Seeing that Zhang Jian, a dignified county magistrate, could lose his composure in public, the three little ones all took a step back.

However, Xu Lang was used to dirty and tiring work, so he was not afraid at all. He immediately followed Princess Ankang's order, opened Zhang Jian's mouth, and reached out to pull out his tongue.

Zhang Jian usually only bullies others, but he has never seen such a posture.

Xu Lang's hand holding his chin was like iron, making him unable to move. He was so frightened that he burst into tears. In the end, his head tilted and he fainted from the shock.

"That's it?"

The three little ones never expected that in just a few words, they would frighten the Chang'an County Magistrate into fainting.

"Your Highness, do you want to continue?"

Xu Lang asked for instructions.

Princess Ankang stood in the distance with her nose covered, looked at it carefully, and said with some suspicion:

"Are you really dizzy? Are you pretending?"

When Xu Lang heard this, he immediately grabbed one of Zhang Jian's fingers, clicked it, and snapped it back neatly.

But Zhang Jian still didn't respond, so Xu Lang replied:

"She must be really dizzy."

With that said, Xu Lang silently reattached Zhang Jian's finger, making it impossible to see any flaws.

These are the methods he learned from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How to inflict the most pain on someone without making it noticeable at all is the basic skill of being a flower-dressed eunuch.

"Your Highness, do you want to continue?"

Xu Lang also knew that Princess Ankang just wanted to scare the county magistrate.

But if Princess Ankang wants to continue, Xu Lang will execute it without hesitation.

He still understands these simple principles very clearly.

As a result, Princess Ankang waved her hand casually and said:

"Forget it, it's no longer interesting after you fainted."

"It's better to wait until he wakes up tomorrow and then dig out his eyes and tongue."

Princess Ankang told the terrifying content in a calm tone.

The government officials on the side trembled in their hearts when they heard this, and they all shrank their necks, as timid as quails.

"What are you guys doing standing still?"

"I haven't brought your master back yet."

"When I come here tomorrow, if he does anything wrong, I will kill your dog."

"Also, don't let him run away. If I can't find you county magistrate tomorrow, I will look for you."

"Did you hear everything?"

Princess Ankang suddenly raised her voice, which frightened the government officials out of their wits. Some of them were so timid that their legs became weak and they fell to the ground in such a state of embarrassment.

Princess Ankang smiled hard when she saw this scene.

"Don't say anything, it's quite a relief to be a dandy."

Princess Ankang secretly said something, and then led the people away in a hurry.

Suddenly, the originally bustling county government office suddenly became quiet.

After the government officials confirmed that Princess Ankang would not come back, they dared to go up and check on Zhang Jian.

"My lord, my lord..."

"Are you okay?"

After struggling for a long time, the government officials found that Zhang Jian's body was not seriously injured, but his mind was mainly traumatized.

Especially Zhang Jian was so frightened in public that the dignity of the county magistrate was completely lost.

"Boss, how can we fix this?"

Several government officials all turned their attention to the only head catcher present.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Keep your mouths shut. This is not something we can get involved in."

"You guys, help me to the back to rest."

"You two, hurry up and ask a doctor to come over and take a look."

"Send a few more people and ask the other police officers on the street to come back quickly and say they have important matters to discuss."

The catcher gave the order impatiently.

the other side.

The three little ones sat on the carriage with a sullen face. They couldn't hold back any longer. They held their stomachs in their hands and rolled around laughing in the carriage.

When Xu Lang, who was driving, heard the movement inside the carriage, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he quickly left the gate of Chang'an County Government with the carriage.

The bullies arrived at other people's doorsteps and laughed so arrogantly that even Xu Lang, the eunuch in flower clothes, thought they were going too far.

The carriage drove far away, and the three little ones sat up holding their stomachs that hurt from laughing, and touched the tears from the corners of their eyes.

"That County Magistrate Zhang was so frightened that he fainted and peed all over the floor. He was so cowardly."

Princess Ankang smiled and commented on Zhang Jian.

"Isn't this what His Highness is acting like?"

"After just a few words, the county magistrate was so dumbfounded that he didn't dare to talk back anymore."

Yu'er said with a smile.

"You're still talking about me. When Sister Yu'er showed off her jade sign, I thought she was very majestic."

The two girls complimented each other.

Li Xuan also meowed twice and echoed.

Obviously, this attempt by the three little ones was very successful.

Their dandy act is more real than real.

I'm afraid that even Hou San and Zhao Si will have to give way to them when they are reborn.

When it comes to being the most powerful person in the capital, one has to look at Princess Ankang.

"Axuan, can you just act like this from now on?"

