To be honest, these two words Meng En reported back made Li Xuan a little nervous.

Because he couldn't tell at this time whether it was true or false.

When Bileg received the report from his disciple, he just smiled slightly and didn't have any big reaction.

He put down the wine glass he had been drinking for all day, then leaned back on the chair, crossed his hands in front of him, and twisted his two slender thumbs around each other.

Both Barter and Meng En on the side knew that Bileg was thinking at this time and waited quietly, no one dared to disturb him.

After a long time, Bileg raised his head again, smiled at the two of them and said:

"It's late at night, go to bed early."

"Tomorrow seems to be the first round of formal negotiations, so be prepared."

Both Barter and Meng En frowned, but they could only accept the order and watch Bileg leave.

They were the only two people who were still awake in the huge banquet hall.

The floor was full of snoring banquet guests, regardless of gender, and the scene was chaotic.

Although most of the people lying here are Daxing people who claim to be civilized, since they are attending a banquet hosted by the Desert Mission, they naturally need to "do as the Romans do in the country", and there is no sense of etiquette, justice or shame in the dissolute behavior.

These people really found the opportunity to have a good debauchery.

After Bileg left, the two people who stayed in the banquet room looked at each other, and then came outside silently.

Bileg's room was within Li Xuan's perception range. He did not rush to follow him, but instead followed the two men.

In his opinion, Bileg was too stable, and no flaw had been exposed in the past few days.

Even though Li Xuan was secretly monitoring, he didn't hear or see any useful information.

Li Xuan also did not expect that his career as a secret agent would become difficult so quickly.

Monitoring such a target made Li Xuan feel a little powerless.

"I still prefer people who chirp and talk to themselves."

"This guy Bileg can't hold in a fart when he's alone."

"When I was having a banquet with others, I kept talking all the time and didn't tell the truth at all."

Li Xuan quietly followed Battle and Meng En to a secluded corner where there was no one.

"I don't believe that these two are the same boring gourds. It's impossible for them to communicate in private with their eyes, right?"

Li Xuan lay on the roof in disbelief, paying attention to their movements.

Contrary to his expectation, the first person to speak was Battle, who looked more dull.

"What do you mean by grace, sir?"

"Shouldn't we prepare for tomorrow's negotiations?" Meng replied with a shrug.

"But we're not here to negotiate?" Battelle frowned and continued, "We haven't done anything except banquets in the past few days, which makes me very uneasy."

"You are my disciple, tell me your opinion."

Battle's character is very straightforward, and he directly expresses his doubts in his unique dull voice.

"To be honest, I don't know what the teacher really thinks." Meng En scratched his head and said helplessly.

"But you have to believe in Master. He is so calm, so he must be confident."

"It must be for our own good not to tell us the specific arrangements."

"As long as you follow the orders and carry out Master's arrangements, everything will be fine."

The words of grace left Barter speechless.

He also respected Bileg very much, but this situation of not understanding anything made him feel very uneasy.

Battle was trusted by the Wolf Lord and came to Daxing to perform the mission together, not wanting to make any mistakes.

"Don't think too much, just follow Master's instructions."

“Not having a chance for us to perform is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Although Meng En is younger, he thinks more broadly.

On the contrary, I feel that being able to fish is a blessing.

Munn patted Bart's thick shoulder and left.

The conversation between the two made Li Xuan very depressed.

"Isn't this Bileg too cautious?"

Meng En and Barter were obviously important figures in the mission, but they were equally clueless about Bileg's plans.

And Bileg himself never mentioned the secret information, which made Li Xuan feel a little confused.

"Forget it, my mission is just to monitor Bileg, so don't do anything unnecessary."

Although Li Xuan was determined to explore Bileg's room to see if he could find some useful clues.

But he was also afraid that he might alert the enemy and ruin the arrangement of the two managers.

Li Xuan looked at the sky, it was already late at night.

Although Bileg had received the news and went back to his room to rest, Li Xuan was not in a hurry to go back.

"It's better to wait until dawn."

Li Xuan came near Bileg's room and sensed that someone was sleeping in the room.

He found a big tree where he could see the door, climbed up and hid among the branches and leaves, intending to close his eyes and squint for a while.

