Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 462 Emperor Yongyuan’s Talent

"Don't you like to pretend?"

"This time I ask you to pretend enough!"

Li Xuan thought angrily.

Bileg has been under his surveillance these days, pretending to be dumbfounded, which is called professionalism.

It's better now. The Ministry of Internal Affairs directly controls the Desert Pavilion strictly.

Li Xuan had previously fired the sounding arrow without being noticed by Bileg, and then glared at him fiercely.

With Bileg's cautious temperament, he must have realized that his intuition was not working well either.

Bileg was now under the surveillance he expected all the time, and he was exhausted to death afterward.

"Ginger is still spicy when it's old."

"To deal with this kind of person, you have to teach him this way."

Li Xuan smiled proudly and prepared to go back to restore Mr. Shang's life.

The Desert Pavilion was closely monitored in the name of investigating the poisoning case.

Barter and Meng En were silent. They had already expected this situation.

Bileg frowned and looked solemn.

He didn't mind that the Desert Pavilion was under surveillance.

Given the current situation in Daxing and Damo, the war will not start completely.

At most, their envoys were kept in the capital for a few more days, but in the end nothing could be done to them.

And they also need to see whether their goals can be achieved.

Will General Zhongwu's Mansion be jealous of Emperor Yongyuan?

"Let's go and meet them."

After Bileg finished speaking, he walked towards the main entrance of the Desert Pavilion.

He is the leader of the Desert Mission, and he is always required to come forward in all contacts with the outside world and Daxing officials.

As expected, Daxing's personnel asked them not to enter and exit the Desert Pavilion at will, which meant they were placed under house arrest.

At this moment, Li Xuan returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the cover of night.

When I came to Manager Shang's yard, I found that Zhao Feng was also here, and he was in a good mood.

"Axuan, is the matter done?"

Manager Shang greeted him and gave Li Xuan a cup of tea.

Li Xuan came to the table unceremoniously, drank tea to soothe his throat, and reported the previous situation.

After listening, the two managers laughed:

"Let our Ambassador Bileg have a good fight with himself these days."

Bileg was suspicious, which just used this to consume his energy.

Li Xuan was relieved to see that Bileg's side had been arranged.

Otherwise, if we leave this person alone, there will definitely be trouble.

Then, Li Xuan meowed and asked the two managers what they planned to do next.

"Don't be anxious, Xuan."

"There was a big fight in the palace just now, so we have to rest for two days."

Manager Shang touched Li Xuan's head with his fingers and said softly.

At this time, Zhao Feng chatted from the side:

"Daddy, Your Majesty has given me a quota of one or two people. Who do you think is the best for us to get rid of first?"

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Manager Shang just laughed and replied: "Feng'er, it's up to you to decide these matters. I will only help you catch the other mouse."

Zhao Feng nodded and then expressed his thoughts:

"Gao Wang and Guo Sheng have always been closest to Duan Gui, and they are the most hostile to me. There is no possibility of wooing them."

"Haier plans to start with these two people."

Manager Shang did not object, but reminded Zhao Fengdao:

"You have to prioritize, catch the mouse first, and put the rest later."

"If you can't catch the mouse, Your Majesty won't give you this face."

"Also, even if His Majesty gives you room for one or two people, you can only attack one person this time. Don't be greedy!"

Zhao Feng seemed a little unwilling: "It's just a pity that this opportunity was missed."

"There is nothing to regret. Duan Gui's lineage has been completely destroyed, and it is difficult to choose a candidate for the great eunuch."

"The most important thing is that His Majesty never expected our Ministry of Internal Affairs to beat Ouchi into a piece of iron."

"If that day comes, you and I, father and son, will never have a place in the palace."

Manager Shang gave a rare and stern lecture.

He had also experienced this, so he naturally understood how Zhao Feng was feeling at the moment.

Power is the most delicious poison in the world. No matter how wise and courageous a person is, it will be eroded day by day, and eventually he will no longer recognize himself.

Greed for money and comfort, greed for power and exhaustion.

Granting power to people is tantamount to inviting the wolf into the house, because desire is of an animal nature, and even the best people, once they have great power, tend to be corrupted by the passion of desire.

Whenever Mr. Shang saw Zhao Feng showing signs of this, he would immediately remind him to fulfill his duties as a godfather.

Since he had chosen to let Zhao Feng take over his power, he naturally wanted to help him.

Otherwise, if one day Zhao Feng is lost in power, it will not only be Mr. Shang himself, but their lineage will also be in danger of destruction.

Zhao Feng also knew that Manager Shang was doing it for his own good, but the desire for power in his heart came from instinct, and sometimes it was difficult for even him to control it.

People who have never tasted the taste of power will never know how strong the temptation of power is.

"I know, godfather."

After Zhao Feng was reminded by Manager Shang, his mind became much clearer and he immediately answered with a smile.

