Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 466 It still has to be the magic sect technique

Princess Ankang and Yu'er returned to Jingyang Palace first, while Li Xuan got off the carriage and went to the West Market to find Xiaocui.

The West Market is as lively as usual, and the streets are crowded with people.

But this does not prevent Li Xuan from finding Xiaocui easily.

With Li Xuan's current perception, he can easily find the familiar scent even in chaotic scenes.

Li Xuan found Xiao Cui in front of the stall selling knots.

From a distance, Li Xuan saw Xiao Cui walking towards the other end of the street after saying a few words to her grandfather.

Xiao Cui's grandfather just told her to be careful and watched Xiao Cui leave with worried eyes.

Ever since Xiaocui started working for Princess Ankang, the life of the grandfather and grandson has been prosperous, but Xiaocui's grandfather is always worried about Xiaocui.

In his opinion, his granddaughter is just an ordinary girl, how could she do such a big thing.

But Xiaocui also has a stubborn temper. Before starting, Xiaocui's grandfather had advised her, but once Xiaocui made up her mind, it was difficult to change. He, as a grandfather, knew this very well, so he never tried again. Persuade Xiaocui to give up what she is doing now.

But although Xiaocui's grandfather has stopped talking about it now, the worry in his heart has never been less.

Li Xuan's mood is understandable.

Seeing the worry in Grandpa Xiaocui's eyes, Li Xuan quickly followed Xiaocui to see what she planned to do.

Next, Xiaocui visited several other small vendors in the West Market and chatted in private.

Li Xuan had a good ear and heard everything clearly.

It turns out that these people were all people who had been bullied by the money gang, and they were all serious, almost to the point of extermination.

There are a few people, and they are the only ones left at home.

They all greeted Xiaocui warmly at the beginning.

Everyone is looking for a living in the West Market, and we see each other every day without looking up.

Moreover, the knots sold by Xiao Cui and her grandfather are also very unique. They are the only ones in the West Market. In addition, Xiao Cui has a lively and cheerful personality and is very lovable, so everyone recognizes Xiao Cui.

But when Xiao Cui took them to a secluded corner and muttered a few words, all of these people's expressions changed drastically. Some silently wiped away tears, while others kicked Xiao Cui out angrily.

Xiaocui seemed to have thought that this trip would not go smoothly, so she simply left them a message: "If you change your mind, please come to me."

In this way, Xiaocui went down one by one, looking for more than a dozen houses, before leaving the West Market and heading to other markets.

"Are there so many in the Western Market alone?"

Li Xuan followed Xiao Cui and couldn't help but look back in the direction of West City.

He knew that these were by no means all the people in West City who had been bullied by the money gang, but just people who Xiao Cui thought might stand up and testify.

Even so, this number was enough to silence Li Xuan.

“Isn’t this kind of underground gang able to grow by bullying good people?”

"Otherwise, if we only do serious business, how can we support so many followers?"

Li Xuan sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Then, Xiaocui went to the nearby market and visited a few more homes, but the reactions were similar to the previous ones.

This is not a question of whether you believe Xiao Cui or not. I am really too scared to resist.

Li Xuan could see the fear in these people's eyes, as well as the sadness and despair when Xiao Cui mentioned the past.

Although there was nothing gained, Xiao Cui was not hit at all.

After she visited all the people she knew, she started asking around on the road.

Xiaocui did not directly ask who had been wronged by the Chang'an Magistrate and the Money Gang, but asked about the person by asking about the matter.

"Does Lao Li's family still live here?"

"I heard that their family's fields outside the city were occupied a few years ago and moved to Jiangnan. Is it true?"

"I borrowed a bucket of rice from him before, but I haven't paid it back yet. What should I do?"

Xiaocui relied on these remarks to make insidious inquiries.

After hearing this, the other party immediately told her that this was nothing, and Lao Li's family was still living in the same place.

When Xiaocui inquired about his address, he also talked about the tragic incident that happened to the other party. The other party also continued the conversation, and soon he heard the whole story.

In this way, Xiao Cui repeated such things in the following time.

Whether it was someone who could be persuaded or someone who couldn't be persuaded, Xiao Cui used his own way to record the simple story of the people, residences and things.

And Xiaocui was so persistent that she gradually began to gain some results.

