No one thought that King Zheng would agree to this war.

The civil servants and nobles who were originally divided were dumbfounded.

Emperor Yongyuan on the dragon throne narrowed his eyes, but then smiled again and praised King Zheng:

"Daxing has a loyal minister like the emperor's uncle, so why worry about not being happy?"

"Since we have no other opinions, we will start preparing for war immediately."

"Send a large army to conquer the desert as soon as possible and show off my great power!"

After Emperor Yongyuan said this, he waved his hand and announced his withdrawal from the court, leaving the ministers with a handsome back.

At the court meeting, everyone had mixed reactions.

The honorable party was overjoyed and celebrated with each other.

The civil servants had a sad face and furrowed their brows.

Several ministers gathered around King Zheng, and they all started asking questions. Apparently, they didn't understand his intention.

But King Zheng did not explain immediately. After trying his best to appease everyone, he took the lead to leave, attracting several ministers from the civil service side to chase him.

The big guys on Xungui's side watched indifferently, not paying much attention to this scene.

At present, the issue of starting a war with Da Mo has been reached in the court, and there is no room for change.

Even though this is a tough battle, now that the matter has spread in the capital, it will never end hastily.

"Gentlemen, it's finally time for us to have a big fight!"

Several of the nine generals of the Zhu Kingdom gathered together, looking excited.

No wonder they were so excited, they had been waiting for this day for too long.

"We can't take it lightly. Although this time things happened for a reason, it still went too smoothly." Wu Guogong Guo Xiaolai said with some worry.

"Afraid of a ball, they still have the ability to change the emperor's life?" Hu Guogong Qin Zongyong said nonchalantly.

"The matter of poisoning His Majesty cannot be easily settled without an explanation from Da Mo." Tan Guogong Zhao Dinghai said from the side.

"Old Zhao, what do you mean? Do you think they have a way to get Da Mo to give an explanation in advance? Why?"

Qin Zongyong seemed reckless and unwise, but he immediately understood the implication of Zhao Dinghai's words, but after a series of questioning, he obviously felt that it was impossible.

Although the national power of Da Mo is not as good as Da Xing, its strength cannot be underestimated, otherwise where would they have the courage to cause trouble on the border in recent years.

Although there is a gap in strength between the two countries, it is actually not that big.

Especially in the past ten years, Damo has lost the control of Beiliang, and its development momentum has been fierce.

With Da Mo's current strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to bow to Daxing easily.

Moreover, Da Mo would naturally not admit the matter of poisoning Emperor Yong Yuan. Instead, he would say that Da Xing arbitrarily detained their envoys, fabricated them out of thin air, framed and slandered them, just to provoke disputes.

The envoys from the desert were directly detained and imprisoned, which was tantamount to being slapped in the face.

Under such circumstances, the possibility that Da Mo would give in was really low, and it was no wonder that Qin Zongyong reacted like this.

At this time, Su Ding'an, the eldest Duke of Jiang, said: "Duke Tan's worries are not unreasonable. Prince Zheng has always opposed the rise of disputes with Da Mo, but today he compromised so easily. I'm afraid he has other ideas. You all must Don’t be careless.”

Because Su Ding'an is old, he doesn't need to go to court on weekdays.

It was just that today's matter was so big that he was specially invited here.

Unlike the others, Su Ding'an didn't look forward to the war with Da Mo too much.

Although the conflicts on the border have become more and more intense in recent years, Su Ding'an believed that he must first calm down the internal affairs in order to resist foreign aggression, and wanted to wait until the situation in the court became more stable.

But both internally and externally, there are only signs of getting worse and worse, and there is no sign of stability at all.

This made Su Ding'an become pessimistic about the situation.

The attitude of Su Ding'an and the Su family is no longer a secret to many people.

"Mr. Su, we always need to stand up."

Qin Zongyong saluted Su Ding'an.

Sensing the sharpness in the eyes of the others, Su Ding'an smiled bitterly and shook his head:


Li Xuan only raised his head when he saw the crowd in Tai Chi Palace dispersed.

The huge palace that was full of people before was now deserted.

Li Xuan had been watching in secret for a long time and found that the conclusion had already been made, but both the civil servants and the nobles looked like they were facing a powerful enemy and had just begun to fight.

"Isn't the war with Desert already decided?"

"Is it possible that there will be any changes?"

Li Xuan frowned and couldn't figure it out for a while.

Only then did he remember the purpose of this place.

Originally, the auras of the two stewards were still in Tai Chi Palace, but now they had begun to move.

As expected, he should have left with Emperor Yongyuan.

Li Xuan hurriedly followed and soon caught up with Long Chai.

Emperor Yongyuan sat on the dragon chariot with his eyes closed and meditative, with a group of attendants waiting on him.

The two stewards followed the dragon chariot and followed suit.