Princess Ankang asked Li Xuan.

She had not forgotten their original purpose.

Chang'an County Government is just a small test, the best is yet to come.

"That's pretty much what it means, but you have to keep it in mind. After all, the next few yamen are higher than the Chang'an County yamen."

"Be low-key at the beginning. Once you know the people clearly, it's not too late to perform well."

Li Xuan pointed out.

Most of the yamen they will go to later are in the imperial city, are of high level, and are surrounded by imperial guards.

To the south of the imperial city, there are many important yamen in the capital. Many ministers have their offices here, so it is also called Nanya.

The Taiyuan Hospital where Dr. Xue worked was also located in Nanya.

As for Beiya, it is in the northern part of the imperial city, where Emperor Yongyuan's office and living place were, mainly the Taiji Palace area and the West Palace area as the harem.

In addition, the prince's residence, which is now ownerless, is also located in Beiya.

These constitute the main areas of the imperial city.

Princess Ankang couldn't help but become nervous when she heard that Li Xuan said that they were going to Nanya to repeat their previous performance in Chang'an County Yamen.

But after one experience, Princess Ankang is confident that she can play the role of the overbearing princess well.

"But before that, let's make arrangements for Zhang Jian."

Li Xuan wrote with his tail.

After seeing it, Princess Ankang also nodded heavily.

The idea they just came up with to trouble Zhang Jian was definitely not an idea they came up with at once.

Soon after, the carriage arrived near the West Market.

The carriage stopped in a hidden alley, and then a figure emerged from the alley and slipped directly into the carriage.

Xu Lang and other eunuchs in colorful clothes turned a blind eye to this and continued to guard the surroundings.

"Greetings to Your Highness."

"Haha, Xiaocui doesn't have to be so reserved."

That's right, the person who just got into the carriage was Xiao Cui, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Xiaocui was currently saluting Princess Ankang in a somewhat awkward posture.

Obviously, Xiaocui studied these etiquettes herself.

Although the movements are very similar, Xiaocui is not someone who lives in the palace all year round. It is inevitable that she will have difficulty adapting to such solemn etiquette.

Regarding Princess Ankang's words, Xiaocui shook her head and insisted:

"The proper etiquette must still be followed. Your Highness, please rest assured that Xiaocui will adapt as soon as possible."

Seeing Xiaocui's persistence, Princess Ankang didn't persuade her much.

"Your Highness, you suddenly came to me today. Do you have any orders?"

Xiao Cui asked expectantly.

She received the message Xu Lang left for her this morning, and that's why she was waiting here.

Although Xiaocui continued to collect information for Princess Ankang among the people.

But compared to the beginning, Xiaocui also clearly felt the difficulty of the task.

After all, most of our lives are dull, and there are so many eye-catching special news.

Therefore, during the recent period, Xiaocui has been unable to report any useful news to Princess Ankang, and has felt a lot of pressure.

Xiaocui received the high remuneration, and her family's living standard improved day by day.

But she has never been able to get the corresponding results, and Xiaocui herself feels very sorry.

Today, Princess Ankang summoned her, and Xiaocui was extremely happy.

She had thought about it, no matter what kind of tasks Princess Ankang assigned her later, she would definitely deliver a satisfactory result.

Xiao Cui silently made up her mind.

Princess Ankang was also happy for Xiaocui when she saw that she was so energetic.

"I called you here today because I want to ask you for help with something."

Princess Ankang said with a smile.

"Your Highness, just say that Xiaocui will die through fire and water!"

Not to mention, Xiaocui is becoming more and more educated now.

Li Xuan on the side couldn't help but nodded secretly.

"Xiao Cui, don't be so serious, things are not difficult."

When she heard that the task was not difficult, Xiao Cui's eyes flashed with disappointment, but then she cheered up again.

"No, there is nothing trivial about Your Highness' affairs!"

Then, Princess Ankang expressed her request.

"Collect the unjust, false and wrongful cases that Chang'an County Magistrate has sentenced in recent years?"

Xiaocui blinked and repeated Princess Ankang's request.

"That's right. I don't think that guy named Zhang Jian is a good person. I plan to teach him a lesson."

Ankang Gongzhi said righteously.

This is also what Li Xuan meant.

Although they were ordered by the emperor to find trouble, when they could occupy the banner of righteousness, they would naturally occupy it.

If you don't take the moral high ground, others will.

As for the benefits of holding the flag high, Li Xuan knew it all too well.

This is a powerful weapon that can be used to defend against unjustifiable reasons, not to mention that they are still reasonable.

Ever since the last time those members of the money gang died in Chang'an County government office in a confused manner, Li Xuan knew that Zhang Jian, the county magistrate, would definitely not be clean.

