After announcing the content of this month's competition, the participating princes and princesses each prepared to leave the palace to look for business opportunities that suit them.

Although twenty days is not a short time, when doing business, you have to race against time.

If you want to be a qualified businessman, you must realize the concept of "time is money".

The three little ones were no exception. After discussing with their friends for a while, they separated and acted separately.

After returning to Jingyang Palace, they immediately ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare the carriage and they were to leave the palace immediately.

"Axuan, sister Yu'er."

"What kind of business do you think we should do?"

Sitting on the carriage leaving the palace, the three little ones began to discuss.

"Your Highness, we only have twenty days. Most regular businesses are probably not suitable. We can only start with businesses that bring in money quickly."

"But most of this business is a little less legal."

Yu'er expressed her opinion.

Princess Ankang thought about it and realized that this was really the case.

"How about we go to one of those legal gambling houses?"

"Gambling is probably the fastest way to make money, right?"

Princess Ankang immediately had an idea.


Yu'er felt that this method was inappropriate, but she didn't know how to refute it.

At this time, Li Xuan waved his tail and said:

"Those who open gambling houses are not doing charity. If you see that you win a lot of money, they will definitely drive you away."

"And if people have the guts to open a gambling house, they have some tricks at their disposal. I'm afraid it's not that easy to win."

"Besides, the amount of money we have to bet is quite large, and I'm afraid not many gambling houses can afford it."

Li Xuan shook his head and felt that although gambling was a way, there were also many problems.

Both his and Princess Ankang's five senses are very sensitive now, so listening to a dice shouldn't be a problem at all.

But those who dare to open gambling houses, especially legal gambling houses, are easy to deal with.

There are countless warriors with great abilities in the martial arts world. If they didn't have the ability to suppress these dragons crossing the river, any gambling shop would have closed down long ago.

"Then what do you think we should do, A-Xuan?"

Princess Ankang asked with a pouted mouth.

"I do have some assets on hand."

As Li Xuan spoke, he took out a number of house deeds and banknotes from the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

"Do you remember these things? They were the inheritance of Hu Yulou's mother Zhou, and they have been kept with me ever since."

"I heard Hu Yulou's oiran Ayimu say before that this is an asset of their Holy Fire Sect, but it was hacked by that Mother Zhou."

"Mother Zhou accidentally wanted to run away early, but these things accidentally fell into my hands."

Princess Ankang and Yu'er couldn't help but shine when they saw the pile of house deeds and banknotes.

"Axuan, how much does this cost?"

Princess Ankang's eyes were shining with the luster of copper coins, and she asked in a money-obsessed manner.

"The banknotes are just over one hundred thousand taels, and together with various house deeds, there are hundreds of thousands of taels, but I haven't calculated it carefully."

Li Xuan smiled slightly and answered casually.

Jingyang Palace was previously rewarded with a lot of materials, including ten thousand taels of silver and one hundred taels of gold. This money helped them get out of their previous predicament and no longer have to suffer poverty.

Even if Li Xuan gains these assets later, they will be of little use.

On weekdays, the biggest expense for the three little ones, besides eating and drinking outside the palace, is paying Xiao Cui a salary, but even so, they don't spend much money every month.

The three little ones were used to being frugal, but if they were suddenly asked to spend money lavishly, they would not do it.

The carriage was heading to the West Market, and they were planning to go to Xiaocui to find out if there were any good business opportunities in the capital recently.

After all, Xiaocui is looking for a living in the West City, so she definitely knows more about this than Sanxiao.

On the way there, the three little ones calculated the prices of the property deeds in the carriage.

They don't know the current market price, so they can only calculate based on the transaction price at that time.

The three little ones got together and muttered calculations for a long time, and finally calculated the total price before arriving at the West Market.

"Seven hundred and seventy-eight thousand, six hundred and fifty taels!"

After calculating the total price, the three little mouths opened slightly, all showing shock.

They calculated the total price based on the transaction price on the property deed. Compared with the current real price, there will definitely be some discrepancies.

But according to Li Xuan's understanding, housing prices in the capital have skyrocketed in recent years, and even the rent for renting a house remains the same every year.

Many people who were originally born and raised in the capital chose to sell their houses in the capital and live in other surrounding cities because they could not afford the housing prices.

Especially in recent years, there has been a wave of Jiangnan fever. Many people have moved south to Jiangnan and moved to more livable places.

As a result, Jiangnan has developed rapidly in the past few years and has become a prosperous place.

Officials in the capital, who don't have several villas in the south of the Yangtze River, go there to relax during their vacations?

But even with this Jiangnan fever, housing prices in Beijing are still rising.

After all, this is the political center of Daxing. No matter where officials go for vacation, they will always return here to continue their struggle for power.

"Axuan, if we hand these over, we should be able to win, right?"

"This should be able to fill a lot of the emptiness in the national treasury."

