"Xiao Cui, what's wrong with you?"

"Open the door!"

Outside the house, Xiao Cui's grandfather knocked on the door anxiously and shouted.

Her granddaughter looked unnatural when she came back today, and then she suddenly screamed in the room, which made Xiao Cui's grandfather very worried.

The next moment, the screaming in the room disappeared, and the door was opened.

Xiao Cui walked out with lingering fear, patted her chest, and said with lingering fear: "Grandpa, it's just a wild cat that broke in, and I have driven it away."


Xiao Cui's grandfather was a little unconvinced, but he was pushed out by Xiao Cui.

"Really, I'm fine."

"I'm tired today, so I'll rest first."

Hearing Xiao Cui say this, Xiao Cui's grandfather immediately shook his head and disagreed.

"Hey, that won't do."

"You've been busy all day, you have to eat something before you go to sleep, otherwise you'll be hungry."

"Rest in the room for a while, I'll heat up the food for you."

"Grandpa, no need to bother..."

Xiao Cui tried to stop Grandpa, but she couldn't.

But no matter what, Grandpa was busy with other things, which gave Xiao Cui a chance.

She quickly closed the door again, and then ran to the window.

"Ah Xuan, why are you here?"

"Did you save me just now?"

Xiao Cui confirmed this with Li Xuan as soon as she came up.

Li Xuan didn't hide it from her and nodded immediately.

Xiao Cui was obviously relieved to get Li Xuan's reply.

"Ah Xuan, thank you very much, otherwise..."

Xiao Cui didn't continue to talk, just smiled.

Li Xuan also felt that this was not the same thing.

What Xiao Cui did was still quite dangerous.

Especially for a girl who is powerless, sometimes she has to take risks just to get information.

In this case, Xiao Cui must have the ability to protect herself as soon as possible.

Not to mention how powerful she is, at least she should be able to deal with the gangsters like the one just now.

"I don't know if Xiao Cui has the talent for martial arts."

According to her age, Xiao Cui is not young anymore. It is a bit too late to start practicing martial arts at this time.

After all, not everyone has the same talent and resources as Yu'er.

Li Xuan plans to find an opportunity to try it later to see if Xiao Cui can practice martial arts.

Of course, this matter has to be put aside.

Because Xiao Cui can't read many words, Li Xuan has some difficulty communicating with her.

But this problem can be solved when Li Xuan can speak in the future.

His Yin and Yang Qi is growing slowly every day, and he is also gradually getting started with the Ghost Crying God Howling technique, and his daily progress is not slow.

When Li Xuan perfects the Ghost Crying God Howling and has enough Yin and Yang Qi, speaking will not be a problem at that time.

"But before that, we have to think of other ways that will work faster."

Li Xuan's eyes turned, and he had some ideas.

At this time, Xiao Cui asked again: "Ah Xuan, why are you here?"

"Did His Highness send you to protect me secretly?"

Xiao Cui was not stupid. After a little thought, she thought of the reason why Li Xuan was here.

Li Xuan nodded again.

Xiao Cui was smart, which made their communication much smoother.

And Xiao Cui was moved.

Originally, she was just an ordinary girl, but she met Princess Ankang by accident and had the opportunity to be loyal to her.

Xiao Cui felt that this was the luckiest thing in her life.

"Ah Xuan, thank His Highness for me."

Li Xuan agreed to Xiao Cui, and then told her to rest well at home and not to go out tonight.

"Hey, Ah Xuan."

Just when Li Xuan was about to leave, Xiao Cui called her.

Xiao Cui took out a booklet from her lapel.

This is the result of her visit today. Li Xuan saw that she would record something on the booklet every time she visited a family.

"I found many families who were persecuted by the magistrate of Chang'an today, but they dared not stand up."

"But when His Highness comes out to administer justice, I believe these people will not remain silent."

Xiao Cui said, opening the booklet and showing it to Li Xuan.

However, apart from a few simple words, the rest were patterns that Li Xuan could not understand.

Xiao Cui was a little embarrassed to show such work results, and her face was slightly red.

As she continued to inquire about the news for Princess Ankang, Xiao Cui also felt more and more the inconvenience of her illiteracy.