Anyway, with his current perception, he would be awakened immediately if there was any disturbance.

Beijing has a typical northern climate. As it enters late autumn and winter is not far away, the leaves on the trees have already withered and turned yellow. In a few days, if the cold wind blows, all the leaves will fall off, leaving only bare ones. branches.

"Oh, winter is coming again."

Li Xuan doesn't like winter very much.

Last winter really left him with too many bad impressions.

Li Xuan has not slept for almost two days and two nights. Although he is far from reaching his limit, he still plans to take a rest when he has the chance and not to make himself too tired.

But not long after Li Xuan closed his eyes, his ears, which had just been lying down, suddenly stood up again.

"There is movement in Bilege's room!"

Li Xuan did not open his eyes immediately, but listened quietly with his ears. With the perception of the world by the Yin-Yang Qi, he could still see the "lively" picture even with his eyes closed.

Bilege opened the door silently and stood outside for a long time.

"What is he doing?"

Li Xuan resisted the urge to open his eyes. All this happened too coincidentally.

He has been monitoring Bilege non-stop for the past two days, and has never seen Bilege behave so abnormally.

Then, Bilege stepped out of the door, looked around, and even went to the roof to search carefully.

Such a move made Li Xuan feel a little frightened.

"Did he discover my existence?"

"But how is this possible!"

Before, even Zhao Feng did not notice Li Xuan's secret spying.

After that, Li Xuan was sure that he had the ability to integrate Yin and Yang Qi into the five elements of heaven and earth, and no one could find his trace.

But judging from Bilge's strange behavior tonight, he seemed to be looking for his own trace now.

Li Xuan is a cat. No matter how carefully Bilge searched, he naturally could not find any "human traces".

And Li Xuan took this opportunity to close his eyes and began to think.

"Did he notice my gaze?"

Even if it was impossible, Li Xuan could only come to this conclusion under the current situation.

After he closed his eyes and prepared to rest for a while, Bilge showed abnormality soon and began to search near his room.

But at this time, Li Xuan was still resting on a tree not far from Bilge's room, just hiding behind the withered yellow leaves.

But Bilge was unaware of this and did not find Li Xuan's trace until the end.

From this, it can be seen that after Li Xuan closed his eyes, Bilge could not "find" him.

After a long time, Bilge, standing on the roof, had a gloomy face.

He thought secretly in his heart:

"The feeling of being spied on has disappeared."

"Come without a trace, go without a trace."

"Who is it?"

Bilge looked at the dark night for a long time without saying a word, and did not notice that the spy he was looking for was lying on a tree not far from him.

Unable to find the trace of the spy, Bilge had to give up and go back to the house to rest.

Seeing Bilge return to the house, Li Xuan was relieved.

But he was still shocked in his heart.

"He can actually sense my gaze!?"

Li Xuan already understood that Bilge should have sensed Li Xuan's existence by relying on Li Xuan's gaze on him.

"No wonder this guy has been silent these days and has no instructions to his subordinates. It turns out that he has already discovered me?"

Li Xuan did not dare to open his eyes again now, and could only continue to use Yin and Yang Qi to sense the outside world.

Although it was not as clear as what he saw with his naked eyes, he did not lose his sense of the outside world, but just changed his way.

Li Xuan sensed the situation in Bilege's room and found that he lay down on the bed to rest again.

Bilege was really as steady as an old dog. After noticing that the peeper had left, he did not rush to deal with the things that he had not been able to deal with in the past few days, but fell asleep peacefully.

Li Xuan felt that this must be Bilege still on guard against him, so he competed with Bilege in patience.

Although he still closed his eyes, he had no intention of sleeping, and he kept sensing Bilege's room.

But what made Li Xuan angry was that Bilege didn't get up from the bed until dawn, and then he changed into the formal desert official uniform and went out.

After leaving the Desert Pavilion, the eyes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were watching Bilege's every move.

Li Xuan knew that he could no longer sense Bilege, so he opened his eyes again.

"Meow, I'll remember this grudge!"

Li Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

After Bilge suddenly went crazy last night, Li Xuan had to wait for another night in vain, but still got nothing.

"Is this bastard playing tricks on me?"