Some people heard that Xiaocui was going to sue the magistrate of Chang'an, but they did not immediately drive her away. Instead, they carefully asked her how to do it. Others advised her not to take risks.

These people have a relatively mild attitude and seem to have the potential to fight for it.

For these people, Xiaocui did not stalk them, but told them to pay attention to the affairs of Chang'an County Government when the time came.

Xiaocui believes that when the time comes, when they feel that something can be done, they will naturally stand up on their own without her further persuasion.

Although Xiaocui is not very old, she has her own understanding of human nature because she has lived in Xishi since she was a child.

There is a scale in everyone's heart, and this scale is what drives people to behave in various ways.

As long as the "price" is fair and the scale feels "worth it", people will take action.

In every seemingly stupid and incomprehensible act, it is actually a fair transaction made by the steelyard in the human heart.

Now, Xiaocui only needs to tell these people that there is such a deal.

When the time comes, the scales in these people's hearts will naturally be weighed according to the situation.

As night approached, Xiaocui had already visited the area near Baoningfang.

It's getting dark now, and there's a curfew coming soon, so you can't move around in the city.

Xiaocui arrived at Baoningfang at this time, and obviously had plans for today's route.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to go home when the curfew hits.

After the curfew, no one is allowed to move around in the city, but if you run around on the streets between cities, ordinary people will definitely get a meal and even be imprisoned.

But now that Xiaocui has arrived at Baoningfang, there is no need to worry about this happening.

Li Xuan has been following Xiaocui all day today, but there has been no danger.

Although there were some people who were excited and pushed Xiao Cui, and many of them verbally abused her, they did not actually hurt Xiao Cui, leaving Li Xuan without a chance to appear.

Soon, as the curfew began, the four doors leading to the outside world in Baonyeongfang were closed, and most shops began to close for rest, but at the same time, some shops had just opened at this time.

Baoningfang is located in the north of the capital, not far from the city gate, and is considered a slum.

But people in the slums also have entertainment needs, so many gambling stalls and prostitutes start their business at night.

People who live here can't earn three melons and two dates even after a busy day, so the place for entertainment is naturally not very formal.

In Daxing, formal gambling houses and house clearances are supervised by the government. They can open their doors to do business openly, but they also need to pay high taxes accordingly.

But the gambling houses and prostitutes in Boryeongfang are different. They are completely outside supervision, and taxation is even impossible.

And this gray area is fertile ground for the development of underground gangs like the Money Gang.

It's just a pity that Baoningfang is located in the east of the capital and is under the jurisdiction of Wannian County, which does not meet the requirements of Princess Ankang.

After all, this time they mainly wanted to deal with Zhang Jian first.

And according to what Xiaocui said before, the Money Gang's business is mainly under the jurisdiction of Chang'an County in Xicheng.

Because there are many powerful people living in Dongcheng, the Money Gang does not dare to be too arrogant there, so most of the properties left in Dongcheng are legal, while the basic gray area businesses are all in Chang'an County in Xicheng.

Logically speaking, Xiaocui has been so busy that she should go home to eat and have a good rest.

But it seemed that Xiaocui was still a little dissatisfied with today's harvest. After thinking about it, she started visiting Baoningfang again.

Baoningfang is her home, so she naturally knows things better here.

It's just that this sudden visit at night is a bit abrupt.

Coupled with the things she wanted to bring up, it seemed even more inappropriate.

But even so, Xiaocui still wants to work harder.

Although she had won over several people who were willing to testify and found many potential witnesses, Xiaocui thought that with one more witness, Princess Ankang would have a better chance of winning.

Along the way, Xiao Cui relied on her familiarity with the environment to avoid pedestrians still wandering on the street and headed for her destination.

But I went to several houses one after another. Because it was getting late, they didn't dare to open the door and talked to Xiao Cui through the door.

As a result, after Xiaocui said a few words, the people inside issued an eviction order, telling Xiaocui to go back to where she came from.

The situation was basically the same all the way down, and Xiao Cui was very disappointed when he returned without success.

But at this moment, Xiao Cui was in a daze and didn't notice a few gangsters walking towards her. They were cursing at their mother. It sounded like they had lost a lot of money in a gambling stall.

When they saw a little girl wandering around on the road at this late hour, a green light suddenly appeared in front of their eyes and they surrounded Xiao Cui.