Naturally, evidence of Zhang Jian's crime must be collected to make their behavior today justifiable.

If not, then you will have to ask a professional eunuch in colorful clothes to take action.

Li Xuan was prepared for both things. Regardless of whether Xiaocui gained something or not, Zhang Jian didn't want to think about it this time.

Kittens can hold grudges.

How much trouble did Qingshu Palace cause Jingyang Palace in the past?

Let’s start paying off this debt from the old Zhang family.

Li Xuan grinned silently:

"The revenge I didn't take back at the beginning will be repaid twice as much, little cat."

After hearing Princess Ankang's request, Xiaocui said with a strange expression:

"Your Highness, there are too many unjust, false and wrong cases decided by the Chang'an County Magistrate. We don't even need to investigate them. Just pick up a random person on the street and tell them a lot."

Li Xuan was "Jie Jie Jie" here, but when he heard Xiao Cui's words, he couldn't help but be startled.

"So outrageous?"

Princess Ankang couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Your Highness, you don't know something."

Xiaocui immediately explained: "Although the headquarters of the Money Gang is in Dongcheng, their main place of activity is in Xicheng, and Xicheng is under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County. This Chang'an County magistrate has protected the Money Gang countless times. ?"

"Then every time it's an unjust, false or wrongful conviction."

Good guy, this Zhang Jian is actually the protective umbrella of the Money Gang?

The three little ones didn't expect such a thing.

"Your Highness, you forgot."

"When you took me to the county government to report the crime, you took me there, so it was Mr. Xiong's money gang members who died."

"It would have been someone else..."

Xiaocui didn't say any more, but the three little ones already understood what she meant.

"If His Highness wants the kind of ironclad evidence that can be brought to court, it won't be that easy."

"The Chang'an County Magistrate and the Money Gang are very cautious. They have handled this kind of thing very cleanly in the past few years, and ordinary people don't dare to go against them."


Xiao Cui said, with a look of determination on her face.

"Xiao Cui is willing to testify for His Highness. When Master Xiong and others died suddenly and mysteriously in prison, they must not have been able to withstand careful investigation."

"The most important thing is that I should be able to find other witnesses to prove the crime of Magistrate Chang'an."

After listening to Xiaocui's words, Princess Ankang couldn't help but regret not letting Xu Lang take action just now.

However, Princess Ankang looked at Xiao Cui's expression at this time and couldn't help asking worriedly: "Xiao Cui, are you really okay?"

Princess Ankang thought it was just a simple matter, but she didn't expect to be involved in the money gang again. She was afraid that Xiaocui would be in danger in order to complete the task.

"No problem, Your Highness." Xiaocui nodded firmly, and then said: "I know several families who have reached a point where they have nothing to lose. If these people knew that Your Highness was willing to uphold justice, they would definitely I won’t give up this opportunity.”

Li Xuan didn't expect that Xiaocui had such specific ideas at this time.

Princess Ankang wanted to say something, but when she saw Xiaocui's firm look, she opened her mouth, and finally swallowed back all her original words and said instead:

"Okay, Xiao Cui."

"I'll leave this matter to you."

"I will come back to you tomorrow. If anything happens during this period, I will send someone to inform you."

Xiaocui nodded and officially took over the task from Princess Ankang.

After arranging everything, Xiaocui left the alley and returned to the West Market to continue setting up a stall with her grandfather.

After Xiao Cui left, the carriage drove out of the alley and headed into the distance.

"Axuan, let's stop here for today."

"Can I accompany you to Nanya tomorrow?"

In the carriage, Princess Ankang suddenly said.

Li Xuan looked at Princess Ankang, understood her thoughts, and nodded immediately.

The task given by Emperor Yongyuan was not urgent at all. Preparing for war was a long process. Li Xuan only needed to find those who were deliberately delaying the task in this process.

"Axuan, although Xiaocui is investigating secretly, I'm still a little worried. Why don't you help me take a look?"

Princess Ankang asked a little embarrassedly.

Li Xuan had noticed Princess Ankang's worries when he was talking to Xiao Cui earlier.

After all, Xiaocui is just an ordinary girl. It is really worrying to investigate such a dangerous matter.

Moreover, after all, Xiaocui has just started to do these things, and there are still many immature aspects. It is reasonable for Princess Ankang to be worried.

If you don’t pamper your own cub, who will?

Li Xuan immediately agreed to Princess Ankang's request.

Princess Ankang happily picked up Li Xuan and kissed him endlessly. The kiss made Li Xuan look ferocious and almost gave him a concussion.

"I knew A-Xuan was the best!"

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