Wang Xi, who was in front of the dragon chariot, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction where Li Xuan was running with a serious expression.

Li Xuan's eyes met Wang Xi's and he couldn't help but froze.

But the next moment, Wang Xi smiled slightly and looked away from Li Xuan.

At that moment, Li Xuan felt a fleeting danger.

"This prince..."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Li Xuan felt that Wang Xi gave him a much more dangerous feeling than Manager Shang.

Wang Xi turned his head and attracted the attention of Manager Shang and Zhao Feng.

Manager Shang quietly waved to Li Xuan, asking him to avoid it temporarily.

But at this time, Emperor Yongyuan on the dragon chariot closed his eyes and ordered:

"Let's go together."

Li Xuan originally wanted to go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and wait. When he heard this, he immediately came up to him and climbed up the dragon chariot.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Manager Shang grabbed Li Xuan directly in mid-air and put him on Zhao Feng's shoulders.

Zhao Feng is now used to it, and his expression remains unchanged.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel regretful. He still wanted to sit in the dragon chariot.

Emperor Yongyuan was still closing his eyes to rest, as if thinking about something.

But the corners of his mouth curled up slightly for a moment, and then returned to normal.

The dragon chariot was carried all the way to the Manna Palace, and then Emperor Yongyuan opened his eyes and walked inside.

Li Xuan was also summoned along with the two managers.

In the Manlu Palace, apart from the three of them, only Emperor Yongyuan and his lamp-holding eunuch Wang Xishi could be seen standing nearby.

"The Internal Affairs Office sent people to fill the vacancies of Duan Gui and Guo Sheng to calm the turmoil in the palace as soon as possible."

As soon as he sat down, Emperor Yongyuan gave an order.

Manager Shang and Zhao Feng frowned and looked at each other silently.

As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zhao Feng did not accept the order immediately, but fell into hesitation.


Emperor Yongyuan glanced at him.

Zhao Feng immediately stepped forward and replied: "Your Majesty, is it inappropriate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to fill the vacancies of these two eunuchs?"

Zhao Feng didn't dare to open his mouth to receive such a pie easily.

"It's just temporary, nothing inappropriate."

Emperor Yongyuan said this, Zhao Feng did not dare to refuse anymore, and quickly replied: "The Ministry of Internal Affairs, take the order."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs took over the duties of the two eunuchs Duan Gui and Guo Sheng, and their power in the palace became even more overwhelming.

Among the remaining eunuchs, Wei Chengji was also kidnapped by Zhao Feng on his pirate ship. It was no longer a worry for the remaining six to join forces.

In this case, Zhao Feng's Ministry of Internal Affairs does have the ability to calm the turmoil in the palace.

"But this order should also require Zhao Feng not to continue persecuting the remaining eunuchs."

Li Xuan has experienced a lot now, and he can guess what people mean when he hears them. Unlike before, he could only listen to words and understand the most superficial meaning.

Emperor Yongyuan saw Li Xuan standing next to the two stewards, blinking his eyes and seeming to be thinking about something, so he waved to him to come over.

Li Xuan was not polite, walked forward directly, jumped on Emperor Yongyuan's dragon case, found a comfortable position and lay down on his hands, opened his mouth and yawned.

Emperor Yongyuan stretched out his hand and pinched Li Xuan's ears, somewhat envious of Li Xuan being so carefree.

"I heard that you have also contributed a lot, so I will tell you about the current situation today."

“Only when you see clearly the current situation you are in can you know what to do next.”

Emperor Yongyuan said seriously.

Li Xuan also became curious and wanted to hear what Emperor Yongyuan wanted to tell him.

"Zhao Feng, summarize the current situation in the Ouchi Palace."

Zhao Feng took the order and stepped forward to report.

"His Majesty."

"Duan Gui's collusion with Da Mo has been verified to be true, and his faction has been uprooted."

"Guo Sheng made good friends with Duan Gui. Although he did not collude with Da Mo, he secretly made good friends with King Zheng's group and took this opportunity to eradicate them."

"But befriending King Zheng is because Guo Sheng insisted on going his own way, so he only strictly monitored his faction and waited for subsequent performance before dealing with it."

"Wei Chengji, the eunuch of Yanqu Palace's printing room, has been suspected by the other eunuchs and has lost the possibility of turning to them. In addition, during this investigation, he was the only one to be spared and was labeled as the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We can look forward to it in the future. his performance."

"This attack on the mountain and the tiger will make the other eunuchs cautious for a long time. Under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the old slave can guarantee the eunuchs in the eunuchs, and there will be no resistance at all."

Emperor Yongyuan pondered for a moment, then simply said:

"Zhao Feng, I believe in you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Feng replied loudly.

Zhao Feng was already in a high position and he devoted all his loyalty to the royal family in order to gain such trust.

