Within Li Xuan's perception range, traces of the two managers and Deng Weixian appeared at the same time.

But at this time, their location was very different from usual, and they were some distance away from Li Xuan.

"Why are you all in a place like this?"

"And Deng Weixian seems to be moving a little too fast?"

Li Xuan frowned slightly, and then without thinking, he rushed straight to where Deng Weixian was.

Logically speaking, Deng Weixian only needs to continue to serve Wang Suyue at this time, so why is he running around outside.

Deng Weixian was no longer within the scope of Caiyun Palace and seemed to be rushing there.

Judging from the direction of his movement, his destination was either the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Jingyang Palace further away.

"Something's not right."

Li Xuan felt that something was wrong, so he raised his figure and turned into an afterimage, running wildly in the palace.

After he increased his speed, the huge palace was not enough for him to gallop.

After a while, Li Xuan arrived near where Deng Weixian was.

But the voice caught by his ears was clearly telling him that something had really happened to Deng Weixian.

"Little bastard, stop right now!"

"Your grandpa caught me, I must make you look good!"

The angry curses of the two eunuchs came from not far away, and they were chasing Deng Weixian, who was fleeing in embarrassment.

"Meow, you dare to commit murder in the palace."

"Whose person is this?"

"What about the arrangement? Is this the arrangement that Old Zhaotou mentioned?"

Li Xuan saw Deng Weixian, who was panting and in shock.

He was running out of breath now.

But even so, he did not dare to slow down his pace at all.

Just because there are always two vicious eunuchs in black clothes chasing him behind him.

Just judging from their clothes, it was impossible to tell who was their subordinate.

Li Xuan sensed from a distance and found that these two people were just sixth-level people who had just developed their true energy.

But for Deng Weixian, it was definitely life-threatening.

"It's hard for this kid to last until now."

At this moment, Deng Weixian's legs suddenly softened, and his whole body rolled into a ball, rolling with momentum for a long distance before stopping.

He didn't care about crying out in pain, he just wanted to get up quickly and keep running forward.

Not far ahead was the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Deng Weixian could survive if he ran there.

But no matter how hard Deng Weixian struggled, he no longer had the strength to get up again.

He looked back and found the two eunuchs approaching quickly with a grin on his face.

"Sister, I'm sorry..."

Deng Weixian sighed, but did not give up the struggle. Instead, he held his claws with both hands, intending to resist desperately.

The eyes of the two eunuchs in Xuanyi were full of disdain.

In their opinion, it was easy to kill Deng Weixian.

"Little bastard, if you hadn't been alert just now, how could my grandpas have allowed you to live until now."

While the two eunuchs in black clothes were flying close to Deng Weixian, they were also silently practicing their skills. A hidden green light and blue light appeared on their hands, and they hit Deng Weixian head-on.

But just as they raised their palms, a black line flashed between the two of them, leaving a little bit of frost slowly falling down.

Deng Weixian was ready to attack, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't continue to move.

He instinctively felt something was wrong.

The next moment, the bodies of the two eunuchs in black clothes trembled slightly.



As the screams of the two exploded, their bodies collapsed awkwardly, and each of them actually broke an arm and a leg.

Taking the middle of the two eunuchs in black clothes as the center, each of them severed the left and right limbs.

Connecting the flashing black threads before, everything becomes reasonable.

Li Xuan walked gracefully from behind them, taking cat steps, and slowly approached.

The first person to notice this abnormality was Deng Weixian who collapsed on the ground.


He saw the familiar black cat and called softly.

The two eunuchs in black clothes who wanted to take his life just now had completely lost the power to resist. They held the neat and cold limbs and screamed heartbreakingly.

The pain of severed arms and legs was nothing more than that, and their wounds were instantly frozen.

The coldness on the wounds continued to invade their bodies, like ice picks as tiny as body hair, slowly digging in along their wounds, comparable to the pain of Ling Chi.

Deng Weixian did not see clearly the previous changes at all.

But Li Xuan's appearance and the serious injuries of the two eunuchs in black clothes happened at the same time. No matter how stupid he was, he could still think of the reason.

"Lord A Xuan..."

Deng Wei was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.

"Thank you for saving me, sir!"

Deng Weixian couldn't get up, so he raised his trembling hands and saluted Li Xuan.

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile at Deng Weixian who was so righteous.

From the time he spent with Zhao Bugao after he entered the palace, Li Xuan knew that Deng Weixian had a bright future.

Although Deng Weixian is taciturn and doesn't talk much on weekdays, he knows how to behave.

Knowing how to be a good person is much more important than having the ability.

Especially when you don’t have much ability yet.

Li Xuan came to Deng Weixian's side to see if he was injured. He was relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

After Deng Weixian calmed down for a while, he finally staggered up from the ground, but his hands and feet were still trembling.

As soon as Li Xuan felt it, he knew that he was not completely frightened, but also because of excessive physical exertion.

"What's going on with Old Zhaotou?"

"Didn't you say that arrangements have been made?"