She had made up her mind to find a reliable school in a few days to enlighten herself as soon as possible.

Not to mention how much literary talent she could have, at least she had to learn commonly used characters.

Li Xuan did not care too much about this, but felt that the content of the booklet was quite interesting, similar to a child's picture diary, full of childishness.

Li Xuan could understand most of the contents on it, even with some guesses.

This was thanks to the fact that he had followed Xiao Cui all the way that day and had seen the scene during the visit, so he could match the pictures on the booklet with the corresponding contents.

If other people came to see it, they would definitely not understand what the contents were.

"Hey, it's true, it's a good way to encrypt."

Li Xuan suddenly had an idea.

Xiao Cui put away the booklet embarrassedly, and then said:

"I'll explain the contents on it to Your Highness in person tomorrow."

"My grandfather and I will set up the stall early tomorrow and wait for Your Highness to come to the West Market."

Li Xuan nodded, and when he saw that Xiao Cui had nothing else to say, he said goodbye and left.

Back in the palace, Princess Ankang and Yu'er had not rested yet.

Seeing Li Xuan coming back, the two maids gathered around and asked how Xiao Cui's work was done today.

Princess Ankang also fed Li Xuan dried fish as a reward.

Li Xuan also told everything that happened today. When he mentioned that Xiao Cui met a gangster not far from home, Princess Ankang and Yu'er couldn't help but get nervous.

"It's a good thing that Ah Xuan was with us, otherwise something would have almost happened tonight." Princess Ankang said with some fear.

Yu'er also nodded silently.

They all knew very well what would happen to a girl like Xiao Cui if she fell into the hands of that kind of people.

And Li Xuan also mentioned his previous idea, wanting Xiao Cui to gain some self-protection ability as soon as possible.

He took out two round things from his Emperor Hong bone ring.


"Ah Xuan, what is this?"

Princess Ankang asked curiously.

Li Xuan showed a sly smile on his face, and then explained the origin of this thing.

"Phosphorus and Sulfur Thunderbolt?"

"This is what Doctor Fang used to..."

Princess Ankang and Yu'er's expressions suddenly became strange.

That's right, this thing was what Fang Muyang gave to Li Xuan after his revenge.

Although this thing is easy to use, it is a bit too vicious.

Once ordinary people are infected with this phosphorus fire, there is no other end except being burned to death.

Moreover, phosphorus fire is very difficult to extinguish. Once a fire is caused, the damage caused will be quite huge.

Li Xuan has no chance to use this thing in the palace, so it is better to give it to Xiao Cui for self-defense.

The reason why he did not give it directly to Xiao Cui before was that Li Xuan and Xiao Cui did not communicate well, and phosphorus thunder fire is a very dangerous item. He dare not give it to Xiao Cui without knowing it.

After Li Xuan carefully taught Princess Ankang how to use phosphorus thunder fire, he planned to let her teach Xiao Cui tomorrow, so that there would be no mistakes.

"Ah Xuan, is this too dangerous to give at once?"

"Is there anything safer and enough to protect yourself?"

"I can't let Xiao Cui throw this directly when we encounter gangsters blocking the road again?"

Princess Ankang thought about it and felt that using phosphorus thunder fire for self-defense was a bit too much.

Li Xuan nodded. He had thought about this and had a solution. He asked Princess Ankang to be patient.

"It's good if you have a solution. It's better not to be fatal. Otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the murder case if Xiao Cui is involved."

In fact, Li Xuan thought about it and thought that the best way was to let Xiao Cui come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for further study.

But this takes time, and he needs to find a suitable time in the future.

Now Xiao Cui is the only eyes and ears of Jingyang Palace in the outside world, and she can't leave her post at will.


Early the next morning.

The three children got on the carriage and went to the West Market early, and even caught up with the morning market stalls in the West Market.

In the morning, there were many delicious breakfasts for sale here, and there were many delicacies that they had never seen before, which made the three children very greedy.

But business was important. They first sent someone to find Xiao Cui, and met in a hidden alley as before.

Xiao Cui first reported her work results yesterday and explained the situation according to her booklet.