Princess Ankang said excitedly.

As a result, Li Xuan immediately cut the silly girl's forehead with a knife.

"Ouch, Xuan, what are you doing?"

Princess Ankang frowned and covered her forehead, asking pitifully.

"Silly girl, it's hard to explain the origin of this money. Let's talk about it after we find a way to clean it up."

"And do you really plan to use hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to fill the national treasury?"

"This month's competition only says that the person with the most profit wins, but it doesn't say that the profit will be his own, right?"

"If you lose money, you will have to make up for it through monthly payments. I advise you not to think about such a good thing."

"Don't expect to get the money you paid back!"

Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were given to Emperor Yongyuan for free, but Li Xuan was not so generous.

After all, it was not Emperor Yongyuan who was plotted by King Zheng and the civil servants this time, which led to this mess.

Li Xuan didn't want to fill this hole for Emperor Yongyuan.

He had thought about it from the beginning and planned to swallow the ten thousand taels of silver privately.

Anyway, their Jingyang Palace only had three melons and two dates per month. Emperor Yongyuan pointed out that if they had to deduct ten thousand taels per month, they would never think about it again in this life.

But after thinking about it, it seems a little unreasonable to add insult to injury.

Li Xuan felt that he could make some money for Emperor Yongyuan, but he could never repair the holes for Emperor Yongyuan with his own money.

It is best to take advantage of this opportunity to clean up the house deed obtained from Zhou's mother.

As for the profit part that will be handed over from the competition, Li Xuan still plans to find another way.

Otherwise, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars directly out of your own pocket would be overbearing, but a bit too silly.

Li Xuan put the banknotes and house deeds they had settled into the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

You can go out and spend the money as you like, but the deed is a bit troublesome.

I don’t know if Zhou’s mother handled it cleanly at that time. It would be troublesome if the Holy Fire Cult found out.

After all, Li Xuan's relationship with the Holy Fire Sect is relatively harmonious now. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if they knew that he had hacked their house deeds?

"It's better to find professional help to deal with it."

After arriving at the West Market, the three little ones, accompanied by Xu Lang and other colorful eunuchs, first walked around the streets.

They stopped and stopped along the way, but they didn't find any business opportunities here.

To be honest, what kind of big business can setting up a stall on the roadside be?

The three little ones came directly to Xiaocui and her grandfather's stall in disappointment.

When Xiaocui saw Princess Ankang and others arriving, she couldn't help but look nervous, then she came back to her senses and greeted Princess Ankang.

Xiaocui's grandfather was also surprised that Princess Ankang found her so generously.

According to his understanding, since Xiaocui has become Princess Ankang's spy, shouldn't the two of them meet in private?

What's the matter with being so aboveboard?

Xiaocui also lowered her voice and asked Princess Ankang:

"Your Highness, why did you come directly?"

Seeing Xiaocui's nervous expression, Princess Ankang smiled and replied:

"Xiao Cui, don't be so nervous."

"We should get along with each other how we should get along with each other on weekdays. Just be more natural."

"Otherwise, if I suddenly cut off contact with you, it would make people care."

"After all, no matter how we meet in private, someone might notice it. If there is such a superficial relationship, it won't be too suspicious."

This was taught to Princess Ankang by Chief Shang.

All things that need to be concealed from others are the most taboo and abnormal.

The best way is to let nature take its course and solve problems one by one when they arise, otherwise it will easily end up being self-defeating.

In this aspect, Manager Shang is an expert, and Princess Ankang naturally listens to his advice.

I came here today to give Xiaocui a reminder so that she can behave more naturally when they meet in the future.

"This, okay..."

Although Xiaocui still doesn't quite understand, she has never objected to Princess Ankang's decision.

"By the way, Xiaocui."

"I just have something to ask you this time."

Hearing this, Grandpa Xiaocui, who was selling knots at the side, felt nervous, thinking that Princess Ankang was here to talk about confidential matters.

But then, when he heard Princess Ankang's question, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Princess Ankang told Xiaocui about the content of this month's competition and asked her if there were any good business opportunities in the West City.

"The money comes quickly and the time is short..."

After hearing Princess Ankang's request, Xiaocui couldn't help but look weird.

"By the way, it has to be legal."

Princess Ankang added, Xiaocui's face became even more embarrassed.

She thought to herself: "Is there really such a good business? If so, should my grandfather and I change careers?"

While Xiaocui was thinking wildly, Princess Ankang urged from the side:

"Xiao Cui, how are you?"

"Any idea?"

Xiaocui said with an embarrassed look on her face: "Uh, well..."

She searched her guts, but she couldn't think of such a good project in a short while.

But at this moment, Grandpa Xiaocui, who had been relatively silent, suddenly said from the side:

"Your Highness, apart from gambling houses, the only ones that meet your requirements are Taobao stalls."