If Li Xuan hadn't arrived in time, Deng Weixian would have been doomed.

But according to Zhao Feng's acting style, such big mistakes would never happen.

Li Xuan let go of his senses and found that the two managers were still where they were before.

"I'm afraid we're in trouble."

Li Xuan shook his head, not in any hurry to go there.

If it is a problem that neither of the two managers can solve, it will probably not help if Li Xuan goes there.

And compared to other things, what is more important now is ensuring Deng Weixian's safety.

"And these two people."

Li Xuan turned his eyes to the two eunuchs in black clothes who were still struggling on the ground.

He had previously used his breath of ice and blood-slaying tiger claws to cut off their hands and feet.

For Li Xuan now, this matter is no more difficult than cutting tofu.

What he didn't expect was that the current cold breath was so effective.

Not even a drop of blood flowed out of the wounds of the two eunuchs in black clothes, they were all completely frozen.

The same was true for the severed hands and feet that fell to the ground. In just a blink of an eye, they were completely covered with a layer of frost.

Li Xuan looked at his claws and was very satisfied with his blow.

As previously evaluated by Manager Shang, even if they are both at the sixth level, the gap between Li Xuan and others has reached an unimaginable level.

Now, even if he crosses a level and fights against a fifth-level warrior, he is quite confident.

Li Xuan touched Deng Weixian with his tail, and quietly used Yin and Yang Qi to restore his condition.

Deng Weixian suddenly felt a warm current surge in his body. His rapid heartbeat and sore muscles gradually calmed down, and even his mind became much clearer.

Li Xuan saw that his condition was much better, then he stretched out his tail and slowly wrote in the air:

"what happened?"

Deng Weixian's heartbeat, which had just slowed down, started beating again when he saw this scene.

Seeing Deng Weixian's eyes wide open with fear, Li Xuan felt helpless.

After all, the fact that cats can write probably challenges ordinary people's common sense.

Seeing that Deng Weixian still needed some time to digest the sudden impact, Li Xuan walked towards the Ministry of Internal Affairs on his own, not forgetting to turn back and meow, asking Deng Weixian to follow quickly.

Deng Wei hesitated first, but still followed.

Li Xuan took Deng Weixian all the way to the House of Internal Affairs and found two eunuchs in colorful clothes guarding the gate.

When they saw Li Xuan walking towards them, they immediately bowed and said:

"grown ups."

Deng Weixian was originally surprised that Li Xuan was not only strong but could also write.

As a result, the flower-dressed eunuch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was extremely respectful to Li Xuan, which made him even more curious about Li Xuan.

"No wonder the two stewards asked a cat to be the supervisor of the task."

"I wonder if my sister knows that the cats they raise are so powerful..."

Deng Weixian was originally a little afraid of Li Xuan.

After all, anyone who sees a cat displaying such abnormal abilities would be horrified.

But when he thought that Li Xuan had just saved his life and that it was the cat raised by his sister in Jingyang Palace, he gradually relaxed his mood.

Seeing that the two eunuchs in colorful clothes who were guarding the door recognized him, Li Xuan also saved a lot of effort.

He stretched out his tail and pointed at Deng Weixian behind him.

The two eunuchs in colorful clothes looked at Deng Weixian, wondering what Li Xuan meant.

Deng Weixian's mind came to his senses at this time, and he immediately said:

"Two father-in-laws, I am Xiao Dengzi who works in Banyue Yuan of Caiyun Palace."

"Someone used the token from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take me out before, and then tried to kill me. They fled here all the way. Fortunately, I was saved by Master A Xuan. The seriously injured murderer is not far away. Please come with me."

Deng Weixian briefly explained what happened.

When the two eunuchs in colorful clothes who were guarding the door heard that Deng Weixian was from Caiyun Palace's Banyue Courtyard, their expressions changed and they looked at each other with solemn expressions.

But they all couldn't help but take another look at Li Xuan, and then they immediately made a decision.

"Just wait for me for a while, and I'll take someone with you."

After saying that, a eunuch in colorful clothes hurried inside and came out with a group of people in a short time.

They followed Li Xuan and Deng Weixian and soon arrived at the place where the two eunuchs in Xuanyi were.

This place is not far from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and these two guys have also lost their ability to move, so Li Xuan left them here with confidence and boldness.

Of course, Li Xuan still wanted to fish, but unfortunately no one took the bait.

Such a close distance was completely within his range of perception.

If someone comes to rescue these two eunuchs in colorful clothes, Li Xuan will directly bring a team of eunuchs in colorful clothes to visit them.

When Li Xuan returned, the two eunuchs in Xuanyi had fainted from the pain and lost consciousness.

At the same time that they arrived, a group of forbidden troops also patrolled here. When they saw the eunuchs in colorful clothes present, they simply asked a few questions and then left.

Within the scope of the West Palace, the eunuchs in colorful clothes have a transcendent status, and even the imperial guards in the palace have no power to interfere in their affairs at will.