Xiao Cui's patterns may seem messy, but they have their own logic.

Xiao Cui made detailed records of which families were most likely to be won over and which families were at odds with the Chang'an County Magistrate and the Money Gang.

Princess Ankang was very intelligent and quickly understood Xiao Cui's recording method and understood the contents of the booklet.

In addition, she had a photographic memory, so she wrote down all the contents of the booklet after only listening to Xiao Cui's report once.

Xiao Cui was originally prepared to report several times, and she was uneasy.

After all, such troubles were all because she was not very literate.

But now Princess Ankang wrote down all the contents she recorded after listening once.

This made Xiao Cui admire her and relieved a lot of pressure in her heart.

Although Xiao Cui didn't say it, she didn't want to cause trouble for Princess Ankang.

If she caused Princess Ankang so much trouble when she was doing the work herself, Xiao Cui would feel guilty about the treatment she had received during this period.

In her opinion, Princess Ankang could have hired someone better than her with the money to do these things.

But Princess Ankang still chose her, and Xiao Cui didn't want to live up to this trust.

"Xiao Cui, you did a good job on this matter."

"Next, you should continue to pay attention to this matter. If there is more evidence of the crime of the Chang'an County Magistrate, you must record it."

Xiao Cui nodded seriously.

Now it seems that she did not mess up the task that Princess Ankang gave her for the first time.

After Princess Ankang encouraged Xiao Cui, she took out the phosphorus and sulfur thunderbolt.

After introducing the function and usage of this thing, Princess Ankang gave the two phosphorus and sulfur thunderbolts to Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui also knew the reason why Princess Ankang gave her this thing, thinking that it was because Li Xuan talked about what happened last night.

Xiao Cui gratefully took the Phosphorus Thunder Fire, and then carefully put it in her arms and kept it.

"Xiao Cui, you must pay more attention on weekdays."

"This thing is very dangerous. Don't use it easily unless it is absolutely necessary."

"If you really throw this thing out one day, run away without looking back. The farther away, the better."

Princess Ankang repeatedly reminded her.

She had seen the power of this Phosphorus Thunder Fire when she was in Hu Yulou.

When Princess Ankang introduced the Phosphorus Thunder Fire just now, she repeatedly emphasized the danger of this thing.

Xiao Cui originally listened to Princess Ankang's words, but Princess Ankang's repeated instructions made her more nervous about the Phosphorus Thunder Fire.

She now felt that her action of putting this thing in her arms was a bit hasty.

But in front of Princess Ankang, Xiao Cui still resisted the urge to take it out again.

After explaining the matter of the Phosphorus Thunder Fire, the three children sent Xiao Cui away.

They still have things to do today.

First, they wanted to completely destroy Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Chang'an, and second, they had to continue to do the tasks assigned by Emperor Yongyuan.

But when the three were about to set off, someone suddenly came to Xu Lang in a hurry.

After a while, Xu Lang reported to Princess Ankang:

"Your Highness, His Majesty summoned you temporarily."

"It seems that someone reported your Highness in the morning court today and wants to punish you."

When Princess Ankang heard this, she couldn't help but look at Li Xuan and Yu'er on the side and said with a smile:

"Hey, it's rare."

"Is there anyone who is looking for death?"

Princess Ankang's words are now more and more like a playboy, which is so arrogant.

"Get up, go back to the palace!"

"I want to see who is tired of living?"

After saying this, Princess Ankang couldn't help but laugh herself.

It seems that she was in a good state yesterday, and she was getting more and more into the role of her arrogant princess.


Inside Taiji Palace, the atmosphere was solemn.

Civil and military officials were on both sides.

In the court, Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Chang'an County, was crying with a bandage on his arm and his right hand covered tightly.

"Your Majesty, you have to make a decision for me!"

"Her Highness the Thirteenth Princess broke into the Chang'an County Office for no reason yesterday, threatened and beat me, and allowed the evil slaves to humiliate me in public. She did not take the majesty of the court into consideration at all."

"If this continues, where will the face of the royal family be?"

"Where will the civil and military officials of the court be?"

"Where will the people of the world be!"

Zhang Jian cried out his tragic experience yesterday with great emotion, which made anyone who heard it sad and cry.