No one expected that Xiaocui's grandfather actually had information.

"Where is the Taobao stall?" Princess Ankang asked curiously.

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense. How can a place like that make money?"

"Don't delay His Highness's business!"

Xiaocui said hurriedly.

Then, Xiaocui turned to Princess Ankang and explained:

"Your Highness, my grandfather said it casually, please don't take it to heart."

"The Taobao stalls just sell some rags and then lie to people that they are antique treasures. Over the years, I have never heard of anyone finding treasures there."

After speaking, Xiaocui turned around and glared at her grandfather, as if blaming him for talking nonsense in front of Princess Ankang.

"Xiao Cui, it's okay, it's okay."

"Let's brainstorm, your grandpa is also doing it for our own good."

Princess Ankang saw that Xiaocui was blaming her grandfather, so she quickly came out to smooth things over.

As a result, Grandpa Xiaocui said calmly: "Xiaocui, someone actually found a treasure at a Taobao stall before, and it was worth thousands of gold."

"Then why have I never heard of it?" Xiaocui asked doubtfully.

"That was all from when I was young."

Grandpa Xiaocui's words left everyone speechless.

So, after all, it happened forty or fifty years ago.

"It's useless to talk about things that happened so long ago. Anyway, I have never heard of anyone finding treasures there in the past few years."

Xiaocui didn't know why her old man was so interested today. When Princess Ankang came here in the past, she didn't see him talking much.

Xiaocui is very concerned about Princess Ankang's impression of her and her grandfather, so she is afraid that her grandfather will make Princess Ankang angry with her nonsense.

"Oh, that's because of what happened back then."

Xiaocui's grandfather sighed and recalled the past.

Princess Ankang liked listening to stories the most, so she immediately asked:

"Grandpa Xiaocui, what happened back then?"

Xiaocui's grandfather didn't show off, and immediately briefly mentioned what happened back then.

When Xiaocui's grandfather was still young, he was already making a living in Xishi.

This knotting craft is passed down in their family. When Xiaocui's grandfather was young, he set up a stall here to sell knots.

At that time, a business called Taobao stalls had been popular in the West Market.

It's just that some people buy some weird things by themselves and sell them as antiques. Whether they can buy treasures depends on their own eyesight.

As a result, there was big news at that time. A young man from out of town bought a real thing for a few taels of silver at a Taobao stall.

After being identified as a real treasure, before the young man could resell it and make a fortune, he died on the street at night, and the treasure in his hand disappeared.

It took several months before I heard that the treasure had been sold on the black market for one thousand taels of gold. The entire capital was hotly debated for several months, so Xiaocui's grandfather still remembers it.

Later, the business of Taobao stalls in West Market became more prosperous, and more and more vendors set up stalls, and even many businessmen from other places participated.

The old objects unearthed in Daxing alone are hard enough to distinguish, and coupled with the objects brought by Hu merchants, the things on Taobao stalls today are dazzling.

But after that, the same news never came out again, because everyone learned the lesson.

Only when a few antique shops in the West Market had a few good items of unknown origin did everyone know that someone had found another treasure.

This kind of thing was originally only known to people who were keen on Taobao and antique-related businesses in the West Market, but after all, Xiaocui's grandfather had deep experience and had some understanding of it.

Seeing that her grandfather was speaking in a decent manner, Xiaocui knew that he was not talking nonsense and immediately asked:

"Grandpa, why haven't I heard you talk about these things before?"

"Hey, this Taobao stall is not much different from a gambling shop. Why am I telling you, a little girl, this?" Xiaocui's grandfather shook his head, and then continued to Princess Ankang: "If your highness thinks it is reliable, you can go Take a look at the small alleys in the north of the West Market. They are all Taobao stalls. There are definitely some treasures there, but you need luck and a good eye to make money. "

After listening to Grandpa Xiaocui's explanation, the three children looked at each other with an expression of interest.

"It's interesting, let's go take a look."

Princess Ankang decided immediately.

"Let Xiaocui lead the way for His Highness, I can just look after this place myself." Xiaocui's grandfather said with a smile.

"Okay, Xiaocui, let's go."

Princess Ankang greeted.

Xiaocui immediately walked out of the stall and prepared to follow Princess Ankang, but she couldn't help but turned to her grandfather and said embarrassedly:

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you just now."

Xiao Cui's grandfather didn't say anything, he just touched Xiao Cui's head kindly.

Grandpa naturally knew Xiaocui's thoughts, but he had no intention of blaming his granddaughter.

"Go quickly, don't keep His Highness waiting too long."

Xiao Cui nodded, turned around and followed.

Grandpa Xiaocui's eyes were filled with the sight of his granddaughter leaving. He couldn't help but smile and shake his head:

"This girl."

After that, the old man stood alone in front of the stall, skillfully greeting the customers who asked about the price.

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