Xiaocui realized something was wrong and turned around to leave, but she was still a step too late and was surrounded by these gangsters.

"Hey, little sister, don't leave in a hurry!"

"It's so late, where are you going?"

"Are you lonely at night and can't sleep?"

"Let brothers feel sorry for you."

Several gangsters let out lewd laughter, as obscene as they wanted to be.

Xiao Cui turned pale with fright.

These gangsters are people who can't even afford to work as a prostitute in ordinary times. If you fall into their hands, how can you get better?

Moreover, these guys are all obsessed with it now, and it’s hard to get away just by talking.

But even so, Xiaocui remained calm in the face of danger, said with a straight face and full of momentum:

"You don't have any eyes for me. I am working for Mr. Bao. If I delay Mr. Bao's affairs, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

These gangsters were stunned by Xiaocui's words.

The Mr. Bao that Xiaocui refers to is the person in charge of the Money Gang in Baoningfang.

People who live in Baoningfang may not know the name of the master in Wannian County, but they definitely know who Mr. Bao is.

Seeing that these gangsters were frightened, Xiaocui took advantage of the victory and pursued them:

"Get out of my way now!"

Several gangsters immediately hesitated.

Let it go, it's a pity.

Don't let it go, I'm afraid it's true.

Facts have proved that Xiaocui's concerns are justified.

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

"You little bitch, you still want to fool us?"

"If you really belong to Mr. Bao, what were you doing just now?"

These gangsters, after all, the little head controlled the big head, and the big head's potential was stimulated, and they captured this detail.

In fact, regardless of whether there are such details, they will not let Xiao Cui go.

These gangsters can't move when they see Xiao Cui. How can they let go of such a good opportunity? No matter what the reason is, they will eventually follow their instincts.

But the following facts prove that you can't live long just relying on instinct.

The gangster in front of him smiled ferociously and stretched out his claws. Xiao Cui bit her lip and firmly grasped the scissors hidden in her sleeves.

The scissors were originally used by Xiaocui to cut ropes when making knots.

But since Xiaocui decided to be loyal to Princess Ankang, it has an additional function for self-defense.

But just when Xiaocui decided to resist, those gangsters suddenly fell to the ground powerlessly and made no sound anymore.

Xiaocui froze on the spot. After observing for a moment, she saw the gangsters lying motionless on the ground and didn't care about anything else. She immediately started running towards home.

At this time, Li Xuan fell next to those gangsters and found that they were already dead and died of anger.


Earlier, Li Xuan shouted at these gangsters with his immature "Ghost Crying and God Howling".

He has been practicing this sound transmission technique whenever he has free time recently, and has made a lot of progress.

The howls of ghosts and gods are still far away from Dacheng, but Li Xuan can already transmit the demonic sound into the secret. As long as the distance is not too far, the sound will not dissipate on its own.

On a whim, Li Xuan tried the power of howling ghosts and cries on these gangsters, but they were all killed in one fell swoop, without any sound.

"It has to be a magic sect technique."

The power of the howling ghosts made Li Xuan decide to allocate more time to practice this technique.

After Xiaocui experienced such twists and turns, she was obviously frightened and ran very fast.

Li Xuan didn't care about the bodies of these gangsters and quickly followed Xiao Cui. He didn't feel relieved until he saw her enter the house.

"Xiao Cui, what's wrong?"

"Why do you look so ugly?"

After welcoming Xiao Cui into the house, Xiao Cui's grandfather asked worriedly.

"No, it's nothing."

"Grandpa, you should rest early."

Xiaocui returned to her house in a panic, not daring to tell her grandfather what happened before, making him worry for nothing.

Xiaocui closed the door and leaned against the door. Her heartbeat was still beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of her throat. She didn't know whether she had just run away or was frightened.

"What happened just now?"

After calming down a little, Xiao Cui remembered the weird scene just now.

"Isn't it because of something dirty?"

Just when Xiaocui was thinking wildly, a creaking sound suddenly came from her room.

The sudden sound frightened Xiaocui so much that she screamed on the spot.


Beside the window, a black cat that had just crawled in looked at Xiaocui with frightened eyes, and almost rolled down without stepping on it properly.

"Sister, is this how you repay the cat who saved your life?"

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