But Emperor Yongyuan on the dragon throne still had no expression, as if he did not hear Zhang Jian's cry at all.

In his heart, Emperor Yongyuan was also dissatisfied with this matter.

The task he gave did not include causing trouble for the Chang'an County Office.

The preparation for war with the desert has nothing to do with the Chang'an County Office.

This is the first time that there has been a setback since Emperor Yongyuan gave Li Xuan the task, which made Emperor Yongyuan feel a little disappointed.

Seeing that Emperor Yongyuan ignored Zhang Jian's cry, someone from the civil service stood up.

"Your Majesty, Daxing governs the world with laws. If this matter is not severely punished, it may breed unhealthy trends."

"Please pay attention to it, Your Majesty."

A censor jumped out and became the first bird to speak out.

And the effect was also significant. Several people from the civil service jumped out in succession and shouted in unison:

"Your Majesty, please punish severely!"

These are either censors or counselors, all of whom are thorns in the court, and they often give Emperor Yongyuan a lot of trouble.

Now that they have the opportunity, they are naturally jumping more happily than one another.

Shangshu Ling Zhang Zhixian stood in place, motionless, as if all this had nothing to do with him, staring at the tip of his shoes in a daze.

As a leading figure of the civil service, today's events are naturally related to him.

Princess Ankang suddenly left the palace and made a scene in the Chang'an County Office. This incident made Zhang Zhixian instinctively sense a sense of crisis.

Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Chang'an County, was born in the Zhang family and was a real Zhang family member.

In the officialdom of the capital, the surname "Zhang" explained a lot of things.

Although the magistrate of Chang'an County was only a seventh-rank official, due to the special county under his jurisdiction and the fact that he was a Beijing official, he was comparable to a fifth-rank official.

This was a very important position for the Zhang family.

Zhang Zhixian could not afford to make any mistakes, at least he had to figure out what Emperor Yongyuan was thinking.

He did not think that this was Princess Ankang's willful behavior.

A princess who had previously been unable to leave the cold palace had just regained her freedom and was looking for trouble with their Zhang family.

Zhang Zhixian would never believe that there was no intention of Emperor Yongyuan in this.

But if this was true, Zhang Zhixian could not figure out why?

This unknown made our Shangshu Ling very uneasy.

At this moment, an eunuch came in to report: "Your Majesty, the Thirteenth Princess is outside the palace asking for an audience."

Emperor Yongyuan raised his head and coldly spat out a word: "Announce."

Not long after, Princess Ankang stepped into the Taiji Palace.

Facing the civil and military officials in the court, Princess Ankang did not show any fear. She walked forward and saluted Emperor Yongyuan:

"Your son Ankang, meet your father."

Emperor Yongyuan did not say anything more. He pointed to Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Chang'an County, and then asked Princess Ankang:

"Ankang, the magistrate of Chang'an County sued you for provoking him without reason yesterday, beating him and humiliating him. Is this true?"

Princess Ankang turned to look at Zhang Jian, revealing a hint of amusement.

Yesterday, they did not take action against this coward. At most, they just frightened him.

The only action was that Xu Lang broke Zhang Jian's fingers to confirm whether he was really fainted.

But Xu Lang immediately took Zhang Jian back.

The flowery-clothed eunuchs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are well versed in this, making you feel extremely painful without leaving any obvious scars.

But Zhang Jian wrapped himself up like a zongzi now, which was obviously an insult to Xu Lang's professionalism.

But in the face of this situation, Princess Ankang bowed to Emperor Yongyuan and answered neatly:

"Report to the emperor, it is true!"

The civil and military officials who originally thought that Princess Ankang would have to quibble were shocked when they heard the answer.

Even the few people who were optimistic about Princess Ankang could not help but shake their heads slightly.

How could such a thing be admitted so casually?

The censors and the counselors were even more excited, and jumped out to admonish Emperor Yongyuan:

"Your Majesty, if this style is not right, the country will no longer be a country!"

"If the law is not enforced, it is violated from the top!"

"If the prince breaks the law, the common people will be guilty!"

The civil officials shouted slogans in unison.

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