The more Li Xuan thought about it, the angrier he got.

But he also knew that Bilge could detect his gaze, which was already a special ability that was amazing.

In addition, if he could see through the cover of Yin-Yang Qi, Li Xuan would never believe it.

But this incident also reminded Li Xuan.

The world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things.

There are also many talented people.

If he trusts his stealth ability too much, he is afraid that he will fall a big fall in the future.

Since practicing Yin-Yang Qi, Li Xuan has been smooth sailing, which has also quietly affected his mentality.

But Bilge gave Li Xuan a good lesson, which made his frivolous mentality tend to calm down again.

After Li Xuan returned to the palace tiredly, he found that the atmosphere in the palace was tense and people were panicking.

Such an atmosphere spread to every corner of the palace.

When Li Xuan arrived at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he did not find the two stewards.

Seeing that he could not find anyone, Li Xuan planned to go back to Jingyang Palace to catch up on some sleep.

But as soon as he got home, he saw two girls running around anxiously in the yard.


Li Xuan quickly shouted and asked them what happened?

"Axuan, you are finally back!"

"Something happened in the palace!"

The two girls rushed towards Li Xuan and surrounded him, chattering in a hurry.

He also found that Yu'er's eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.

Li Xuan immediately jumped onto Yu'er's shoulders, wiped her tears with his tail, and asked quickly:

"Yu'er, have you cried?"

"So what happened?"

Li Xuan was a little confused. Logically speaking, the two stewards had made arrangements for the affairs in the palace, so there should be no possibility of accidents.

After all, Daxing Imperial Palace is their home court, there is no chance of them being manipulated here.

But now looking at the reactions of the two girls, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel worried.

"Is there something wrong?"

At this time, Princess Ankang continued to say:

"Axuan, something happened in the palace last night."

"I heard that someone poisoned my father. My father is still unconscious and his life or death is uncertain."

"And the prisoner turned out to be a newly promoted concubine in the harem."

"What a coincidence, Sister Yu'er's biological brother works there."

"Sister Yu'er was afraid that her brother would also be involved. We were extremely anxious when we received the news this morning."

"But neither you nor the two managers could find anyone. Just when we didn't know who to ask for help, you came back."

When Li Xuan heard this, he felt much more relaxed.

This is quite different from the script mentioned by the two previous managers.

Li Xuan had to keep an eye on this matter two days ago, and he didn't have time to tell the two girls the specific details.

I thought that this morning, when Zhao Feng came to teach Yu'er martial arts, he would mention this incident by the way.

Fortunately for the old man, he didn't come to Jingyang Palace at all today.

"Where have these two damn old men gone?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

If everything goes well with the plan, why are the two managers missing again?

Although Li Xuan knew in his heart that the news that Princess Ankang and Yu'er got was most likely a smoke bomb released by the two managers, he still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"There shouldn't be any problems..."

For some reason, Li Xuan couldn't help but think about what might happen.

"Axuan, do you still remember the child who came to give gifts that day?"

"I introduced you to Deng Weixian, my younger brother..."

Yu'er's speech was a little incoherent at this time.

Li Xuan immediately patted Yu'er's back, injected a trace of yin and yang energy into her body to calm her mood, and then wrote with his tail:

"Deng Wei is fine first."

"What you heard was just false news. It was a trap designed by the two managers to deal with the bad guys."

"Yu'er, don't worry."

"I'm going to see Deng Weixian now. After confirming his safety, I'll let you know."

Li Xuan's explanation made the two girls unable to react for a moment. They both blinked their big eyes and digested the words.

Yu'er was worried about her brother's safety, but she reacted first and asked:

"Axuan, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Is my brother really okay?"

"He is the only one left in my family, and I don't want anything to happen to him again..."

Yu'er's eyes began to slowly turn red again.

Li Xuan hugged Yu'er's neck tenderly, and then wiped her eyes that were moistened again.

"Don't worry, wait for me."

"I'll be right back!"

After Li Xuan gave his instructions, he climbed over the wall and left. Then he magnified his perception to the limit, looking for the aura of Deng Weixian or the two managers.

In a matter of seconds, he immediately found a familiar scent, but his brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"Why are you in that place?"

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