them paired up and found that except for the first night, Bileg never made any suspicious moves again.

It seemed that Bileg's preparation was just to entertain Wang Zongqing once.

Zhao Feng was also a little confused about Bileg's plan, and couldn't help but look at Manager Shang on the side.

From the beginning of this task, Manager Shang did not interfere in Zhao Feng's decision-making, allowing him to make his own decisions.

At least that's the case on the surface.

"Daddy, what do you think?"

Zhao Feng asked Mr. Shang for advice neatly.

"I'm afraid he has already become suspicious of Zhao Bugao."

Manager Shang sipped the tea and said calmly.

"No way, I sealed the news tightly. Even now, the palace still thinks that he was sent by me to monitor Wei Chengji." Zhao Feng said with some guilt.

If it weren't for his selfishness, Zhao Bugao would never have handled it like this.

But if Zhao Bugao now becomes a missing link, Zhao Fengke will be ashamed of Manager Shang.

Manager Shang glanced at his adopted son's reaction and just smiled and snorted:

"You know you're sorry?"

Manager Shang shook his head and continued:

"It doesn't matter whether there is news or not."

"What matters is the result."

"After Zhao Bugao was exposed, how many people were missing from the palace?"

"It can't all be because you were distracted by the game in the Imperial Garden, right?"

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes and immediately understood what Manager Shang meant.

"If you put it that way, they are just doubting it, but they are not sure."

As he spoke, Zhao Feng slowly relaxed in his sitting posture.

"They have invested so much effort before. They can't give up just because of doubts. If they can do this, I will think highly of Bileg."

Manager Shang's words made Zhao Feng's original impatience and restlessness disappear immediately.

Both the Desert Envoy outside the palace and the movements within the palace are closely watched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Judging from the current situation, it is not them who should be anxious, but the Desert Envoy.

On Wang Suyue's side, Zhao Feng had already reported to Emperor Yongyuan and made arrangements together.

As for the other people in the palace, they were under the strict supervision of the colorful eunuchs as usual.

After all, there are still desert rats in this palace that need to be caught.

Zhao Feng was not so stupid that a secret letter from the other party focused all his attention on Wang Suyue alone.

Within his responsibilities, Zhao Feng was fully prepared and was just waiting for the other party to take action.

"Axuan, you continue to keep an eye on us today, and then don't come back. You won't come back until tomorrow after they receive the news."

"Just watch Bileg and tell us his every move."

"what do you think?"

Manager Shang asked Li Xuan.

Li Xuan nodded, this matter was not difficult for him at all.

As long as the banquet at the Desert Pavilion continues, Li Xuan can finish it in the blink of an eye in two days.

"Where's Deng Weixian?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but ask.

What Deng Weixian had to do was not simple. If the Desert Mission did not give up the operation, he would have to perform a show for the Desert spies lurking in the palace according to the original plan.

In order to strive for a realistic effect, Deng Weixian had to actually do the action that implicated the nine tribes.

I don’t know if this guy’s psychological quality can handle it.

"Don't worry, Axuan."

"We have already made arrangements with Deng Weixian."

"At least there will be no danger of life."

"As for whether the play can be performed well, it depends on him."

Zhao Feng explained with a smile.

In this case, Li Xuan didn't have any more questions.

After making sure that the two stewards had no other instructions, Li Xuan went back to say hello to the two girls, and then went to the Desert Pavilion to keep an eye on them.

Li Xuan can now completely integrate his breath into the world with the help of Yin and Yang Qi.

Even high-level warriors would find it difficult to find traces of Li Xuan.

After arriving at the Desert Pavilion, Li Xuan quickly found Bileg and repeated the life of the previous two days.

Apart from Bileg being a little bored when dealing with official documents, Li Xuan was not too idle.

After all, Damo is a foreign race, and its atmosphere is more open than that of Daxing, which is a feast for Li Xuan's eyes.

But at the same time, it also made some people confused. The Desert Envoy held a banquet and spent all their own money. The singer was also a member of their own tribe they brought from the desert.

I don’t know what the purpose of such crazy successive banquets is.

Naturally, the high-ranking officials in the Daxing court would not come to the banquet at the Desert Pavilion.

Not even any sane official in the capital would take the risk.

Even though the Desert Mission came this time in the name of peace talks and presented sincere gifts when they met with Emperor Yongyuan, they still did not let these old officials lower their guard.

Those merchants, on the other hand, became regular guests at the banquets of the Desert Pavilion.

Most of these people are engaged in trade between the two countries, so they naturally want to get close to the desert envoys.

There are almost no thresholds for the daily banquets at Da Mo Pavilion. Naturally, many people who want to get close to Da Mo gather here.

But to be honest, in the past few days, there is no one who can catch Li Xuan's eyes, they are just real minions in the capital.

This is why Li Xuan feels strange.

The Desert Mission is not a fool, so why spend money on these little guys to hold such a grand banquet every day?

One day and one night later, on the day when Wang Suyue was sleeping, Bileg took action.

Li Xuan was careful and hadn't slept since yesterday.

When the sky was at its darkest and the Yins and Mao met, Bileg's disciples were favored and quietly came to the door of Bileg's room.

Bileg, who was originally lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, then walked to the door, took out a letter from his arms, and stuffed it directly through the crack of the door without opening the door.

Then, without any confirmation, Bileg lay back on the bed again and closed his eyes to rest.

And Meng En outside the door, after getting the letter, hurried away in the night, and he didn't know where he went.

Realizing that Meng En was out of his range of perception, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little upset and surprised.

"Where did this kid go?"

"I don't know who you are connecting with?"

Li Xuan didn't expect that Bileg could be so patient and didn't take any action until today.

Although he didn't know the content of the letter, Li Xuan hoped that they had started taking action.

Otherwise, he would have been watching here for so many days in vain.

Early the next morning.

Bileg was fine and continued his daily routine as before.

Li Xuan continued to keep a close eye on Bileg's movements, but occasionally looked in the direction of the palace, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Although the two general managers had a guaranteed deal, Li Xuan was still a little worried about Deng Weixian.

Although Deng Weixian is tough-minded, he is still only a thirteen-year-old boy after all.

Asking him to poison the emperor was a bit too exciting just thinking about it.

"Xiao Dengzi, you have to live up to your expectations."

"Today is the day to make a great success!"

At the banquet that day, Bileg drank a few more glasses of wine.

Until Haishi, when the banquet came to an end and the guest singer was drunk all over the floor, Bileg still poured himself a glass of wine unhurriedly.

The person drinking with him was the silent giant Battle.

The two of them drank in silence without any dialogue.

At this time, Meng En hurried in from outside, stepped over the drunken people on the ground, came to Bileg and whispered two words in Bileg's ear:

"It's done!"

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