“Always be alert and don’t be careless.”

"Duty is the most difficult word to uphold."

Manager Shang gave a few final reminders and did not continue to say more.

Having lived for most of his life, Mr. Shang knows best that there are pitfalls that you have to step through yourself to understand.

He only hoped that when his adopted son stepped into a trap in the future, he would be there to hold him back and minimize the loss.

As for those unbearable losses, Manager Shang would never let Zhao Feng bear them.

At least, this would never be allowed to happen while he was still alive.

Li Xuan listened for a while and understood what Zhao Feng meant.

It turned out that he wanted to use this investigation to get rid of a few thorns in his side.

Taking the opportunity to eliminate dissidents is in line with Li Xuan's impression of the great eunuch.

"That's right. Old Zhaotou can't work in vain every day."

Moreover, Emperor Yongyuan acquiesced, so who could say anything?

As for the person who was about to be eliminated by Zhao Feng, he could only consider himself unlucky.

"Gao Wang, Guo Sheng..."

"It seems that he is also the person who fought against Lao Zhaotou in Yanqu Palace before."

"It seems that some things were decided early on."

Li Xuan shook his head and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Then, the two managers discussed many details in front of Li Xuan.

Li Xuan listened for a while and benefited a lot.

The two general managers were indeed professionals. Not only did the Desert Mission's conspiracy fall apart under their control, they also took advantage of this opportunity to gain an advantage for themselves.

"Wang Zongyu has been secretly arrested."

"Wang Jieyu and General Zhongwu will be secretly summoned by His Majesty tonight."

"His Majesty believes that Wang Zongyu's life and death should be decided by his own family."

Li Xuan didn't expect that idiot had been caught.

This Wang Zongyu is General Zhongwu's younger brother. I don't know if General Zhongwu will keep him if he knows that he was almost killed by this stupid brother.

Moreover, it is said that the Wang family is allowed to make their own decision, but General Zhongwu may have to figure out what Emperor Yongyuan wants.

"Oh, being an official is not easy."

"It's a calamity if you do it well, and it's a calamity if you don't do it well."

"No wonder the golden mean was so popular in my previous life."

Li Xuan felt that the brain he didn't have in his previous life was all made up in this life.

He listened to the discussion between the two managers from beginning to end, and found that there seemed to be no role for him in the drama.

After confirming with the two managers that he didn't need to go out any more in the past two days, Li Xuan returned to Jingyang Palace to have a good rest.

During these days, Li Xuan frequently traveled between the Desert Pavilion and the Imperial Palace, and kept closely monitoring Bileg's movements, which accumulated a lot of fatigue.

In the days that followed, Li Xuan was in Jingyang Palace, reading the Five Elements Kung Fu secret book given to him by Mr. Ye, and practicing with Princess Ankang and Yu'er. He trained the Meow brothers to improve their cultivation every day, and occasionally went to Caiyun Palace. Banyueyuan went to see how Deng Weixian was doing.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the palace became more and more solemn.

No one has received news that Emperor Yongyuan has awakened, and everyone is in danger from top to bottom.

Li Xuan occasionally saw ministers walking in a hurry in the palace, all with solemn expressions.

After listening to the discussion between the two managers, Li Xuan naturally knew that these were all within Emperor Yongyuan's plan.

Although Li Xuan heard the details of the upcoming implementation from the two general managers, he did not know the true intention of Emperor Yongyuan.

Judging from all these signs, Emperor Yongyuan's plans are not small.

As far as Li Xuan knew, Emperor Yongyuan had no other help besides the two loyal eunuchs like the two general managers.

"Emperor Yongyuan is not as miserable as I thought."

All these calculations were done by Emperor Yongyuan alone, and his methods were quite impressive.

It's just a pity that he is not strong enough, otherwise he might be able to revitalize the country and make the country stronger.

In this case, there will probably be fewer conflicts on the front lines.

At least, Da Mo no longer dares to covet Daxing like this.

It was the ninth day when Emperor Yongyuan was "unconscious".

The situation suddenly changed.

The Desert Envoy conspired to poison Emperor Daxing, and everyone was arrested and imprisoned.

Wang Zongyu, a member of the Ministry of War, colluded with Da Mo, collaborated with foreign enemies, and framed General Zhongwu. He was put on death row and executed after his death.

Duan Gui and Guo Sheng, the constant servants at home, participated in the murder of the emperor and implicated nine tribes.

The wolf in the desert was so ambitious that he sent an envoy to murder Emperor Daxing and launched an army to attack him immediately.

The concise and concise edict was issued, but it shocked the entire capital.

When Li Xuan got the news, he couldn't help but look at each other with Princess Ankang and Yu'er, speechless for a long time.

"Daxing and Damo are going to war now?"

Li Xuan was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

He immediately left Jingyang Palace and went straight to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But halfway through, I discovered that the two stewards were not there, but in another place.