Then, Emperor Yongyuan turned to Li Xuan and explained:

"Axuan, you have been in the palace for so long, you should understand that this palace is not united and everyone has ulterior motives."

"Because I, the Daxing Emperor, am weak and surrounded by internal enemies, no one dares to bet all their treasures on me."

"Even the ten eunuchs in the palace are very worried. They are afraid that one day the dynasty will change and they will be buried with me."

"It's the same thing above the court, it's just for self-protection."

Emperor Yongyuan smiled contemptuously.

"But now we have a good opportunity."

"Not only can we clean up the palace, but we also have the opportunity to clean up the court."

Emperor Yongyuan usually spoke cleanly and neatly. Whenever he became verbose, Li Xuan knew that he was going to be alive.

"Do you have a mission for me?"

Li Xuan asked, twitching his tail.

Emperor Yongyuan smiled slightly and was satisfied with Li Xuan's thoughtfulness.

"I tell you bluntly, this battle cannot be fought."

Li Xuan was stunned. He didn't expect Emperor Yongyuan, who had decided to start a war with the desert, to say this.

Seeing Li Xuan's reaction, Emperor Yongyuan was very satisfied.

"Of course, I hope this war can start and last as long as possible."

"Under the current situation, it's not me who can't wait, but my uncle."

Emperor Yongyuan smiled like an old fox.

"Not to mention that I can slowly absorb the internal pressure through external wars, even Lu Zhao's growth is not something that my dear imperial uncle can afford to wait for."

"With Lu Zhao's talent, if we wait until the day she fully grows up, no one will be able to bypass her and get the throne."

When Li Xuan thought about it, it was true.

Although King Zheng is powerful, his reputation is not justified, and his time is tight.

If he cannot complete his great task early, the further he delays, the more disadvantageous it will be.

Furthermore, King Zheng is already very old. If he doesn't pay close attention, he won't be able to sit on the throne for a few years even if he seizes the throne in the future.

"You say you are quite a grown-up man. It would be great if you just stay here."

Li Xuan couldn't help but shake his head and lamented that King Zheng was old-hearted.

Emperor Yongyuan continued to say to Li Xuan:

"So, this time the war is not important, the important thing is to prepare for war."

"Just like Duan Gui and Guo Sheng, we must deal with the double-minded people in the court."

"Prince Zheng's people will definitely slow down their work in the process of preparing for war, delaying time, and find a possibility to quell this war."

"Uncle Huang has to do this."

"So, even if we declare war, it will still be the same as before, except that conflicts will continue on the border."

"Of course, the scale of the conflict is bound to get bigger."

Emperor Yongyuan did not explain some things thoroughly.

After the conflict escalates, the pressure on the soldiers at the front will inevitably increase sharply.

The actions of King Zheng and the civil officials in delaying preparations for war will naturally deepen the conflict between the two. This is a result that Emperor Yongyuan must see.

Even in the worst-case scenario, if the front line begins to be unfavorable, the war will have to be avoided, and delaying preparations for war will make it impossible.

No matter what, it was the result Emperor Yongyuan wanted.

Therefore, he really had no reason not to start a war this time.

Only then did this slightly unexpected decree come into being.

"Axuan, I heard that you are good at hiding now. I'm afraid you still need to find out those officials who are not well prepared for war."

Emperor Yongyuan talked for a long time and finally got down to business.

Li Xuan also understood what Emperor Yongyuan was thinking.

He wanted to use this time to prepare for war, and then legitimately get rid of King Zheng's gang members in the court.

But Li Xuan felt that it was not that simple.

Even if their evidence is conclusive, I am afraid that the other party will not accept his fate. If Emperor Yongyuan's words are effective, he will not wait for such an opportunity.

Li Xuan did not write with his tail, but silently looked at Emperor Yongyuan with suspicion.

On the side, Wang Xi coughed dissatisfiedly and reminded Li Xuan to pay attention.

But Li Xuan thought that he was just a cat, so he didn't have such a wink, so he continued to cast doubtful eyes on Emperor Yongyuan.

Emperor Yongyuan couldn't help but cough awkwardly, and then said:

"Of course, there will be a lot of help this time."

"The excited nobles are on the one hand."

"The desert is also another aspect. After all, they don't want to fight now."

Li Xuan couldn't help but tilt his head. He had heard that Da Mo had been stirring up trouble in recent years and looked like he wanted to fight.

But Emperor Yongyuan must have the confidence to say this, and he should have information that Li Xuan doesn't know.

Li Xuan thought for a while, the task given by Emperor Yongyuan was not difficult, and it could also attack the unstable power of King Zheng, so why not do it?

Therefore, Li Xuan immediately took over the task.

Early the next morning.

The three little ones left the palace in their exclusive cars.

Princess Ankang spread her hands to Li Xuan and asked:

"Why do I have to go too?"

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