This is the status of the emperor's trusted department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many big eunuchs trying to compete for the position of head of the House of Internal Affairs.

The flowery-clothed eunuchs restrained the two black-clothed eunuchs with broken arms and legs and brought them back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As for Deng Weixian, Li Xuan took him with him to prevent any accidents.

The two stewards were not in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Li Xuan was a little worried about leaving Deng Weixian alone there.

He thought it would be safer to keep him with him, so he asked Deng Weixian to follow him to find the two stewards.

The two stewards were in the southwest corner of the West Palace at this time, and they had not moved for a long time, and no one knew what they were doing there.

"Ah, Lord Xuan."

On the way, Deng Weixian called out a little nervously.

Li Xuan looked back at him, but his feet kept moving forward.


Li Xuan tilted his head in confusion.

Deng Weixian saw the cute black cat in front of him, and it was difficult to connect the fact that he had hit the two black-clothed eunuchs with one blow before.

"Lord Xuan, you understand what I say, right?"

Li Xuan nodded as a matter of course.

Deng Weixian knew too little about Li Xuan, so it was not his fault.

On the contrary, compared with others, Deng Weixian's acceptance speed was already very fast.

"Master Xuan, thank you for saving my life."

"It's all my fault for being careless, so I was targeted by those two people."

Then, Deng Weixian continued to talk to himself:

"Master Xuan, let me report what happened from last night to now?"

Li Xuan was curious about this matter, and nodded immediately, letting Deng Weixian continue.

"Yesterday, with the two stewards as witnesses, my godfather told me to soak a strange leaf in the footbath that His Majesty was going to use."

"I thought it was just a play, but His Majesty seemed to be in real trouble."

"After that, the Banyue Courtyard where we were was blocked until the two people who were chasing me just now took me away with the token of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Hearing this, Li Xuan looked back in surprise and asked Deng Weixian:

"It was the eunuch in black clothes who came, not the eunuch in flowery clothes. Didn't that make you suspicious?"

In order to take care of Deng Weixian, Li Xuan deliberately wrote slowly.

After Deng Weixian saw the question clearly, he answered:

"At the beginning, it was the flower-clothed eunuchs who blocked Banyueyuan, and then for some reason they were replaced by the imperial guards."

"The imperial guards didn't dare to ask more questions when they saw the sign. I saw that the flower-clothed eunuchs were all transferred away, and I thought that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was short of manpower."

"As a result, I thought more and more that something was wrong on the way, so I found an opportunity to pee, but they reacted quickly and chased me before I could escape far, and then I met you, sir."

After listening to Deng Weixian's story, Li Xuan also sighed that this kid was lucky.

Li Xuan looked at his aura and saw that he was also an eighth-grade cultivation. From the looks of it, he was not far from the seventh-grade cultivation, and he should be about to break through.

But even with such strength, it was a miracle that he could hold on for so long in the pursuit of two sixth-grade eunuchs.

But what Li Xuan couldn't understand was why the two black-clothed eunuchs dared to chase Deng Weixian in the palace.

You know, the place just now was not the uninhabited corner where Jingyang Palace was located, but the most important core area of ​​the West Palace.

It's just that maybe because something happened last night, there weren't many people hanging around outside the palace.

"It seems that what happened last night did have a big impact."

Li Xuan and Deng Weixian walked for a while, but they only met patrolling guards on the road, and didn't see any eunuchs or palace maids. They were probably hiding.

But when Deng Weixian said that his actions last night were witnessed by the two stewards, he felt relieved.

He originally thought that something unexpected had happened, but it seemed that they were acting too realistically.

As for the two eunuchs in black clothes who were chasing Deng Weixian, they were probably sent to silence him.

Li Xuan now wanted to find the two stewards as soon as possible and ask them about the details.

"It seems that the rats in the palace are not easy to catch, otherwise with the abilities of those two..."

Thinking of this, Li Xuan took Deng Weixian around a corner.

The aura of the two stewards was just ahead.

But when Li Xuan and Deng Weixian walked around the corner, they stopped in their tracks.

In front of them was a wide ruin, with irregular ruins everywhere.

Li Xuan clearly remembered that there was originally a palace complex here, and many people lived here.

But now, it's all gone.


In the ruins, the eunuchs in flowery clothes and the imperial guards were busy, moving bloody corpses one after another from under the ruins.

Not far away, Shang Zongguan and Zhao Feng stood in front of several corpses, and their clothes were stained with a lot of dust.

For the two stewards who always pay attention to demeanor, this is extremely unusual.

Shang Zongguan turned his head and found the arrival of Li Xuan and Deng Weixian, and couldn't help but look a little surprised.

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Feng also turned around and looked over.

Only then did Li Xuan realize that Zhao Feng was injured.

Zhao Feng's arm was wrapped in thick bandages and stained with blood.

But Zhao Feng was in good spirits, pointing at Deng Weixian and asked:

"Little Dengzi, didn't I tell you to stay in Banyueyuan?"

"Why are you here?"

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