"In Tai Chi Palace?"

Li Xuan frowned slightly.

The two stewards rarely appeared there.

Taiji Palace is the palace where Emperor Yongyuan goes to court on weekdays. Look at the time, if today is the day of going to court, the court should not have ended yet.

Li Xuan walked all the way out of the West Palace and went straight to Tai Chi Palace.

In the empty Tai Chi Palace Square, only the Imperial Guard guards.

Li Xuan avoided their gazes and smoothly slipped into the Tai Chi Palace.

At this time, there were many ministers in the Taiji Palace, and the figure of Emperor Yongyuan was sitting on the dragon chair high up.

Emperor Yongyuan was pale and depressed at this time, looking like he was recovering from a serious illness.

At this time, there was endless discussion in Tai Chi Palace.

"Your Majesty, how can starting a war with the desert be such a child's play?"

"Child's play? Your Majesty has been poisoned, and we are silent even though we are prosperous. How can the imperial court have any dignity?"

"This matter has not yet been concluded. It may be a conspiracy by other countries to instigate a war between the two countries in order to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. I hope your Majesty will be aware of it!"

"We've arrested all the prisoners, why are we still investigating? What are we investigating? Are we looking for the color of my underwear?"

"Your Majesty, there have been constant disasters in recent years and the national treasury is empty. There is really no opportunity to launch war rashly. Secondly, planning and preparation for such a national war also takes time. I suggest that we take a long-term approach."


These ministers kept arguing, and Li Xuan noticed it.

One side wants to fight, the other doesn't want to fight.

As for who wants to fight and who doesn't want to fight, it's really a clear distinction.

Li Xuan had never seen with his own eyes how fierce the dispute between civil servants and nobles was until today.

They criticized each other so mercilessly in court, but they were afraid that the situation would be even worse in private.

Moreover, Li Xuan did not expect that Emperor Yongyuan would suddenly launch a war against the desert.

Judging from the reactions of the ministers in the court now, Emperor Yongyuan did not discuss the matter with the ministers before issuing the decree.

Li Xuan knew that if Emperor Yongyuan wanted to issue a decree, he could not do it on his own.

If this Daxing court had been Emperor Yongyuan's, he would have dealt with his uncle who was up to no good.

As far as Li Xuan knew, the emperor's decree needed to go through Zhongshu Province.

And the current Zhongshu Ling is one of his own who was promoted by Emperor Yongyuan after he kicked away Liang Zhao.

Therefore, it is not difficult to pass the test in Zhongshu Province.

However, although Emperor Yongyuan's decree was issued, its implementation still required the full cooperation of other ministers, which led to the current debate in the court.

The civil servants wanted Emperor Yongyuan to take back the decree, while the nobles were eager to start a war immediately.

The nobles have been waiting for this day for a long time. Now that they are given a good opportunity, how can they not cherish this rare opportunity?

Li Xuan looked at the united nobles in the court and couldn't help but think of a detail.

"I'm afraid Emperor Yongyuan secretly summoned General Zhongwu not just to deal with his younger brother, right?"

"Xungui's side has obviously unified its tone in advance and has a firm attitude."

"Although the civil servants all opposed it, the reasons they put forward were varied and failed to form a unified and powerful voice."

"Especially in this matter, Emperor Yongyuan took advantage of morality."

The Desert Mission's action to poison Emperor Yongyuan could be described as a blind move.

At least that's how it seems to Li Xuan.

This incident brought too many opportunities to Emperor Yongyuan.

Although I don't know the reason why Emperor Yongyuan launched the war, and I don't know if he has the confidence to win the war, but if he dares to do so, it will definitely be profitable.

At this time, an old eunuch holding a whip in front of the emperor flicked his long whip, making a harsh sound that broke through the air.


The old eunuch's deep voice sounded, and the chaotic court suddenly became quiet.

This was the first time I saw Li Xuan, the old eunuch who held the whip.

Then, Emperor Yongyuan slowly spoke:

"The matter of poisoning has been investigated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Does anyone think there is another 'truth'?"

"In that case, you might as well tell me and listen to me."

Emperor Yongyuan's hoarse voice echoed in the hall, and his gloomy eyes glanced at the civil servants with an unkind look on his face.

The civil servant who had always had objections choked up and silently turned his attention to the figure in front.

Prince Zheng put his hands in his sleeves and closed his eyes with a calm look on his face.

Sensing everyone's gaze, King Zheng's eyelids twitched and he opened his eyes.

He slowly raised his head, looked at Emperor Yongyuan on the dragon throne, and then said:

"Now that your Majesty has made up his mind, I will die with my heart and brains smashed to pieces."

King Zheng's words brought an end to the hotly debated topic in the court today.

The civil servants all looked at King Zheng in confusion, unable to understand his decision, but no one came forward to question it.

The atmosphere in the court hall suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

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